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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women Chapter 63

Black Magic Research (2)

‘You’re finally revealing your true colors, Aslan!’




Clenching her fist tightly, Julia braced herself.

Black magic research…

At last, the inevitable has arrived.


‘The reason Aslan is keeping me around is probably because of black magic.’


Necromancy? It had to be a powerful ability, no doubt.

Unique and useful, yes.

The Vermont family’s longstanding wish has always been black magic.

It’s clear they’re trying to use my brilliant mind to perfect it!


But what would happen if black magic is perfected?

According to the fairy tales, the Evil Gods descend to the mortal world, causing chaos, and the world eventually meets its doom.

So, it’s my destiny to stop Aslan from completing black magic!


‘The weight on my shoulders!’


Julia trembled with a sense of duty.

She must successfully disrupt Aslan’s research to prevent the end of the world.

The fate of the world rests in her hands!

She needs to stay focused!


“I noticed before that you’re quite good at taking notes. Try summarizing the main points of this book and this one.”

“Huh? Summarize? Is this what you call research…?”

“The first step is always like this.”


She felt somewhat deflated.

Wasn’t her brilliant mind the reason he asked for her help?

With a slightly downcast mood, Julia took a seat and opened the book Aslan handed her.


‘Hmm. It seems like a history book on black magic research.’


It detailed who conducted what research and how others continued it.


Julia felt her curiosity piquing as she began to focus.


Black magic was believed to be an evil magic that existed in the past.

It had a completely different system from traditional magic. It was said to emit a black light, but its system and mysteries have all been lost, leaving no one who can use black magic.


“Isn’t black magic just a myth? There are only testimonies of people who claimed to have seen it, but no concrete evidence. All attempts to recreate it have failed…”

“No. It certainly exists.”



Aslan responded firmly.

Many scholars have raised the possibility that black magic might be nothing more than a legend.

But Aslan knew for sure that black magic existed, thanks to the Evil God, Kali.


[The Evil God ‘Kali’ is enthusiastically cheering you on, saying you’re doing great.]


The Evil God is actively encouraging black magic research.

With Kali vouching for the existence of black magic, how could it be a lie?


‘Considering its intelligence, it might actually make sense…’


Kali gave off a strong aura of incompetence, yet it was still an Evil God.

Wasn’t it Kali who led me to the hidden section of black magic books in the academy library?


Kali doesn’t just mindlessly push for research.

Kali also helps and guides me to make progress, which means black magic isn’t a myth.

This was Aslan’s conclusion.


‘If he’s this certain, it must really exist.’


Julia tilted her head in confusion and returned her attention to the book.

It seemed Aslan wasn’t the only one interested in black magic.

According to the book, countless people have tried to recreate ancient black magic.


‘So they didn’t all start with bad intentions, huh?’


Contrary to her expectations, most black magic research began out of academic curiosity.

But the endings were all terrible.


Some researchers became corrupted, conducting cruel experiments on humans and were executed.

Others ignored their own well-being and starved to death from excessive focus on their research.

Another went insane and became a shell of their former self.


‘Ugh. With so many bad precedents, why do people keep trying to research it…?’


No wonder the state has banned and persecuted black magic.

But why do people continue to pursue it despite knowing the dreadful fates of their predecessors?

Julia couldn’t understand these moths drawn to the flame.

Oh, now that she thought about it, there was one such person right here.


Julia glanced at Aslan, who was deeply focused, and tilted her head.

She had always imagined that those who researched black magic were all madmen.

Aslan, though outwardly sinister, had a surprisingly normal side to him.


That only made it harder to understand why Aslan was so obsessed with black magic.




“Calling me that makes it feel like I’ve acquired a demure wife.”

“Ugh, you’re so indecent…! Is that all you ever think about!?”



Aslan didn’t bother to deny it.


“Why did you call me?”

“I just… No, never mind… Ugh, this doesn’t sound right. You… you… you?”

“Call me whatever you like; just finish this.”

“Aah. So, why are you so obsessed with black magic, Aslan? I wanted to ask that…”



Aslan fell silent.

Why am I so obsessed with black magic?

It wasn’t as if he wanted to be in this situation.

…But he couldn’t say that.


However, he could answer why the original Aslan Vermont had delved into black magic.


“Not everyone is born with exceptional talent. Or they might lose it. Most people choose to be content with their current state, but some can’t accept that. In my case, I can no longer walk the path of traditional magic. But what about black magic, which is said to have a completely different system? That’s how the research began.”



It was a less sinister reason than she had expected.

Julia let out a long nasal sigh at the unexpected answer.


‘Another reason to dislike Aslan has disappeared…’


There were no cruel human experiments happening in the Vermont estate.

The purpose of the black magic research wasn’t for some evil greed or to bring about the end of the world.


Of course, researching black magic, which the state had banned, was certainly wrong.

But so far, it seemed to be more of an academic pursuit driven by curiosity… and it hadn’t harmed anyone yet…


So, was Aslan not really such a bad person after all?

Julia suddenly found herself in a state of confusion.



“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing…”


Julia, who had been flipping through the pages, was startled and tried hard to suppress her agitation.

What she found in the book was surprisingly decisive evidence of black magic.


– No definitive physical evidence of black magic has ever been found.


– Today’s so-called evidence of black magic mostly consists of substances that produce something black. Some who claim to be scholars even call fire that produces black smoke a tool of black magic.


– However, the mineral called Neomium that I discovered is different. This substance emits a large amount of energy with a black light under certain conditions. The exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown. But what is certain is that this cannot be explained by current laws of physics or magic.


– After 10 years of various experiments since its first observation, I have yet to make any progress in replicating the phenomenon.


– The imperial family has ordered the cessation of experiments. Therefore, all Neomium is to be destroyed…


This was it.

A phenomenon that couldn’t be explained by science or magic.

The author of the book had been forced to stop his experiments due to pressure from above before he could succeed.


But it seemed certain that Neomium had some connection to black magic.


‘Should I tell him? Or not?’


Julia was conflicted.

If she told him, it could lead to significant progress in Aslan’s black magic research.

Her rational mind was screaming that she shouldn’t reveal it.


‘Not everyone is born with exceptional talent.’


Ever since hearing Aslan’s backstory, Julia had felt a slight pang in her chest.

She had thought her insomnia was a curse, but it was actually a talent for necromancy.


Aslan didn’t have any such talent.

Yet, despite this, Aslan was searching for a way.


To reach higher.

To shine brightly.

He was struggling in a talentless body.


Even if that method was considered an evil power, Aslan didn’t seem that wicked to Julia.


She wanted to help him.

That thought came to her mind, but…


‘But what if Aslan ends up like so many other scholars who fell into corruption?’


A terrifying worry began to creep in.


What if Aslan, like the researchers mentioned in the book, met a terrible end?

If it was because she had revealed this information…


If Aslan were to fall apart because of the progress in black magic research…


‘That would be unbearably painful…’


It would break her heart.

Julia gripped the book tightly, swallowing back tears.

The thought of such a future was terrifying.


‘Yes. I’ll keep it hidden.’


It just wouldn’t do.

Julia finally decided to keep the information about Neomium to herself and was about to turn the page when…


“Neomium!? Is that it? Is that the material? The fuel? Whatever it is, it must be something related to black magic, right?”




Julia nearly jumped out of her skin at the voice coming from behind her, and she quickly slammed the book shut.

When she turned around, Charlotte was standing there, beaming brightly, her hands on Julia’s shoulders.

Why did she have to get smart at the wrong time and act clueless at moments like this…?


Julia shot daggers at Charlotte with her eyes, filled with blame.

Charlotte, unaware of what she had done wrong, looked puzzled and confused.


“Neomium? Let me have a look.”

‘Oh no…’


This was bad.

As Aslan, intrigued, started approaching, Julia’s face quickly contorted into a look of despair.


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I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

용사의 여자들을 납치했다, 저 빌런 아닙니다
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I’ve possessed the mid-boss who tortures the protagonist and receives true education. Am I crazy? How dare I do such a thing to the person who is supposed to be the protagonist? I even planned to treat all the protagonist’s friends hospitably…   “Everyone, wait for me! I will definitely become stronger and come to save you!”   Oh. Running away.



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