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I’m the Main Villain, but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me Chapter 71

Sealed Demon Sword (1)

Upon receiving the report that Leviathan had been discovered in Ark, Piers’s expression soured.


Despite his life, which had been filled with complexities—from being born as the First Prince of the Empire to achieving the position of Archbishop in Edenria—getting used to shock was never an easy feat.


“Hmm… So Leviathan descended, taking Ariel Volkanov as its host, and Ian handled it?”


Fortunately, the incident was resolved before it could escalate into a major problem. However, there was no room for celebration.


Not only had the entity appeared in Ark, the heart of the Empire and the cradle of students, but it had also seized the body of the hero.


‘So Ian Volkanov solved what we needed to do.’


On the surface, it seemed like a complete failure on the part of the Empire, but Edenria also bore some responsibility.


As the children of Eris, it was their duty to manage and contain demonic beings that disrupted peace and to oversee the hero.


They had failed utterly in this regard.


With deep attachments to both the Empire and Edenria, Piers was naturally troubled.


He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Ian for preventing a catastrophe.


‘How should I repay him?’


While this might be the first instance, Ian had already eradicated countless demons.


Having already dealt with four Demon Kings, it was essential to prepare an appropriate reward as soon as possible.


‘According to Erzebeth, he doesn’t particularly like anything and is obsessed with becoming stronger. So, perhaps providing him with the opportunity to conquer a dungeon would be appropriate?’


Given that the start of the new term was delayed due to the incident, Ian might find himself with idle time.


While others might be eager to enjoy themselves, Ian, as Piers knew him, would likely be looking to train.


Providing him with a suitable dungeon might satisfy him.


‘Yes, giving him the opportunity to conquer a dungeon would be a good idea.’


Not only could he increase his practical skills by hunting monsters, but it would also be an opportunity to obtain valuable byproducts.


Furthermore, dungeons in Edenria were renowned for their exceptional items.


Offering him the chance to tackle such a dungeon would make for a great gift.


The reward was decided. The remaining task was to overcome the obstacle.


‘The problem is how to persuade Archbishop Raymond…’


Raymond had been a staunch conservative and had shown resistance towards Ian.


Given his position as Archbishop, no matter how influential Piers might be, it would be impossible to provide dungeon opportunities without Raymond’s approval.


‘What should I do…?’


With a deep sigh, Piers recalled the conversation he had had with the Saintess Glenndia.


‘The Saintess said…. That’s what she said.’


He had chanced upon her while wandering the garden in frustration. Initially intending only to greet her, he ended up engaging in a light conversation. Glendia had clearly said:


‘Just do as you think is right.’


She had advised him to push for what he wanted, adding that, since it was a good cause, Raymond would likely not oppose it.


However, Piers could not be entirely at ease.


‘Will it really be alright?’


He knew very well what kind of person Archbishop Raymond was.


At least, the Raymond Piers knew was not one to easily back down.


Though he was not a rigid or stubborn individual, he was someone who would not easily bend his own views.


Moreover, considering that Ian had once bested him, Raymond might still harbor resentment.


Because of this:


‘I must find a way to persuade him…’


Standing in front of Archbishop Raymond’s office for a long while, Piers finally made up his mind.


He had to find a way to ensure Ian received his reward. Regardless of politics or anything else, it was simply the right thing to do.


Steeling himself, Piers prepared to persuade Raymond. When he finally entered the office, the conversation was surprisingly brief.


“A dungeon, you say? I’ve already arranged that.”

“Pardon? You’ve already given it?”

“Yes. Upon hearing the news that Leviathan was defeated, I hastily arranged the reward. If anyone deserves such a reward, it’s Ian Volkanov. Do you have anything else to say?”


Raymond’s nonchalant demeanor left Piers speechless.


“Nothing. I’ll take my leave.”


Faced with a Raymond so different from what he had known, Piers could only close his mouth.




What would be an appropriate weapon for the King of All Weapons?


There were many options available. There was the spear with its overwhelming reach that could be learned relatively quickly, and there was the bow for long-range shooting.


If not those, there were also daggers known for their portability and agility.


However, there was one weapon that Ian believed was most fitting.


‘It’s the sword. Maybe it’s different in reality, but in Heroic Academy, the sword is supreme.’


The sword, which most protagonists use in fictional works, was considered the best choice.


Why? It was simple.


‘Ariel uses a sword.’


In Heroic Academy, where the protagonist Ariel Volkanov uses the Holy Sword, most Hidden Pieces and items that boost character stats were tailored to sword usage.


In other words, using any weapon other than a sword would mean struggling, but with a sword, one could quickly catch up by finding a few hidden pieces.


Is it because of that advantage?


Ian had analyzed extensively to find the best sword for players of Heroic Academy.


Over time, potential candidates began to emerge.


‘Among them, the top choices were the Holy Sword Elysion and the Demon Sword Rebrion.’


The first was Elysion, Ariel’s unique weapon. The second was Rebrion, the demon sword created by Leviathan.


Unlike Elysion, which could only be used by the hero, Rebrion could be wielded by any character.


Ian was well-acquainted with this weapon.


‘I’ve used it a few times while leveling other characters… and it wasn’t bad.’


Initially skeptical, he found it to be a quite effective weapon.


As a weapon created by the Demon of Envy Leviathan, it had a crazy feature where it adjusted its power based on the disparity between the user and the opponent.


As a demon sword, it also had remarkable durability.


Despite its debuff that continuously drained health and prevented recovery for characters who weren’t of the darkness attribute, its performance was so overpowered that it was frequently used.


‘Before the seal was lifted, it was just a sword with a debuff. But once the seal was lifted, its performance was so extreme that it made one wonder if the developers had purposely avoided creating Dark Attribute characters.’


Even while using it, he had wondered if it was truly fair.


In the community, wasn’t it famously said that Rebrion was the ultimate weapon in 1v1 situations, surpassing even Elysion?


So much so that there were those who called Elysion the “demon broom” due to its damage correction against demons and powerful area attacks, while referring to Rebrion as the true Holy Sword.


‘They used to joke that the Holy Sword is one that is wielded through hardship and adversity.’


While such talk was nonsense, the fact remained that Rebrion was an excellent weapon comparable to Elysion.


That’s why.


“That kind of weapon is here?”


That’s why he was surprised when he saw Rebrion lying on the ground.


Given the demon sword’s powerful attributes, its drop rate was exceedingly low.


There was even an analysis indicating that fewer people had Rebrion compared to achievement items from Chapter 5, where Leviathan was the main boss.


In a situation where getting the weapon after defeating Leviathan thousands of times was a gamble, it was no wonder Ian would appreciate it.


‘If it were a game, I might have considered myself lucky to obtain such a weapon… but to get it after possessing it…’


Even though he couldn’t touch it yet due to the “Blade of Hatred” curse, the sight of Rebrion’s brilliant form left him open-mouthed.


[The curse “Hatred of the Blade” is almost removed! Currently, 95% of the curse removal has been completed!]


The realization that he would soon be able to use the weapon he had only been able to look at filled him with hope.


‘Although I haven’t been paying attention to how much of the curse has been removed… if it continues like this, it will be great.’


Even if the curse was lifted, he would still primarily use his well-practiced martial arts, but being able to use a sword would be beneficial.


‘If I can use both a sword and my fists, no one will be able to overpower me in close combat.’


While it might be challenging if one’s skills were average and they couldn’t leverage their strengths, Ian didn’t think that would be the case.


“I’m confident that boxing and jiu-jitsu will work well. And I can learn swordsmanship.”


It might be a bold statement, but he was aware of his own talent.


He was confident that there was no one in this world who could match Ian Volkanov’s talent.


Learning swordsmanship might be a challenge, but he could always train with Alex Volkanov if needed.


‘So the remaining task is to resolve Rebrion’s seal?’


At that moment, Ian’s expression hardened again.


The seal on Rebrion.


It was not just the curse but the seal itself that was a significant headache.


‘To lift the seal, I need to go to a place where an item that can remove the curse on the weapon drops. And that place is a dungeon in Edenria.’


He was sure about where and what item he needed.


The real problem was how to get there.


‘If it was in the Empire, I could at least contact Bedon and figure something out… but my memory says it’s in Edenria.’


This was the reason for his anxiety about solving the seal.


While the Empire and Edenria were on friendly terms, it was unlikely they would casually grant access to their dungeons.


‘Dungeons are the perfect place for training… so they wouldn’t just hand them over.’


Dungeons were formed in secluded places like caves where magical energy coalesced. They were meticulously managed because hunting monsters there provided immense experience points.


Would they really give that up? To someone from the Empire?


‘What should I do? Especially after playing tricks on Archbishop Raymond, our relations with Edenria are probably strained…’


Lost in thought, he was deeply immersed in his concerns when suddenly…



“Squad Commander. I brought some medicine for the burns.”


Eri approached with a stern expression, carrying a bundle of medicine.


She looked at Ian, who was sitting on the floor, with a cold gaze.


“…Didn’t I tell you to lie down? You’ve gotten so hurt.”

“The burns on my hands were healed with Super Regeneration…”

“Even so, you’re still injured, aren’t you? Don’t do anything foolish; just rest.”


Under Eri’s piercing gaze, Ian had no choice but to lie back on the bed.


What could he do? It was true that he had caused her worry. Despite her stern words, remembering how she had clutched his blackened right hand and whimpered, he couldn’t say much.

As he settled into the soft bed…


“Oh, right. You should see this.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a letter from Archbishop Raymond.”

“Raymond… so it’s from Edenria.”


Eri handed him a letter adorned with the Edenria emblem.


Was it another attempt at a visit due to impatience?


Ian quickly checked the letter, bracing himself for the contents.


[… We sincerely thank Ian Volkanov for his dedication in dealing with the Demon King Leviathan. Even though we were unable to repay your previous extravagant welcome due to the recent events, we feel deeply ashamed.]


‘What’s this? Has Raymond suddenly become amicable?’


Relieved that no further mishap had occurred, he continued reading the letter.


[Therefore, we have sent you a gift. We hope you will find it to your liking.]

‘A gift? What could it be?’


Inside the envelope was something that initially seemed like paper but upon closer inspection was not ordinary.


[We have arranged for you to have access to one of Edenria’s dungeons. If you present the accompanying document, you will be granted entry.]




At that moment, Ian found a clue that might unlock the seal on Rebrion.


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I’m the Main Villain, but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me

I’m the Main Villain, but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me

메인 빌런인데 히로인들이 집착한다
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed the older brother of the main character in a yuri game. A villain who obstructs with the main character and is hated by the heroines. I only worked hard to survive. But then, they began to take an interest in me.



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