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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 41


The specialty of the Kyne Special Forces is espionage and intelligence gathering.

When I first enlisted, there were no such distinctions, so we had to do everything. But after I became the Special Forces Commander, the roles started to become more defined.


“You want me to lure a few of the Kyne troops?”


“Hey. Don’t you know that just a few days ago, I had to take them all the way to Triaina and the Second Prince was uncomfortable about it?”

“That’s why I’m asking you to do it secretly. I wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise. Besides, they don’t seem to have much to do these days anyway.”

“Still, you idiot. You know those Astrape Special Forces guys can receive orders at any time. They’re not going to agree easily.”

“If it’s the order from the former Special Forces Commander, wouldn’t they reluctantly comply? I can’t imagine that the great Valtean Edrick would be afraid of the current commander.”

“You little…”


After the roles became defined, the personalities of the members of the Special Forces became more distinct as well. The specialty of the Kyne Special Forces is espionage and intelligence gathering. In other words, the current Kyne Special Forces Commander is one of the few men who terrifies Valtean.


“…Sigh. Fine, I’ll try to contact them. If it doesn’t work, we’ll just have to let it go.”


“Of course.”


I smiled broadly.

Honestly, I could have contacted them myself, but even I’m too scared to do it.




As for the Tesron operation, I had to wait and see what happens now.

We need to slowly observe and monitor the situation.

Whether it turns out well or not, gathering information takes time. In the meantime, as I busied myself with preparing for the New Year’s Festival, time flew by in an instant.


On the day of the New Year’s Festival.


Many nobles have gathered in the Imperial City today to celebrate the New Year and strengthen their camaraderie.

But in reality, it’s nothing more than a grand event to rank who did well and who didn’t over the past year.


“…So, my brother hosted these kinds of parties every year.”


When Epherna said she felt a tiny bit of respect, I couldn’t help but laugh.


Now, only about half of the nobles have gathered at the Imperial Palace.


They’re all laughing, chatting, eating, and drinking, but the occasional unpleasant remarks are ceaseless.


I considered using magic to block the noise, but since important news occasionally trickles in, I couldn’t do that.


“Your Highness, the Duke of Lemea has arrived.”


Epherna’s face brightened at this news as well.


Since it must have taken several days for the Duke to arrive with his retainers, it would be polite to greet him warmly.


Epherna exchanged greetings and pleasantries with Duke Lemea, while I quietly observed his retainers.


‘The eldest son and daughter, the second son and second daughter, and even his wife… they’re all here.’


It must have been difficult to prepare and bring everyone, but they all came. I’m grateful, but I also feel a bit sorry.


The Duke of Lemea signaled to me with a glance.


“It seems you’ve been doing well.”


I nodded and replied.


“I’ve been busy.”


“I’ve heard the news.”


He’s probably referring to the engagement.


“Well, it happened somehow.”


“I had hoped, but it was as expected.”


“… Yes?”


“You still have no clue. I’m relieved.”


Just as I was about to ask what he was talking about.


“Are you going to talk nonsense?”


Simon’s wife, the Duchess of Lemea, scolded him from the side.


This was my first time seeing the Duchess of Lemea.

I recall she was the daughter of a viscount, and seeing Count Leus’ face, she must be from that family.


“It’s nice to meet you, Lord Astra.”

“Nice to meet you as well.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Thank you for protecting my husband.”

“That’s a story from long ago.”


She was referring to when we subdued the Demon King. It was nearly ten years ago, so even I had almost forgotten about it.


“I should be the one thanking you. I never expected you to personally come and bring your children.”


This is only the second time the Duke of Lemea has brought all his children to the New Year’s Festival.


The first was when the Second Prince hosted his first New Year’s Festival. Today is the second time.


“Lord Astra, my family owes you a lifelong debt of gratitude.”


But that alone isn’t a sufficient reason to bring the entire family to the New Year’s Festival.


The Duchess knows.


Who will be the next heir to the throne?

Whether she learned it from the Duke or figured it out herself, she’s a woman of deep insight.


As I exchanged brief words with the Duchess, I realized that most of the nobles had arrived.


Among the many nobles, Bergamot was also present.
After having a conversation with Epherna, just like Duke Lemea, she approached me.


“It’s been a while, child.”

“We met just three weeks ago.”

“That wasn’t long at all. A year ago, we were meeting every day.”

“Where is the acting head of the family?”

“He’s talking with the other nobles.”


Bergamot subtly gestured to the right with her eyes.

When I looked in that direction, I saw the acting head of the family, Damien, surrounded by nobles, engaged in conversation.

It looked like it would take more than ten minutes to wrap up, given the number of people around him.


“That must be exhausting.”

“Yes, it is. After all, he’s not the actual head of the family, just the acting one. Oh, and I have some good news!”

“Good news?”

“I’m pregnant.”



So, is this the seventh or eighth?


I’m not sure, but it certainly is a lot.


“It’s only been a few days. We conceived right after you left.”

“Right after? But can you already know you’re pregnant?”

“Three weeks is enough to confirm. The technology these days is really advanced.”

“Oh… I see.”


I thought it took at least a few months to find out.


“Make sure to enjoy the party. There are quite a few nobles here who know you, aren’t there?”

“Yes, but only those of the rank of Count or higher.”


The number of nobles ranked Count or higher is less than twenty in total. Of those, about ten know that I was part of the Astrape Special Forces.

Only about seven of them seem to be attending the New Year’s Festival.


Besides, only the Dukes would acknowledge me, so my identity as a former member of the Special Forces remains well concealed.


Wait a minute.
Could this lead to rumors?


A man who is supposedly part of the Personal Guard but is being warmly greeted by Dukes?

Naturally, the nobles might become suspicious of me, and there will surely be those who try to figure out my true identity.


‘…I didn’t anticipate this.’


I was so focused on how to disguise my nonexistent background that I didn’t think about how to handle this unexpected situation.

My mistake was assuming the Dukes would handle everything smoothly.


‘I need to inform her.’


First, I should take Epherna to the terrace and let her know.


Just as I thought that and was about to signal her, I noticed Epherna was already standing in the center of the banquet hall, under the open sky.


‘Ah, she’s about to do it.’


I stepped back a little from Epherna.

Seeing me, Epherna raised her hand toward the sky.

Just as the external mana began to stir—


Dong—! Dong—! Dong—!


The bell announcing the New Year’s festival rang.

The nobles proficient in magic all turned their eyes to her, and Bergamot let out an intrigued sound as she watched.

Mixing her mana with strong intent, Epherna conjured up a burst of flames, which she then shot into the sky, creating a golden light.


What followed was reminiscent of the party three years ago.

The firework she had launched exploded, setting off a grand display in the sky.


Epherna gathered mana once more and launched another firework.


Unlike three years ago, Epherna’s skill was much more refined, creating fiery images all around the banquet hall as she launched the fireworks.


The nobles’ reactions were divided.

Those who remembered the party from three years ago were reminded of the past, while the nobles skilled in magic were astonished by her remarkable achievement.


When did she learn to paint pictures with magic?

I watched her with quiet admiration as she smiled, her gaze meeting mine. She mouthed the words to me.


What do you think? Impressive, right?


Yes, it’s impressive.




Raising you was worth it, with no regrets at all.




After putting on a spectacular show, Epherna recited the New Year’s greeting that the Second Prince used to recite every year.


Afterward, she stepped out onto the terrace to cool off, leaving the seat on the platform.


Seeing this as my chance, I approached her and spoke.


“Your Highness, there’s an issue I need to discuss.”


“I’m aware. You’re concerned about the dukes warmly greeting you and having conversations, right?”


So she had noticed.


That makes this conversation easier.


“If it becomes known that someone from the Special Forces is now in the Personal Guard, it won’t be viewed favorably.”


The Special Forces mostly consisted of former commoners who had once lived in the slums.


In a nation that places great importance on bloodlines, the idea of someone with a lowly background like mine taking on a crucial role in the Imperial Guard would not only cast me in a negative light but also draw unfavorable attention toward Epherna.


“But there’s one exception to that, isn’t there?”


I realized what Epherna was hinting at.


“A hero… you mean.”


A hero, of which there are less than ten in any given generation.


In this generation, there were seven, but one had died, and another had been excluded.


I was the one excluded, being a former member of the Astrape Special Forces, whose identity was supposed to be erased.


“Yes. If you’re recognized as a hero, you could even receive a title, and the way people look at you would change completely.”


“I’m not a hero. If you’re talking about the Demon King’s defeat, that wasn’t my doing.”


I’ve committed sins.


Acts so unimaginable that Epherna couldn’t even begin to comprehend them, crimes too grave to speak aloud.


The blood I’ve spilled through those deeds can’t be wiped clean with the small handkerchief of my contribution to the Demon King’s defeat.


“You are a hero.”


Epherna placed her hand on my shoulder.


“I’m not the only one who says that. The Dukes say it too. Everyone in the Empire says it.”


Her words made something dawn on me.


“Don’t just think about the people you’ve killed. Don’t only remember those you’ve hurt. And don’t lie by saying you don’t care.”


Perhaps this was all part of a plan.


A plan to deceive me, to lure me to the terrace and create this very moment.


“For every person you’ve killed, there’s someone you’ve saved. And that number is far greater than you think.”


Yet, for some reason, I don’t feel bad about it.


Epherna summoned a piece of paper with a spell.


It was an official document bearing the Emperor’s seal.


“And I’m one of those people.”


The document recognized Ern Astra, the former commander of the Astrape Special Forces and now a member of the First Princess’s Personal Guard, as the seventh hero of the Empire, … revealing my identity and past actions to all.


“This is my New Year’s gift to you.”


Epherna smiled brightly.


“It’s also my way of repaying you.”


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



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