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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations Chapter 2

One Month After Lee Han’s Execution


It had been a month since Lee Han was executed.


A grand banquet was held in the imperial palace.


The purpose of the banquet was to celebrate the achievements of the three heroes of the Hero Party.


Notable figures from all over the continent gathered.


The ‘Great Hall’ of the Britannia Empire, filled with high-ranking officials from the empire, high priests from the Holy Kingdom of Constantine, and even representatives from the Guild Union that controlled the continent’s economy, was a sight to behold.


A high-ranking noble, staring blankly at the chandelier hanging in the center of the hall, muttered.


“This is the hall they use once every three hundred years.”


“Every single piece of material is so luxurious… even the chandelier is made out of diamonds.”




Even the high-ranking officials exchanged glances of admiration as they looked around.


“We will now welcome the three heroes.”


— Creak!


The enormous doors at the center of the hall opened.

Simultaneously, a flood of light poured in, guiding the heroes like a halo.

Those witnessing the meticulously planned spectacle shielded their eyes in awe.


The three heroes stood on a high podium.




Someone’s exclamation triggered a wave of applause that filled the hall. It took five minutes for the applause to subside.




Of the three, the one who stepped forward was Princess Aina.


People marveled at her dazzling golden hair, which seemed embroidered with gold thread, and her haughty raised chin. After a moment of admiration, Aina’s lips parted.


“Thank you for the warm welcome. It is an honor to receive applause from such distinguished individuals. I think we risked our lives to defeat the Demon King for this very moment.”


Her tone was appropriate for the occasion, maintaining dignity while also hinting at playfulness.


The atmosphere in the hall instantly relaxed with laughter.


“Thanks to the three heroes, we can now sleep peacefully!”

“No, it’s all thanks to your unwavering support in every way. I want to express my gratitude.”

“Haha! None of us will ever regret supporting this Hero Party. Isn’t that right, everyone?”


Clap clap clap clap clap!


Thunderous applause filled the hall once again.


The Empire, the Holy Kingdom of Constantine, and the business world—rarely did their opinions align so completely.


‘This is my chance.’


Aina clenched her fist.


Her goal had always been clear: to seize the imperial throne. Joining the Hero Party as a princess and deciding on Lee Han’s execution were all calculated moves to ascend the throne.


As a result, she gained the title of having defeated the Demon King and the reputation of thwarting the treachery of a traitorous otherworldly hero.


‘With the continent’s power brokers gathered here, I must leave a strong impression.’


This was the perfect opportunity, one that might not come again.


She already felt her ranking in the line of succession rise by several notches.


Only one obstacle remained before her: the First Prince.

He had spent over a decade solidifying his position and allies as the first in line. To surpass him, she needed to maintain this momentum.


This moment was crucial for Aina.


The reason she had rehearsed her speech dozens of times was for this very moment.


Aina took a step forward once again.

Aina took another step forward, with Claire and Aria behind her, and began her speech, appearing as the representative of the three heroes.


“With these hands, I killed the Demon King.”



The applause erupted again, subsiding only after a while, allowing Aina to continue.


“She was a being who terrorized the continent. Adults trembled in fear whenever they ventured out, dreading capture by the demons. Children counted stars waiting for their missing parents. It was a sad reality that our continent had so many stars to count.”

(TLN: So I was right after all, the Demon King is grill. Also I think the Duchess call it ‘Him’, but I’m not quite sure that was referring to the Demon King. Although it might, I’ll check when it appears again.)


The hall fell silent, a somber atmosphere taking over.


Feeling the impact of her words, Aina raised her voice.


“As one who became a princess of the empire, I could not ignore such events. I decided to join the Hero Party and save the people…”


In the highest seats, farthest from the podium, two middle-aged men sat.

One of them, wearing priestly robes, muttered.


“Princess Aina seems well-prepared. She naturally took the center stage.”


Archbishop Julius.


One of the 13 archbishops supporting the Holy Kingdom of Constantine, he was the highest-ranking high priest in charge of the papal office.




The one who responded moderately to his words was an elderly man with white hair, still imposing and upright despite his age. He was Chancellor Reinhardt of the Britannia Empire.


Although seated together, the Empire and the Holy Kingdom were clearly rival nations.


Annoyed by the tepid response, Julius asked.


“Is His Majesty of the Empire not coming?”

“This is an event to honor the heroes. His Majesty, in his profound wisdom, has graciously decided not to overshadow the heroes with his presence.”


“It seems he matched his absence with the Holy King’s decision not to attend.”


He was still young, but he seemed like a hundred-year-old fox.


Reinhardt ignored Julius’s remark and listened to the princess’s speech.


Her grand yet engaging speech had reached the point of detailing the treachery of the otherworldly hero.


“Lee Han! That man was a pawn of the Demon King. Throughout our journey to defeat the Demon King, he constantly hindered us. The three of us gathered evidence proving he was the Demon King’s spy, which was confirmed in the trial…!”


She solidified the slander against Lee Han, branding him a traitor. In the process, she cleverly twisted his achievements to appear as their own.


Those unaware of the truth simply believed her.


Only the experienced harbored vague suspicions.


“Do you believe what she’s saying, Chancellor? I reviewed the trial, and there were many questionable aspects.”


Reinhardt clicked his tongue at Julius’s words.


“It must be the truth.”


“You’re defending her because she’s the empire’s princess. Despite your cold reputation.”


“Aren’t you the same? The appearance of a saintess must be a rare event for the Holy King.”


“Well, that’s true.”


In politics, the truth isn’t important. Only whether it’s advantageous or not matters.


Thus, politicians must be adept at lying.


Lies are beneficial in most cases.


‘Of course, sometimes it can backfire.’


Such as when one gets caught up in a battle over the truth.


If the falsehood were to be exposed to the world, all achievements built upon it would crumble like a castle made of sand.


“If their words are lies, they’re building a castle on sand. But that sand will not collapse.”

“Why is that?”

“Don’t you understand? The Hero from another world is dead.”


Conveniently, the princess’s speech concluded at that moment.




The hall erupted in applause and cheers.


Considering that those clapping were at the top of the hierarchy, each clap was more valuable than gold.


A golden castle was being built on the heroes’ land.


Observing its foundation, Reinhardt concluded.


“The dead cannot speak. Now begins the era of the three heroes.”



The applause erupted in front of her eyes.


‘… That’s it.’


Aina clutched her trembling chest.


Her heart had not trembled even when she stabbed the Demon King.

But now, as she reaped the fruits of her success, her heart raced.


The one cheering over there was the Empire’s Minister of Finance.

The one rising from his seat was the head of the Agricultural Guild, capable of causing millions to starve with a single word.

Even the cold Reinhardt was applauding.




The suspicions about Lee Han, which she had most worried about, had not arisen.


The three heroes knew best that the trial and execution of Lee Han were close to a show trial.


‘But it was the right thing to do.’


Aria, Claire, and even Aina herself all agreed.


Everyone agreed to Lee Han’s execution.


There was the unfortunate incident where Lee Han’s final words caused some discord and anxiety between Aria and Claire.


But at least for this moment, they had agreed to stand together.


‘No matter.’


Whatever the situation, Aina would use it to her advantage.


To get one step closer to the throne.


And now, the throne was just a few steps away.


She only had to surpass one more person.


The First Prince, who was pretending to be benevolent while clapping at the front of the podium.


A wall that seemed insurmountable…


‘Five years will be enough.’


Aina smiled and waved to the audience.


“Thank you.”


It was a pure smile, radiating happiness.


The highest powers of the continent were applauding her.


The throne was hers.

At that moment, Aina was certain.


“I cannot agree!”


Someone poured cold water on her certainty.

The hall fell silent instantly.


A woman wearing a turban stood up.


“Lee Han is not that kind of person! I can swear it!”


Her fierce declaration.

Someone nearby asked.


“Who are you to say such things?”


In response, she untied the turban around her head.


Pointed ears emerged.


“…An elf?”


Someone murmured, but there was uncertainty in the murmur.


Her ears were pointed, but one end was half cut off. She had the typical radiant blonde hair of an elf, but it was so short it barely covered her neck.


However, her deep and mysterious eyes unmistakably proved she was an elf.


“I am Serena. I was once a member of the Hero Party.”


Murmurs spread through the crowd.

Unperturbed, Serena continued.


“I swear on the honor of the elves. Lee Han would never betray humanity.”


Princess Aina’s lips trembled slightly.


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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

무고로 사형당한 전쟁 영웅이 되었다 , 날 모함한 여주들이 매달려온다, The Heroines Who Framed Me Are Now Obsessed With Me
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I defeated the Demon King and was executed due to the false accusations of the heroines. When I reincarnated, I heard. 'It’s shameless, but could you help me just one more time? Without you, the world will be doomed.' ... Would you help them if you were in my place?



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