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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 19

Shopping (2)

“We are going shopping.”

“Shopping…? Ah, to the neighboring town. Should I prepare the long-distance carriage?”

“We’re just going to the town within the territory. Why would we need a long-distance carriage?”



Sylvia’s mouth gaped open.

Her face started to turn pale.

Ah, I recognize this expression now.

It’s the look she gives whenever she’s afraid that I, or rather Aslan, will cause trouble.


“You’re not planning to go harass the townspeople again, are you…?”


“You’re not, right?”


Sylvia stared at me intently, then shook her head.

Her previously pale face returned to its normal color.


“Since the young master has changed… So, what’s the plan this time?”

“I told you, it’s just shopping. Come along. You’re the only one who can carry the bags.”



Surprisingly, she followed without much protest.

Maybe she has started to trust me.

I suppose after criticizing her for being short-tempered, she’s trying to improve herself.


“Aren’t you taking any guards? Something dangerous could happen.”

“You’re enough as a bodyguard. What need do I have for guards?”

“Even I can’t stop an angry mob.”

“That won’t happen.”



I know exactly what Sylvia is worried about.

It’s a common event in stories where a spoiled noble goes to town and gets scorned by the villagers.


In this case, it escalates to a point where the noble gets stoned to death.

But that won’t happen. I’ve already taken measures to prevent it.

Leaving a bewildered Sylvia behind, I called Charlotte and Julia.


“Shopping!? Are we going to buy my sword? Is that it?”

“Yes. Get dressed and come out.”

“Am I going too?”



“Julia, you come along too. If you see anything you need, let me know.”


I realized later that the mansion isn’t quite suitable for the children.

The clothes they have are just a few sets the maids bought on the first day, and they’re not to their taste.

Julia needs writing tools, Charlotte needs sportswear, and there are many other things missing.


The weather is gloomy, so it’s a good day to go out.

We can replenish daily necessities and find a sword for Charlotte.

So, we decided to go to town.


“Knight! Knight!”

“…What now.”

“The magic you used that time! What’s it called?”

“That? It’s called ‘Kaboom.'”


“Yeah. The spell’s name is ‘Kaboom.'”

“Is that true!?”

“Don’t be fooled, Charlotte. There’s no spell with that name. I’ve memorized all the spells in the magic compendium.”

“It’s true. I created it, so I named it myself.”


“I also have ‘Zoom,’ ‘BoomBang,’ and ‘BoomBoomKaboom.'”

“Knight, you’re awesome!!!”


Charlotte stuck to Sylvia’s side, peppering her with questions.

Ever since their duel, Charlotte has taken a liking to Sylvia.

Julia just looked at them in disbelief, and my feelings were similar.


‘The carriage feels crowded.’


When I used to travel alone to the Magic Academy, the carriage felt spacious even if I stretched out my legs.

But now, with just a few small children, it feels cramped.

They’re lively, and the heat seems to be making it warmer.

It’s so hot I could die.


‘At least I won’t be lonely.’


It might be noisy and exhausting.

But I won’t feel lonely anymore.

I should consider that a blessing.


“We’re here. Get out.”

“Strange. Usually, when the carriage gets this close, people gather and start jeering.”


Sylvia got out first, tilting her head in confusion, and offered me her hand.

She seemed very surprised.

Unlike usual, there was no commotion even though Aslan Vermont had arrived in town.


Of course, I did occasionally feel people glaring at us.

But that was all.

No one acknowledged me or came close.


“What kind of magic did you use? The townspeople have turned into sheep.”

“Does that look like a sheep’s glare to you?”

“If they’re only glaring, that’s an improvement. Last time, they threw eggs, and there was a big crackdown to find the culprit…”


Sylvia trailed off with a bitter expression.

Aslan was truly trash beyond imagination.

If the people he massacred are now only glaring, they indeed seem like sheep.


“It’s nothing special. I just drastically reduced taxes. Leon and his cronies were secretly pocketing strange taxes. I abolished all of them.”



There were all sorts of bizarre taxes.

Window tax, hat tax, stove tax…

These taxes made the public not just dissatisfied but downright hostile.

All the collected money ended up in Leon and his lackeys’ pockets.


‘Thankfully, I confiscated their accounts.’


And all the money they amassed came back to me.

It was over 100 millon.

They were surprisingly diligent about saving every penny.


“And the confiscated money will be used for welfare.”


“Yes. To stabilize the people’s lives, we need to prioritize their satisfaction.”


Just as Sylvia looked puzzled.

Suddenly, a chill ran down my neck, giving me goosebumps.



[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is glaring at you.]


Damn it.

I almost forgot again.

I should at least keep up the act of being a villain…!


“Creating a better working environment for the townspeople will lead to an increase in population, and thus more tax revenue. I’m investing to squeeze more out of them. Hehehe.”

“I find it hard to understand, but… Doesn’t that mean the townspeople will be happier?”

“Foolish one. That’s a misconception. I make money while sitting idly, but those who earn money by laboring, how can they be happy? The townspeople will labor all their lives, convinced they lived a happy life, only to grow old and die. Hehehe.”



Sylvia reacted as if she had just heard a fragment of an evil grand plan.

I wish Kali was as dumb as Sylvia…


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is very pleased.]


Ah, confirmed.

Kali’s intelligence is on par with or lower than Sylvia’s.

It seems that just setting the mood and spouting nonsense appeases her, which is a relief.


“Wow! The market is huge!”

“The buildings are so tall…”


Every time we passed through the town, Charlotte and Julia couldn’t help but exclaim.

The Vermont estate is quite a large city.

It must be their first time in such a big city.

I almost smiled but then kept my expression stern.


“Sylvia, they are my precious assets. Make sure they come to no harm.”



In a big city, the darkness runs deep.

As soon as it gets a little dark, kidnappings and robberies become frequent, so we must be cautious.

Of course, Sylvia would protect Charlotte and Julia even if she had to abandon me, so I’m reassured.


First, we decided to get clothes.

The clothes the maids had bought were all the type that noble girls would wear…

They were always uncomfortable, lifting their skirts or rolling up their sleeves.

So, we let the children try on and choose comfortable clothes for themselves.


“I’ll take these overalls!”

“I’ll choose this shirt and skirt.”


Their tastes are definitely different.

Charlotte chose clothes that are easy to move in, while Julia preferred more stylish outfits, even if they were a bit tight.


Is it the difference between a child who plays outside and one who stays in the library?

I want to make Charlotte study more and get Julia to exercise more…

But forcing them to do what they dislike will only lead to resistance.


‘They’re at an age where they rebel against anything they’re told to do.’


When I was their age, I used to reject whatever my parents or teachers asked me to do.

Forcing them won’t yield good results.

For now, it seems best to be satisfied with a required reading list and morning jogs.


While deciding which store to visit next, Charlotte tugged on my sleeve.


“Mister, Mister!”


“Keep a lookout for me!”



It happened in the blink of an eye.

With quick, silent steps, Charlotte moved to a stall.

Julia followed, turning her head skillfully, keeping watch.


Then, Charlotte swiftly grabbed two loaves of bread and hid them in her clothes.

It was clear this wasn’t her first time.

Charlotte proudly returned to me and handed me the bread.

These kids…


“Here! Eat!”




Sensing something was wrong from my expression, Charlotte hesitated.

Julia’s face also shifted from one of pride to one of worry.

I sighed deeply.


These kids came from an orphanage with poor conditions.

With inadequate meals, they had to fend for themselves.

For kids with no money, the only way to get food would be through pickpocketing and stealing.


‘I forgot that being the protagonist’s companion doesn’t guarantee they’re inherently good.’


I need to sternly correct this.

As I calmed my anger and prepared to speak, Charlotte and Julia were trembling in fear, tears welling up in their eyes.


“You know what you did wrong, right?”

“Giving you only one bread…?”



Charlotte, teary-eyed, handed me both pieces of bread.

I struggled to suppress a laugh.

Ah, these pure-hearted kids, what am I going to do with them?


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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