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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 58

New Path

-Mister, I’m enlisting.


‘Did I do something wrong?’


My mind became a whirlwind of thoughts in an instant.

A thousand thoughts came to mind.

Was there a warning sign?

Did I miss something?


I rushed to my office like a madman and started pouring out the letters I had carefully stored, reading them again.


-To Mr. Black: Thank you so much for the allowance, but… you gave me too much. I only said the umbrella was pretty, but you gave me 300,000 Lark! It’s way more than enough to buy the umbrella and still have plenty left. Are you telling me to buy some food with it? It feels like charity, and I don’t like it. I’ll send back the extra money.


Was it then?

Was that when he got upset?

It’s true, whenever Yuri said he wanted something, I made sure to send more than enough money.

But Yuri didn’t like that.


So, we eventually settled on a regular monthly allowance of 100,000 Lark.

When he wanted to give a gift, I tried to send items instead of money.

I thought things were going well again.


– I’ve been invited to a party by the seniors! Things were a bit tense before, but they want to make up!


Ah, I remember this one.

I was terrified as soon as I read it.


It was obvious they invited him just to mess with him.

They’d lure him in with smiles and then embarrass him in front of everyone.

It was clear as day.


– I made up with the seniors! There were a lot of misunderstandings! At first, the atmosphere was strange, but after I accidentally tore off the party hall’s door, everyone suddenly became friendly! Hehe. I thought I’d have to avoid the seniors, but it turned out great!


…Or so I thought.

Yuri, like the protagonist, showed an extraordinary social skill and came back having resolved the issue.

So, what was the problem then?


– I found some nice pajamas at the shop in front of the school gate! I’ve never been interested in pajamas, but these were so soft and looked like they’d help me sleep well…


Was it this?

After receiving this letter, I was curious as to why a boy would be so obsessed with pajamas that I searched the shops in front of the academy.

And I found only one place.

A shop that sold women’s pajamas.


– Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake? That’s a store that only sells women’s clothing.


I sent this reply, and then the letters stopped for a while.

Ah. It’s because of this. This must be it.

He could have a hobby of wearing women’s pajamas.

Because of my narrow-mindedness, I didn’t respect Yuri’s preferences.


‘But he sent me letters again after that.’


Just when I thought I had figured it out and felt a shiver run down my spine.

I found a pile of letters that had arrived after that and fell into deep thought.

What was the real problem? Why did Yuri suddenly cut off my support and choose to enlist?




We were doing so well.


Why this sudden change?

Could you at least tell me what I did wrong?

It feels like everything is slipping away.


“It must be that…”


I rubbed my forehead and leaned back.

I wanted to confirm if I had made a mistake in the letters.

But I knew from the start that I was looking in the wrong place.


“It’s the rumors Irene spread…”


The cause was obvious to anyone—rumors about me and the kids.

The timing matches, too.

It’s a situation where Yuri would be rightfully angry.

If you heard that your precious friends, even love interests, were being forced into marriage with a delinquent, wouldn’t you lose it?


“I have to stop it…!”


He can’t enlist.

I can’t let that happen.

How can I stop him?


-…I realize now that I need power. Overwhelming power.


I read the last part of the letter that had arrived today once more and shut my eyes tightly.

There’s only one way, as much as I hate to admit it.


It’s really, really not something I want to do, but… there’s no choice.






Academy life is fun.

After a long time.

And after a long period of denial.

Yuri had to admit it.


At first, he had only joined because he had no other choice.

He didn’t have the power to storm the Vermont estate immediately.

He thought of the Academy as just a temporary stop to learn magic and gain strength.


But then, unexpected support started coming in.

He found himself living a surprisingly comfortable life at the academy.

Gradually, Yuri began to adapt to this place and realized that he was getting used to it.


“Y-Yuri! You’re here! Sit here, please. I’ve prepared a cushion, bread, and a drink for you…”


The students were all unfailingly kind and caring.


“Yuri, my junior! Oh, uhh… the spot where I got hit? Haha… It doesn’t hurt anymore… really… But do you need some exam notes? I can give you notes for the first-year Magic Arts Introduction exam if you want.”


The seniors were proper guides, always leading their juniors on the right path.


“Y-Yuri… about that grade manipulation last time… I’m really sorry… But taking more courses than allowed is against the rules… though! I’ll see what I can do! Don’t worry!”


The professors were also people from whom there was much to learn.

Yuri was happy.

For the first time since leaving the orphanage, Yuri felt genuinely happy.


‘But I shouldn’t feel this way…’


Charlotte and Julia were still trapped, sold as sl*ves to the Vermont estate.

He shouldn’t be enjoying himself.

He shouldn’t be smiling.

He should be gritting his teeth, frantically planning their rescue…!


‘This is all that stern Mister’s fault.’


The reason he had become so relaxed was because of that Mr. Black.

He had arranged for Yuri to enter this place, responded to every one of his letters, even if they were a bit bothersome, and supported him generously, sometimes excessively.


Because of this person, Yuri kept finding joy in his academy life.


He even considered cutting off the support altogether.


“No… I wonder who it is…”


But he quickly abandoned that thought.


The man had promised to meet him once he graduated.


If he couldn’t graduate, he would never get to see the Mr. Black’s face.

They’d just keep exchanging letters until their connection eventually faded away.


He didn’t want that.

He had to find out who he was, no matter what.

He wanted to meet him, look into his eyes, and say thank you.

With that in mind, Yuri knew he couldn’t leave the Academy.


‘Yes, I should be honest with my feelings. There’s nothing wrong with being happy. Charlotte and Julia wouldn’t want me to live in constant suffering either.’


It’s not like rushing would accelerate the curriculum.

Yuri decided to let himself relax a bit more.

He’d enjoy what he could, laugh when he wanted to, but he would never forget Charlotte and Julia.


Thanks to his relentless class schedule, Yuri managed to attend every combat magic class available.


Though it was still at a basic level, he’d soon be moving on to more advanced studies in the second semester.


Next year, when he began learning practical magic, he’d become even stronger than he was now.


His heart fluttered with excitement at the thought.

But then, unsettling rumors reached Yuri’s ears.


-Count Vermont, Really Fell for Commoner Sl*ves? Both Ages Revealed to be 13 and 14, Causing a Scandal…



The headline of the newspaper and the whispers among the students hit him like a ton of bricks.

When he first heard the rumor, it felt like the air was being sucked out of his lungs.


The first emotion Yuri felt was seething anger.


“Aslan Vermont! That damned b*stard…!”


A filthy animal!

A disgusting p*rvert!

How could a grown man look at Charlotte and Julia with such lecherous eyes…!

The more he thought about it, the more his body trembled with fury, his rage surging without end.




But soon after, despair washed over Yuri.

Despite being so furious, despite wanting to kill Aslan so badly that it drove him mad, the overwhelming feeling of helplessness crushed him.


He had only just started learning magic.

He had begun to wield mana more efficiently, a technique he had crudely developed as a child.

With just a little more progress, he might even reach the level of a Sword Expert.


Just a little more…!


“You want to take second-year classes early? I’m sorry, Yuri, but that’s not possible.”

“Please, Headmaster! Isn’t there any way?”

“There’s nothing that can be done. With the first semester nearing its end, it’s impossible for you to take second-year classes now. While it’s possible to skip a grade if you meet the credit requirements and complete the prerequisite courses, taking second-year classes immediately is out of the question.”


Ah! He had to wait until next year! Any day now, Charlotte or Julia could end up becoming the Countess of Vermont!

Time was of the essence!

He needed to get stronger, and quickly!


And that method…

It wasn’t far away.

Yuri’s gaze gradually settled on something he had never paid attention to before: a recruitment poster.


“Heuuuk… I wanted to graduate…”


The quickest way to learn practical combat magic would be to become a soldier.

Yuri, with tears in his eyes, picked up his pen.


“Thank you for everything… Sniff. I hope this doesn’t look like I’m running away with a poor excuse after accepting all your help…”


His relationship with the “Mr. Black ” would end here.

It was truly regrettable, but now, he would never learn the man’s identity.

As Yuri continued writing the letter, he felt a growing sense of regret but also a firm resolve.


To save Charlotte and Julia, this was the best option.

Becoming a soldier was the only way.

He’s not wrong, he reassured himself.




Yuri sent his final letter to his benefactor.


The next morning.


The next morning, before dawn, Yuri quietly bid farewell to the Imperial Magic Academy.


Adjusting his backpack and wiping his nose, he was about to leave the dormitory when—


“Express delivery! Express delivery! Are you Yuri Brussels?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Special delivery letter! It’s been successfully delivered!”


Someone on horseback approached, handed him a letter, and quickly rode off.


Yuri recalled seeing these couriers before and remembered being shocked at the high cost of express delivery.


Who would send me a letter by express delivery?


He wondered, puzzled, as he looked at the letter.


“It’s from Mr. Black…!”


His face began to brighten after confirming the sender of the letter.


Seeing the sender’s name, Yuri’s face lit up.

At least he could read Mr. Black’s final letter before leaving.


He eagerly unfolded the letter, expecting a simple farewell.

But the contents were completely unexpected, and Yuri’s eyes widened in surprise.


“A way to gain strength!?”




-A friend of mine is about to open a security company. I can introduce you to a job there. That way, you won’t have to drop out, and you can still get stronger!


A new path had opened up.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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