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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations Chapter 32


[Royal Social Sciences Research Institute] Second Floor, Yulia’s Office.


“Why did you let those people go earlier?”


Yulia asked, crossing her legs.


Lloyd, who had been lost in thought, finally lifted his gaze.


Her blue eyes, housing the Arcane Eyes, could sometimes be terrifying to look at.


It felt like she could cut him down with Ortega at any moment.


‘I’m not entirely sure if she would…’


On the contrary, Lloyd thought it might be fortunate.

If he were to lose control—or rather, if Ortega were to take over his body—Yulia would immediately subdue him. In a way, it was like having insurance, so Lloyd didn’t think it was such a bad thing.


“I believe Your Highness already knows the reason.”

“… To track them?”

“Yes. The true power behind the city is usually linked to an organization. They were bait to uncover the real power in Easton.”

“The city of Easton is governed by a marquis who serves the Empire…”

“Not the official power, but the real power.”

“The real power?”

“Yes. The one controlling everything in the city—economy, politics, and society.”


There’s a difference between the official ruler and the one who holds real power.

This is common in regions where the abilities of the nobility are inconsistent.

Especially in places where groups like Vincenzo’s Gang operate, there’s always a separate figure who holds true power.


“Since Your Highness has decided to operate out of Easton, securing that power is the best method…”


The Princess abruptly stood up, banging her desk.


— Thud.


Before Lloyd could finish his words.


It was before Lloyd could even finish speaking.


“Are you telling me to become some kind of gangster?”


Lloyd accidentally gave her a look of disbelief. Realizing she had spoken hastily, Yulia’s face flushed.


‘Since I’m her advisor, I should just let it slide.’


Instead of pointing it out, Lloyd smoothly continued.


“Of course, the one holding power doesn’t necessarily have to be a violent group.”


“More often than not, it’s a guild. Especially a trading company. They can take control even over ruling families by using debt.”



Finally, Yulia nodded in understanding.

She seemed impressed.


“That’s quite an insightful observation. I didn’t expect you to have thought this far.”

“Your Highness must also keep this in mind. Easton will become your base of operations.”


The Third Princess needed to establish a new base, away from the already crowded Imperial Palace.


Easton was an ideal starting point for this new base.

But this was just the beginning.


Lloyd put more emphasis on this because there were certain steps Yulia had to take to become Empress.


“After securing power in Easton, the first thing you’ll need to do is surpass the three heroes.”


By now, she couldn’t deny it.

Claire’s Harold Trading Company, which dominated the capital.

Aria of the Holy Kingdom of Constantine, who had established a power struggle with the Empire.

And finally, Aina Estrid, her ultimate rival for the throne.


She would have to face these three heroes someday.





Whenever those thoughts arose, Lloyd could feel the heartbeat of Ortega, who lay dormant deep within him. All sorts of negative emotions, especially intense ones. Lloyd knew that Ortega was waiting for his chance.


But that didn’t mean he planned to avoid his former comrades.

It just meant he now had a reason to maintain more composure during the battles with them.




As Lloyd continued to mull over things, Yulia called his name, making him look up.

She gazed at him with eyes full of conviction.


“Don’t worry.”


Worry about what, exactly?

He thought about asking but held back.


‘If you ever get consumed by Ortega, I’ll kill you.’


If that was her response, he wouldn’t be too happy about it.



— Clang, clang!


The interior of the [Social Sciences Research Institute] was being completed steadily and calmly.


“At this rate, you’ll be able to start operations within a week!”


Was his name Karl?

One of the subordinates who had gotten beaten up by Lloyd before.

Even though they weren’t particularly necessary, they had gone out of their way to help with things like finding an interior decorator.


“We usually handle things like this in the areas we protect!”


Not that they were receiving anything from the gang itself—more like they were just intermediaries. At least with them involved, there was no worry about getting scammed. And since they took protection money, they had some responsibility in these matters.


Despite that, Karl had been diligently coming and going from the institute.


“Anything come up yet from what I mentioned before? Where they’re getting the drugs?”

“S-Sorry, but I haven’t found that out yet! However…”


Karl leaned in to whisper in Lloyd’s ear.


“I found out where they’re selling sedatives.”



Lloyd’s interest was piqued.

He had already used up all the sedatives that had been left by Arno as a keepsake.

He’d relied on them occasionally when Ortega’s consciousness started creeping up or when he used magic.


‘Of course, I shouldn’t rely on drugs, but…’


This wasn’t so much reliance as it was a necessity.


Until all his mana circuits were fully opened, sedatives were needed.

At least until the sound of clapping in his head stopped.


“Where is it?”



Lloyd took the note Karl handed him.


‘It’s a bit out of the way from the center of the city.’


Lloyd had familiarized himself with Easton’s geography well enough to navigate the main roads.

It didn’t seem like it would be difficult to find.


“I’ll go check it out. And stop coming around so often from now on.”

“W-Why’s that, Big Brother?”

“Big Brother? I’m way younger than you.”

“Strength makes you the Big Brother, sir.”

“Cut the crap. Keep that ‘Big Brother’ talk within your gang.”


Lloyd patted Karl’s shoulder a couple of times and headed outside.


— Move it, kid!

— Watch out!


The city was lively with carriages and people bustling about, typical of a capital city. More than lively, it was chaotic.


“Is this the place?”


Following Karl’s directions, Lloyd easily arrived at his destination.

The sign read… Alchemist’s General Store.

But there was a problem.

A group of people was blocking the entrance.


“Hey, come out right now!”

“If you can’t pay your debt, sell the store! Sell your equipment too!”


The noise was beyond disruptive—it was excessive.


Lloyd frowned.

Loud noises still made him uneasy.


“… Sedatives.”


Ignoring the people blocking his way, Lloyd walked straight toward the store.


Naturally, their attention shifted to him.


“Who the hell is this kid?”

“Hey. Can’t you see we’re controlling this area? If you’re running an errand, just turn around and leave, kid.”


Not his problem.

Without a word, Lloyd kept walking toward the store, which prompted one of the men to grab him.


“This little punk…!”


It looked like they were ready to throw a punch.

But Lloyd didn’t flinch and simply looked up.

The men hesitated when their eyes met his.


‘… No need to use magic for this.’


Lloyd briefly considered using his fingers to cast a spell but decided against it.


Without sedatives, his body was too unstable for magic.


Instead, he spoke.


“It’d be best if you let me through.”

“What… Do you think you’re someone important, kid?”

“No, nothing like that.”


Lloyd lifted his pouch of gold coins.


“The person inside can’t pay their debt because they don’t have money, right?”


“So shouldn’t they be allowed to take customers? That way, they can make some money and at least pay the interest.”


The debt collectors, who were about to lash out, paused.

When they thought about it, Lloyd’s words made sense.


“… Go ahead.”


They stepped aside quietly.




Lloyd sighed as he stood in front of the store.


Through the clear glass door, he noticed a pair of golden eyes watching from inside.

The door creaked open.


“Are you… a customer?”


A rather timid voice greeted him. Lloyd was surprised as he observed his counterpart—a young boy with blonde hair was looking up at him.


“… I-I’m an alchemist.”


The boy said, almost as if he needed to justify himself.


He was quick-witted like a ghost.


Quick to catch on, Lloyd glanced around the shop instead of replying.


A moderately sized furnace, various metals, and a collection of herbs—all the essentials were there.


It looked like a proper alchemist’s workshop.


“I heard you can make sedatives.”

“Se… Sedatives?”

“Yes. Something to calm the mind.”

“Oh… yes!”


The boy’s face lit up, and he hurried off somewhere in the back.


Lloyd could hear the rustling sounds as the boy worked.


Soon, the boy returned with a small packet of white powder wrapped in paper.


“T-This is it.”

“Mind if I try some?”


Lloyd asked as he placed a hand on his forehead.

The headache that had been nagging him earlier was growing worse.


“Yes, go ahead!”


Lloyd poured the powder into his mouth.

The taste was sharp, a mix of spiciness and bitterness that spread through his senses.


He frowned for a moment.


— Swaaaah…


The nausea that had been tormenting him disappeared like it had never been there.

It was undoubtedly potent, perhaps even stronger than the tranquilizer Arno had left him.


“Not bad at all.”


Lloyd was satisfied.

He wasn’t sure how effective it would be when he used magic, but judging by its immediate effect, it seemed promising.


Moreover, the boy kept glancing nervously at the door, clearly anxious about making enough to pay today’s interest.

It looked like Lloyd might be able to get it for a good price.


The timing couldn’t have been better.


Lloyd grinned slyly.


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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

무고로 사형당한 전쟁 영웅이 되었다 , 날 모함한 여주들이 매달려온다, The Heroines Who Framed Me Are Now Obsessed With Me
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I defeated the Demon King and was executed due to the false accusations of the heroines. When I reincarnated, I heard. 'It’s shameless, but could you help me just one more time? Without you, the world will be doomed.' ... Would you help them if you were in my place?



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