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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard Chapter 52

Sweet Fantasy (1)

The midterm exams were over, and the class dropouts had been sorted out one way or another, so now it was time to prepare for departure to the Eastern Principality.


“At the very least, you must return within a month. Any longer will be considered an unexcused absence according to academy policy.”

“Understood. About 14 days should be sufficient.”


It’s not like I’m going to a distant place; it’s just a neighboring country.


The Eastern Principality has a far better transportation network with the Empire, making travel both convenient and quick.


Now that I think about it, if I go to the East this time, it means I will have visited all regions except the South.


In just a few months, I will have traveled around the continent.


Though I can’t say I’ve visited every corner of the continent, I’ve certainly traveled a lot.


I wonder if I might end up going to the South as well.


“Headmaster, by the way, who is the current leader of the shamans?”


Shamans are divided into three major races:


Forest, Clearie, and Ocean.


Each race has its own Elder, with Solendril being the Elder of the Clearie and having been the leader of the shamans until five years ago.


“Currently, it’s the Elder of the Forest.”

“Oh right, that’s how the sequence goes.”


The leader of the shamans changes every specific period.


For example, if Solendril was the leader of the shamans for a 4-year term, the Elder of the Forest will become the leader for the following 4 years.


If asked why this method of appointing a leader is used, it is related to the Leaf of Spring, one of the essences from the mythical era.


The Leaf of Spring comes from the World Tree of Spring.


Shamans cannot help but covet the essence of the World Tree, which is also the origin of Shamans, both symbolically and instinctively.


The Forest, Clearie, and Ocean races have long fought over who should possess the Leaf of Spring. After determining that such disputes should end, they decided to come to an agreement.


They set a period to determine which race will represent the shamans, and the Elder of that race would manage the Leaf of Spring.


Although initially there was considerable opposition, the proposal was eventually accepted and has been maintained ever since.


“Please take good care of it. Recently, the Princess has been quite concerned about the essences.”

“That’s not something for me to handle. It’s already beyond my control.”


Is that so?


Come to think of it, yes.


“Oh, and Headmaster, there is something I would like to ask you personally.”

“Personally? From you?”

“Yes. I was wondering if you know any experts in summoning magic.”

“Are you looking to make a contract?”


At this point?


Ern shook his head as Solendril looked at him with that expression.


“It’s not me but the Princess who wishes to make the contract.”

“Oh. That’s good news indeed.”


As the Elder of the shamans, a race that lives in harmony with nature, he knew about Epherna’s vast affinity with nature.


And he secretly hoped that Epherna would form a contract with a good spirit beast.


Despite being a princess, Epherna was still his student.


“If that’s the case, I know of an exceptional individual. I’ll introduce you once you return from the Principality.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t you have any intention of making a contract yourself? Although it’s a bit late, having one spirit beast could be quite useful.”

“That’s not possible for me. If it were, I’d have had several by now.”


Solendril looked puzzled.


“Perhaps it’s because of my half-Dragon Clan blood, but spirits seem to dislike me.”


In the past, Ern had tried to form a contract with a spirit with the help of a summoner.


However, the spirit trembled in fear at the sight of him, and the contract was immediately nullified, shattering his hopes.


“It’s understandable. The Dragon Clan has never been well-regarded among spirits.”


The Dragon Clan could be seen as standing above the pinnacle of spirits.


Though they should have been respected by spirits as the predecessors of modern spirits, the respect turned into fear after their numbers dwindled.


“Anyway, have a good trip. Take care.”




In reality, the Eastern Principality had long been a vassal of the Empire.


After the war ended, the Eastern Principality became a vassal of the Empire almost immediately. However, it took some time for the devastation left by the war to be fully addressed and for the land and cities to be rebuilt.


Now, as reconstruction and recovery are nearing completion, the existing subjects of the Principality and those of the Empire live together in a manner indistinguishable from the Empire itself.


For reference, the current figure replacing the previous ruler of the Principality is Darion, one of the Seven Heroes and the Knight Commander of the Imperial Knights.


He is a towering figure known as the Empire’s Last Shield.


Inside the carriage speeding towards the Eastern Principality, Epherna is processing the pile of documents that had accumulated while she was at the academy at a dazzling speed.


“The Academy was quite a constraint…”


Ern muttered absentmindedly.


Epherna, with her round glasses on, moved her pen like a machine inside the swaying carriage.

Her skill and efficiency suggested she might be addicted to work.


After all, she had spent four years seated at a desk, holding a pen.

The slight swaying of this state-of-the-art magic engineering carriage was unlikely to bother her.


Ern wondered if there was anything he could do to help but shook his head.

All he could do was sort the documents by type to make them easier to read, and that was already done by the time he received them.


The Minister of Finance had pre-sorted the documents for Epherna’s convenience.


‘How does he keep getting better every day?’


The highly competent and capable Minister of Finance, whether or not he is a proponent of progressivism, seems to have no limits when it comes to advancement.


Even now, he had prepared the documents in such a way that would make Epherna’s work easier.


This is why neither the Second Prince nor Epherna could let him go.


When a person is too competent, they tend to be held back.


Looking out the window, Ern saw that they were about to cross the border.


What was once a battlefield with numerous craters seven years ago had transformed into well-maintained roads.


“I’m done.”


As Ern was lost in thought, Epherna, having completed her work, let out a light sigh.


The finished documents only needed to be sent via emergency transmission for royalty, so they would reach the Palace within a few days.

The final touches would be handled by the Minister of Finance.


“Now, you should rest a bit. You haven’t had a chance to relax since we left.”

“Okay. I will.”


Epherna naturally sat next to Ern and rested her head against him.


Ern had become accustomed to such physical closeness from Epherna.


He lowered his shoulder to avoid making her uncomfortable but felt something was lacking.


“Lie down a bit. I’ll use my lap as a pillow for you.”

“…Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’ll wake you up when we arrive, so just sleep.”


Ern understood.


He knew that Epherna was exhausted.


At the Academy, she had to devote a lot of time to prepare for both the midterm exams and practical tests, and she had to expend mental energy and time to win over the inexperienced students.


And that’s not all.


Amidst all this, she also joined a club, spending additional time on activities, and a few days ago, she had even invited Belladriel, one of the Seven Heroes, to discuss detailed matters about the North and to entertain her.


Ern knew better than anyone how hard Epherna had worked over the past month, steadily and diligently using her mental energy.


“Well then…”


Epherna closed her eyes and lay down.


Using Ern’s thigh as a pillow, stretching her legs out, she finally felt a bit of comfort.




“…It’s hard.”


Ern’s thighs, hardened by intense training, were not the most comfortable pillows.

They were high and firm.


But it was still comfortable.


Ern knew it was a contradictory feeling, but it was the best way he could describe it.


Epherna, blinking her eyes like a newborn baby, quickly fell asleep.




There is a memory that seems to rise and fall at the edge of consciousness.


A delicate woman running somewhere while holding him in her arms.


The woman was fleeing desperately.


From men in white robes who were chasing her.


This recurring memory always vanished when she woke up from her dreams.


While dreaming, she could remember all the dreams she had ever had, just like now.


“It’s a dream.”


Epherna immediately recognized that her current state was a dream.


At the same time, she began to recall the details of the dream she had a few days ago, knowing that these memories would disappear once she woke up. She sighed.


“I wish I could just wake up quickly.”


The scene she was seeing was one she had seen countless times before.


Growing weary of it, Epherna focused her mind on waking up from the dream.


Paahh. A small flash of light flickered.


Recognizing it as a sign of waking from the dream, Epherna grabbed the flash without hesitation.


She woke up from the dream.


Upon becoming aware, Epherna heard a voice.


“Dear, it’s time to wake up.”


It was the voice she heard every morning.


Ern’s voice, deep and masculine but soft in tone.






Her eyes widened.


The sudden movement as she sat up caused her back to ache, but that was not her immediate concern.


“What did you just say?”

“It’s time to wake up.”

“Before that.”


“Why am I ‘dear’?”

“Well, because I’m your husband…?”


Ern gave her a look as if to say, “Isn’t that obvious?”


Beneath his expression… a platinum-haired newborn baby who looked like someone was being held in her arms, breathing softly.


“…What’s going on?”


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I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

I Became the Empress’s Personal Guard

황제의 친위대가 되었다, 황녀를 키우고 도망쳤다, I Raised the Princess and Ran Away
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I raised a child from an abandoned house and she turned out to be the princess of the empire. I thought I raised her well, but she's acting strangely.



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