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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Quiet Side Story 2

A quiet story, let’s play kusoge RPG! ①

(TLN:Kusoge=bad game, still fun to play)

* The chronological order is before the festival during the summer vacation.


——A day of summer vacation.

Kenichi and Fuji-san had come to my house again, perhaps because they were too bored.

I don’t mind them coming over, but Kenichi seems to be relaxing as if he were at home.

Fuji-san is ……, well, she’s all over Kenichi as usual.

I sighed as I watched the two of them.

Oh man, I can’t wait for them to come home and let me laze around on …….

“Sorry, you two, for disturbing your love nest.”

“We don’t mind. We’ve prepared some tea for you.”

“Oh, thank you~”

Rin, at least deny the words “love nest” for once.

Don’t accept it so casually…….

But for me, it’s a good day.

“I can’t help but be bored when I’m at home. So please don’t look so uncomfortable……. Huh?”

“Hmm? What’s the matter Kenichi, you look so surprised.”

“No. …… If it was the usual Towa, as soon as I arrived, he would have used the answering machine or made a blatantly disgusted expression, but I noticed that you didn’t…….”

“No, I entertain guests all the time.”

I sipped my tea and shrugged.


That’s the male version of Rin.

He’s awfully sharp…….

“Towa-kun. Just because Kotone-chan and Kato-san are here doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your studying, okay?”

“That’s not what I had in mind…….”

“Can you look me in the eyes and say that?”

She takes my hand and stares straight into my eyes.

It is as if she is confirming a child’s lie……

Huh, I guess there’s no escaping it when she does this.

“Sorry, ……. I was just thinking.”

“Muu! We’ve been on the right track for a while now, so don’t neglect it, okay?”

But Rin didn’t seem to be paying much attention to him, and instead smiled at him.

Kenichi is still looking at me with a grin on his face.

He is enjoying …… this interaction.

I said to Rin, “I know, I’ll do it properly.” and sighed.

“Hmm. I’m glad to hear that. But since there are four of us, we might as well relax and have some fun.”

“Playing cards, …… or something like that, …… ah, I see…”

Kenichi nodded his head as if he was satisfied with himself.

When Rin saw this, she gave Kenichi a look.


I glanced at Fuji-san.

But whether she understood it well or not, Fuji-san tilted her head and looked at Kenichi with resentment.

Oh, that look in her eyes, it’s like she’s pleading, ‘Don’t leave me behind.’ ……

Trouble……. If I continue like this, Kenichi’s future will be sealed, or a luscious space will be created that I may want to meditate on.

“Kenichi, look out! Before it’s too late.” I said, making eye contact with Kenichi to stop him.

And then, for some reason, Kenichi winked at me and gave me a cool smile.

Ah …….

Fuji-san’s expression is not good …….

I gesture to Kenichi.

Farewell, Kenichi……. 

I’ll see you in the afterlife…….

Fuji-san approached Kenichi slowly…

“Towa-kun! Would you like to play this with everyone?”

Rin’s slightly excited voice echoed through the house as if to interrupt the conversation.

In Rin’s hands, goggles and a controller had somehow found their way into her hands.

Ah, she’s brought out a lot of nostalgic stuff.

Rin’s eyes lit up and she placed the items in front of me, looking like a curious child.

Yes, ever since we played a kusoge game together before, Rin has often suggested it as a way to relax.


Maybe she just wanted to do it again ……?

Well, I can’t help but think about it, but I’m in the mood to play too.

“Oh, that four-person game.”

“Oh, ……. I didn’t know Towa had a party game.”

“No, it’s just a regular RPG.”

“Regular? ……. Since you’re Towa, this is a kusoge game too, right~?”

“You know it well.”

“…… Kusoge? Is that interesting?”

“Well, it’s interesting. I don’t know if Fuji-san will like it.”

“Kotone. It’s best not to get your hopes up too high. There’s nothing worthwhile in Towa’s possession.”

Hey, Kenichi.

What do you mean?

“…… Kenichi, did you go out to play without telling me?”

“Ah, uh … no. But I’m not that much of a nerd.”

“Here, Kenichi. There are controllers for four people that you left behind last time for no reason. Let’s play right away!”

“Hey, Towa!? Why …… at this moment! Kotone!? Where did you get that Harisen from!?”

“Kotone-chan? I think it’s very good for boys to get along with each other. It can’t be helped to say this or that.”

“Tokiwagi-kun’s favorite person is a man…….”

“I’m going to listen very carefully.”

“…… You two.”

Kenichi held his head and sighed, “Hah.”

I mean, when are we going to clear up that misunderstanding? ……

“How do you do this?”

“Just put on the special goggles and hold the controller. In the meantime, I’ll handle the preparations until we get it up and running.”

Each of us put the goggles on our heads, but Rin was having a hard time, so I did it for her.

“Hehehe.” Don’t be so happy about it.

It’s hard to put on…….

“Well, that’s it. Let’s get started.”

After turning on the power and starting the game, images began to flow with profound music.

[This is a tale about carving out your destiny. ……. This world was filled with a new dark essence. It was the result of a great battle …… between gods, demons, and dark beasts.]

In the opening, a video full of unnecessary terminologies starts playing.

By the way, this useless tale of expanded scope is flowing without being skippable for about ten minutes…….


It’s always hard to understand, you know.

Rin looked at her screen seriously and seemed to be wondering, “There’s a language I don’t know …… What country is it from?”

Fuji-san, perhaps because it was her first time playing the game, didn’t complain and just stared idly at the screen.

However, only Kenichi moved the controller and showed a sign of thinking, “Hmmm.” and then his face tightened up as if he had a bad feeling about something.

Then the screen suddenly split into four sections.

[Please pull the character job gacha first.]

The message came on the screen.

Oh, yes! I’ve missed this feeling!

I was getting a little excited.

“Huh!? You can’t choose your own character, can you?”

Didn’t you hear what it said? “A a tale about carving out your destiny.”

“I don’t think it’s real gacha!”

“I’m not sure……. Just pull it for now, right? So…”

I stopped Rin’s hand from trying to press it.

Watch out, watch out. …… If you press the button here, you’re in trouble.


I can’t hold the controller if she grabs my hand back…….

“For now, press them in order, starting with me, 1P. If you don’t, it’ll freeze.”

“Geez! What kind of minefield is this!?”

“The processing speed can’t keep up with four people playing at the same time, so it can’t be helped. But this is just the beginning.”

“I can’t imagine what the future holds…….”

“It’s a superb game. It’s very profound.”

“…… This is the difficulty of the game.”

“What are Kotone and Wakamiya talking about ……?”

Kenichi says with a sigh.

It’s as if he somehow knows the hardship that will follow.

Well, it’s true that Kenichi has played a lot of kusoge and buggy games at my house.

I guess he knows that what I have is not worth anything.

” Then, start with me, then Rin, then Kenichi, then Fuji-san, and press them in that order.”

“OK!” “Yes!” “… No problem.”

When we pressed the “Gacha” button in turn, an indescribable monster that looked like a combination of a dragon and a frog moved to release the gacha balls.

And the job titles that came up were.

[Warrior] [Warrior] [Warrior] [Warrior]

And the result was as follows.

” What the hell is this gacha!? At least diversify it!”

“When this game first came out, there were no limits or probabilities for gachas in games. This is just a feature.”

“Seriously ……?”

“What’s the point of starting a game if it’s not going to work?”

“No, Rin, by the way, this game will definitely kill you at the beginning if you don’t have the right party.”

“Yeah, that …”

“It’s …… unreasonable. But you cleared it, didn’t you, Tokiwagi-kun?”

“I kept doing the Reset and I pulled this buggy character thing so I could clear it solo. But this time there’s four of us, so unfortunately I don’t have that character.”

“So, what do we do now?”

“I don’t think we can clear it, so we’ll have to start over. Well, let’s restart it.”

I turned off the game and turned it back on.

Then the opening I mentioned earlier started playing.

“Towa ……, I don’t suppose you can skip this ……?”

“It’s a kusoge game.”

“No way ……. We’re going to repeat this?”

“Because it’s a kusoge game.”

“Hey, don’t try to sweep everything under the rug with that word!”

After all, the sloppiness of this process is the essence of a kusoge game.

In a sense, I can’t get over the “dark” specifications that seem to embody the harsh working environment of the creators.

“So, shall we continue with the adventure (gacha)?”

“You seem to be having fun, Towa-kun.”

“Well, I guess so.”

It’s true that the four of us have never played a game together before.

It’s a very emotional thing to think about…….

This is how the four of us began our kusoge RPG.

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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Quiet Side Story 2

For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Quiet Side Story 2

A quiet story, let's play kusoge RPG! ①

(TLN:Kusoge=bad game, still fun to play)

* The chronological order is before the festival during the summer vacation.


——A day of summer vacation.

Kenichi and Fuji-san had come to my house again, perhaps because they were too bored.

I don't mind them coming over, but Kenichi seems to be relaxing as if he were at home.

Fuji-san is ......, well, she's all over Kenichi as usual.

I sighed as I watched the two of them.

Oh man, I can't wait for them to come home and let me laze around on .......

"Sorry, you two, for disturbing your love nest."

"We don't mind. We've prepared some tea for you."

"Oh, thank you~"

Rin, at least deny the words "love nest" for once.

Don't accept it so casually.......

But for me, it's a good day.

"I can't help but be bored when I'm at home. So please don't look so uncomfortable....... Huh?"

"Hmm? What's the matter Kenichi, you look so surprised."

"No. ...... If it was the usual Towa, as soon as I arrived, he would have used the answering machine or made a blatantly disgusted expression, but I noticed that you didn't......."

"No, I entertain guests all the time."

I sipped my tea and shrugged.


That's the male version of Rin.

He's awfully sharp.......

"Towa-kun. Just because Kotone-chan and Kato-san are here doesn't mean you don't have to do your studying, okay?"

"That's not what I had in mind......."

"Can you look me in the eyes and say that?"

She takes my hand and stares straight into my eyes.

It is as if she is confirming a child's lie......

Huh, I guess there's no escaping it when she does this.

"Sorry, ....... I was just thinking."

"Muu! We've been on the right track for a while now, so don't neglect it, okay?"

But Rin didn't seem to be paying much attention to him, and instead smiled at him.

Kenichi is still looking at me with a grin on his face.

He is enjoying ...... this interaction.

I said to Rin, "I know, I'll do it properly." and sighed.

"Hmm. I'm glad to hear that. But since there are four of us, we might as well relax and have some fun."

"Playing cards, ...... or something like that, ...... ah, I see..."

Kenichi nodded his head as if he was satisfied with himself.

When Rin saw this, she gave Kenichi a look.


I glanced at Fuji-san.

But whether she understood it well or not, Fuji-san tilted her head and looked at Kenichi with resentment.

Oh, that look in her eyes, it's like she's pleading, 'Don't leave me behind.' ......

Trouble....... If I continue like this, Kenichi's future will be sealed, or a luscious space will be created that I may want to meditate on.

"Kenichi, look out! Before it's too late." I said, making eye contact with Kenichi to stop him.

And then, for some reason, Kenichi winked at me and gave me a cool smile.

Ah .......

Fuji-san's expression is not good .......

I gesture to Kenichi.

Farewell, Kenichi....... 

I'll see you in the afterlife.......

Fuji-san approached Kenichi slowly...

"Towa-kun! Would you like to play this with everyone?"

Rin's slightly excited voice echoed through the house as if to interrupt the conversation.

In Rin's hands, goggles and a controller had somehow found their way into her hands.

Ah, she's brought out a lot of nostalgic stuff.

Rin's eyes lit up and she placed the items in front of me, looking like a curious child.

Yes, ever since we played a kusoge game together before, Rin has often suggested it as a way to relax.


Maybe she just wanted to do it again ......?

Well, I can't help but think about it, but I'm in the mood to play too.

"Oh, that four-person game."

"Oh, ....... I didn't know Towa had a party game."

"No, it's just a regular RPG."

"Regular? ....... Since you're Towa, this is a kusoge game too, right~?"

"You know it well."

"...... Kusoge? Is that interesting?"

"Well, it's interesting. I don't know if Fuji-san will like it."

"Kotone. It's best not to get your hopes up too high. There's nothing worthwhile in Towa's possession."

Hey, Kenichi.

What do you mean?

"...... Kenichi, did you go out to play without telling me?"

"Ah, uh ... no. But I'm not that much of a nerd."

"Here, Kenichi. There are controllers for four people that you left behind last time for no reason. Let's play right away!"

"Hey, Towa!? Why ...... at this moment! Kotone!? Where did you get that Harisen from!?"

"Kotone-chan? I think it's very good for boys to get along with each other. It can't be helped to say this or that."

"Tokiwagi-kun's favorite person is a man......."

"I'm going to listen very carefully."

"...... You two."

Kenichi held his head and sighed, "Hah."

I mean, when are we going to clear up that misunderstanding? ......

"How do you do this?"

"Just put on the special goggles and hold the controller. In the meantime, I'll handle the preparations until we get it up and running."

Each of us put the goggles on our heads, but Rin was having a hard time, so I did it for her.

"Hehehe." Don't be so happy about it.

It's hard to put on.......

"Well, that's it. Let's get started."

After turning on the power and starting the game, images began to flow with profound music.

[This is a tale about carving out your destiny. ....... This world was filled with a new dark essence. It was the result of a great battle ...... between gods, demons, and dark beasts.]

In the opening, a video full of unnecessary terminologies starts playing.

By the way, this useless tale of expanded scope is flowing without being skippable for about ten minutes.......


It's always hard to understand, you know.

Rin looked at her screen seriously and seemed to be wondering, "There's a language I don't know ...... What country is it from?"

Fuji-san, perhaps because it was her first time playing the game, didn't complain and just stared idly at the screen.

However, only Kenichi moved the controller and showed a sign of thinking, "Hmmm." and then his face tightened up as if he had a bad feeling about something.

Then the screen suddenly split into four sections.

[Please pull the character job gacha first.]

The message came on the screen.

Oh, yes! I've missed this feeling!

I was getting a little excited.

"Huh!? You can't choose your own character, can you?"

Didn't you hear what it said? "A a tale about carving out your destiny."

"I don't think it's real gacha!"

"I'm not sure....... Just pull it for now, right? So..."

I stopped Rin's hand from trying to press it.

Watch out, watch out. ...... If you press the button here, you're in trouble.


I can't hold the controller if she grabs my hand back.......

"For now, press them in order, starting with me, 1P. If you don't, it'll freeze."

"Geez! What kind of minefield is this!?"

"The processing speed can't keep up with four people playing at the same time, so it can't be helped. But this is just the beginning."

"I can't imagine what the future holds......."

"It's a superb game. It's very profound."

"...... This is the difficulty of the game."

"What are Kotone and Wakamiya talking about ......?"

Kenichi says with a sigh.

It's as if he somehow knows the hardship that will follow.

Well, it's true that Kenichi has played a lot of kusoge and buggy games at my house.

I guess he knows that what I have is not worth anything.

" Then, start with me, then Rin, then Kenichi, then Fuji-san, and press them in that order."

"OK!" "Yes!" "... No problem."

When we pressed the "Gacha" button in turn, an indescribable monster that looked like a combination of a dragon and a frog moved to release the gacha balls.

And the job titles that came up were.

[Warrior] [Warrior] [Warrior] [Warrior]

And the result was as follows.

" What the hell is this gacha!? At least diversify it!"

"When this game first came out, there were no limits or probabilities for gachas in games. This is just a feature."

"Seriously ......?"

"What's the point of starting a game if it's not going to work?"

"No, Rin, by the way, this game will definitely kill you at the beginning if you don't have the right party."

"Yeah, that ..."

"It's ...... unreasonable. But you cleared it, didn't you, Tokiwagi-kun?"

"I kept doing the Reset and I pulled this buggy character thing so I could clear it solo. But this time there's four of us, so unfortunately I don't have that character."

"So, what do we do now?"

"I don't think we can clear it, so we'll have to start over. Well, let's restart it."

I turned off the game and turned it back on.

Then the opening I mentioned earlier started playing.

"Towa ......, I don't suppose you can skip this ......?"

"It's a kusoge game."

"No way ....... We're going to repeat this?"

"Because it's a kusoge game."

"Hey, don't try to sweep everything under the rug with that word!"

After all, the sloppiness of this process is the essence of a kusoge game.

In a sense, I can't get over the "dark" specifications that seem to embody the harsh working environment of the creators.

"So, shall we continue with the adventure (gacha)?"

"You seem to be having fun, Towa-kun."

"Well, I guess so."

It's true that the four of us have never played a game together before.

It's a very emotional thing to think about.......

This is how the four of us began our kusoge RPG.



not work with dark mode