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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 36

Three Will Come (10)

Only less than half of those who enter the Magic Tower succeed in ascending to the middle levels.

Except for the fools who rashly boarded the express train, those currently stationed in the shared airspace are at least 5th rank magicians.

They possess a ‘Curse Name’ based on their past achievements and have begun generating a unique aggregate of their own magic power within their blood.

Among such gathered individuals, not a single magician could escape the meeting room on their own, except for Vina.


“No, I…!”

“Catch that guy!!!”

“Stop the incantation!! What are the security doing!!”

“Don’t let him move a finger!!”

“Hey, you! Contact the Intelligence Department!! There should be some still in the shared Void, right?”

“The Express is suspended! Cut all the tracks!!”

“Shut down the shared airspace! Report that we have found the Administrator!”


The moment Vincent opened his mouth, immense magical power surrounded him from all sides.

The previously favorable gazes that had congratulated him moments ago were nowhere to be seen, replaced entirely by hostility and greed.

If the master of the forum, who had kept his identity hidden until now, revealed himself, what would happen?

This provided the clearest answer to that curiosity.


“Ugh, ack…!”


The sound of his bones breaking like twigs could be heard from his body pinned to the meeting room floor.

Although he was wearing defensive artifacts, they were nothing more than sugar coating against nearly a hundred magicians.

High-ranking magicians can manifest spells that cause immense damage with just a breath full of mana.

Vincent was reduced to a pulp in an instant due to their unanimous decision to subdue him thoroughly before considering any consequences.


— Flesh, flesh…

“There, you see, gently. He might actually die like that.”

— Kill, kill…!

“Wasn’t it? Then keep watching a bit more.”


I raised my sword high so SolSol could see better.

Everyone was so focused on him that they paid no attention to me sitting in the corner.

The forum was naturally what I had to pay attention to.

As expected, an unprecedented amount of posts, difficult to block, were pouring into the forums amid the chaos.



[Has the Administrator gone mad!!!?]


Why self-destruct all of a sudden?


— Oh come on

— Is the forum going to be shut down like this?

— I’m cold, scared…!

— Posts are already being deleted

— Maybe it’s just a joke

— Looks like he posted the wrong post intended for his alt account?

ㄴ What mistake, the declaration is right in the title



[Exposing a p*rverted quirk led to s*icide…]




— Was it really because of bees

— Social s*icide vs actual suicide

ㄴ Seems like both…

— Should we start looking for the next administrator?

— Are you ashamed of the bees?

ㄴ Honestly, a bit

ㄴ If I were exposed, my family would immediately kick me out. Although they only suspect me now, ju, juuuu… Juuuwaaang!

ㄴ Juwaaaaang! Buaaaang!!!

ㄴ Exterminate the bee gang!!



[So Administrator was from the Elemental School?]


Knew it would be like this

No matter how much you slander, the top power in the Magic Tower is ultimately elemental, see?

It was already clear when Meteor is a summon, not spirits, you idiots


— So is Meteor water magic, you idiot?

— What top power, Elemental is only ranked 3rd at best among the White Families

ㄴ Does 3rd rank look like a joke to you? Direct line of the Seven Sages, okay? Haha

— The Elemental School supports the Administrator~

ㄴ Our ‘Tactical Nuclear Research Institute’ supports the Administrator too~

ㄴ ‘Persecuted Fixed Nickname Alliance’ too~

ㄴ Look at all the hidden scum coming out

ㄴ The moment the Administrator is about to die, they reveal their true selves haha



[Breaking news: Vincent captured at Void]


He couldn’t escape since he was in the meeting room.

The atmosphere in the royal castle is utter chaos.

They were dragging him away with shackles on, he couldn’t even walk properly.

A formal announcement should reveal the truth soon?


— So the Administrator wasn’t the Tower Lord after all

— The forum is still running fine though?

— Come to think of it, how could an Elementalist create the forum?

ㄴ The Intelligence Department will figure that out now

— Isn’t this another prank by the Administrator?

ㄴ Starting to cause chaos in reality… this is a natural disaster

ㄴ Got goosebumps all over…

ㄴ I’m so scared



For now, I let the fire burn brighter.

The important thing was that even if the charges were cleared, the investigation process would reveal other crimes.

I considered informing the Sub-Managers, but to deceive the enemy, one must first deceive their allies.



— SuperGeniusBlondeGirl: He’s finally dead, that despicable human.

— SuperGeniusBlondeGirl: He departed with style, even in his exit.

— SuperGeniusBlondeGirl: Now that I’ve regained my freedom, I’ll take my leave.

— SuperGeniusBlondeGirl: If I ever come out of Subfloor 1, I hope it’s not again…

— Administrator: (Photo)

— Administrator: (Night shift schedule)

— SuperGeniusBlondeGirl: Still alive!? Wtehklkjod ianq’wriniheaojeudi



Vincent was pulled towards Mariel’s incessant teasing, and he was put in charge of the early morning shift for a month to shut his mouth.


Anyway, most users seemed to believe that the Administrator, or rather Vincent, would fall thoroughly this way or that.

SolSol was also in a good mood, shaking its body again and again, eager to enjoy the euphoria.

However, not everyone was so optimistic.


Vina, who had just buried the ‘Frozen and even prettier lake scenery’ bread crumb, approached me and said.


“Pack up, Supervisor.”

“Yes? Already?”

“It seems like we’re trying to close the boundary of the public office to prepare for the risk of his escape. We plan to go down before the fast track is cut off as we don’t know how long it will take to open it again.”

“Vina, are you not interested in what will happen to Vincent from now on? I heard that last train terrorism incident was also his destiny.”

“Well, with just that, he won’t be punished as severely as others.”


Unlike the lower ranks of the White Families, the Undra family not only has wealth but also owns many lands throughout the tower.

Vincent himself was originally a skilled elemental magician who was caught due to his own panic rather than his true abilities at the upper echelons.

Though Lake Trafalgar had taken the lake and practically distanced himself from Glesia due to the train terrorism, it did not mean a complete collapse.


“If he really were the Administrator, he would face even heavier charges.”

“Do you not think so?”

“The Administrator was never a timid man who would absolutely transfer his power to me. If that were the case, he wouldn’t foolishly expose himself.”


Because if you were to take on a responsibility, the forum would become an ice magic praise gathering.

It was clear that all the writing that had nothing to do with ice magic would be cut and the iceberg would come.


However, the process was poor, but the results were roughly correct.

There was one thing Vina overlooked.


The reason I wrote with the administrator account from the beginning was that I had no intention of receiving a proper punishment.


“I don’t think he’s really scared.”



There are many haters, but there are also many fans.

Depending on the purpose of the forum, most of them liked it as a concept and light humor, but some of them worshiped me so much that it was like a scratch.


“If you’re going to argue, it’s because you’re in the way.”


Especially to climb the tower.


Even in the meeting room, there were magicians who were in conflict with each other without hitting Vincent.

Even now, in some dead bulletin boards, there was a movement to organize a rescue team to save the Administrator.

If it was revealed that such people had impersonated me.

It was a problem that everyone had to endure how the spark would be.






“So, Sir Vincent has nothing to do with the forum!”

“What about the post here?”


“It was just a joke! How can our elemental faction follow the witches’ scheme?”


The Intelligence Department’s interrogation room hastily set up within the Void.

The Undra family’s defense team desperately denied their criminal actions.


We do not know what the intentions of the administrator’s announcement are, but we have no sins.

The incident on the train only targeted the Glesian faction, and the perpetrators were trying to increase the damage.

There is no clear evidence that the contents of the sniping posts that hunted promising members of other families.

Even if it is a fact, the administration of the Magic Tower cannot interfere between the families, so it is just a moral issue.


“Are you saying that now?”

“Shien. Come out here for a moment.”


“It’s not like that. Outside, now…”


Vincent sighed deeply as the intelligence office and his superior disappeared together.

The magical power circuit screamed because of the beating of the magicians’ suppression.


It was a serious injury that should be treated by the Divine School, but more painful than that was the innermost part.

The envoy sent urgently by the Undra family wiped his sweat and said to him.


“There shouldn’t be any problems.”

“Of course not. The Witch Note?”

“Yes, I’ve incinerated it so that no evidence remains. But Vincent.”

“What is it?”

“Oh, no, never mind.”


The quick-witted wizard closed his mouth, but the doubt in his eyes remained.

People were asking if he was really the leader of the ‘bees’ who had recently emerged as representatives of abnormal s*xual desires on the forum.

At the time, it was not a bulletin board like that, and it was a place where only terrorist plots were planned, so I was angry.


Even Vincent’s own posts had titles like “Wow Aaang” or “Bwaah Aaaang!”, resembling those of a low-intelligence person.

Their contents changed to phrases like “I want to put it in the honey bee’s butt and come Lalala,” or “I can’t stand it anymore after seeing them,” rendering defense useless.


“Um, anyway, don’t worry too much. At most, it’ll just be a fine…”

“Just a moment.”


“What was that just now?”


Reassured by the attorney’s assurance that there would be no going to the first basement, Vincent had just started to relax his gaze when suddenly his disrupted magical circuitry sounded an alarm.

Although there was clearly no sign of any presence nearby, something seemed amiss.


Quickly retrieving his orb to spread his magical senses to the maximum range, Vincent soon noticed something peculiar.

The attorney beside him also realized belatedly and fell into contemplation.


“It seems like the boundary of the Void… has been breached?”



They had hastily sent off the last train and closed the boundary in case someone tried to escape using dimensional magic or similar means.

Now, fragments of it were dispersing throughout the entire shared territory like melting snow, leaving even the Intelligence Department bewildered by the intrusion from an unknown external source.

Sensing the imminent danger, Vincent was about to rise from his seat when…


“What’s this? I thought it might be real, but it’s just an impersonation.”


Before him appeared a girl holding a scale and a bouquet of flowers.

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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

이세계 마탑의 갤주가 되었다
Score 7.8
Status: Hiatus Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years since transfer to another world What I do inside the Ivory Tower of Truth isn’t much different from what I did on Earth. ==== [If you missed today’s attendance for the ‘Principles and Understanding of Dimensional Glass’ course, you’ll get a penalty] If you want to kill the professor who suddenly changed the classroom with a phase transition 2 minutes before the start of class, go ahead. Hahaha. ==== But why does everyone think I’m the Tower Master?



not work with dark mode