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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 5

Talent (1)

When you can’t trust your counterpart, there’s nothing as frightening as an unreciprocated favor.

Of course, it wouldn’t matter if I were handsome and appeared good-natured.

As it is, I am the most untrustworthy person in the world.

Trying to do something good with Aslan’s body only results in the opposite effect.


In that case, wouldn’t it be enough if I received due compensation?

Even if one cannot trust someone like Aslan, there should at least be a minimum trust assumed in a relationship of mutual benefit.

There’s no need to make me completely trustworthy.

I don’t even expect that.

For me, it’s enough to avoid the extreme hatred to the point of wanting to kill.


“Young master! Both Charlotte and Julia’s dressing has finished. May I bring them in now?”

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

“As expected… Young master, you’ve changed a lot.”



At the maid’s murmured voice, I was taken aback.

Did I show too much of my true self?

I thought the passive skill would adjust things automatically, so there was nothing to worry about.

Skills can only change the atmosphere around a person; they can’t change behavior itself, a fact I had forgotten.



“Well, you know how it is. They say people change when they fall in love. Some worry they might be too young, but I’m finally feeling a renewed vigor in our estate. I’m rooting for you, young master!”



Leaving behind incomprehensible words, the maid withdrew.

Come to think of it, on the first day of possession, none of the staff seemed to crack a smile.

But now they all seem to be smiling broadly.

Especially when dealing with Charlotte and Julia…


‘Are the children a source of vitality?’


No wonder the dismal mansion with its dreary occupants wasn’t appealing to work in.

Once a child was born, smiles bloomed on the faces of the staff.


Soon the door creaked open.

Cautious footsteps approached slowly and pushed inward.


“Come in. What’s the matter?”

“Um, well…”

“We’re here to work!”



Charlotte stood confidently, while Julia looked embarrassed and shrank back.

But their attire was odd.

Isn’t that what maids wear?

It seemed custom-tailored, but why were they wearing such clothes?


“You told us to work! We want to repay you for everything…”

“That’s right. It’s a bit unfair for us to just take things, so we’d like to return the favor…”

“Do you think you can do such tasks dressed like that?”

“We can do anything. Cleaning, cooking, anything!”

“Do you think you can earn 1 billion Lark doing odd jobs? The tasks I assign earn much more money than that. Get out of my sight right now. Go change back into comfortable clothes and come back.”



Charlotte bowed her head slightly disappointed.

Julia, with tears brimming, glared at me with resentment, then silently turned and left.


‘Did I speak too harshly?’


Frustrated, I scolded them a bit too strongly.

They were born to be in the spotlight, so why treat them like ordinary maids?

It was wrong to scold the maids dressed in those clothes; I took my anger out on the wrong target.


[Sylvia’s affection decreased by 5.]


“What scheme are you up to this time?”

“Why, what’s with the fuss this time?”


I casually replied to Sylvia’s voice that suddenly appeared behind me.

I’ve grown accustomed to it.

Emerging from the darkness without a sound.

Trembling with disdain for no apparent reason.

I wonder what delusion is driving her to make me miserable this time.


“How can you make those kids do such work? Don’t you have any sense of humanity?”

“Do you know what I asked them to do?”

“1 billion Lark. Those kids only have one way to earn such a huge sum of money. How… how can you manipulate people’s hearts like that?”

“Why are you asking?”

“You’re planning to keep them up all night, aren’t you!”



“Are you kidding me?”

“…Wasn’t that it?”


This time, I was surprised.

She glared at me with disdain, then awkwardly retreated.

I could tolerate mistaking other things, but not this.

After reading the atmosphere, Sylvia promptly bowed 90 degrees at the waist.


“I apologize, young master. Even though you may sell your conscience, you are not someone who would sell your dignity for such a lowly hobby. While you are a human garbage heap committing all sorts of atrocities, you are not a scum who sees children in a s*xual light. I have committed a grave disrespect.”

“There seems to be something prickly in your words. That’s enough.”

“Will you forgive me?”

“An additional 50% pay cut.”



[Sylvia’s affection increased by 6.]


Of course, this one…

It’s clear she’s a masochist.

At this point, it’s not suspicion but certainty.





“I’m all changed!”


“I told you to come in comfortable clothes.”

“Weren’t these recommended by the maids?”

“It doesn’t matter what others wear. Hmph.”


I had in mind comfortable everyday wear.

But what Charlotte and Julia wore was exquisite dresses fit for noble girls attending a party.

Still, dressed like this, they looked so elegant that no one would believe they were commoners or orphans.

Indeed, their upbringing sets them apart.


“So, what high-paying job did you ask us to do?”

“There’s no such job. Logically, young kids like you can’t earn a large sum of money. If that were possible, everyone would be rich.”

“Huh? You deceived us? You tricked us! I knew it! I was foolish to almost believe you even for a moment…”

“So you need to study.”


“Fill your empty heads with knowledge and become educated. Become skilled labor to earn big money.”


They are future comrades of the protagonist.

Which means, despite being commoners, they possess tremendous talent.

Whether it’s magic or something else, once that talent is discovered, it will pay off far beyond the investment.

Probably collecting 1 billion Lark within 10 years.


And that’s not all.

With Aslan’s cursed body, no matter how much research is done, the result won’t come out.

To withstand the pressure from Irene and the Evil God Cali, it’s the right answer to educate these kids for research.


You can’t use these kids for torture or simple tasks.

Charlotte and Julia are expected to create much greater value.


“This is a literary anthology. It’s essential for building culture and vocabulary. And this is a history book. It will help you build a foundation of basic knowledge. Finally, this is a basic magic book. Make sure to read all these by the end of the month.”

“Huh? How can I read all these books···?”

“It’s basic.”

“Young master, you haven’t read a single one of these books… Ah-ha!?”

“Quiet down.”


I jabbed Sylvia’s side for pointless chatter.

All the books given to Charlotte and Julia were clean new books.

This was natural.

Because Aslan didn’t finish reading any of these books…


Aslan is someone who is quite distant from diligence, so he must have given up after reading only a few pages.

There are slight traces of notes in the basic spellbook, but they didn’t go beyond the beginning stages.

Starting with scribbles like “Why can’t I do this” and “It’s supposed to be an easy basic even commoners can follow, so why can’t I do it no matter how hard I try,” and ending with scribbles like “Stupid magic! This kind of thing is for cowards to learn! I was born to learn superior black magic!”

I erased it all.


‘Julia seems interested… Charlotte is not focused at all.’


Pretending to read another book in one corner, I observed the children’s movements.

While Julia sits quietly flipping through the pages, Charlotte keeps fidgeting and changing her posture.

Meanwhile, she keeps glancing around…

It’s the typical attitude of a child not interested in studying.


‘She’s talented. Even if she doesn’t like it, I have to make her do it.’


No big deal.

How many people in this world actually enjoy studying?

Most of them are likely successful people who reluctantly endured studying they didn’t like.


You have to force yourself even if you don’t like it.

That’s how you become someone who learned.

You can get a good job and earn a lot of money.

That’s the most successful life.

…Wait. Is that right?


‘Shit. It doesn’t have to be studying.’


I was thinking wrong.

Why did I think talent always equals magical talent?

Although they are a tiny minority, there are surely those who excel in artistic talents.

Nevertheless, is imposing a uniform educational method really the right thing to do?


‘What nonsense am I even thinking?’


I almost made a big mistake.

Of course, even if I teach magic to Charlotte, she’ll probably become a decent magician.

But that’s all.

She won’t bloom into someone who can be the protagonist’s companion with exceptional talent.


So, what I need to do is.

Nurture their “true talents”.

I approached Charlotte with as gentle an expression as possible and firmly grasped her wrist.


“You’re really not concentrating. Come outside. I need to teach you something else.”



“Uh-huh. Ugh… I-I’m sorry… I’ll concentrate. I won’t do anything else. I’ll study, I promise… Ughhh…”


That was the moment.

Charlotte started sobbing uncontrollably with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Uh. This isn’t what I wanted?


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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