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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 32

Three Will Come (6)

The train, with its tail section torn off, arrived at its destination after running for an extra day. The Sky Island of the 44th floor.

This uninhabited land now resembled a shrunken version of the capital of the vanished kingdom of Andalusia.

There was no one left living there, but the empty buildings and ruins were inhabited by spirits that tested the capabilities of challengers.


Upon the train’s arrival at the platform, Vernong, the head of the Intelligence Department, immediately detained remnants of bees that had plotted a terrorist attack.

Among the survivors were Betty Crow of the Celusia family, arrested on the 1st floor, and Toby Solot of the Franz family, ranked 38th.

It would have been ideal to capture the remaining three for interrogation, but Glesia’s faction had already intervened.


Moreover, without Shien’s interference, obtaining Toby’s identity in front of a pure-blooded mage would not have been easy.

Neither Niflheim nor any other lineage of the Magic Tower had a forgiving nature towards their adversaries.



“Talking about seeing monsters and finding bees cute… Tsk, what a state these captured folks are in.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing. Anyway, it looks like this is the end for Franz.”


Discovered in the first-class aisle, he was in such a state of panic that he couldn’t converse normally.

Engaging in such acts to rescue his missing younger sister had ended poorly.

Given that both siblings had failed in their ascent, a seat might soon open up in the White Families.


Confirming his impending status as a graduate student, the same man who had engaged in those bizarre monologues received gratitude from Vernong for his role in the operation.

He had recently gained some recognition in the lower ranks.


With a clean appearance and impressive skills, he was a talent worth mining even for the Intelligence Department.

If only he didn’t have the habit of staring at his Witch Note even when conversing with adults, he would have been more highly regarded.


“Thanks to you, we arrived safely without stopping the train. Restarting the express involves considerable resources, and if the Void barrier were to close accidentally, it would be quite troublesome.”

“Not at all. It was merely coincidental that I did what needed to be done there.”

“Your performance at the Magic Festival and the Great Labyrinth was impressive. Oh, by the way, I heard you’re from the Haeju School, is that right?”


“Ahem! Leaving that aside, are you acquainted with Shien here?”

“Yes, we were classmates.”


Inquiring about Agnes Aitar’s whereabouts, Vernong received a pointed look from the top ace of Information 2 and fell silent.

Currently, she was wanted for approximately 17 minor offenses, moving around the Magic Tower, feeding the dangerous beings in the canteen, and handling third-grade magic.

Of course, apprehending her, one of the Seven Sages, was practically impossible, making the question merely formal.


“Anyway, since you contributed to the suspect’s arrest, a reward will be issued through the administration. Anything else you’d like?”

“I have one question. Whom does the Information Department suspect as the mastermind behind this t*rrorist attack?”

“Well, that’s a matter of potential misunderstanding, so it’s not yet the time to speculate recklessly. However…”


Now that the train had safely arrived at the Void, the Information Department intended to conclude the matter here.

If there were a group capable of attacking Niflheim, its members would undoubtedly possess a similar level of prowess.

Establishing hiding places within the train and harboring six magicians was not a feat achievable by an ordinary lineage; they must have been at least of the top ranks like the White Families or other pure-blooded lineages.


“I see.”


Clark slowly nodded, closing his Witch Note.

While a normal magician might be grateful to escape involvement in such incidents unscathed, there was no hint of fear in his eyes.

Suddenly, Vernong remembered Toby’s demeanor upon discovery.


Never look him straight in the eyes – he had desperately kept his gaze fixed on the ground.






The investigation committee for the Gate of the Underworld incident was held at the center of the airspace in a majestic structure.

This place, known to be owned by the first Tower Master, had remained a neutral space for hundreds of years as no school could meet the challenge conditions.

The castle was bustling with the footsteps of numerous magicians roaming around.

As I was trying to find the leader of the bees based on the information from Toby and Vernong, Vina gestured to me.


“Where are you going, Supervisor?”

“Oh? I can’t attend the meeting, so I was planning to look around.”

“You seem to have forgotten, but this place is too dangerous for someone of your magical skills, Supervisor. Don’t move an inch until I return; just stay here quietly.”



Her finger pointed to a stone chair that looked so uncomfortable it could make a corpse fidget.

Despite expressing an aversion to dying, Vina’s attitude remained unchanged, as if saying, ‘So what else can we do?’

Left with no choice, I pulled out my trump card.

Now, what used to be a nicely decorated ice cake was quite tattered.


“If I get too bored, I might end up sucking on this cake the whole time during the meeting.”

“No, you won’t. When it’s over, I’ll take you to the ice fishing café you like.”


I’ve never liked that kind of thing.


It seemed that Vina felt an itchy sensation whenever she was interfered with by me.

Therefore, even on the train, she frequently vacated her seat to wash her hands.

With a face that seemed like not a drop of blood would come out even if pricked, her lips or eyebrows trembled whenever I touched the cake.

At its worst, she would suddenly collapse from seemingly sturdy legs, prompting me to quickly withdraw my interference and support her.


“We don’t have much time until we leave the Void.”

“Even so, you can’t come during the meeting. If you want, I can extend the deadline.”

“I prefer to catch up on my backlog right away.”

“Don’t lie. The materials I asked you to prepare for class are always, always…”




When another real crack appeared on the cake, Vina’s mouth immediately shut.

Bringing her knees together, she exhaled harshly, chewed on her lip, and looked up with resentment in her eyes.


“I told you not to, didn’t I…!”


As her waterfall-like hair spilled over her arms, the curves of the beautiful figure wrapped in a black dress became more pronounced.

Passersby couldn’t help but look when they saw her leaning towards me.


“Is it that ticklish?”

“It’s not about being ticklish… Ugh!”


Her reaction was puzzling, given that a magician who could dismantle a train with just her will, rather than physical strength, was at a loss with just one of my fingers.

It was an act that dared not be allowed in any aspect due to the vast gap in status, hierarchy, and fame within the Tower of Magic.


Yet, there was a strange conviction that such antics might be permissible.

After all, everything was possible because she openly allowed for it.

The fact that she still hadn’t undone the spell she had cast was evidence that she was keeping her word.


As the cracks on the cake increased, Vina’s waist trembled even more.

A shallow blush appeared on her ice-like cheeks.

At this rate, I seemed fully capable of shattering the magic entirely.


‘But surely others aren’t like this, are they?’


Suddenly, thoughts of Shien, who had promised to grant magic as a reward for breaking a promise, came to mind.

It seemed to be a characteristic of her Alchemy School; she had always been a character who couldn’t avoid debts.

Come to think of it, before we parted ways, she had even invited me to the next ball together…


“What are you thinking right now?”



In an instant, my focus was disrupted, and her complexion returned to normal.

Although the soles of her shoes continued to tap anxiously on the floor, the previous tenderness was gone.


“Don’t you know that those who interfere with magic might be interfered with in return?”


“That’s what granting means. When a magician like me gets involved, we can easily probe into the head of even you, Supervisor.”


To think such a weakness existed in interference.

As I pondered that I would have to be more cautious to hide my identity, Vina spoke to me.

Her voice carried a hint of jealousy.


“I’ve changed my mind.”


“Supervisor will wait here until I finish the meeting… here… Hmm.”


The gloved hand pointed to the hard floor just under the stone chair.









The members raise their heads and begin their activities.


— I’m bored today, let’s have some excitement.

— It’s been quiet lately; I wish there was a big event.

ㄴ Didn’t an entire board disappear recently? That seems like a significant event.



[So, any results from the investigation committee?]


Does anyone know who unlocked the Great Labyrinth and the Gate of the Underworld?


— It seems to be the work of dark mages, but there’s no concrete evidence yet.

— It’s only the first day; we should keep an eye on it.

— Isn’t the investigation committee just a show? They gathered to seize the rights to the White Families’ territory anyway.

ㄴ Rumor has it that one of the Seven Sages collapsed from above and they’re gathering for that. At least, it’s certain that a special demon-hunting team is being formed.

ㄴ Where’s the “above” for the Sages, for crying out loud?

ㄴ You seem clueless; because of the restriction of one member per school, some have stepped down.

ㄴ Can you do it?




[Trapped on the 44th floor, please help]


I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help…



I decided to change my plans after spending the first day on the cold stone floor without moving a muscle.

After the meeting, I was free to move around at night when everyone was asleep.

Without making a sound toward the room where Vina and Christina were sleeping, I slipped out of the mansion.


The sparse view of people contrasted sharply with the city’s fiery lights, creating an eerie atmosphere.


‘Now what?’


Although I managed to get out due to frustration, as Vina feared, this place was not suitable for my magical skills to be used as a hunting ground.

The condition for climbing the 44th floor was to obtain at least one possession from a location in the Void.

However, because the conditions varied greatly, if I didn’t come out by the time the barrier closed, I would be trapped without a way out.

Vina’s warnings weren’t without reason for me to wander around everywhere.


It was unreasonable to look for the magician who had impersonated me in this vast city, and most of those who attended the meeting would be sleeping in safe places.

There was no attachment to the resources sleeping in the Void, so it was something to challenge when I came here later.


‘Should I just go back?’


I was going to pretend to take a walk late at night and go back to sleep, but I happened to come across a post that had been uploaded to the gallery.



[Guys, I’m in the Void right now and I think I found something amazing]


I was cleaning the conference room and corridors earlier, and I randomly found a passage leading underground.

It was right under that damn stone chair that appeared out of nowhere; could this be a route to obtaining the ownership of this place?



It was the very place where I had been sitting a moment ago.


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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

이세계 마탑의 갤주가 되었다
Score 7.8
Status: Hiatus Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years since transfer to another world What I do inside the Ivory Tower of Truth isn’t much different from what I did on Earth. ==== [If you missed today’s attendance for the ‘Principles and Understanding of Dimensional Glass’ course, you’ll get a penalty] If you want to kill the professor who suddenly changed the classroom with a phase transition 2 minutes before the start of class, go ahead. Hahaha. ==== But why does everyone think I’m the Tower Master?



not work with dark mode