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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations Chapter 37

Claire's Arrogance

In the heart of Easton, there are various types of buildings.


Some are flashy and extravagant, while others are so dilapidated that one might wonder how they can be located in a bustling area.


Among them is a three-story building with an exquisite balance, so unnoticeable that it blends into the surroundings.

There’s no signboard, so passersby don’t even glance at it as they walk by, but a woman enters this building.


The hallway is empty, with no guide to be seen.


– Creak, creak.


As she walks along, following the creaks and the occasional dust floating in the air as her only markers, she suddenly realizes the building is longer than she initially thought.


The sharp corners, the repeating windows, the endless stairs and the repetitive patterns—it’s almost as if the space itself could put someone into a trance.


However, she keeps walking, repeating a single code in her mind until she reaches her destination.


“… Hah.”


As she turns the corner, a bright light floods in. Following the brilliance, she finds herself in a space with a towering ceiling and a luxurious chandelier. The arching expanse is far from the creaky floors and is instead smooth marble that seems to glide underfoot.


Beyond the luxurious mahogany furniture, a man greets her.


“Welcome, Lady Claire. One has been expecting you.”


She had gone to great lengths to disguise herself, yet how did this man recognize her?


Pushing the question to the back of her mind, Claire only offered the minimum courtesy.


“Please, lead the way.”

“This way.”


This was her second visit here.

It felt mysterious, but it was truly a remarkable place.


The long corridors, which seemed too lengthy to be inside a building, and the sudden shift to opulence were still surprising.


Perhaps this secretive yet lavish headquarters is an excellent expression of the organization known as the Seventh Death Squad.


The grand, spiraling staircase no longer amazed her.


— Knock, knock.


“Lady Claire has arrived.”


The one-eyed butler, who bowed and quickly disappeared, no longer surprised her either.


‘Probably one of the most capable people in the world.’


All she could do was swallow nervously as she waited for the master of the office to appear.


– Squeak


The door slowly opened.


And beyond it, she saw a woman with a bright red eye.


A long scar marked one side of her face, but even with just one eye, she could easily intimidate others.


She was tall and slender, with a beautiful figure that matched her long arms and legs.


The woman, with her striking red lips curling into a smile, was One, the leader of the Seventh Death Squad.


“Welcome. I’ve been expecting you.”


There weren’t many people who could casually speak informally to Claire, a client and a hero of the continent.


And not many people could make Claire accept that informality without feeling offended.


“You still look as beautiful as ever.”

“Thank you, but not as much as the continent’s hero. Have a seat.”


One poured tea herself, her movements precise and graceful.

She crossed her legs as she sat across from Claire and spoke.


“The task you requested is progressing well.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. Especially since you paid a handsome amount.”

“You know, the hush money is even more significant.”

“What do you take us for? Of course.”




One laughed, covering her lips.


To be honest, Claire didn’t like her.


‘She’s too sly.’


Her eyes and the corners of her mouth—it was as if she was hiding something deep inside. Considering that she was the continent’s top assassin, the thought sent chills down Claire’s spine.


But even so, Claire had no choice.


To expand her influence in the Empire, she needed to completely take over Easton, the most crucial city. And for that, One’s help was essential.


Not just that.


‘To find Lee Han as well.’


Claire’s condition had been worsening by the day.


Even today, she had coughed up blood in the morning.


She had held back her coughs, trying to appear strong, but even now, a part of her body trembled with chills.


The symptoms were severe.


It wasn’t just what the doctor said.

Claire could feel it herself.


‘I need to find him as soon as possible.’


This was no longer a psychological issue.

It was a matter of survival.




Hiding her cough as if it were a mere throat clearing, Claire spoke.


“The reason I came today is for the second request.”

“Ah, the request to find that certain boy.”


“Not bad.”


…A lie.


If the search was truly progressing well, she wouldn’t have responded with a casual, “Ah, that request?”

Claire lightly bit the inside of her lip.


There was no one she could trust.

Back when she was part of the Hero’s Party, there were people she could rely on for tasks like this. It was only after they were gone that she realized how rare such people were in the world. And how impossibly difficult it is to find someone who has already left.


“I would appreciate it if you could take the search more seriously. I’ve paid a considerable amount, haven’t I?”

“The conditions are just so difficult.”


Claire knew it too. Finding a boy in Easton who was named ‘Lee Han’ in a previous life—it was almost impossibly difficult.



“Haha, I’m just kidding. We’re really searching for him.”



One smirked at Claire’s somewhat foolish smile.


“After all, according to Lady Claire’s claim, that ‘Lee Han’ boy is a strong one, right?”


“Then my people will find him.”


“They have an uncanny nose for strong people. They’re practically bloodhounds.”




One smiled again and making a circle with her thumb and forefinger.


“How about this? If you pay extra, I’ll even convince the boy to present himself before you.”

“Just find him.”

“Is that so?”

“I think I can persuade him myself.”



One tilted her head to the side.


Her eyes questioning, ‘How would you do that?’


But Claire was confident.


‘Lee Han listened to me well.’


She remembered Lee Han well.


He always listened to her.


He appreciated that she was knowledgeable and smart.




If she could meet him again, she believed she could convince him.


Just once, to stay by her side again.


After all, they were practically childhood friends.


‘If only he could forgive me…’


As Claire’s thoughts trailed off—


– Bang!


The office door burst open.

One’s delicate brow furrowed.


“This… One!”


“Why all the commotion?”


“Th-the thing is, Six and Seven! They’ve—!”


One’s eyes sharpened instantly.


“It seems like they’ve found him.”


Claire’s eyes lit up.



– Boom!


Fireworks exploded white in the sky.


At this scale, it would be visible even from outside the town.


That meant the signal would reach One in no time.


Six let out a sigh of relief.


The scene he had witnessed moments ago still lingered in his mind.


The boy who had caught the dagger he threw—grinning with it clenched between his teeth.


“That’s a monster, no doubt about it.”


If he hadn’t immediately used a smoke bomb and an emergency escape scroll, he would have been caught right then and there.


“A terrifying guy.”


“You called me?”


A chill ran down Six’s spine.


He froze in place.


Slowly, Six turned his head.


The boy was standing right beside him again.


“C… Crazy.”

“Hey, calling someone names like that can really hurt their feelings.”

“What the h*ll are you?”

“Me? My name is Lloyd.”


Damn it.

That’s not what he was asking.


Cursing under his breath, Six tried to put some distance between them.


‘Damn monster.’


The emergency escape scroll was supposed to be as fast as teleportation.

Sure, the distance wasn’t that far, but for him to follow—it didn’t make any sense.


How the h*ll did he catch up?


He wasn’t just using physical enhancement; he was far too fast for that.


And if he were a mage, there would’ve been some trace of magic.


The truth was, no matter what he was, it meant he was an expert far beyond normal.


Six knew that for sure after the boy effortlessly dodged the daggers he had thrown.


There was no way Six could win.


His face hardened with the realization.


“Let’s talk this out.”



The boy, who introduced himself as Lloyd, tilted his head slightly, as if observing Six like a curious specimen.


“You catch on quickly.”

“Spare my life.”

“I like how direct you are.”


It was the ultimate humiliation.


But Six knew that now was the time to lower his head.


“What do you want to know? And if I answer, will you let me go?”

“That depends on your answers.”




Lloyd grinned, his teeth shining white under the faint moonlight.


It was the kind of confidence that came from living two lives.


Before Six could gather his thoughts, Lloyd continued.


“You guys are the real rulers of Easton, aren’t you?”



Six reflexively responded.

He shut his mouth immediately, but it was already too late.


“I’m talking about how you control the mayor and others from behind the scenes.”

“How do you even…?”

“I just took a guess, but it seems I was right.”


Damn it.

His surprise was evident.


He hadn’t expected such a direct and piercing question.


“My boss and the one running toward us have some business with your boss. Could you tell me where I can find them?”


This kid has a boss?

Six couldn’t even fathom how strong that person must be.

He gritted his teeth.


“I’d rather die than reveal anything about the Seventh Death Squad!”


His body lunged toward Lloyd.


– Thud.


But it was Six who fell to the ground.

Blood gushed from his severed foot.


Lloyd feigned surprise, then quickly swallowed a sedative.


“Don’t even think about it, Ortega.”


As he calmed the excitement from the sight of blood, Lloyd skillfully finished bandaging Six’s wound.

He wasn’t dead—yet.


“Who told you to attack so suddenly? You scared me.”


“Now, shall we have a proper conversation?”


Lloyd jingled the keys he had taken from Six’s pocket, smiling as he did so.


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I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

I Became a War Hero Executed Due to False Accusations

무고로 사형당한 전쟁 영웅이 되었다 , 날 모함한 여주들이 매달려온다, The Heroines Who Framed Me Are Now Obsessed With Me
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I defeated the Demon King and was executed due to the false accusations of the heroines. When I reincarnated, I heard. 'It’s shameless, but could you help me just one more time? Without you, the world will be doomed.' ... Would you help them if you were in my place?



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