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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 30

Jealousy (3)

She believes she has patience.


Epherna tends to think so.


Given her personality, which demands that she gets whatever she wants, the fact that she still cannot have her favorite Ern completely as she pleases requires considerable patience.




That behavior of constantly testing herself.


It’s hard to endure.


“Why are you shirtless?”

“It tore while sparring with the Duke.”


Ah. I see.


That’s understandable.


“Who is that beside you?”

“The Duke’s eldest daughter.”


Cyan Lemea.


She bowed gracefully as she introduced herself.


‘She’s pretty.’


She is indeed beautiful, like her father.


Her white hair, which exudes a mysterious aura, and her pale white skin are pleasing to the eye.


Above all, her blue eyes, identical to Ern’s, add to the sense of mystery.


It’s really.


Almost enough to make one want to pull them out.


“Going to change clothes? I’ll go with you.”


Merien had a worried expression.


It seemed as if she feared she might do something.


Merien is overreacting; there’s no need for such worry.


As long as the girl in front of her doesn’t provoke her.


And if she disappears right away.


At least there will be no bloodshed.




Cyan Lemea prides herself on being very perceptive.


She takes after her mother, who actually governs the Lemea Duchy, rather than her father, who appears dull and foolish.


She could distinctly feel it.


‘If I make a mistake, I’ll die.’


The cold, murderous intent that Epherna was directing at her.


It’s an aura that anyone who’s not completely oblivious would recognize.


Additionally, her instincts as a woman informed her.


Never, under any circumstances, should she flirt with the man Ern Astra.


‘Has my father finally gone mad? Asking me to seduce him?’


It’s clear that the man the princess likes is…


Even though she is the Duke’s daughter, the other party is a princess.


This is no joke or prank; it’s something that could get her killed.


And if that wasn’t bad enough, if she were to die, it would lead to a direct confrontation between the imperial family and the ducal family.


The worst-case scenario.


That must absolutely not happen.


‘I’m sorry, Dad.’


In a situation where the family could face extermination, she cannot afford to seduce a man.


Cyan set her guidelines in her mind.


First, she would not be beside Ern. Not in front of him, not behind him. She would stay as far away as possible.


Second, she would remain silent. Every word could be bothersome to a girl in love.


Third, if she did speak, she would either mention Ern and Epherna together or pretend to have no interest in Ern at all.




As long as she follows these rules, she should be able to avoid death from the princess.


Cyan returned to reality and looked at Epherna.


“Try this on. Mister would look good in bright clothes too.”

“But isn’t yellow a bit too much?”

“Just try it on.”


Ern, at the command of his lord, obediently went to the changing room.


A moment later, he emerged dressed in a comical outfit with a picture of a puppy on a yellow background.


‘That’s a bit…’


Isn’t it too much?


Even Merien covered her mouth and laughed.


“Looks good. I think I’ll take that.”


However, Epherna’s expression was suddenly serious.


She turned her head and asked.


“Is it alright to take this?”

“Of course.”


There are several clothes in the Duke’s household, and taking a few of them wouldn’t draw any complaints.


In fact, it would be appreciated to take such clothes away.

But more importantly.


‘…Does she really think it suits him?’


If she’s serious, it can only be said that she’s deeply infatuated.


Looking at Epherna’s happy face.


‘Well… if she’s happy, I suppose that’s what matters.’


As if she had never been angry, Epherna was fully absorbed in choosing clothes for Ern.


She had initially given hints, but those were long gone.


As a result, the guidelines she had set in her mind had also disappeared long ago.


With a much more relaxed mind, she watched Ern and Epherna.


‘They really do look like a couple.’


It’s almost as if she’s picking out clothes for her husband.


Ern, who is taking on the role of husband, only seems to be struggling, but he continues to follow along, seemingly unable to ignore his feelings.


‘The princess must really like him.’


There are no overt emotional expressions.


It’s just the affection felt from her silent dedication that makes one think so.


‘Was the First Princess like this?’


From what she knew, Epherna Grandeum was a genius but a lonely princess.


Three years ago, when her royal background was revealed, she did step into the imperial palace, but the public speculated that she would soon be sold off to another noble family.


However, after the victory celebration party three years ago, her magical talents were revealed, and the Second Prince elevated her status, establishing her as one of the key figures in the country.


Still, she lacked followers around her, as there hadn’t been enough time to form relationships.


She had the ability but not the people.


Thus, she was known as the lonely princess.


It certainly doesn’t seem that way now.


‘Lonely? Far from it.’


“Try these pants on. I think they’d look good on you too.”


“Are there no other colors? The design is good, but… Ah, this one.”


“See, you have great style. With your broad shoulders, anything you wear looks good.”


Look at that.


Her eyes are practically dripping with sweetness.


How could anyone be lonely with someone who loves them so much always by their side?


Every day must be happy.


Of course.


“Can’t we leave now?”


…It must be frustrating too.


‘Good looks and a great body, but no sense.’


How can he not understand the feelings of a woman who likes him so much?


Honestly, it doesn’t make sense.


‘Maybe thinking about my father would help understand.’


Simon Lemea, her father, also went through many hardships before marrying her mother.


To be precise, her mother endured a lot of suffering.


From what her mother said, the one who fell first was usually at fault.


Currently, Epherna’s situation seemed exactly like that.


‘It’s frustrating.’


She wanted to give him a sharp piece of advice.


To wake up.


Doesn’t he realize what feelings the princess has for him?


She was itching to say this.


But she had to hold back.




‘…Why should I hold back?’


Upon reflection, there wasn’t really a reason to restrain herself.


Isn’t it just about clearing up misunderstandings and offering advice on first love?


If she spoke well, Epherna might not turn hostile or wish him harm; she might even like him more.


If the outcome was good, it could lead to a significant favor.


Cyan decided not to hold back.


“Your Highness.”




It’s a good thing she’s perceptive.


I like it.


I wasn’t sure what I would have done if it had been bothersome.


So, I can let it slide.


“Your Highness, could we have a private talk for a moment?”


Asking me for a conversation is quite daring.


What should I say?


If she wants an introduction to a man, I can accommodate that.


If she makes an unreasonable demand, she’ll have to face the consequences herself.


“Your Highness, you like Lord Astra, don’t you?”




“It’s quite obvious. Since when have you liked him?”


How… did she know?


“Oh. Don’t get me wrong. I have no interest in Lord Astra at all.”


I need to revise my evaluation of Cyan Lemea.


“I called Your Highness aside because I found it a bit frustrating. I wanted to offer some advice.”


From a potential rival who might need to be eliminated.


“Be honest. And engage in physical closeness more often. It might sound silly for someone like me, who’s meeting you for the first time today, to say this, but it’s genuinely frustrating and seems necessary.”


Clearly an ally.


“Originally, I was going to tell Lord Astra about your feelings, but that wouldn’t be appropriate. It could lead to serious trouble if done incorrectly.”


She is perceptive.


“Your Highness, if I may be so bold as to ask, is it alright if I speak informally for the sake of advice?”


And bold.


Epherna, inadvertently overwhelmed by the forceful demeanor, revealed her true feelings for the first time since Merien and Bergamot.




They had stayed in the Lemea Duchy for about five days.


Epherna and Cyan Lemea appeared to have become noticeably close.


“If you get the chance, come visit the capital.”

“Oh~ Will you be my personal guide?”

“Well, for you…”


Epherna gave a slight nod.


Cyan smiled as he looked at her.


“Ah~ I’m good at making friends.”


Her social skills are impressive.

To soften up the strict princess in just a few days is remarkable.

I don’t know what method she used, but it’s something to be admired.




“Isn’t it time?”

“Oh right. Let’s head out.”


As Epherna stood up to bid farewell to Cyan.


I took the lead.


“Where were we supposed to go today?”

“To the middle peak.”


For the past three days, Epherna had been searching for the witch and prophet who had forced us to teleport.


She had mobilized detection magic and the Lemea Duchy’s forces, but there had been no results yet.


I asked.


“Is it really necessary to find them? They might be a magician.”

“That person is the prophet who gave you your name. I have something I need to ask them.”

“…You know we’re supposed to head to Duchess Katia’s domain the day after tomorrow, right?”

“Yes. If we don’t find them by then, I’ll give up cleanly.”


The prophet who gave me my name.


At first, I couldn’t recall when I first saw her, but as time passed, I remembered.


During my trainee days, when everyone was pondering their nicknames, there was a woman who called herself the Prophet.


I had asked her to name me, and she said this.


– If it’s a nickname or endearment, Ern would be the right choice. You’re destined to be bound to one person for life. Ern was named after the spelling of that person’s name.


Who could it be?


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



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