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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 57

Please Don't Do This

Among the things that were rarely abundant in the always lacking orphanage, there was one exception,



Books were one of the easiest items for the wealthy to donate and show off their generosity.

As a result, donated books piled up in the orphanage.


Most of the time, these books ended up being used as firewood after being left untouched for a while.


But Julia made sure to read every book as soon as it came in, before it could be burned.


She read whatever she could get her hands on, feeling a sense of urgency because she knew they would all turn to ashes if she didn’t.


As a result, Julia developed exceptional literacy and vocabulary skills.

She understood the meanings of almost all difficult words from a young age.


Even when reading newspapers, there were no words that Julia couldn’t comprehend.


“Then, if you read it all, does it go like this? Count Vermont, did he really fall for commoner sl*ves? They are reported to be 13 and 14 years old respectively, scandal!”


“What does it mean to ‘fall for someone’? Does it mean making eye contact? Hehe, I don’t get it!”


Charlotte scratched her head and laughed awkwardly, while Julia’s eyes widened.


What, what is this!?

Julia jumped up and shouted.


“This is ridiculous…!”


It’s all nonsense!

In a romantic relationship!?

That term is only used when feelings are mutual!

She’s just the one being courted by Aslan!


She has never liked this person, not even once…!

She’s only tutoring him because he wants her to.

Even when she sleeps next to him, it’s just because he insists on it, so she has no choice but to stay by his side!




“Yes, it’s a baseless rumor. Don’t pay attention to it.”


The idea that I would see a child in a romantic light is absurd.

At the very least, he had enough patience to wait until they’re fully grown.

Aslan snatched the newspaper away.


“What rumor? What’s the rumor? Huh? Explain it to me! I didn’t understand!”

“This, this is saying… that Aslan and I are in an inappropriate relationship…”


“It means it’s not decent.”

“Not decent?”

“It means it’s not proper.”

“In what way is it not proper?”

“Th-that is…”


Julia was speechless.


How was she supposed to explain this?

Despite Charlotte’s sometimes sly and cunning nature, her mind was completely blank, pure as snow, and that was undeniable.


“It’s talking about a relationship where… you know, where two people like each other…”

“I like you, Mister! Don’t you like me?”

“I do.”

“Then it’s not a baseless rumor!”

“That’s not what I mean… Haa…”


Julia slapped her forehead and sighed.


“Anyway, people have seriously misunderstood.”




Charlotte still didn’t understand.


Charlotte still seemed clueless, and Julia eventually gave up.

No matter how much she explained, it seemed useless.


“But you… you seem to be enjoying this…”

“If I look like I’m enjoying it, it’s probably because I already know who the culprit is. I’m dying to have a serious conversation with them.”


Even though it was a baseless rumor, Aslan didn’t find it all that unpleasant.

The purpose behind this smear campaign was obvious.

Besides tarnishing his reputation, it was clearly a scheme to disrupt any marriage proposals.


‘Now that he has inherited the title of Count, it’s not surprising that marriage proposals would start coming in.’


After the execution of the former Count Vermont, the Vermont family became completely isolated. Nearly all connections were severed, and there wasn’t a single ally left who was friendly to Vermont.

Yet, Vermont managed to rebuild, successfully constructing major roads and showcasing a close relationship with the Empress.


Moreover, the young master swiftly inherited the title of Count.

A once insignificant backwater territory suddenly transformed into a wealthy territory with ties to the imperial family.

Naturally, noble families became interested in improving their relations with Vermont.


However, Aslan didn’t engage in any social activities, nor did he make any public appearances.

He avoided meetings unless they were related to business.


The easiest way to establish contact with such a reclusive Vermont was through marriage proposals.

Offering a political marriage was the most common approach to arrange a meeting.


‘You’ve thought this through, Irene.’


But would anyone propose a marriage to someone rumored to be infatuated with a mere commoner sl*ve?

It would be difficult. And indeed, the strategy seemed to have worked, as not a single marriage proposal had come in.


‘But I have no intention of getting married.’


Of course, such a strategy only works for those desperate to establish connections with other noble families.

I have no interest in joining powerful noble factions, nor do I care about having a noble wife.


A noblewoman would surely come with all the proper education, right?

A refined and cultured lady?

Ugh. That’s like a well-trained pet, and it doesn’t appeal to me at all.


Isn’t someone like Charlotte, who has no clue about refinement and asks, ‘What’s that? Is it something you eat?’ or someone like Julia, who tries to act smart but is actually quite clumsy, much more attractive?


There’s a certain satisfaction in teaching and guiding them myself.


After all, men are instinctively drawn to something new and untouched.


‘If they want to keep me in check, they’re welcome to try. I actually prefer it quiet like this.’


Now, there won’t be any noise about marriage proposals or anything like that. Aslan turned around, feeling relieved.

Being slandered as a p*dophile and caught up in rumors?

That didn’t bother him at all.


Only those with a guilty conscience would feel ashamed.

He simply likes children for their innocence and wishes for them to grow up properly.

There was no reason to feel pricked or ashamed.


“You two don’t need to worry about this. Charlotte, focus on training with the Super Super Strong Sword, and Julia, dedicate yourself to your necromancy training.”




Aslan turned away indifferently.

He seemed busy, talking to Sylvia as they headed somewhere else.

Left alone, Julia and Charlotte’s eyes met.


“So, what does it mean? Explain it to me.”

“Oh! So, the rumor is that Aslan sees us as potential marriage partners!”

“What? But that’s true.”

“No, I mean the rumor says that we’re in a relationship that wouldn’t be strange even if we got married right now.”



Finally understanding, Charlotte clapped her hands together.

Why didn’t she just explain it like this from the start?

Maybe she was too embarrassed to say it in front of Aslan?

What a prude.

Charlotte pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.


“Well, Mister just sees us like kids. No, more like… just like pets he’s raising? Even our food bowls are like dog bowls.”

“That’s just because Aslan has twisted tastes.”



So, the old man has a thing for treating us like dogs.

I’ll remember that! Charlotte made a mental note.

Of course, she forgot it within ten minutes.


“But who could have spread this rumor?”

“Hmph. Isn’t it obvious? Someone who dislikes Aslan. He has a lot of enemies.”

“Enemies? Doesn’t everyone like Mister?”

“You can’t assume everyone in the world thinks like you…”

“I don’t think that way! But really, I think everyone likes him. The people from Ariente, the blacksmiths, the townsfolk…”


Huh? Really?

Julia’s pupils wavered.

Aslan’s reputation was supposed to be terrible. But, thinking it over as Charlotte had suggested, Julia couldn’t actually think of anyone who genuinely hated Aslan.


Everyone benefits from Aslan and looks up to him.

Is she the only one who dislikes Aslan?

Is it just because of past prejudices…?


Doesn’t that make her look really petty?

She hates that!

She really hates that…!


“Wh-who could it be, really? The one who spread such nonsense. Aslan seems to know. I’m curious.”



Julia couldn’t hide her discomfort and hurriedly tried to steer the conversation back.


“Oh! I know!”

“Huh? Who is it?”

“Hehe, Mister says that if you don’t know who the culprit is, just think of who benefits the most. Usually, that person is the culprit!”

“The person who benefits the most? Who could that be…?”

“Who else! It’s obvious! Hehe!”


Charlotte puffed up her chest confidently, placing her hands on her hips.


Julia felt a slight glimmer of hope.

Despite how she looked, Charlotte did have a sharp side!


“It’s Mister himself!”



What’s she talking about?


“Mister wants to marry one of us in the future, right?”

“Right. So, there’s no reason for him to spread such a rumor.”

“On the contrary! If a rumor like that spreads, who in the world would want to marry him? Now, Mister is completely out of the marriage market! We’re the only ones left for him to marry!”



Realizing what Charlotte meant, Julia’s mouth slowly dropped open.

The explanation was a bit haphazard, but it made sense!


Just like in those old fairy tales where a princess ends up marrying the village fool because of a rumor.

Aslan must have come up with a similar scheme!


“He’s already set up the trap!”

“Why would he set up a trap…?”



Ignoring Charlotte’s confusion, Julia gritted her teeth.

Aslan, that terrifying man!

To think he would go so far as to manipulate public opinion just to make them his wives…!


The thought made her shudder.




‘Is it that time for another letter?’



Casually, I spotted a black envelope in the mailbox, and her heart began to race.

The neat handwriting on the back read, “To the Mr. Black.”

As expected, it was a letter from Yuri.


At first, exchanging letters with that protagonist was nothing but a bothersome chore.

But now, it had become one of the few joys in my life.

Maybe I was too prejudiced because he’s destined to kill me.

Seeing his straightforwardness come through in his letters, I’ve come to realize he’s actually quite endearing.


‘After all, a kid is just a kid.’


Before he’s a noble and righteous hero, he’s just a little kid.


The one writing these letters is nothing more than a cute kid who sincerely respects his benefactor.

Thinking that way, I’ve even come to look forward to his letters.


“So, what’s in today’s letter…”


I couldn’t resist tearing open the envelope and unfolding the letter, only to freeze on the spot.

The first sentence was shocking.


-Mister, I’m enlisting.


Please don’t do this.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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