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Instant Death, Time-Stop Word Mage Chapter 5

Chief Choi Young-ho.

A man with a perfectly straight posture, the embodiment of propriety.


“Mask? Oh no, you’ve caught a cold! Here, have a cup of hot cocoa!”
“Caffeine. Throat care. Problematic.”


Despite his youthful appearance, he was a seasoned veteran.

He had played a significant role during the large-scale North Korean Awakened defection incident.


Naturally, he had encountered A-rank Awakened individuals before.


That unique sense of awe one feels from such superhumans—that was what he was experiencing now.


‘This man is undoubtedly the very best among them…!’


Choi trusted his instincts. His hands trembled slightly with excitement.


An S-rank, a Perfect Clear.

And now, an A-rank Awakened right in front of him!

As a civil servant for this nation, how could he not be moved?


However, Kang Hyun was unimpressed.


‘A section chief?’


Not all section chiefs are created equal.

Would this one have the authority to resolve an identity issue?


‘Well, let’s see how this goes.’


A few exchanges would be enough to gauge the situation.
After all, Kang Hyun had mingled with countless heroes, nobles, and royalty.


Meanwhile, Aden was in full-on panic mode.


‘I-I want to go home.’


Where was her earlier resolve?

She was utterly intimidated in front of this “important” person.


Thump. Thump.

Her body trembled like a leaf, enough to make outside staff think there was an earthquake.


As usual, Kang Hyun spoke on her behalf.


“This kid has A-rank mana. We’re here to register her, but there’s an issue.”
“…Not you, Mr. Kang Hyun, but the person next to you?”


Chief Choi was momentarily taken aback.


‘A bit unexpected, but….’


An A-rank rookie was a massive deal regardless.


What did it matter?


“This is incredible! What’s the issue? Whatever the complaint is, I’ll resolve it with utmost sincerity!”


Despite being a section chief, his attitude was remarkably accommodating—exactly what one would hope for in a public servant.


“She’s an undocumented immigrant from Thea. Just give her a clean identity.”


Aden flinched in shock.




Revealing her identity in front of an “important” official?
What was he thinking?


‘They’re going to drag me back to Thea…!’




She trembled even more, overwhelmed by fear.


But Choi’s interest lay elsewhere.




The elf was definitely A-rank.


But Master? A-rank?


Though Aden was technically the star of this registration.

Chief Choi found himself increasingly focused on Kang Hyun.


“She’s not some illegal runaway.”
“Is her identity in Thea properly documented?”
“Yes. She’s registered there and isn’t a criminal.”
“She just crossed over in a hurry without preparation. If you check her records over there, you’ll get the gist.”


His explanation was concise and confident.
The kind of demeanor that inspired trust.


For public servants, building trust was an essential skill.


‘This man would make an excellent addition to government service.’


Choi’s curiosity was piqued—so much so that he couldn’t help but consider recruiting him.


‘At any rate, if what he says checks out, there’s no issue here.’


Of course, an undocumented immigrant is technically illegal.




‘They could be someone in dire need. Helping such individuals is also a state’s duty.’


More importantly, for an A-rank, such trivial matters could be overlooked.

If Korea could claim someone like her, it was worth it.


Petty law enforcement?
Deportation of undocumented immigrants?
This was a matter of true national interest.


As an elite civil servant, Choi knew how to bend the rules when needed.


‘More importantly….’


He scrutinized Kang Hyun carefully.

Every exchange they’d had so far seemed to carry hidden meaning.


‘An asset of this caliber is offering themselves to Korea. Handle this with tact and secure them.’


The confidence with which Kang Hyun demanded “accommodation” from the government spoke volumes.

Through his inherent value, he compelled the state to make concessions.


This was no ordinary man.
It was clear he was well-versed in such negotiations.
And being the mentor of an A-rank Awakened?


‘Could it be….’


Choi thought of a certain enigmatic figure that had been making waves lately.


He didn’t hesitate.


“Very well. I’ll handle your request.”
“Doesn’t seem too difficult.”
“Not at all. However….”
“Go ahead.”
“By any chance.”


Choi suddenly leaned in, his face close to Kang Hyun’s.

Kang Hyun flinched slightly.


“Have you ever considered becoming a civil servant?”


Out of nowhere?


Was this a joke?


“Here’s my card. Please consider my offer seriously….”


Choi seemed a bit eccentric.

But before Kang Hyun could even process this strange proposal.


“Are you, by chance, the S-rank Word Mage yourself?”


A sudden curveball!

While Choi had seemed odd just moments ago, Kang Hyun wasn’t someone easily shaken by psychological games.


“What are you talking about?”


His expression didn’t falter in the slightest.
Chief Choi naturally glanced at Aden for a reaction, but.


‘…No, it’s not him.’


Aden’s face screamed “What is this nonsense?”


“Don’t waste your energy on me. Just take care of her paperwork.”


Still, the feeling lingered.

It must have been wishful thinking.


‘There’s no way he’s the Perfect Clear.’


The rank was simply too high.

For both Aden and Kang Hyun.


‘He’s the mentor of an A-rank, so this man must be at least A-rank himself.’


It was a thoroughly modern, ability-centered mindset.


‘If that’s the case, a Perfect Clear of an F-rank dungeon is impossible. He wouldn’t even be able to enter.’


Dungeons had entrance restrictions.


The source of a dungeon’s power was the roots of the Black World Tree.


And those roots had an innate instinct for self-preservation.

This meant they blocked entry to Awakened individuals above the dungeon’s rank.


An Awakened could only enter dungeons up to five levels below their own rank.


Therefore, the maximum rank for a Perfect Clear Awakened was E+.

And since Perfect Clear occurred in an F-rank dungeon…


‘That’s why it’s such a tremendously valuable ability.’


If nurtured further, even achieving just B-rank or A-rank stats.

They might rival the existing S-ranks.

A true ultimate seed of potential.


‘But this man isn’t a seed.’


That was Choi’s impression.

He seemed more complete than any B-rank or A-rank Awakened Choi had ever encountered.


This man didn’t feel like someone destined to grow.
He felt like someone already finished.


Still, one thing nagged at him.


‘There’s no A-rank like this in Korea.’


Was he a foreigner?

But then why was his student registering in Korea?
He looked entirely Korean, too.


A truly enigmatic figure.
Just like the rumored S-rank Word Mage.


‘I’ll establish a good relationship with him and observe.’


Chief Choi called out to his staff in an exuberant voice.


“Please assist with the registration process!”
“Huh? Oh, yes, sir!”
“Help this gentleman here, and also bring some warm water!”


The process was completed smoothly, including a mana measurement.


‘He really is A-rank!’


It wasn’t surprising, but it was still thrilling.


This one person elevated Korea’s Awakened power by a significant step.


‘And just like that, Korea becomes stronger!’


Patriotic pride surged within Choi.


‘I seem to have secured an incredible achievement.’


An A-rank dropping from the heavens right into his lap—
that was a monumental accomplishment.


By tomorrow, the news would surely spread.
The internet would buzz, and the public would be positively energized.


As Kang Hyun and Aden prepared to leave, Choi handed a business card to Aden as well.


“If you ever need assistance, contact me directly. Don’t bother with middlemen.”
“Oh, thank you.”


Aden, still stiff with nerves, watched as Kang Hyun accepted the card on her behalf.

After speaking with Choi for a while, Kang Hyun’s thoughts crystallized.


‘Chief Choi Young-ho, huh? He seems competent.’


It wouldn’t hurt to maintain a friendly relationship.

In this line of work, state cooperation became essential as one grew stronger.


‘And he’s got decent instincts, too.’


He’d even brought warm water when Kang Hyun mentioned disliking caffeine.


“Alright, we’ll be counting on you.”
“Leave it to me!”



Choi bowed deeply, which made Aden flinch again.

She tugged at Kang Hyun’s sleeve, signaling her eagerness to leave.


The two exited quickly, with Aden letting out a long sigh.


‘I felt like my soul was leaving my body.’


Her shoulders felt heavy today.
Or maybe it was her chest—she wasn’t sure.


‘At least it’s all resolved now.’


She finally had a legitimate identity.


No longer would she live as a fugitive.
She could visit a hospital without worry,
and there was no need to avoid the police.


And all of this had been resolved in mere hours, thanks to her master.


“…Thank you, Master.”


A short, indifferent reply.


Even after altering her life for the third time, he remained the same.


‘Master has changed.’


He’d become incredible.
It all happened in just one day after awakening.


The Kang Hyun Aden knew was…
A genius of magical theory, for sure.
A peculiar one, though.


‘He couldn’t use magic because he didn’t have mana, yet he had that level of skill.’


He’d always been bullheaded.
His faith in himself was unshakable.


Even when debt piled up.
Even when all his students left.

Even when people called him a fraud.
He never wavered.


He always did things his way, on his terms.


‘No, he hasn’t changed.’


Her master was the same.

The only difference was whether or not he had the mana to prove his skill.


‘No matter what others say, he’s always been extraordinary.’


Aden thought about it.

Maybe she was exaggerating, but she felt like she was witnessing the closest thing to a true hero.


‘Whether that’s an exaggeration or not… time will tell.’


Her loyalty to her master deepened further.

But Kang Hyun, as always, paid it no mind.


“Hey, let’s head to the dungeon!”


He was eager to use his Words of Power again.
The rewards from a Perfect Clear were enticing.




The two headed to the Gate.

This time, it was another F-rank dungeon.


‘My mana hasn’t increased yet.’


What if the monsters got stronger?
He wouldn’t be able to stop them all at once, not with his current mana reserves.


“Hopefully my mana increases this time.”
“I heard improving your stats is extremely difficult.”
“Really? Don’t they give elixirs or something as rewards?”


Maybe he was being overly optimistic.


“They do, but they’re extremely rare. And only in higher-ranked dungeons.”


Rewards tended to be junk most of the time.


“Apparently, you have to clear tons of dungeons to find anything useful.”


He tempered his expectations.


“Wait, am I really going in with you?”
“Of course. You have to come along to learn anything.”
“I’ll do my best to learn!”


Aden’s cheeks flushed with excitement.


“I’m finally going to see Master’s magic in action!”
“Don’t overreact.”
“The magic of Perfect Clear, at that!”


With that, they arrived at the Gate.


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Instant Death, Time-Stop Word Mage

Instant Death, Time-Stop Word Mage

Instant Death, Time-Stop Word Mage, 즉사, 시간정지 언령사
Score 7
Status: Hiatus Type: , , , , , , Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was reincarnated. My vocal cord nodules are healed. "Stop." I accidentally stopped the entire city. "Die." I killed the boss monster.



not work with dark mode