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I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor Chapter 80

Unnecessary Death



-I forbid it.


That was all Astria said that day.


‘Of course. She is the type of person who believes everyone should move according to her will.’


Usually, when Astria spoke like that, no one could refuse. She was a clear predator. At least as far as Sena knew, there was no one above her.


But Sena had his own ways too.




“Look, Chris.”




The large doors to Astria’s bedroom swung open. Chris, who had been mingling with the newly appointed Imperial Knights, entered with a frown due to a hangover.


And then he saw the person meditating quietly under the bright sunlight on the bed and his eyes widened.


“He’s been like that since earlier. Is Sena broken?”


“…This is.”


Chris approached with a face that showed he could hardly believe it.


Sena, with his eyes closed and not moving a muscle, had his hands neatly placed on his knees.


“Your Majesty, what on earth did you do yesterday?”


“Not much.”


“That’s impossible. This is the first time I’ve seen Sena so angry.”


Astria’s eyebrows twitched.




She glanced at Sena.




“As I mentioned before, Sena’s way of showing anger is quite simple.”


Chris spoke almost like an expert.


“When he’s somewhat angry, he stops talking. When he’s more angry, he stops eating. And when he’s extremely angry, he stops moving.”


Chris extended his hand in front of Sena.


At that moment, Sena opened his eyes. It was the look of a cat ready to bite if touched.


Chris immediately gave up and withdrew his hand. Only then did Sena close his eyes again.


“But to see all three signs at once…”


“All three signs?”


“It means he’s truly furious.”


Chris couldn’t understand it. Recently, the atmosphere between the two had been very good.


“Did you kill someone?”


It was almost a joke, but Astria nodded her head.


“I did. I immediately executed the person who dared to harm my property.”




Chris’s pupils trembled. Killing someone in front of Sena was almost a taboo unless it was a life-threatening situation.


“No, what do you mean you killed someone in front of Sena?”


“…Is it my fault?”


“It is Your Majesty’s fault.”


Chris shook his head. This was indefensible.


Astria folded her arms, looking exasperated.


‘Is this how he shows anger?’


He was truly an insignificant furball.






“I killed that maid yesterday because your authority was threatened.”


Sena half-opened his eyes and stared at Astria with a cold gaze. Astria spoke with an expressionless face.


“Authority that has been threatened once cannot be restored. The same goes even if it was a mistake. Any act of confronting or mocking you is unforgivable. It is also for the sake of my own authority.”


“It was an unnecessary death.”


For the first time in almost 12 hours, Sena spoke. His body still didn’t move.


“Authority exists because there are others. The only person who saw the confrontation with the maid was Your Majesty.”


“The maid was there too.”


“If she knows she’ll die for talking, there’s no one foolish enough to spread it around.”


“Humans still talk even when they know they’ll die. Sena, I’ve seen countless people like that.”


Sena bit his lip. He closed his eyes again and kept his mouth shut.


“He closed his eyes again. What does this mean?”


“It means the last chance has just flown away.”


“…That’s troublesome.”


“But is that really all there is to it?”


Chris felt a sense of unease.


Sena hated seeing people die, but that would only cause a reaction like refusing to eat.


One of Sena’s principles was that once someone was dead, there was nothing that could be done. He prioritized preventing people from making the same mistakes over expressing immediate anger.


“He learned at the council that in the past, I ordered a massacre to fight against the Black Death.”


Chris ran his hand down his face.


“How could you let him find out about that?”


“I still think it’s a very rational response.”


‘What? Was everyone aware except me?’




A harsh glare from Sena pierced Chris.


“At this rate, I’ll end up being hated too. Your Majesty, I’ll take my leave.”


“Where is the Empress’s Guardian Knight going, leaving the Empress behind?”


“Didn’t you once lament that you shouldn’t need protection from someone weaker than yourself? I’m going to train.”


Chris waved his hand and disappeared.


Eventually, the room was left with just the two of them.


After a long silence, Astria sighed.


“Name your conditions.”


Sena still looked dissatisfied, lips tightly sealed, not even glancing at Astria.


“Keeping silent like that won’t change anything.”


“Separate rooms.”


Sena spat out the words.




Astria shook her head.


“I will give you anything else, but not that.”


“I don’t want anything else from you, Your Majesty.”


Astria toyed with her golden hair.


What should she do now?


She was someone who usually got everything done with just a word.


The concept of persuasion was unnecessary for someone in her position.


So, she had no idea how to handle this situation.


-Your Majesty, the time is late.


At Betty’s voice, Sena spoke again.


“You should go.”


“…I won’t leave like this. I’ll go when you calm down.”






Sena’s usually clear blue eyes were colder than ever. His low, soft-spoken voice was filled with anger.


Astria, who could face an army of 100,000 without flinching, was completely subdued by Sena’s aura at this moment.


“Uh, okay.”




“Evidence has been found that Labella has mobilized a large merchant group.”


“It seems likely that Labella is the main instigator of this commotion.”


In the audience chamber, Astria sat on the throne, resting her chin on her hand.


She considered the recent disturbance in the mountain range quite significant.


Before a major flaw appears, there are usually several smaller ones. These are warnings, and ignoring them leads to significant consequences.


What happened in the Giaanan Mountains seemed minor on the surface, but the timing was problematic.


The Empire was currently recovering from a significant wound. For hyenas targeting an injured beast, there couldn’t be a better opportunity.


Astria believed it might be part of a larger scheme. Although she typically didn’t involve herself in such trivial matters, she even convened the Senate to discuss it this time.


However, none of the nobles’ reports registered in her mind. Her thoughts were elsewhere.


‘Could he still be sulking?’


‘It would be better if he just yelled at me. He is not the type to be mindful just because I’m the Empress.’


‘Where did he learn that infuriating way of expressing anger? From Cruyff?’


Tap tap.


Astria drummed her fingers on the armrest, lost in thought. The thing she worried about most was the Church.


She was well aware that the vile organization targeted Sena. Protecting him from them was not difficult, but—


What if Sena himself desired it?


If he decided to turn to the Church, there was little she could do.


‘What did he do to make him so irresistible to them?’


Clicking her tongue, Astria snapped back to the present.


“…Your Majesty?”




Returning to reality, Astria glanced around the chamber.


“This is truly unpleasant.”


“Do you have actual brains in your heads? I want to split them open and see if they’re properly there.”



-‘Her Majesty is not in a good mood today.’




The nobles exchanged wary glances. They hadn’t seen this side of Astria in a long time, though this was her true nature.


“I told you to find out, and all you discovered was Labella? Did you feed your creativity to the passing dogs?”


For context, it had only been three days since the strange occurrences in the Giaanan Mountains were detected.


Moreover, Astria’s command was to chase after something without a tangible form.


Most thought it was too much. Abnormalities among the monsters were common, after all.


The fact that it happened in the mountain range closest to the capital was a bit unsettling, but whatever it was, it could be dealt with through a subjugation campaign.


“Your Majesty, may I speak?”


“If you’re hesitant, don’t speak at all.”




Astria seemed to be in a particularly bad mood today.


Still, the noble suppressed his anxiety and spoke calmly.




“There is no one besides Labella who could orchestrate such an event. We have substantial evidence, albeit circumstantial. Moreover…”


The noble paused briefly but decided to stick to his belief.


“…Investing resources into something so intangible seems like a waste of time.”




The nobles were shocked.


‘Is he insane…!’


Something unimaginable had occurred. Everyone observed Astria’s reaction.


Instead of anger, Astria smiled.


Now that she thought about it, there were many new faces among the central nobility.


She stood up, and the atmosphere in the chamber instantly grew heavy, almost stifling.


“You there.”


Astria walked towards the noble who had just spoken. The monocle-wearing baron’s face turned pale.


Astria reached into the air, and one of the Teutonic Knights on duty approached and placed a sword in her small hand.


“Do you wish to die?”


Astria quietly addressed the noble. The sound of him swallowing hard echoed in the chamber.


It seemed today a central noble’s position would become vacant. Everyone thought so.



-Is this death really necessary?


Sena’s sorrowful voice flashed through Astria’s mind.


Just as she was about to strike, Astria clicked her tongue and withdrew the sword. With a disgruntled expression, she dropped it to the ground.




The sword fell weakly and rolled on the red carpet.


Astria fastened her short cloak and walked toward the door.



“Investigate Labella.”


“We shall obey that order.”




“Here, baguette for my favorite senior.”


Sylvia, who had just finished training, handed over some bread. She had heard from Serilda that Sena, in his anger, had refused to eat and rushed over.


“I’m not eating.”


Sena turned his head away. Normally, he loved baguettes so much that he would munch on them for up to three hours a day, but then it wouldn’t be a hunger strike.


Sylvia sighed and sat next to Sena.


“I don’t want to say this, but…”


She took a bite of the baguette and looked up at the ceiling, swinging her legs.


“Just forgive her this once. She’s inexperienced with such things.”


Sena responded after a long pause.


“…Sorry. I have no intention of forgiving her.”


Sena believed that forgiveness was a virtue, no matter how bad the offense.


But this time, he had decided not to forgive. Deciding the outcome first wasn’t like Sena, but this time it seemed right.


‘Maybe it’s for the best.’


Sena thought with sad eyes.


If not now, there would never be a chance to return home.


It was time to sever ties with Astria and her affection. Before it would become more painful.


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I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor

I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor

폭군의 시한부 주치의가 되었다
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
“As promised, I’ve fixed your leg, so I’ll leave now.” It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I’ve come this far for this moment. I’ll certainly spend the rest of my days enjoying leisure in a quiet countryside and peacefully conclude my life. “I won’t allow it.” But, the empress won’t let me go!



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