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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 22

3 Years of Growth (2)

Late November.


The cool autumn has passed, and the weather is slowly becoming colder.


“Aren’t you cold?”



Epherna responded nonchalantly.


Ern was worried about her in her pajamas, but upon reflection, he realized there was no need.

Epherna’s resilience, endowed with the strength of the Summer Sun, surpassed that of most knights.

Moreover, she had been consistently exercising for the past three years, so catching a cold from a mere night breeze was unlikely.


‘She has always made time for taking care of her body, no matter how busy she was.’


She had often mentioned the importance of growth periods.

For the past three years, she had put a lot of effort into maintaining her physique through exercise and a controlled diet.

As a result, the Empire’s First Princess had transformed into a beauty admired by all. Ern, though he never showed it, was sometimes surprised by the difference between the past and present Epherna.


“That’s good. I was about to offer to hold your hand if you were cold.”


He muttered absentmindedly, remembering how he used to hold her hand when she was younger to match their walking pace.

At that moment, Epherna spoke up.


“…Actually, I think I am cold.”








Epherna tried to grab Ern’s hand, but her hand fumbled around his.

Her eyes were forward, and her heart was in turmoil, making it hard to find the right sensation.

Feeling embarrassed, her earlobes turned bright red.


“Why didn’t you say so sooner?”


As Ern interlocked his fingers with hers, Epherna recalled the spine-tingling sensation. She almost let out a gasp from the electric current running through her to her brain.


“Your hand is cold.”

“They say people with cold hands have warm hearts.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Since your hands are warm, does that mean your heart is cold, Mister?”

“How does that make sense?”

“You still haven’t gotten married.”



Ern, struck to the core, cleared his throat and spoke.


“I’ve been too busy protecting you.”


He had no opportunity to leave the palace, so there was no chance to meet someone.

Seeing him make excuses, Epherna smiled with satisfaction.


She put her hand in her pocket where Ern held her hand.

Feeling the warmth spread through her once cold hand, Epherna thought.


‘It’s always you… who makes me have these delusions.’


Do you know?

How your unintentional kindness drives me crazy.


You might still see me as a child.

But I’m not.


When I think of you, my heart takes all the warmth from my body.

So I feel cold.


Whenever that happens, I think.

If you embraced me, what would happen to me?


Would my heated heart burst my body?


Yet, I am more hopeful than worried.




Could that expectation really someday become a reality?


I wish for it to be so.

I wish for you to share the same thoughts as me.












With the decision for Epherna to head north, preparations proceeded swiftly.


With less than two months remaining until the New Year’s Festival, a large workforce was deployed to the Princess’s Palace.


Ultimately, those accompanying her to the north included Ern of the Personal Guard, Chamberlain Merien, and the Triaina Special Forces were to join them.


After completing the preparations for the northern trip, Epherna walked with Ern at night, as they did yesterday, asking many curious questions.


The first was about the Triaina Special Forces that would accompany them this time.


“Triaina is a defense-specialized unit, right?”

“That’s right.”


If the Astrape Special Forces mainly handle combat and assassination, and the Kyne Special Forces focus on infiltration and intelligence gathering, then the Triaina Special Forces primarily handle protection. During the intense battle over the imperial succession, they were the perverse group that ensured the Second Prince’s safety by sticking to him 24 hours a day.


Epherna’s second question followed.


“The north is said to be extremely cold. Do you know how cold it is, Mister?”

“It’s incomparable to the winters here.”

“But I’ll be okay, right? I’m not very sensitive to the cold.”

“Thinking like that could get you into big trouble.”


Ern, who had stayed in the north to subdue the Demon King during winter, knew that the northern region at this time of year was a land where people couldn’t survive.


Late November, the period when early winter is about to arrive.

For an imperial citizen accustomed to warm climates, the extreme cold would be enough to freeze them instantly. When that time comes, even with firewood, it would be hard to light a fire.


That’s why Merien had a hard time during the preparation process.

The existing winter clothes couldn’t withstand the northern cold, so new ones had to be made, but they only had a day or two to do it.


Still, they managed to prepare somehow.

Ern didn’t know how it was possible, but he didn’t really want to know.

If he found out, he might feel too sympathetic.


Epherna, her face full of curiosity, asked her final question.


“I heard that northern people have very pretty faces. Is that true?”

“Who knows?”

“But you’ve been to the north, Mister. Don’t you have a rough idea?”

“At that time, I wasn’t in a position to pay attention to the northerners’ faces. I was too busy dealing with monsters.”


There is a rumor that northerners are all exceptionally attractive.


Ern knew about it but wasn’t sure if it was true enough to spread as a rumor…


‘…Considering the Duchy of Lemea, it might be true.’


The family and retainers of Duke Lemea were all outstandingly beautiful.

Thinking about that, the rumor might be true to some extent.

But still.


“It’s probably an exaggeration. The distinctive white hair of the northerners gives them a unique aura, making even average faces look handsome and beautiful.”

“Oh… That makes sense.”

“And most of the rumors about northerners in the Empire would be about the people from the Duchy of Lemea, and everyone in that family is beautiful, right?”

“That’s true.”


Epherna nodded in agreement.


Seeing her, Ern suddenly had an amusing thought and smiled playfully.


“And besides, no matter how pretty the northerners are, they can’t compare to our princess, right?”



Ern raised his hand and patted Epherna’s head.


“W-Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“It’s a compliment. You’ve grown up beautifully.”


Ern’s actions had no particular reason.

He just felt he hadn’t done this in a while.


Ern knew through Merien that Epherna felt sad because she thought he didn’t care about her.

She had told him to treat the princess well since she held him especially dear.


“You’ve grown a lot too. You said you were exactly 170 cm now?”



Looking at Epherna, who blushed, Ern thought he had neglected her a lot.


He felt a sudden pang of guilt.


In this vast palace, Epherna probably had no one to rely on but him, yet he had often left her alone. As a member of the Personal Guard meant to protect her, he had failed.


Ern pondered for a long time.


It had been a while since he had such an extended conversation with her.


Meanwhile, Epherna was flustered by Ern’s attitude.


A man was slowly walking toward them from the opposite direction.








Valtean clicked his tongue as he saw Ern and Epherna walking towards him.




To anyone else, it would seem like a heartwarming and pleasant scene, but Valtean didn’t feel that way at all.


Instead, an overwhelming frustration boiled in his chest, irritating his head.


‘…How long.’


How long will he remain oblivious?


A woman is showing clear signs that she likes him.

She’s sending messages with her body and mind that say, “I like you.”

Yet why doesn’t that dense b*stard notice it even though he’s right beside her?


Was he always this clueless?

No, he was rather perceptive, wasn’t he?

So why doesn’t he know?

It’s not like he’s pretending not to know, so why doesn’t he get it?


Hiding his true feelings, Valtean greeted them calmly.


“Good evening, Your Highness.”

“Valtean? What brings you here at this hour?”

“I was looking for Ern. I have something to discuss with him.”

“Something to discuss?”

“Yes, it’s a personal matter. May I take him for a moment?”

“Sure, go ahead.”


With the princess’s permission, Valtean led Ern to a secluded corner of the garden.


Epherna remained where she was, admiring the flowers and stars.


After ensuring they were out of earshot, Valtean spoke to Ern.


“You leave tomorrow, right?”


“The decision came quickly.”

“It’s an urgent and important matter. They must have thought delaying would be disadvantageous.”

“That’s true. It’s not easy to change the mind of a determined duke.”

“Indeed. So, what did you want to talk about?”


Ern’s straightforward question.


Valtean took out a cigarette and lit it before responding.




Should he tell him about Epherna?


Valtean pondered for a moment.


There was a significant barrier between Ern and Epherna.

They could value each other, but there was a huge wall preventing that value from progressing into love.

If things continued like this, the kind-hearted princess might never express her feelings.




Exhaling smoke, Valtean shook his head.


Love shouldn’t be meddled with by others.

It was the same when he met Merien, and it should be the same for everyone.

Love must be built solely on the feelings of those involved.


He wasn’t sure if this clueless b*stard could ever sense those feelings from the princess, but Valtean decided to leave it to fate.


“Just wanted to wish you a safe journey.”


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



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