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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 44

Knights (7)

“Miss! You’re safe!”

“Douglas? It’s been a while. How did you get here…?”

“Didn’t you send me a message through this magic tool? It was a bit of a struggle, but thanks to it, I was able to make it here.”

“I don’t recall sending anything like that.”


Douglas, who had kneeled on one leg with his body covered in wounds, was observing Mariel, whose face was covered in cream from sticking her tongue into a parfait cup to scrape out the last bit of chocolate.


Right after their conversation, a massive amount of messages from Mariel bombarded them, but they ignored all of them.

In the first place, the only thing he did by impersonating her was to connect her to the Haeju School.

On the contrary, it was thanks to her that the knights, which had nowhere else to go, was able to easily ascend the tower, so it was only natural to receive their thanks.


In reality, the plan to send only one or two of them to the 19th floor was disrupted because their skills were quite impressive. More personnel had managed to maintain their full strength even after the battle.


“One day, they suddenly came to our office.”



Since things had come to this, they decided to step forward to make their contributions known.

As expected, Mariel’s eyes wavered subtly upon hearing the details.

It was the very noble lady moved by the knights who had not forgotten their loyalty even after the fall of their order and continued adventuring.


Time had passed, and the young lady had matured further, while those who had remained unchanged in their hearts looked at each other, unable to continue their conversation.

If it weren’t for the chocolate stains on her lips, the sentiment would have been even more profound. Regardless, it was certainly a positive development.


“Is what you said just now all true?”

“Yes, since you wished to meet Mariel, I helped you in every way possible. Although some wicked dark magicians caused trouble along the way, I dealt with them all.”


“Well… Hah, yes, that’s correct.”


Though it seemed he had much more to say, Douglas did not have the luxury of time to catch up on old times.

The only reason they could stay here was thanks to the consideration of the representatives of the apprentices.

Outside the lounge, mages from the administration who had belatedly grasped the situation, along with Security, were roaming around.


Douglas drew his sword and raised it above his head as he advised.


“Miss, let’s go out into the world together. The time has come to rebuild Holcroft and regain its former glory.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Why not!? Are you no longer interested in maintaining the pride of the Count’s family?”

“Because there are more important matters right now.”


Could they persuade the knights, who seemed determined to take their master by force if necessary?

Mariel, who wasn’t exactly known for high-level thinking, wondered if they could achieve that.


Classes were neglected, and her daily activities consisted of gallery work and the occasional peculiar hair styling. When she came to check, she would lazily pretend to practice magic.


Honestly, even if I were a professor, I would suggest going outside to pursue dreams. I was worried about how to persuade the knights with some elaborate rhetoric.


‘At least it’s a relief that I can’t forcibly kidnap them now that we’ve come this far.’


An anxious atmosphere engulfed the space, as if it might not achieve its goal.


As silence grew longer, more people’s expressions hardened.


Under the light pouring from the magnificent chandelier, Mariel, who had been nodding her head, finally spoke up.


She looked at me with eyes sparkling brighter than the jewels on the ceiling.


“Supervisor, you can leave.”

“Are you sure?”

“This is a matter of my family, so I will handle it myself.”


Although it felt somewhat unsettling to leave her alone, I had my own tasks.


I needed to move Izazel, who had been hidden in the combat zone, to the lounge of the academic faction.


After asking Sera and Arthur, who were outside, to keep a close eye on Mariel, I headed downstairs.


“Ugh, huff… Just a moment!”


While searching through the debris of the partially destroyed 11th floor for a ‘hole’, a familiar member of the knight order called out to me.




“The reason I’m staying in this tower is because of that man who just left.”

“What do you mean…?”

“You must have seen the Supervisor’s skills while coming here, right? Even if I were to go alone, it would be difficult to restore past glory.”


But with Clark’s power, it might be possible.

The knights, including Irene, were too intimidated to even attempt to refute the statement.

They had seen the dark magicians, who normally made them shiver in battle, fall like autumn leaves with a single spear.

However, it was not possible to verify the truth of the statement immediately.


“Did you really write such content on the Monument Stone?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Did he promise to rebuild Holcroft to Miss Mariel?”

“Yes, indeed.”


Mariel elegantly wiped her mouth and placed her hand on her chest as she spoke whatever came to mind.

After all, for the knights, finding a partner for the restoration of the family was more important than revenge against the 4th Prince or completing the mystery.

If that was the case, it was necessary to persuade them even if it meant selling out Clark.

After all, it was just deception—she repeatedly told herself.


“He is already a prisoner of my body, stumbling day and night.”

“Really, Miss Mariel…??”

“I can’t even imagine.”


It seemed certain that he was an extraordinary person, causing internal disagreements within the knight order.

Douglas was also lost in thought, trying to determine whether it was a reasonable matter.


“How does he compare to that rascal from Bayern?”

“Both seem similar in character, but if they served as the head of a family, wouldn’t the one who has already built up a power be better?”

“Nonsense! What if Holcroft ends up being absorbed instead?”

“But a spear is… a less effective weapon compared to a sword.”

“So, do you have confidence in fighting and defeating him earlier?”


As the murmurs continued without abating, Irene quietly stood up.

After saying she would go to the restroom for a moment, she cautiously left the 19th floor.


She descended straight to the 11th floor via the stairs and found Clark near the entrance of the labyrinth.

He was staring down at his sword, muttering to himself.


“This should be the right place… Just relax, you’re from the Summoning School, after all. Can’t even remember the coordinates properly?”



“I, uh, have one thing to ask.”


The moment the spearhead rushed towards the dark magician who was struggling in battle, he recalled something.


Throughout his time working as a receptionist, the face of this dark magician had always been at the top of the missing persons posters distributed by the organization.


One of the Three Great Adventurers who, known as the vanguard of the Lord, had once led an era of illuminating the continent’s uncharted territories.

Feeling a burning thirst, Irene cautiously took a step closer.


“Are you, by any chance, ‘Spearhead’?”

“Not sure?”

“To be honest, yes. No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember the name I saw.”


Before entering the labyrinth, he had said that it was something he would never be able to recall on his own.

It was a matter of the world’s laws or curses.

Nevertheless, the reason for wanting to hear the answer directly was simple.

If he was indeed the Spearhead, Mariel had declared that she would entrust the future of Holcroft to a man who had achieved feats comparable to, if not greater than, the Seven Sages.

It was almost like declaring he would become her husband.


“Does Miss Mariel know about this?”

“If she did?”

“She would immediately go back upstairs, grab the Vice-captain by the neck, and drag him out of the tower.”

“If she doesn’t?”

“Even so… My tasks won’t change.”


Seemingly satisfied with the response, he shrugged and turned his head.

Though neither a denial nor an affirmation was given, it was enough of an answer, so Irene immediately went back up the stairs.


In the lounge, discussions about whether Mariel’s plans were reliable continued without pause.


“Everyone, attention!”


She clapped her hands to draw everyone’s attention and then said briefly.


“Let’s head down now. It seems our role here is finished.”




It had been exactly six days since the Silver Wing Knights had departed for their homeland after illegally intruding into the Magic Tower.

The traces of battle on the 11th floor had long been neatly repaired.


Holding the ‘Ultrasonic Outlaw Repeller’ provided by the Head of the Administrative Department, I knocked on Mariel’s door.

I was skeptical about its actual effectiveness, but it was said to be an artifact that prevented non-magicians from entering the dormitories.


“Come in.”

“I came to install something. Also, I need to practice with this interference device.”

“Do as you please. You’ll end up doing it anyway, whether I like it or not.”

“Well then, excuse me.”


Mariel, still lounging in bed, greeted me. She was communicating with the Count’s family through a Witch Note she had sent to Douglas instead of engaging in her usual forum work.

I wasn’t sure how far the reception range of her communications was, but it seemed she had decided to expand her influence in the city near the Magic Tower rather than the northern regions.


When I turned on the ‘Outlaw Repeller’ after finishing the installation, Mariel suddenly approached and said.


“Supervisor, Supervisor.”


“If you don’t have any other plans, take a moment to spend time with me.”


I did have plans.

In fact, something quite important.


I had drilled a hole in the 11th-floor floor and hid Izazel inside the Great Labyrinth, but I had not yet been able to find her for six days.

She might die soon, so I needed to retrieve her soon.

Fortunately, the Round Table Conference would be held again in a few hours, so that would be an opportune time.

It seemed Mariel’s request wouldn’t take too long.


“Come over here and take a picture with me.”

“A picture? Why?”

“The old elders of the family are quite suspicious. We decided to submit periodic evidence since they might send the knights again.”


Before I could ask what kind of evidence, she threw off her blanket, hugged her pillow, and came close to me.

Her long eyelashes, fluttering hair, and the dress that seemed overly exposed from above were all evident.


She often rushed at me suddenly, but this time her approach was unusually cautious.

Even when practicing with the interference device, we had never been this close.


“Stay still. Don’t move and sit like a stone.”


She extended one arm holding the positioning notebook towards our faces.

As we got close enough for our skin to touch, her hair tickled my cheek.

When I glanced sideways, I saw crumbs stuck to her quivering lips.


So dirty. Should I clean it like usual?

Just as I was debating whether to lift my hand to clean it, Mariel abruptly turned her head.




Her golden pupils, now as large as a full moon, filled my vision.

As I tried to chase the image that had submerged beneath the red sea, I checked the crumbs on my own lips.


With a sensation of electricity flowing from my hair to my toes, we both fell backwards simultaneously.


Thud! Mariel, who had fallen under the bed with a dazed expression, eventually looked up.


Both of us opened our mouths at the same time.


All traces of noble lady’s manners were gone.


“It was a mistake.”

“It was an accident.”

“I clearly told you not to move.”

“I was still from the beginning, but you turned your head.”


After a long period of dismay, we eventually sat on the same bed as if nothing had happened.

We were at the far ends of the bed.


That evening, fireworks could be seen from the dormitory’s window.


According to merchants, it was said that the fireworks were set off by the retainers of a fallen noble family to celebrate a family event.


(TLN: The translation for this series will stop as the whole novel has been cancelled/discontinued, so I do not see a point in continuing. Although I am not sure how Novelpia handles discontinuing (idk if it’s automatic or by the author). Translation may start again if the novel is continued. Bye~)

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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World

이세계 마탑의 갤주가 되었다
Score 7.8
Status: Hiatus Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years since transfer to another world What I do inside the Ivory Tower of Truth isn’t much different from what I did on Earth. ==== [If you missed today’s attendance for the ‘Principles and Understanding of Dimensional Glass’ course, you’ll get a penalty] If you want to kill the professor who suddenly changed the classroom with a phase transition 2 minutes before the start of class, go ahead. Hahaha. ==== But why does everyone think I’m the Tower Master?



not work with dark mode