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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 39

What Do You Mean by That, Sister?

“No… Bullying… That can’t be…”

“Educators often have a hard time noticing bullying. Yuri has personally testified to it in his letter. Are you saying Yuri is lying?”

“Yes. Most likely. You see, Yuri has already subdued the senior students and made them his subordinates, establishing an untouchable position within the school…”



I was stunned by the headmaster’s answer.

What is this nonsense?

Yuri wasn’t being bullied?


“Please explain in more detail.”

“It was the senior students who initiated the conflict. However, it is also true that Yuri’s response was excessive.”

“So the seniors tried to pick on a junior, and Yuri just defended himself?”

“That’s a rather crude way to put it, but yes, that’s accurate.”




So that’s how it is.

Yuri, this kid… At the school I sent him to study, he beat up his seniors?


“I knew it! I had a feeling something was off! There’s no way Yuri would get bullied!”



Good job, Yuri.

As expected of the protagonist.

Even though I took Sylvia, his mentor, Julia, his spirit mage companion, and Charlotte, his magic knight companion, the protagonist has to be strong.

Yes, that’s right.


From the tone of the letter, it seemed like he was beaten up and dejected.

But it was all a ploy to get my attention.


Oh, thank goodness.

If Yuri really got beaten up, the participant list for the blood festival would have grown.

One participant is enough—me.


“Is there anything else unusual about Yuri?”

“Well… he seems to be quite ambitious. He enrolled in more courses than the maximum allowed and appears to be double-majoring. Not only is he taking his major in magical arts, but he is also attending almost all the combat magic courses. Even his quiz results show excellent grades.”



I expected it, but he’s really interested in combat.

My temples started to ache.

I enrolled him in magical arts to steer him away from that path.


To ensure he focused on his major, I even attached a condition that he must maintain good grades for my sponsorship.

Yet this protagonist excels in both majors.

Annoying brat.


‘Well, at least it’s a relief.’


Not only is he not being bullied, but he also dominates his seniors and maintains excellent grades while living cheerfully.

For some reason, this makes me feel a bit satisfied.


It’s certain that he’ll come after me one day.

But for now, he’s still a kid.

It’s better for him to grow strong fueled by his anger towards me rather than turning dark and sinister.


That’s more fitting for a protagonist.

A hero’s path.


“Well then, take care.”

“Hmm? Are you leaving?”

“Yes. Do you need something from me?”

“It’s just… Did you really come here just to check if Yuri was being bullied?”

“Yes. Is there a problem with that?”



Since the bullying wasn’t true, my business here is done. If it had been true?

Hmm. I’m not sure what I would have done.

I might have foamed at the mouth and demanded to see those seniors.


‘Smart brat.’


Yuri got me this time.

If I hadn’t replied at all, it might have been different.

But now that I’ve responded out of a sense of urgency, ignoring him any longer is impossible.


A reply, huh…

He seems to write letters almost daily. Do I have to respond to each one?

Just thinking about it is tiresome.


Despite his appearance, Yuri has quite a girlish taste, making it difficult to know how to reply.

Surprisingly, he likes frilly hats and dolls.

Grow up, kid.

He acts manly outside but reveals his true self only to his sponsor.


‘With the allowance I sent, he should be able to buy whatever he wants.’


I sent him a million Lark, so he should be able to buy anything.

It’s enough to live comfortably.

And I’ll firmly instruct him to write letters only once a week from now on.


‘Let’s leave before we run into each other again.’


I’m afraid of running into Yuri.

Just as I was about to leave the headmaster’s office and head towards the carriage.

An all-too-familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.


“Aslan Vermont… Sir!”



Yuri, you…

Shouldn’t you be in class right now?

I closed my eyes tightly and then turned around, managing my expression.


But Yuri’s attitude is quite different from when I last saw him in the library.

Instead of burning with anger, he seems somewhat calm.

He seems to be trying to smile gently, but it’s not going well, so his lips just twitch.

Why is he like that…


“Ah, hello! It’s an honor to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you, Sir Aslan. Recently, I heard you completed a road directly connecting to the capital.”

“···Who are you?”

“I was in such a rush earlier that I didn’t have time to introduce myself. I am Yu-Yuria Brussels. I have the audacity to speak to you because I admire and wish to serve you, Sir Aslan.”

“Serve me?”

“I heard a rumor that you were establishing a security company. Although I’m studying magical arts, I pride myself on being strong. If you hire me, you won’t regret it.”



He bowed his head respectfully.

Yuri glared at me with the eyes of a ferocious beast.

This is bad.

Yuri has started to approach me in earnest.






‘Yuria, really?’


So that fake name you came up with on the spot was Yuria?

It’s too similar to Julia.

My head throbbed as I slumped in the carriage like melted ice cream.


‘This kid… he’s too brazen.’


I never imagined he would approach me so directly.

At the time, I just brushed him off like any haughty noble would and left.

But it’s clear Yuri won’t stop trying to get close to Aslan.


His intentions are obvious.

He’s doing reconnaissance.

It’s basic to scout the enemy territory before launching an attack.

He wants to check on Julia and Charlotte’s situation and prepare to attack the Vermont territory later.


‘Wait? Maybe I can use this opportunity to show that Julia and Charlotte are doing well?’


I briefly considered turning the crisis into an opportunity.


‘But Julia has become a necromancer and Charlotte wields a demonic-looking Holy Sword… and that weird, brown familiar…’


No, that’s not going to work.

It doesn’t seem like a good idea no matter how I look at it.

My head started hurting again, and I dismissed the idea.


Maybe after the two children develop into something more believable.

Even if you look at it now and then, don’t they look like subordinates who have been modified by the villain?

If I revealed them to Yuri now, it wouldn’t be surprising if I died on the spot with my neck twisted.


If Charlotte or Julia tried to intervene and said something like, ‘It’s a misunderstanding, Yuri! He’s actually a good person!’?

Ugh, that would be the worst.

Yuri would go ballistic, thinking I brainwashed them.


‘I need time…’


Suddenly revealing them like ‘Ta-da! Here are the people you’ve been looking for!’ is too risky.

I need to do it gradually.

I have to minimize the chance of Yuri flying off the handle.


‘Maybe hiring him isn’t such a bad idea.’


From that perspective, hiring Yuri into Vermont Security and binding him with a contract might not be a bad move.

But this kid, I sent him allowance money to focus on his studies, and now he wants to work.

Ungrateful brat.


“Y-Young Master!”

“Ugh! What is it?”


The carriage stopped abruptly.

I pulled back the curtain to see what was happening and saw a carriage blocking the road.

It bore the familiar crest of the Vermont family.

As soon as a pair of red heels emerged from the carriage, a chill ran down my spine.


“Damn it! Reverse! Reverse the carriage!”

“How can we reverse here?”

“Turn the carriage around and head back to the estate! I’ll walk back!”


I quickly got out of the carriage.

But just then, with a loud burst of air, black hair flashed before my eyes.




A soft hand grabbed my neck.

Sharp nails dug into my skin, and I was thrown back into the carriage.



“Aslan, my dear little brother. Why are you still so carefree?”

“K-Kaaah! Somebody help!”

“Shut up. Are you planning to air our dirty laundry in public? What are you thinking?”


Irene Vermont slammed the door shut and stepped inside, her face boiling with rage.

I’m screwed.

She’s in full-on angry mode.

I’m going to die here! I’m dead!


As I closed my eyes, sensing the end was near, Irene grabbed my collar and yelled desperately.


“What are you going to do? Answer me, Aslan! Her Majesty the Empress is visiting tomorrow! You have a plan, right? Tell me you have a plan! Hurry!”



What do you mean by that, sister?


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



not work with dark mode