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Takane no Hana Chapter 47

The Lady Who Believes

TL/ED: Bogdi

“Secure them.”


Immediately after Shizune’s short statement, servants came at us from all directions at once.



I can’t move if they grab me at the same time.

I approached the thinnest of the servants, dodging the fists that were swung at me as I moved out of the encirclement.

The way they handled their bodies was different from the servants I had seen so far. They were all calm and well coordinated. The fact that Shizune had brought them here meant that they must have been thoroughly trained servants.

Out of the four of them, at least one of them was always trying to get into my blind spot. Sensing their movement, I kicked them in the back without turning around. The sole of my foot struck the servant in the chest. The servant who was kicked screamed and the three remaining servants in front of me let out a gasp of surprise. Taking advantage of the gap, I threw myself at the servant in front of me and knocked him down with a back throw.

But in the next moment.

I was grabbed from behind.


I just realized that there was a fifth person who was approaching soundlessly. It seems that the first four people who attacked me were all decoys.

I tried with all my might to escape the hold, but it didn’t faze them.

As I clenched my teeth, Shizune walked up to me with ease.

“You’ve come a long way in such a short time. You absorbed so quickly that I had to really train you. …… Your progress has exceeded my expectations.”


“…… If you’re going to praise me, I’d like you to step aside.”z


“I can’t do that.”


I was told plainly.

“…… Shizune.”

Hinako opens her tiny lips.

“I …… will be thorough in my performance from now on.”

Hinako says as she slowly walks up to my side.

“I’ll never stop performing again. I will act perfectly anytime, anywhere. So please let me be with Itsuki …….”


Shizune was silently surprised by the request that Hinako made.

It was an impossible request, considering Hinako’s attitude until now. Hinako herself must understand the burden of performing. Even though her free time is limited, she’s willing to give up all of it to be with me.

That’s why I have to deny it.

“Hinako, that’s not right.”

I told her clearly.

“I want Hinako to take it easy. That’s why I want to be there for her. If others can’t, at least I want to be the one that Hinako doesn’t have to overwork herself with.”

“When did you ……”

It’s not that I want her to force herself to be with me.

The thought of Hinako just now is a real disappointment to me.


“So, please. Don’t try to discard what I’m trying to protect.”


The words were so unexpected for Hinako.

The woman standing in front of her looked up at her, her eyes wide open.


Hinako nodded, a small but definite nod.

“I believe in …… Itsuki.”


The sound of her mumbling voice definitely reached our ears.

Hinako is staring straight at me. In her eyes, I saw the reflection of me staring at her as well.

It’s a strange feeling. I felt like I was communicating with Hinako, even without words.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your excitement, but ……”

Shizune opened her mouth.

The issue started here. I glared at Shizune-san to show my will to resist, but…

“Itsuki-san. It’s not going to end up the way you think it will.”


“…… Eh?”

I looked at Shizune, who informed me with a sigh.


“I’m sure your accomplishments as a caretaker will soon reach the ears of Kagen-sama. Until then, please wait for a while.”


“Wait? ……”

I don’t know what Shizune is talking about.

At that moment, I heard an electronic sound coming from Shizune’s direction. Shizune-san took out her cell phone from the pocket of her maid uniform and looked at the screen.

“Good timing.”

Shizune-san then put the phone to her ear.

After a few moments of talking to someone else, she looked at me.

“I’ve been summoned by Kagen-sama, so I’ll take my leave now. Please wait here for a little while longer, both of you.”

Shizune-san’s stern expression faded and she returned to her normal respectful demeanor.

“Shizune. Whose side are you on…..?”

“I’m employed by Kagen-sama.”

Shizune continues.

“But …… I am on the Miss’s side.”






Summoned by Kagen, Shizune knocked on the door of his office.

“Excuse me.”


Opening the door, Shizune entered the office.

Kagen was sitting at a large desk.

“Kagen-sama, what can I do for you?”



Shizune gave a small nod and obeyed.

“What’s this?”

What Kagen showed her was a stack of documents on his desk.

“An invitation to a social gathering sponsored by the Konohana family…… This is the reply. Since you said that you would be staying at this mansion for a while, I have retrieved the one that arrived at the main residence. I thought that Kagen-sama would like to look over it as soon as possible.”

“There is no mistake in that assessment. But ……”

Kagen said, tearing down a stack of papers.


“Explain to me about these four invitees.”


He passed the four invitations to Shizune.

Shizune nodded, “I understand.” and began to explain.

“Asahi Karen-sama is the daughter of J’s Holdings. J’s Holdings is one of the top five consumer electronics retailers in Japan and is a major business partner for the Konohana Group.”


The first person’s explanation ended.

“Katsuya Taisho’s family is a major transportation company known for its moving services, Taisho. This is also one of the top companies in the industry and among our group companies, banks and real estate companies are our partners of choice.”

The second person’s explanation ended.

“Naruka Miyakojima’s family owns one of the largest sporting goods manufacturers in Japan. Currently, the Konohana Group does not have much experience in the sporting goods industry, but if we can make a connection here, it might be a good start.”

The third person’s explanation ended.

“As you know, Mirei-sama is the daughter of the Tennoji Group. Although the Konohana Group is in a competitive relationship with them, as a group of the same size, I think it would be a very important connection. If we join forces, it will definitely be a great benefit.”

The fourth person’s explanation ended.

After finishing the explanation of everyone, Shizune added one last thing.

“In addition, these four people are all schoolmates of Miss.”


After listening to Shizune’s explanation, Kagen put his hand on his forehead.

The expression on his face was clearly puzzled.

“…… Both Asahi and Taisho are not bad business partners, even though we haven’t invited them before.”


Kagen said in a mumble.

“Miyakojima was familiar with the president, but they didn’t participate much in social gatherings. However, just a few days ago, the president decided to join the social gathering because he said, ‘If my daughter wants to join, I’d like to join too’.”

It was fortunate. Shizune nodded, inwardly thinking so.

“In the case of Tennoji, …… of course, she is familiar with the head of the family, but this is the first time his daughter has participated. Until now, our relationship has been superficial, both good and bad…… This may be an opportunity to build a stronger relationship. The Tennoji family values people over numbers. ……Hopefully we can outdo the other groups.”


The second half of the sentence was said by Kagen as though he was talking to himself.

After looking over the four invitations again, Kagen exhaled deeply and then looked at Shizune.

“All of them are valuable contacts. …… All of these were invited by Hinako?”

“Yes, she did.”

“She didn’t invite anyone until now…… How could she suddenly gain so many contacts?”


With a strong hint of confusion, Kagen muttered to himself.

“I’m afraid I must be a little forward.”

Shizune said to the silent Kagen.

” If you are pleased with the change in your daughter, it would not be wise to abandon…… the person who has done so much for her.”

“The …… contributor?”


Kagen understood Shizune’s reasoning.

“A shipbuilder with whom we have a tenuous relationship, albeit a partnership, and four major companies that could become important connections in the future……”

Kagen compares what he has lost with what he has gained.

He thought back to the boy he had just met a month ago, the boy he had hired for a trial. Before he knew it, his feelings about the boy had changed from horror to admiration.

“It’s obvious which of the two should take priority.”


The answer came quickly.

Sighing, Kagen said.

“Call Itsuki-kun back.”

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Takane no Hana Chapter 47

Takane no Hana Chapter 47

The Lady Who Believes

TL/ED: Bogdi

"Secure them."


Immediately after Shizune's short statement, servants came at us from all directions at once.



I can't move if they grab me at the same time.

I approached the thinnest of the servants, dodging the fists that were swung at me as I moved out of the encirclement.

The way they handled their bodies was different from the servants I had seen so far. They were all calm and well coordinated. The fact that Shizune had brought them here meant that they must have been thoroughly trained servants.

Out of the four of them, at least one of them was always trying to get into my blind spot. Sensing their movement, I kicked them in the back without turning around. The sole of my foot struck the servant in the chest. The servant who was kicked screamed and the three remaining servants in front of me let out a gasp of surprise. Taking advantage of the gap, I threw myself at the servant in front of me and knocked him down with a back throw.

But in the next moment.

I was grabbed from behind.


I just realized that there was a fifth person who was approaching soundlessly. It seems that the first four people who attacked me were all decoys.

I tried with all my might to escape the hold, but it didn't faze them.

As I clenched my teeth, Shizune walked up to me with ease.

"You've come a long way in such a short time. You absorbed so quickly that I had to really train you. ...... Your progress has exceeded my expectations.”


“...... If you're going to praise me, I'd like you to step aside.”z


"I can't do that."


I was told plainly.

"...... Shizune."

Hinako opens her tiny lips.

"I ...... will be thorough in my performance from now on."

Hinako says as she slowly walks up to my side.

“I'll never stop performing again. I will act perfectly anytime, anywhere. So please let me be with Itsuki .......”


Shizune was silently surprised by the request that Hinako made.

It was an impossible request, considering Hinako's attitude until now. Hinako herself must understand the burden of performing. Even though her free time is limited, she's willing to give up all of it to be with me.

That's why I have to deny it.

"Hinako, that's not right."

I told her clearly.

“I want Hinako to take it easy. That's why I want to be there for her. If others can't, at least I want to be the one that Hinako doesn't have to overwork herself with.”

"When did you ......”

It's not that I want her to force herself to be with me.

The thought of Hinako just now is a real disappointment to me.


"So, please. Don't try to discard what I'm trying to protect.”


The words were so unexpected for Hinako.

The woman standing in front of her looked up at her, her eyes wide open.


Hinako nodded, a small but definite nod.

"I believe in ...... Itsuki."


The sound of her mumbling voice definitely reached our ears.

Hinako is staring straight at me. In her eyes, I saw the reflection of me staring at her as well.

It's a strange feeling. I felt like I was communicating with Hinako, even without words.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your excitement, but ......"

Shizune opened her mouth.

The issue started here. I glared at Shizune-san to show my will to resist, but...

"Itsuki-san. It's not going to end up the way you think it will.”


"...... Eh?"

I looked at Shizune, who informed me with a sigh.


"I'm sure your accomplishments as a caretaker will soon reach the ears of Kagen-sama. Until then, please wait for a while.”


"Wait? ......"

I don't know what Shizune is talking about.

At that moment, I heard an electronic sound coming from Shizune's direction. Shizune-san took out her cell phone from the pocket of her maid uniform and looked at the screen.

"Good timing."

Shizune-san then put the phone to her ear.

After a few moments of talking to someone else, she looked at me.

"I've been summoned by Kagen-sama, so I'll take my leave now. Please wait here for a little while longer, both of you."

Shizune-san's stern expression faded and she returned to her normal respectful demeanor.

"Shizune. Whose side are you on.....?”

"I'm employed by Kagen-sama."

Shizune continues.

"But ...... I am on the Miss's side."






Summoned by Kagen, Shizune knocked on the door of his office.

"Excuse me."


Opening the door, Shizune entered the office.

Kagen was sitting at a large desk.

“Kagen-sama, what can I do for you?”



Shizune gave a small nod and obeyed.

"What's this?"

What Kagen showed her was a stack of documents on his desk.

"An invitation to a social gathering sponsored by the Konohana family...... This is the reply. Since you said that you would be staying at this mansion for a while, I have retrieved the one that arrived at the main residence. I thought that Kagen-sama would like to look over it as soon as possible."

"There is no mistake in that assessment. But ......"

Kagen said, tearing down a stack of papers.


"Explain to me about these four invitees.”


He passed the four invitations to Shizune.

Shizune nodded, "I understand." and began to explain.

“Asahi Karen-sama is the daughter of J's Holdings. J's Holdings is one of the top five consumer electronics retailers in Japan and is a major business partner for the Konohana Group.”


The first person's explanation ended.

"Katsuya Taisho's family is a major transportation company known for its moving services, Taisho. This is also one of the top companies in the industry and among our group companies, banks and real estate companies are our partners of choice.”

The second person's explanation ended.

"Naruka Miyakojima's family owns one of the largest sporting goods manufacturers in Japan. Currently, the Konohana Group does not have much experience in the sporting goods industry, but if we can make a connection here, it might be a good start.”

The third person's explanation ended.

"As you know, Mirei-sama is the daughter of the Tennoji Group. Although the Konohana Group is in a competitive relationship with them, as a group of the same size, I think it would be a very important connection. If we join forces, it will definitely be a great benefit."

The fourth person's explanation ended.

After finishing the explanation of everyone, Shizune added one last thing.

"In addition, these four people are all schoolmates of Miss."


After listening to Shizune's explanation, Kagen put his hand on his forehead.

The expression on his face was clearly puzzled.

“...... Both Asahi and Taisho are not bad business partners, even though we haven't invited them before."


Kagen said in a mumble.

"Miyakojima was familiar with the president, but they didn't participate much in social gatherings. However, just a few days ago, the president decided to join the social gathering because he said, 'If my daughter wants to join, I'd like to join too'."

It was fortunate. Shizune nodded, inwardly thinking so.

"In the case of Tennoji, ...... of course, she is familiar with the head of the family, but this is the first time his daughter has participated. Until now, our relationship has been superficial, both good and bad...... This may be an opportunity to build a stronger relationship. The Tennoji family values people over numbers. ......Hopefully we can outdo the other groups."


The second half of the sentence was said by Kagen as though he was talking to himself.

After looking over the four invitations again, Kagen exhaled deeply and then looked at Shizune.

“All of them are valuable contacts. ...... All of these were invited by Hinako?"

“Yes, she did.”

“She didn't invite anyone until now...... How could she suddenly gain so many contacts?”


With a strong hint of confusion, Kagen muttered to himself.

"I'm afraid I must be a little forward."

Shizune said to the silent Kagen.

" If you are pleased with the change in your daughter, it would not be wise to abandon...... the person who has done so much for her."

“The ...... contributor?"


Kagen understood Shizune's reasoning.

"A shipbuilder with whom we have a tenuous relationship, albeit a partnership, and four major companies that could become important connections in the future......”

Kagen compares what he has lost with what he has gained.

He thought back to the boy he had just met a month ago, the boy he had hired for a trial. Before he knew it, his feelings about the boy had changed from horror to admiration.

“It's obvious which of the two should take priority.”


The answer came quickly.

Sighing, Kagen said.

"Call Itsuki-kun back."



not work with dark mode