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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 35

Three Will Come (9)

There is no blood or tears in the battles between families.

The desire of wizards to trample their competitors and climb to the top of the Magic Tower grows stronger as their accumulated magic melts into their blood.

A deeper understanding of truth emits purer magic, and a portion of it is passed down through the bloodline to future generations.

After countless repetitions of this process, when the Mystery beyond ignorance seems within reach, one finally ascends to the rank of a “Sage”.


Five years ago, the Franz family, ranked third among the White Families, and the Undra family, ranked ninth, clashed fiercely over the ownership of public territory.


Trafalgar Lake.

It was a natural treasure trove that could supply infinitely pure fresh water, pure enough to sanctify holy water.

The condition was to channel magic to the deepest point of the bottomless lake.

The ownership, once held by the Franz family, passed to the Undra family after the downfall of the Franz family following the disappearance of Herhe Sorot.


Thus, it was only natural that SolSol wanted to kill Vincent, the family enemy who had trapped her.


— Kill Kill!!!! Kill !!!!

“Hey, calm down.”

— Ple..se just …me k…ll him j.st once ¡ㅇㅛㅇ¡

“No matter what you do, nothing will change, right? Just wait a bit, I have a plan.”


Unfortunately, the reign of the Undra family was about to end as Niflheim decided to dispatch their bloodline to the Void.

Vina exuded such overwhelming magic that the spirit serving as the interpreter trembled, and she froze the entire lake.


Even Christina, who had been nagging nonstop, fell silent.

There was a reason why the young master of Undra committed t*rrorism to prevent the train from reaching the Void.

However, he not only failed to protect his territory but also made a grave mistake in the process.


“SolSol, listen well. Most things in the world are not crimes if you don’t get caught.”

— Kill?

“If you’re going to wear a mask, you should never think of taking it off from the start.”


I reviewed all the posts Vincent wrote under the ‘MeteorIsWaterMagic’ account.

There were numerous posts where he openly impersonated the administrator, deceiving the White Families’ wizards who were unfamiliar with the forum.

He claimed to have created the Honeybee board, promised ranks if tasks were completed properly, and more.


The most intolerable thing was how he took credit for the disruptions I caused, as if they were his own.



— BelovedGrandson: So you’re saying you are ‘ㅇㅇ(1.1)’ and ‘SuperconductorSilverHairedGirl’?

— MeteorIsWaterMagic: Exactly. I use multiple accounts to stay unnoticed. It’s the same when I talk with you all.

— BelovedGrandson: Then why did you post something like ‘Is it hard for a Glesia to get pregnant? ㅠㅠ’ in the middle of the night on the forum?

— MeteorIsWaterMagic: Uh, well, that was…

— BelovedGrandson: And why did you post about lunch menu suggestions under the title ‘Forum Disruptions, no Moderator Responsibility’? Was that part of the plan too?

— MeteorIsWaterMagic: …

— BelovedGrandson: Leader?



When I impersonate an account, I carefully analyze movement patterns, activity times, speech habits, hobbies, defensive mechanisms, and even trigger points.

On days I decide to disrupt while wearing a mask, I ensure to confirm my absence meticulously by checking the report board.


But even if all plans are executed perfectly, I can never openly boast about it being me…

The guy, however, despite making no effort to hide his identity, enjoyed the adulation of his followers and reaped all the rewards.


“Thinking back, I’m glad to have you, SolSol. At least you’ll appreciate the necessary evil I embody for the forum’s sake, right?”

— Admin…

“What? Do you want to try it later too?”

— For the f.rum! K.ll him!

“Hey, stop trying to stab me.”


I suddenly turned the tip of my sword this way, sheathed it, and headed towards Vina.

She was channeling her magic, ignoring Christina’s words.


“Vina! Stop ignoring me! Who decided you could arrange a marriage like that?”

“Marriage? I just said I would give Supervisor magic.”

“That means the same thing!”

“Supervisor is a trustworthy person, so there is nothing to worry about.”

“Did you two make some sort of promise?”

“I received testimony that Meteor is Ice magic.”

“Judging people by such things…… Vina! Where are you going!”


Why does giving magic to a pureblood family equate to marriage?

Because the fundamental techniques of all the magic they created could never be disclosed to outsiders.


I couldn’t precisely gauge how Niflheim’s pureblood magician viewed me.

But the previous offer of a servant position and the apparent affection were clear indicators of interest.

It felt somewhere between a shy crush and fondness for a pet…… but the gap was as deep as Trafalgar Lake.


“Here’s your coat. Are you done now?”

“Yes, now there’s only one purpose left for coming here. We should be able to catch the last train by tomorrow night at the latest.”

“You mean the investigation committee. About that…….”


Thanks to her bringing me to the Void, I could deal with the evil wizard impersonating the Administrator.

SolSol might want to stab his heart, but that alone wouldn’t be a perfect revenge.

If he wanted to be the Administrator so badly, I was willing to make it happen.


I cautiously asked Vina if I could attend the next meeting as a guest.





“Then, with the majority’s agreement, the investigation committee will establish a dedicated agency within the Magic Tower to handle incidents related to demons.”


“In honor of the will of the Seven Sage Milone of the Elemental School, this organization will be named ‘Polychromatic,’ and it will be granted the right to use ‘Express’ anywhere in the tower when traces of demons are found.”


“Since Vina Nethania, the pureblood magician, declined the position of the first chairman, the next candidate is the third-ranked White Family, Undra’s…….”


A new organization dedicated to handling demon invasions was established in the Magic Tower.

It was the first time since the Intelligence Department was founded following the establishment of the dark magicians group ‘Black Star’.


The core of Polychromatic consisted of elemental school magicians centered around the higher ranks of the White Families, particularly the Undra family.

Even before the meeting concluded, many congratulated Vincent, who was appointed as chairperson.


“Congratulations, Vincent.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re one step closer to pureblood status!”

“Haha, perhaps by the next generation.”


Despite receiving compliments, his smile was unnatural.

It was because he had heard the news that the ownership of Trafalgar Lake had been transferred to Niflheim this morning.

Despite all his bowing and scraping, they had kicked away his ladder.


Vina Nethania had not hesitated for even a second when told that uniting the families would eliminate the need for conflict.

Her demeanor, suggesting she already had someone in mind, only fueled his anger.


‘If only they had followed their orders, this wouldn’t have happened…!’


Vincent took out his Witch Note and checked the Bee board.



[A gif of a bee covered in yellow pollen struggling to escape a pumpkin flower, panting and gasping]




— Huff huff, hoo, hoooo……!

— Waaaaaah Uwaaaaaah Bwaaaaaah!!

— Horololorolong Hyahaaaaaah

— What’s with these guys above? What are they even saying?

— Haha, damn, I want to bury my face in that butt.

ㄴ You’ll get stung.




[After lurking here for a few days, I realized there are only disqualified human beings here]


Arrrrrr…… Woof woof!!


— Beast qualified!

— Grrr! Grrrrk……!

— Have you turned savage?

ㄴ If you look closely, it’s kinda cute.

ㄴ If you look closely, it’s not cute at all.

ㄴ No, it’s not~ The compound eyes and flicking tongue like a straw and the split claws with sparkling cuticles, if given a chance, in our house, us, u, uwaaaaaah!!!

ㄴ Dude

ㄴ Dude



[I wondered why this suddenly got to the popular posts list, turns out the Administrator changed their profile picture]


It was always a gray background, now suddenly a bee picture.

But is there any activity record from here?


— Dunno?

— Seems like it? Old users are posting their past writings.

ㄴ Isn’t that bluff?

ㄴ Dunno, they say they’re the admin.

— Our admin has a unique taste…….

ㄴ To lead the gallery, one must be steeped in the abyss.

ㄴ Uwaaaaaah~ Bwaaaaaah~!!! ㄴ Oh, Honeybee gang.




The abandoned board, which used to get only a few posts a day, was suddenly swarming with users.

The rumor had spread that the Administrator was active there.

Although most were captured by the Intelligence Department, some familiar nicknames continued to be active for some reason.


“Well, fine. Next time, I’ll tie it to the demons…… what is this?”


Being the head of the demon-exclusive organization, he planned to crush Glesia more thoroughly, but an odd post caught his eye.




[Exposing the true identity of the admin active on the Honeybee Bulletin Board!!]




Name: Vincent Evan de Undra


He lured members of competing families to the Void and disposed of them!


There are suspicions that he was involved in the recent train t*rrorism!


This information is verified through reliable sources!


— Oh no, Administrator, is it you again?

— Season 4572814325 of Administrator exposure

— Yeah, I don’t believe it~

— So, got any proof?

— If you want to expose, do it alone, why drag Administrator into it.



A cold sweat ran down his forehead for a moment, but he soon calmed down.

At this point, it didn’t matter if he pretended to be the forum owner to draw in the White Families’ magicians.

There was no evidence, personal information, or connection to the Undra family left from his activities on the Honeybee Board.

There was no way they could link it to him.


Moreover, such posts exposing the Administrator by associating them with famous figures had been common on the forum.


‘Is it a survivor from another family? Seems like they posted here to draw a lot of attention.’


With many places bearing grudges against him, there were countless suspects.

He needed to get rid of that as soon as he got out of here.


But when he looked up, he sensed something odd.

The previously bustling meeting room had fallen silent, and everyone was staring at him.


“Um, Vincent…?”



Hearing the magician beside him, he hastily checked the Witch Note.

For the first time ever, the forum administrator, who had always remained silent in the face of accusations, had posted a response.




[Regarding the recent accusations of exposure against the Administrator]


Mmm…… I got caught.




The Administrator’s single comment was enough to strike Vincent with extreme terror.



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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

이세계 마탑의 갤주가 되었다
Score 7.8
Status: Hiatus Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years since transfer to another world What I do inside the Ivory Tower of Truth isn’t much different from what I did on Earth. ==== [If you missed today’s attendance for the ‘Principles and Understanding of Dimensional Glass’ course, you’ll get a penalty] If you want to kill the professor who suddenly changed the classroom with a phase transition 2 minutes before the start of class, go ahead. Hahaha. ==== But why does everyone think I’m the Tower Master?



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