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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 61

Girl Ghost

‘Sylvia. I’m scared.’




I glanced sideways. Sylvia, who was pretending not to care, was actually watching me from a distance.

Good. Even though Yuri is the overpowered protagonist, he can’t compete with Sylvia, who has fully recharged her mana at this point.


At least, I don’t have to worry about getting my head cut off and dying right here.


My lower abdomen tingled, and a chill ran down my spine, making me want to run away.


But I kept a stern expression and took a step forward.


“You are…?”

“Hello, Count Vermont. It’s a pleasure to see you again since our last meeting at the academy. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Yuria Brussels. It is a great honor to be able to work under you.”




Yuri bowed, somewhat awkwardly, but still trying to show respect.


Yuria? Really? This guy has dressed as a woman so much that he’s finally convinced himself he’s actually a girl?

And this is supposed to be the protagonist?

I felt my head spinning.


“Nice to meet you. I brought you in on Sylvia’s recommendation, but I didn’t realize you were so young. How old are you?”

“I turned thirteen this year. I will work hard to make sure I don’t drag the colleagues down.”



As Yuri slowly raised his head, his intense gaze met mine, and I almost shivered.

Hey, tone down the killing intent, will you?

For a moment, I thought you were a Vermont.


If I stay here any longer, I might actually wet my pants.

Just as I was about to turn and leave…


“Yes, do your best.”



Yuri called out to me again.

What now?


“I heard a rumor that your future wives are in the mansion.”

“Who said that?”


“Are you really believing the nonsense spread by journalists?”


Future wives?


They can’t be future wives without my permission.


I’m just protecting them for the time being… for now, at least.


“I-I apologize. I meant the count’s sl*ves. The ones who have blossomed in the talents of handling demon swords and necromancy…”

“What about them?”

“I would like to apply to be their guard.”



[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is begging you to accept!]


Is he already planning to run away with Charlotte and Julia?

In the past, I might have let them escape, thinking it was the right thing to do.


But with Sylvia not around to mentor them, and the protagonist not yet awakened, letting them escape now is practically the same as letting them die.


‘No, I can’t let them leave until they’re strong enough to protect themselves.’


Until the protagonist proves he can protect both Charlotte and Julia, I won’t let them go, even if it means dirt enters my eyes first.


There’s no room for compromise on this.


Even if Yuri threatens my life, I can’t back down on this issue.


“Since I’m of the same age, I think I’m the most suitable. A friend-like guard would give them emotional stability while also…”


“Not necessary. I’m raising them with love and affection.”




[The Evil God ‘Kali’ reluctantly agrees that this is correct.]




Yuri’s eyes widened at my response.

What is it now?

I’m taking good care of them, so why the fuss?

I’m scared to say anything at this point.


“I refuse.”

“Then at least let me be your guard!”

“Are you underestimating the position of a guard? Why should I entrust my safety to a rookie like you?”


“You lack the skills, experience, and qualifications. What gives you such confidence?”

“Then, if I gain the skills, experience, and qualifications, does that mean there’s a possibility?”


“I will master all of them to the highest level! I want the honor of serving by your side!”

“…We’ll talk again when that time comes.”

“I will definitely become the top trainee in this training program! Please watch me, Count!”


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is fervently cheering for Yuri!]


Leaving Yuri behind, yelling with enthusiasm, I hurried back to the carriage.


If I stayed any longer, his burning eyes full of passion and revenge would make me lose control of myself.


‘Just focus on your studies…’


This is driving me crazy. What if he really becomes the top trainee, completes all the missions perfectly, and grows into a capable bodyguard for me?


I wouldn’t have a good reason to refuse then.


My head began to throb.


But for now, he has to juggle both the Academy and the training program.


Plus, he’s signed up for a ton of lectures, meaning he’ll have double the classwork and assignments.


If he focuses on training, his grades will suffer, and he’ll fail to keep his promises to his sponsor.


‘Please, just study hard. Don’t waste your time on nonsense.’


Anyway, when the assignments start piling up, he’ll naturally go back to focusing on his studies.


There’s no way he could manage to excel in both a double major and a security firm training program at the same time, right?


No way.

That’s impossible.


“I really need a break now.”


I’m already exhausted.

I quickly got into the carriage and returned to the mansion. I couldn’t stand staying in the Ariente territory, filled with muscle-brained fools and terrifying brats, any longer.


“Ahhh! I need the massage fist! Where is Charlotte…?!”


The moment I got off the carriage.


Sitting quietly in the flower bed in the garden.


I was able to face Julia, who was looking at me as if I was a strange person and staring blankly.


“Are you looking for Charlotte…?”

“No, I’m fine now. What were you doing here?”


Was she playing with flowers or something?


Was she enjoying the flowers?

I slowly walked into the garden, careful not to step on any flowers.

As I got closer, a fragrant scent wafted through the air.

I couldn’t tell if it was the smell of the flowers or Julia’s scent.


“I was talking to a spirit. It’s rare to find one with intelligence…”


Lower spirits are almost like insects in terms of intelligence, making communication nearly impossible beyond basic expressions.


It’s like having a more expressive pet insect.


As you can tell from Dirt-Dirt, the higher the rank of a spirit, the more intelligent it is, and the more sophisticated the conversation can become.


Though I couldn’t see the spirit in front of Julia, it must have been of a middle or higher rank.


“What does it look like?”

“It looks like a girl in a white robe. She’s really cute! About my age, I think…”



Is that really a spirit?

Normally, spirits don’t take human form.

Unless it’s a powerful Great Spirit playing tricks, it’s almost unheard of.


“Julia, try checking the rank of that spirit.”

“Huh? Why the rank…?”

“Do it.”

“Ugh… She doesn’t like this kind of thing. Sorry, this grumpy human is very particular…”



Julia focused mana into her fingertips and cast a detection spell.


“She’s a lower rank. But why do you care about the rank…?”

“Julia, did that thing introduce itself as a spirit?”

“Yeah, it said it was a lower-ranked spirit.”

“Step back. That’s not a spirit.”



I grabbed Julia by the wrist and pulled her behind me.

Her hair fluttered, spreading a pleasant scent.


‘This is a dangerous type of vengeful spirit.’


Even though it’s of a lower rank, it’s in human form.

That means it’s not a spirit but a vengeful spirit.


The most concerning thing was that it had hidden its identity and lied to Julia, claiming to be a spirit.

Why would a vengeful spirit lie and approach Julia?

It certainly wasn’t with good intentions; that much was clear.


“Ah! It’s starting to distort!”


“Blood is pouring out of its face! Ahhh! Its voice is getting all creepy! It’s coming at me!!!”


Tears welled up in Julia’s eyes as she clung tightly to me, wrapping her legs around my waist like a koala.

She was so panicked that she couldn’t even cast a banishing spell, which would have driven it away instantly.


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is scolding you harshly, saying our necromancer might get hurt!]


I gently held Julia so she wouldn’t fall.

She was soft.

Then, I muttered to myself.


‘Skill: Touch of Death.’



A cold aura spread out, causing the surrounding flowers to wilt instantly.

Is it gone?

The only way to check was to observe Julia’s reaction.


“Julia, is the girl gone?”

“I don’t know…”

“You need to look up to check.”

“I don’t know, I don’t know…”


She kept sniffling, burying her face in my chest and crying.

She must have been really scared.

Since nothing had happened for a while, it seemed the vengeful spirit had indeed been eradicated.

As Julia’s sobs subsided, I decided it was time to let her go.





As I tried to pull her off my waist, Julia shook her head, resisting.

I decided to take drastic action.




I gave her a light poke under the arm, causing her to jump up.

Seizing the moment, I pried her off and set her down on the ground.


“Your face is a mess. Go wash up.”



Julia hesitated, shuffling her feet. She tried to leave but stopped, unable to move.


“I-I’m scared…”

“Don’t worry, it’s gone. I took care of it.”

“But there might be more… I’m scared…”

“What do you want me to do?”

“…Come with me.”


Her face flushed slightly, and in a voice as small as a whisper, Julia tugged on my sleeve, pulling me along with her.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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