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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 41

What Was the Idea Behind This?

“What? Wasn’t the road construction assigned to Ariente?”

“Ariente Construction took on the project itself, but the construction rights belonged to Vermont. They say the expertise to dig through the mountain range and proceed with the work also came from Vermont…”

“Ho. I thought Vermont was a bunch of sneaky scoundrels hiding behind the mountains, but it seems they can also pull off such audacious stunts.”


The Capital, Imperial Palace.

Empress Vanessa let out a hollow laugh as she dressed with the help of a maid.


The smile was so chilling that even the maid, who had served her for decades, felt a shiver.


It was extremely rare for the Empress to display such a smile.

Those who caused that smile rarely met a pleasant end.


“Did you convey my intention to visit clearly?”

“Yes. However, the Vermont side refused to discuss the schedule and sent the messenger back immediately.”

“It looks like they intend to throw a surprise party. Bring me my Holy Sword.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Vermont. It had always been a troublesome frontier since ancient times.

The process of its subjugation by the Empire was absurdly unexpected.

After successfully defending against the Empire’s invasion for two years, they suddenly surrendered just as the exhausted imperial forces were about to retreat.


Since then, Vermont enjoyed unprecedented autonomy.

However, when the suspicion of black magic research by the Count of Vermont was confirmed, everything turned upside down.

The status of the Frontier Count was downgraded to that of a mere Count.

Since then, Vermont seemed to live quietly like a mouse.


However, the fact that Vermont was quietly conducting research on black magic.

Everyone, including Vanessa, knew it publicly.


‘And now Vermont is leading a road construction project…?’


It didn’t add up. These were the ones who secretly researched black magic thanks to their distance from the center.


So why would they suddenly carve through the mountains to directly connect to the capital?


‘Are they plotting an invasion?’


Historically, roads were crucial infrastructure determining the mobility of armies.


Was this newly completed road actually a path for an undead army to invade the capital?

The thought made Vanessa chuckle.


“The country has been peaceful, but it’s been too peaceful.”


She had felt it was time for a crisis.

Was Vermont going to fire the signal flare?


She adorned herself with a sword embellished with luxurious jewels and stepped out of the palace in attire no different from everyday clothes.


She was planning to head to Vermont Territory, where she didn’t know what kind of slanderous plots might be waiting for her.

She was heading to Vermont, uncertain of the scheming that awaited her, yet no trace of worry or concern was visible in her resolute blue eyes. If anything, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation.


Her face was filled with these emotions.


“Escort. Raise alert level to the highest.”


“That’s okay. It’s just a road opening ceremony, why are you doing such a thing?”

“Unnecessary. It’s just a road opening ceremony.”

“But it’s in Vermont…”

“If we’re too cautious, they might abandon whatever plot they have.”



The captain of the guard nodded silently in agreement.

The alert level remained normal.

Such confidence stemmed from the Empress Vanessa’s formidable prowess.

She had been chosen by Tempest, one of the six known Holy Swords.


With the Holy Sword at her waist, her combat ability was unmatched by the entire guard unit. Raising the alert level or donning armor would only appear cumbersome.

Whatever scheme the opponent had, she was confident she could face it head-on with her bare body.


“I’m curious. Young master of Vermont. What sudden wind prompted such openness?”


Aslan Vermont.

The young master who had been secluded in the study suddenly began to take action.

Vanessa was so curious about his intentions that she wanted to split open his head and see inside.


Vanessa swiftly mounted her horse.


The grand procession behind her set off towards Vermont, not via the old path around the mountain range, but through the new path that cut through it.


“My deepest apologies for making you travel such a long way. I am Count Ariente, the chief supervisor of the road construction…”


“Okay. Where is Aslan Vermont?”


Soon after arriving at the entrance of the road, where Count Ariente and the staff, all wearing safety helmets, awaited her, Vanessa didn’t even glance at them but looked around instead.


Where is Vermont?

She had no interest in the debtor Ariente; she wanted to see Vermont!

Bring Vermont right now!


“Lord Vermont…”


He didn’t show his face here either.

Is he just sitting comfortably in Vermont?

After seeing his father challenge the imperial authority and get his head chopped off, he still acts this arrogantly?


Where does he get such confidence from?

Is he really preparing an undead army…!


“He is right behind Your Majesty…”

“Greetings, Your Majesty. You finally honor us with your presence. I am Aslan Vermont.”

“…What are you doing right now?”

“Paying my utmost respects to Your Majesty The Empress.”



Vanessa turned around and flinched.

A pitiful man was lying flat on the ground. This man was Aslan Vermont?


The one who pierced through the mountain range, burdened Ariente with a huge debt, and made it practically a vassal state?


“What kind of etiquette is this?”

“If lowering one’s posture shows respect, then the utmost respect would be being as close to the ground as possible, wouldn’t it? This is called a bow in the East. There’s also a modified version called the Grand Bow; would you like to see it?”

“…No, that’s enough. Raise your head. I want to see your face.”


This strange etiquette made Vanessa dizzy just hearing about it.


She massaged her temples and immediately refused.


Shortly after, the man with white skin stood up, brushing the dirt off his knees.


This man was Aslan Vermont…?


His face was as sinister as the rumors said.


And the woman next to him, blushing as if embarrassed, was probably his sister, Irene Vermont.


“We are honored to invite Your Majesty to the completion ceremony of the monumental road connecting Vermont and the capital. For a long time, Vermont has been close to the capital in direct distance, but blocked by the mountains, making travel extremely difficult. Regretting this situation, we constructed a direct road to the capital to supply Vermont’s resources and manpower to the capital for smoother trade…”

“That’s enough. I understand the impact this road will have. What I want to know is about Aslan Vermont. How can a man who has hardly done anything outside of a baptism ceremony for over 20 years suddenly take such ambitious actions? That’s what I am curious about.”



Vanessa’s fierce gaze seemed to pierce through Aslan.

Unable to withstand her gaze, Aslan averted his eyes.

Damn. She shouldn’t be interested in him.

This wasn’t part of the plan.

Aslan desperately shot a pleading look at Irene, who sighed and stepped forward.


“It seems this will be a long story, Your Majesty. This isn’t something to discuss while standing on the roadside. How about I arrange a relaxed meeting later where my brother can speak with you at length? For now, shall we continue?”

“Very well. I’ll indulge this delay strategy just this once.”



The procession finally began to move again, but Aslan’s face, already pale, showed no signs of improving.

What? Arrange a separate meeting later for a relaxed conversation?

What is this crazy woman talking about?

Irene, indifferent to Aslan’s glare, seemed quite relieved.


‘F*ck. I never thought she would take an interest in me.’


He absolutely hated appearing like he was hiding something. So he had put aside all pride and even lay flat on the ground.


Yet, the Empress was now wholly focused on Aslan himself.


What the hell should I say?

That for the past 20 years, I wasn’t myself?

That I behaved like trash, but one day, I heard a God’s command in a dream and came to my senses?


This is driving me crazy.

Aslan’s clothes were drenched in cold sweat.


‘I need to divert their attention somehow…!’


There was only one way.

Divert the Empress’s attention away from me.


Activate Plan B!

Aslan suddenly made an incomprehensible signal towards the sky.

The guards, thinking there might be something, looked up, but all they saw was the clear sky.


“I heard you gave an extremely rude excuse of not being able to disclose your schedule and sent the messenger back.”


“Thanks to that tightly kept secret, my expectations have skyrocketed. I shall see how Vermont welcomes me.”

“I-I’m sure you’ll be satisfied…”


As Aslan couldn’t ride a horse.

Irene, riding alongside the Empress, couldn’t stop her voice from trembling.

No matter how you look at it, it seemed like the Empress had realized there was no plan at all when they sent the messenger back!


Irene was so tense she had stiffened.

Meanwhile, Aslan had dried all his cold sweat and was brimming with confidence.

How are you going to satisfy this iron woman…!


“We’re almost there.”


“Y-Your Majesty! Step back! There’s something ahead!”



Sensing an unusual presence, the guards reacted and leaped forward.

Rumble, rumble.

The ground began to shake violently.

Count Ariente screamed and ran away at the vibration full of a sense of foreboding.


And appearing before the group was…


[This is Vermont territory! Welcome! Kyaaaak!]


A giant, earth-colored figure. A mysterious creature that could speak human language.


“A monster? No, it looks too pathetic to be a monster.”


“A spirit? At that size, a Great Spirit?”


“A Great Spirit wouldn’t look like that…”

“More than anything, spirits shouldn’t be visible to us.”


“So, what was the idea behind this?”


The whole group was dumbfounded.

Irene glared daggers at Aslan with murderous eyes.

Damn it, it’s not working!

How the hell is this pathetic thing supposed to satisfy the Empress!?






At that moment, a small voice escaped the Empress’s lips.

A voice so soft that only Irene could hear.

Vanessa, whose eyes met Irene’s, quickly covered her mouth, her face turning as red as a tomato.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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