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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 115

Appropriate Timing

While continuing to push forward with the marriage talks with the Tales family, I instructed an investigation into Miss Emersy and Irene Vermont.


“Who is Miss Emersy…?”

“Well, you know. She’s the daughter of the Tales family.”

“Among the daughters of the Tales family, there are two who start with ‘E’: Lady Emilia and Lady Esily.”

“Since Emersy is four syllables, it must be Emilia.”

“…Yes. I will commence the investigation immediately.”


The results of the investigation were not particularly surprising.

After the head of the household died, Emersy grew up receiving education from a tutor instead of going to the Noble Academy, as her family fell apart.

However, this was not a lackadaisical education; the tutor was sent from a sponsorship foundation.

Since I couldn’t find detailed information about the founder of the foundation, I suspect this might be the foundation established by Irene.


‘So she became Irene’s puppet from that time on.’


It’s a truly despicable act to sponsor a child who couldn’t afford to go to the Noble Academy and educate her to suit one’s own tastes.


At this point, it seems safe to assume that Emersy is definitely an agent of Irene.

The problem lies with Irene. It’s already well-known that Irene schemed to topple the Tales merchant guild and made a significant profit by buying it at a low price.

However, I couldn’t grasp how Irene actually brought down the Tales guild.


In a way, it’s only natural.

If Irene had left evidence, she would have been sued by Tales long ago and would probably be in prison by now.


But the lingering question is: how did it become known in the world that Irene brought down the Tales guild without leaving any traces?

It almost feels like someone intentionally spread the rumor.


While one might think that Irene’s notorious reputation naturally brought about this rumor, it was still before Irene had gained any notoriety.

One could argue that she only began to gain a bad reputation after swallowing the Tales guild.


‘Then did the Tales family spread the rumor?’


I wonder.

Did a family that had severely tricked a multitude of investors and brought their guild to the brink of destruction really have the authority to make such statements?

They are not a family that could slander Irene without a solid basis.


The most convincing theory is that another faction jealous of Irene spread these rumors.

I pondered who at this time could possibly hate Irene enough to widely disseminate her image as a villain…


‘Could it be me?’


Could it be that Aslan?

Thinking it over, it seems very plausible.

He would hate her enough to want her dead.

At this time, Vermont was still before the head was executed and the family fell into disarray, so he would certainly have the power to ruin someone’s reputation with malicious rumors.


‘That b*stard Aslan. I thought he was holed up in his mansion like a recluse. But it turns out he was causing all sorts of trouble…?’


So, the hostility that Irene shows me isn’t just something that sprung up from nowhere.

It was created by Aslan Vermont.


I thought I could avoid evil as long as I didn’t engage in any of the trashy deeds of kidnapping the Hero and his companions.

But it seems that Aslan had already committed a plethora of various despicable acts before I reincarnated.

Thanks to that, I have no idea when some karmic retribution might come back to bite me.


‘This is driving me crazy…’


Of course, knowing that Aslan threw the first punch doesn’t change the situation.

Since I didn’t do that, there’s no need for an apology.

Moreover, Irene, who forced me to conduct black magic research by overpowering me, is in no position to talk.


Of course, it wasn’t research in the academic sense.

She provided me with bogus books and fabricated materials, and offered children as sacrifices, likely trying to create some pretext to have me executed just like the former head of the household.


‘This family’s situation is truly a mess…’


What kind of family feud is this so brutal?

I wish I could ignore everything, including my sister, but since I need to obtain Neomium, I can’t do that.


Of course, Irene wouldn’t simply give me Neomium.

Neomium is both a fuel and a catalyst that calls forth Evil Gods.

Irene, who was only looking to force me to study fake black magic, would never allow me to study real black magic.


‘I hope this can be as peaceful as possible. I wish for no one to get hurt.’


So, I can’t go into this too straightforwardly.

I might need to launch a preemptive strike for preventive measures… but will that process truly avoid any injuries?

I don’t want to hurt the children, and I definitely don’t want to hurt Irene.


The more I think, the deeper my worries grow.



“Mister, that’s already the eighth sigh today.”


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ asks why you are sighing in front of our Dark Knight…?]


“I’ll stop now. It seems I’ve made it a habit.”


Before Kali’s tiresome nagging could finish, I cut Kali off.

Kali tends to be overly chatty when you think about it.

Aslan certainly must have some trait that makes him favored by the Evil God, but it feels like Kali likes the children even more than I do.


“What’s wrong? Is the marriage talk not going well?”



Charlotte was propping her chin on her palm, beaming at me with a smile.

Her question felt like a needle poking at my heart, making me ache. It felt as if she was asking why I was looking for a marriage partner while ignoring us.

In reality, Charlotte probably hadn’t given it much thought yet.


‘I’m still the only one considering the children as potential brides…’


When should I bring up the engagement?

I want to say something right now, but with the issue of Yuri and the circumstances, that wouldn’t be appropriate.

If I suddenly mention it when they come of age, they might respond, “Oh, I’ve always seen you as an uncle figure. It’s a bit sudden for me to accept that.”


If I say it too early, the children might feel too much pressure.


I need to find the ‘appropriate timing’—not too early and not too late.

This is quite difficult.

It’s my first time trying to raise potential brides, after all.


“You told me a secret last time.”

“Huh? What secret?”

“Did you forget after saying it? You explained to Julia that the world in the shadows is like a big room.” “Oh! Right! But why?”

“You told me a big secret, so I thought I’d share one in return, as I felt bad for repaying you with hostility.”



Charlotte perked up with excitement, her ears twitching as she came closer to me.

No matter how quickly she forgets when she pouts, the feelings of betrayal can linger deep within.

It was a bit excessive to trick her into thinking my invisibility magic had succeeded…


I needed to apologize for that.

Plus, there was something I had to clarify with Charlotte.


“What is it? What’s the secret? I promise I won’t tell anyone…! I might even take it to the grave… maybe!”

“Actually, this marriage won’t happen. Miss Emersy…”

“That’s Lady Emilia.”

“Right. If it seemed like Miss Emersy liked me, that was all an act. I’m just using the marriage talks to get what I can and have no intention of actually marrying her.”

“Oh. I thought you had a big secret, but it’s something everyone knows already.”



Charlotte wore a mischievous smile, looking relaxed.

Did she already know?

What does that mean?


“Mister, you don’t like grown women like Lady Emilia, do you?”

“Ah. That’s right.”


Hearing Charlotte’s answer made me feel somewhat relieved.

After all, she must have heard the malicious rumors spread by the maids and Irene.

She likely thinks I don’t like adult women.

Strictly speaking, that’s not entirely accurate, but I decided not to deny it.


To deny it would mean I’d have to say something like, “It’s not that I hate adults; rather, I want to raise pure, untainted children like you two to be my brides.”

But that felt a bit too early to say.

The ‘appropriate timing’ certainly wasn’t this moment.


Just as I was biting my tongue to hold back my itching mouth, Charlotte leaned in close to my ear and covered it with her hands.


“Mister, you want to train women from a young age like you break in a perfectly fitting pair of shoes, right? You want to nurture and educate them to become brides?”



Charlotte’s soft voice flowed into my ears.

I was so startled that I instinctively jumped back.

She heard all of that?

Was she not too busy savoring a cookie when I said it?


In my astonishment, I lost my words, unsure of how to respond or what to say in defense.


“Don’t worry, Mister. I’ll keep it a secret from Julia for sure. I’ll help you raise her to be a proper bride…!” “…”


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is pleased to see our Dark Knight’s pure and noble heart.]


Charlotte clenched her fist, encouraging me.

This girl.

She can be perceptive in strange ways but becomes completely oblivious at the most crucial moments.


Could it be that she thinks I’m only targeting Julia?

I can’t exactly say that I’m aiming for both of them…

It puts me in a tough position.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



not work with dark mode