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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 32

Notice It (2)

After a day passed, heavy snowfall began in the Duchy of Lemea.


Since the weather made it impossible for even warriors to venture outside, Epherna had no choice but to stay inside the duchy, expressing her boredom.


“…I wanted to go outside.”


Her goal today was to take a comprehensive look around the northern duchy.


Opportunities to visit the north were rare.

She wanted to familiarize herself with the northern environment and check for any problems or deficiencies, but it was impossible in this weather.


“It’s not so bad to take a little break, you know. You’ve been exploring enough for a few days.”

“The more opportunities I have to look around, the better.”

“Still, rest for today.”


Just yesterday, she had overused teleportation and detection magic several times in a day, ruining her condition.


If there are tough days, there should also be days to rest.


Having struggled enough for several days, it was right to take a break today.


“Is there anything you want to do?”



Nothing particular came to mind.


It was different from before.


For ten years, she had lived trapped in a house, and there were countless things she wanted to do. But after living in the Imperial Capital, worn out by education and work, she couldn’t easily think of anything to do.


“I want to eat the food you make, Mister.”


Cooking was the only thing she could think of.


Since indoor activities were very limited, nothing else came to mind.


“Alright. I’ll cook for you.”


Ern headed to the kitchen.


He called for a servant to get permission to use the kitchen and walked while pondering what to make.


“Planning to follow?”


He asked Epherna, who was sticking closely beside him.

At first, he thought she might be heading to the bathroom, but considering the route, that wasn’t the case.


“I’m planning to cook too. I want you to try my dish, Mister.”

“What dish?”

“Fried rice.”

“Why not try something else?”

“I think it’s better than messing it up.”

“It’s okay to mess up. That’s how you learn.”


It’s not like he was good at cooking from the beginning.


There was a time when he almost blew his cover on a kitchen infiltration mission because he was so bad at cooking.


He had practiced, but a top-tier chef’s kitchen was indeed different.


“First, cut the vegetables. I’ll tell you the rest later, so get used to handling the knife.”


Epherna spent time getting accustomed to handling the knife in the kitchen.


Though she had learned before, she hadn’t practiced for three years, making it difficult to get used to cutting.



“Careful now.”


In the end, Epherna cut her finger.

Ern put a band-aid on her and stood behind her.


Epherna wasn’t good with a knife.

He thought it best to teach her step-by-step from the beginning.


“Tuck your fingers in, so you don’t cut yourself.”


He held her hand.

Just like when he first taught her cooking three years ago, Ern began cutting slowly.




– You need to have more physical contact. Show your femininity. But it has to be natural.


When Cyan had said those words, Epherna honestly didn’t understand what they meant.


To have a lot of physical contact naturally?


It meant increasing physical contact while behaving as usual, but she doubted it was even possible.


Now, thinking about it, she understood.


‘This is what it meant.’


It wasn’t complicated.

It meant to feel this warmth more often.


“Mister, try this.”

“That’s raw meat.”

“No, it’s fine. It’s pork meat that only exists in the north, so it’s safe to eat raw. Cyan told me.”


Mister leaned in and ate the meat she handed him.


“Really? It’s meat, but it tastes like raw fish. What’s this?”


He pointed to a vegetable that looked like a cucumber.


“It’s a pumpkin. It’s watery and mushy, but it tastes good too.”


He took the bite-sized piece and ate it in one go.


Seeing him do so with such cuteness made the corners of her mouth naturally lift.


“You’ve got something on your lips.”


She reached out to wipe the corner of his mouth.


They continued cooking.

Epherna slowly cut the vegetables with her clumsy knife skills.

Ern focused on managing the fire and adjusting the seasoning.

Although it turned out that all she did was chopping, Ern constantly reassured her that it was okay.


They ate the food they made, filling their bellies.

They even took a walk outside once the heavy snow had calmed, making the day that she thought would be boring pass by in a flash.




Cyan Lemea’s room.


She was still working hard for the livelihood of the northern region when she heard a knock on the door.


Knock. Knock.


“Sister, may I come in?”


It was her younger brother, Hon Lemea.


“Yes, come in.”


With a creak, the door opened.


A young man who looked just like their father, Simon, approached her.


“Good evening, Sister.”

“Enough of that. What is it?”

“Mother wants to have dinner together tonight.”

“I thought I told her I’d eat separately tonight.”

“We haven’t had a family meal together in a long time. She seems to be quite disappointed.”

“…Alright. You can go.”


Hon Lemea did not turn away.


He still had something to say.



“What is it?”

“The Princess went out for a walk.”


“Wouldn’t it be better to assign her a guard?”

“The Personal Guard is already with her. Unless Father is planning an attack, there shouldn’t be any danger.”


The imperial Personal Guard is recognized by everyone as powerful.

They are people who can sacrifice their lives to protect their lord.

Especially with the Commander of the Astrape Special Forces, Ern Astra, Hon Lemea also knew him well as a genius of the Empire.


Though he belongs to the covert division, he has been the confidant of the Second Prince since he was 17, standing shoulder to shoulder with heroes who subdued the Demon King.

However, now known as the loyal servant of the First Princess, he is only 26 years old.


Hon Lemea is 22 this year.

Among his peers, he is considered one of the strongest, but compared to when Ern was at the same age, he falls short.


There is no doubt about Ern Astra’s skills.

He is even personally envious of him.

However, separate from jealousy, Hon found the behavior of Ern towards the First Princess suspicious, especially as the heir of the Duchy of Lemea.


“Sister, it’s concerning. For the past few days, hasn’t the First Princess been searching around the duchy as if looking for something?”

“We have nothing to hide. Let her search if she wants.”

“What if she’s trying to find something to blame us for…”



“Use your wits. Why do you think Father is staying quiet?”


Cyan put down her pen.


“Both Father and you are too dull. Are you getting along with your fiancée?”

“…Recently, we’ve only been exchanging letters frequently.”

“Are they all from her side? How about you, do you send any?”


“Geez. I feel sorry for your fiancée. She seemed like a good girl, why did she fall for someone like you?”


Hon Lemea’s brow furrowed.


He only mentioned his suspicions and now had to listen to this?


“…Sister, it’s not like you’re one to talk, not being engaged and all.”



Cyan’s pupils shrank at Hon’s impulsive remark.


Bringing up her engagement, or lack thereof, was one of the things one should never do with Cyan.


“Hey, do you want to die?”


That evening, the only siblings of the Lemea Duchy were severely scolded by their furious mother all night long.




The morning dawned and the carriage bound for the Duchy of Katia arrived.


“See you at the New Year’s Festival. I’ll definitely be there.”

“I’ll be waiting.”


While Epherna and Cyan exchanged their goodbyes, I conversed with Simon.


“See you at the New Year’s Festival.”

“Yes. I’ll be bringing a few warriors with me, so please take care of them.”

“Take care of them?”

“There are many warriors curious about how you maintain your physique. They didn’t have a chance to ask this time, but the festival lasts three days, so there should be plenty of time.”

“…I’d rather not. It could lead to misunderstandings, so please keep them under control.”

“Well, some of these warriors are pretty rough and don’t always listen to me. Even though it’s the New Year’s Festival, I’m not sure they’ll behave.”

“If that’s the case, one of us will end up dead.”

“I’ll do my best.”


Simon smiled sheepishly.


Despite his words, he would do his utmost to avoid tarnishing the name of Lemea at the New Year’s Festival.


After finishing our conversations with our acquaintances, Epherna and I boarded the carriage.

As I was about to instruct the coachman to depart, a voice echoed in my mind.


[Don’t come here for a while. Some lunatics have used the Demon King’s power to spread a curse, making it dangerous.]


Epherna seemed to hear the voice too, as she nodded beside me.


More importantly, how did they transmit their voice?

If I knew how, I would at least thank them.


[No need for thanks. You’ll probably curse me more later on.]




A smile spread across my face.


“Please depart.”


I instructed the coachman, and the horses clopped as we set off.


Our destination was the Duchy of Katia, the domain of Bergamot, Epherna’s mentor.

It was also where I caused a significant incident four years ago.


“Mister, where did you say our next lodging would be?”

“There’s a good inn in the direction we’re heading, north of here. It’s a tavern, but the food and lodging reviews are good.”

“A tavern? If the food and lodging are good but it’s known as a tavern, does that mean they specialize in drinks?”

“The owner is a bartender.”

“I see.”


Epherna showed a hint of curiosity.


“If there’s a profession like a bartender, they must have a wide variety of drinks.”


“A little. I’ve never tried alcohol.”

“Then you should try it this time.”

“But I’m underage.”

“One drink is fine. It’s better to learn now than make mistakes later.”


For reference, the first time I got drunk, I slapped Schneider.


I’m still wary around him because of that incident. Since Epherna is royalty, if she creates such a blunder, it could cause various problems.


It’s better to prevent that if possible.


Ern’s judgment would, in time, lead to an unforgettable and regrettable incident for Epherna.


He never thought of it.


He never anticipated what Epherna would be like when drunk.


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



not work with dark mode