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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 39

If We Ever Have a Child

The reason illusion-type magic is difficult is because it involves the mind.

The mind is like the function of the brain when it’s active. Since this kind of magic needs to move and manipulate the brain, it inevitably becomes complex and ambiguous.


“…As expected, the conditions are still tricky.”


Condition one: The target must close their eyes and stay still.
Condition two: The target must maintain a calm mental state.


It’s good that absolute hypnosis worked, but if even one of these conditions hadn’t been met, it would have failed.


“Mister, your hand.”


When I held out my hand, he quietly took it.


“Hug me.”


He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me.


“Tighter. And stroke my back.”


I could feel his arms squeezing my body.
The heavy pressure and the feeling of his hand stroking my back made it feel like my brain was melting.




I’m happy. Has he ever hugged me this tightly before?


If he ever hugged me like this of his own will, my body and heart might completely melt away.


‘But… it’s still not enough.’


I’m satisfied enough, but this isn’t what I truly want.


I feel like I won’t be satisfied until I have his heart completely.


“Let go of me and look at me.”


He loosened his arms and leaned back to look at me.


“Can you use magic?”


He nodded, and I had him try a simple ignition spell.


Seeing him use mana and cast the spell, it seems like it’s possible to make him perform magic or fight.


‘I can control his physical and mana-related actions, but it seems I can’t move his heart.’


I’ve tested everything I wanted to test.


“Alright. Give me a lap pillow.”


He sat down immediately.


I laid my head on his thigh.


“Pat my head too.”


He began to stroke my hair.


Even in a hypnotized state, his characteristic gentle touch didn’t change.




There’s still plenty of time until we arrive.


So, just for a little while, maybe this is okay.




The time left until their arrival at the Imperial Capital was one day.
Since there wasn’t much to do until then, Ern was using his ability of his eyes to observe Epherna’s magic.


“This part here has a different arrangement.”


The eyes’ ability allows him to see the flow of mana.
In other words, to Ern, mana and magic are like simple arrangement patterns formed by various particles.

Of course, the ability to control and memorize these is a different matter, so he hasn’t achieved the level of a genius like Bergamot, but he still had the ability to give advice to any mage.


“Does this work?”
“Move it about 0.3 centimeters to the left.”


Epherna, who had now surpassed him in magic, didn’t consider his advice as mere pointers.

Since she had been taught by him in this way since childhood, even if she tried to think of it as meddling, it just felt natural, so she never felt offended.


Based on Ern’s advice, Epherna expanded a large detection spell.

Her detection range, now capable of manipulating external mana, had increased to a whopping 1.8 kilometers.

Not only had the range tripled from its original size, but the density of detection had also increased, allowing for even more detailed sensing.


Epherna surveyed the surroundings as if looking down from the sky.

Taking in all the information within a 1.8-kilometer radius at once could make one’s head explode, so she started slowly from the limits her mind allowed. Eventually, something caught her detection.


“Someone… in the sky?”


Focusing her mind, Epherna closely examined the person flying in the sky.


He had wings extending from his back.

He looked more like an angel than a human. Epherna quickly identified who it was.


“A Clearie Shaman?”


At that moment…


The Clearie Shaman, detected by Epherna, noticed her detection magic and began a rapid descent toward the ground.


“…! Mister!”


Ern stepped out of the carriage and looked up at the sky.

The Clearie Shaman had also entered his detection range, and although the Shaman showed no intention of attacking, this didn’t matter to the Imperial Guard.


With a single layer of physical reinforcement, Ern leaped into the sky.
At the same time, Epherna’s mana enveloped him, enabling the realization of levitation magic.


“Stop right there!”


Ern shouted at the Clearie Shaman approaching with his wings spread.
The unknown man stopped in mid-air, stepping on the void as if it were solid ground.
Ern looked at his face and smiled wryly.


“What brings you here?”


He already knew the reason for this visit.

It would be strange if he didn’t know.
Just yesterday, he had discussed the institution this man oversees with Bergamot.
He had thought that the Shaman might pass by nearby, but it seemed they had run into him by chance.


“A familiar face, Lord Astra.”


Elder of the Clearie Shamans and one of the heroes who defeated the Demon King.


Solendril Clearie


The headmaster of Lurun Academy spoke to me.


“The time for the Princess to enroll in the Academy is approaching. But isn’t there a rather troubling situation because of you? It seems I might be able to help with that.”




As I’ve said repeatedly, it’s been a long time since the Empire and the Shamans signed a peace treaty.


The Shamans and the Empire, without almost any warfare, became as close as brothers, and the very symbol of this relationship stands before me: the Clearie Shaman.


“Let’s put official matters aside for a moment. Comrade, how have you been?”
“Why are you asking when you already know my situation? It’s clear as day that I couldn’t even retire and am stuck rolling around in the Imperial Guard.”
“Even so, your mood doesn’t seem all that bad. It seems your fiancée, the First Princess, is treating you well.”
“…Has the rumor spread this far already?”


It’s only been two days since that happened!


“They say rumors travel a thousand miles without feet. It’s already been in the newspapers.”


…This is driving me mad.


How did it spread so quickly? I knew this would happen, but now that it’s actually out, it’s giving me a headache.


“What’s the reaction? From the Academy students, or… those sorts of people.”
“Isn’t it what you expected? The male students, despite never having met the Princess, are experiencing heartbreak, and the female students are writing romantic novels in their heads. Plus, with the Princess enrolling next year, things will only heat up more.”
“This is serious.”
“Indeed. Especially since your unclear origins will come back to haunt you.”


That hit a sore spot.


I’ve been pretending not to notice, but my origins and the achievements I accumulated during my time with the Astrape Special Forces were erased by the Second Prince.


Those in the know are aware, but the average noble doesn’t know that I, Ern Astra, even exist.


Because of that, even though there were seven who defeated the Demon King, they referred to the “Six Heroes,” excluding my name.


And now that a peaceful era has begun, there’s no opportunity to earn new merits.

If I were to bring up my past achievements with the Special Forces, it would only reveal the darker side of the Empire, which could have negative consequences.


I’ve been wrestling with these issues lately, but standing before me is Solendril, the very person, or rather Shaman, who could resolve all these problems.


“If you have an opportunity to prove your abilities at the Academy, I’m sure you won’t miss it.”
“Whether I get that opportunity depends on your mood, doesn’t it?”
“Haha. That’s not quite what I meant.”


Solendril’s eyes twinkled as he hinted that all it would take is a small favor.


“I’d like to hear more about this favor.”




Epherna, who had flown over unnoticed, suddenly appeared.


“Hmm…? Ah. The Princess. I’m seeing you for the first time.”


Solendril responded with a casual expression.


“I greet the great King of Clearie.”


As one of the three kings who govern the Shaman nation, Solendril held a status so high that even Epherna, the First Princess of the Empire, had to show him respect and courtesy.


“I’ve heard that you were the last student of Duchess Katia… Your achievements are indeed impressive. It’s almost embarrassing to compare you to the Academy’s students.”
“Your praise is too generous.”
“I don’t give out undeserved praise. I always speak the truth. For us, any falsehood in evaluation is considered a sin.”


The Clearie Shamans are born with wings.

From birth, they learn to fly from their parents, which is why they hold strict standards and principles when it comes to teaching and learning. This is one of the reasons why the Elder of Clearie, Solendril, could become the headmaster of Lurun Academy.


“But more importantly, we were discussing how Lord Astra could build his credentials. It’s a simple matter, isn’t it? You just need to become a professor and demonstrate your abilities. My only condition is that you take a position as a professor. With your skills, you could teach the students a great deal.”

“I’d prefer to enroll as a student, if possible.”

“How shameless.”


…So it’s not going to work.


“I’m aware of my age. I’ve been through a war—how could I compare myself to the students? Attempting to do so would be embarrassing.”

“You understand well.”

“However, if the Personal Guard is to stay close to the Princess, enrolling as a fellow student is the best course.”



It’s a long-standing tradition and custom for the Imperial Guard to enroll in the Academy alongside members of the imperial family.

The Second Prince had no personal guard, so it wasn’t an issue, but this situation was a first.


Because of this…


“…Let’s revisit this discussion at the New Year’s Festival.”


Solendril chose to postpone the matter for the time being.


There was still time before enrollment at Lurun Academy, so he decided to take some time to think it over.


“I don’t think I’ll be able to attend the engagement ceremony, so I’ll offer my congratulations in advance. I hope you have a beautiful daughter or son.”


With those words, Solendril spread his wings, swiftly took to the sky, and returned to the Academy.


As Ern watched him leave, he muttered to himself.


“Talking about children already… We’re not even married yet…”


Isn’t he getting ahead of himself?


Although the engagement will happen, once the rumors die down, it will likely be called off.


As he pondered this, Epherna, standing beside him, asked,


“Mister, if we were to have children, do you think you’d prefer a daughter or a son?”


A sudden question.
Epherna, seeming to understand his surprise, added,


“Just hypothetically. If it were to happen.”


“I’m just curious.”


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



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