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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 32

It’s a hellish scene, isn’t it?

Ryu, who was secretly orchestrating this matchmaking event, summed it up in one word: the matchmaking venue was a scene straight out of hell.

It was a standing buffet party in the garden, and the women were surrounding Tauro, engaging in a battle of appeals.

That much was easy to imagine. However, behind them, like a whispering madam from some memory Ryu had seen on TV in a past life, parents formed a circle behind their daughters, whispering lines into their ears, which was quite unusual.

“What are your hobbies? Ask and continue the conversation.”

“…This place has a lot of nature, it’s nice, compliment it.”

“…Say that you’re good at cooking to make an impression.”

As Tauro became the center of attention in this transparent whispering madam battle, things gradually heated up, and soon, the daughters began making snide remarks and insults to each other.

By that time, Tauro’s forced smile had died along with his facial muscles.

Amidst this hellish scene, there was a daughter, Ellis, who was watching from a distance without joining the circle.

She was the daughter of Count Bridge.

With her father, she refrained from joining the circle around Tauro and observed from a distance.

“This must be very sad for you, Tauro.”

Noticing the concerned expression on his daughter’s face, Count Bridge gently patted her back.

Tauro noticed Ellis’s presence.

They must have been acquaintances from school because their gazes met, and he offered a weak smile.

Ellis responded with a quick smile and a small wave.

Observing this scene, Ryu thought that it would be great if these two got together.

So, when he approaced Tauro from behind.

“Brother, you should also talk to Miss Ellis. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Count Bridge. And if you converse with the daughter of Count Bridge, no one can object.”

Indeed, most of the girls surrounding Tauro were daughters of barons and knights, so if he talked to the daughter of a count, there would be no one to interfere.

Tauro probably thought that Ryu was offering him helpful advice.

He obediently followed the suggestion, apologizing to the circle that surrounded him and walked over to Ellis to strike up a conversation.

At first, the other girls tried to join their conversation, but when they realized that Count Bridge was standing behind his daughter, their parents stopped them and shook their heads.

“Sorry, I had to make use of Count Bridge.”

Tauro honestly apologized to Count Bridge.

“No, it’s fine. I’d like you to talk with my daughter. She wanted to come today.”

With a smile, Count Bridge accepted Tauro’s apology, showing concern as a father.

“Yes… Ellis, thank you for coming today.”

The subsequent conversation between the two consisted mostly of trivial topics like school life and family matters. But in Ryu’s eyes, it was the happiest they had looked all day.

In the meantime, Father Farza, along with his wife Cecile, had been entertaining the other participants, but the matchmaking focus shifted from Tauro to the parents, and they were bombarded with flattery and compliments.

By the latter part, their forced smiles had also died, along with their facial expressions.

The group that had come for the arranged marriage stayed overnight at the impressive lodging prepared by the Landmark family as a gesture of hospitality.

By the way, the lodging was rumored to be even more splendid than the Landmark family’s estate and was constructed by Ryu using earth magic over the course of half a month.

As for the response to the arranged marriage proposal, Tauro promptly sent a rejection letter to all of them.

Yes, to everyone.

The reason stated was Tauro’s honest feelings that he couldn’t consider such matters at this time.

A few days later, the new school year began, and Tauro returned to school. There, he met Miss Ellis and immediately asked her out.

According to the letter from Tauro, the response was positive, and they had also written a joint letter to request Count Bridge’s permission for their relationship. Count Bridge himself was planning to visit to discuss this matter in person.

Father Farza was also surprised by this development and arranged to meet Tauro to discuss it.

By the way, just before the big arranged marriage operation, Sima had passed his exams and would be attending the same school as Tauro starting this year.

As a result, there was a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere in the Landmark family due to Tauro’s arranged marriage commotion. However, Tauro himself seemed completely oblivious to it, as he was delighted that he successfully asked Miss Ellis out right in front of everyone.

In any case, it was a time of celebration, and the Landmark family was enjoying a season of joy.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 32

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 32

It's a hellish scene, isn't it?

Ryu, who was secretly orchestrating this matchmaking event, summed it up in one word: the matchmaking venue was a scene straight out of hell.

It was a standing buffet party in the garden, and the women were surrounding Tauro, engaging in a battle of appeals.

That much was easy to imagine. However, behind them, like a whispering madam from some memory Ryu had seen on TV in a past life, parents formed a circle behind their daughters, whispering lines into their ears, which was quite unusual.

"What are your hobbies? Ask and continue the conversation."

"…This place has a lot of nature, it's nice, compliment it."

"...Say that you're good at cooking to make an impression."

As Tauro became the center of attention in this transparent whispering madam battle, things gradually heated up, and soon, the daughters began making snide remarks and insults to each other.

By that time, Tauro's forced smile had died along with his facial muscles.

Amidst this hellish scene, there was a daughter, Ellis, who was watching from a distance without joining the circle.

She was the daughter of Count Bridge.

With her father, she refrained from joining the circle around Tauro and observed from a distance.

“This must be very sad for you, Tauro.”

Noticing the concerned expression on his daughter's face, Count Bridge gently patted her back.

Tauro noticed Ellis's presence.

They must have been acquaintances from school because their gazes met, and he offered a weak smile.

Ellis responded with a quick smile and a small wave.

Observing this scene, Ryu thought that it would be great if these two got together.

So, when he approaced Tauro from behind.

"Brother, you should also talk to Miss Ellis. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Count Bridge. And if you converse with the daughter of Count Bridge, no one can object."

Indeed, most of the girls surrounding Tauro were daughters of barons and knights, so if he talked to the daughter of a count, there would be no one to interfere.

Tauro probably thought that Ryu was offering him helpful advice.

He obediently followed the suggestion, apologizing to the circle that surrounded him and walked over to Ellis to strike up a conversation.

At first, the other girls tried to join their conversation, but when they realized that Count Bridge was standing behind his daughter, their parents stopped them and shook their heads.

"Sorry, I had to make use of Count Bridge."

Tauro honestly apologized to Count Bridge.

"No, it's fine. I'd like you to talk with my daughter. She wanted to come today."

With a smile, Count Bridge accepted Tauro's apology, showing concern as a father.

"Yes... Ellis, thank you for coming today."

The subsequent conversation between the two consisted mostly of trivial topics like school life and family matters. But in Ryu's eyes, it was the happiest they had looked all day.

In the meantime, Father Farza, along with his wife Cecile, had been entertaining the other participants, but the matchmaking focus shifted from Tauro to the parents, and they were bombarded with flattery and compliments.

By the latter part, their forced smiles had also died, along with their facial expressions.

The group that had come for the arranged marriage stayed overnight at the impressive lodging prepared by the Landmark family as a gesture of hospitality.

By the way, the lodging was rumored to be even more splendid than the Landmark family's estate and was constructed by Ryu using earth magic over the course of half a month.

As for the response to the arranged marriage proposal, Tauro promptly sent a rejection letter to all of them.

Yes, to everyone.

The reason stated was Tauro's honest feelings that he couldn't consider such matters at this time.

A few days later, the new school year began, and Tauro returned to school. There, he met Miss Ellis and immediately asked her out.

According to the letter from Tauro, the response was positive, and they had also written a joint letter to request Count Bridge's permission for their relationship. Count Bridge himself was planning to visit to discuss this matter in person.

Father Farza was also surprised by this development and arranged to meet Tauro to discuss it.

By the way, just before the big arranged marriage operation, Sima had passed his exams and would be attending the same school as Tauro starting this year.

As a result, there was a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere in the Landmark family due to Tauro's arranged marriage commotion. However, Tauro himself seemed completely oblivious to it, as he was delighted that he successfully asked Miss Ellis out right in front of everyone.

In any case, it was a time of celebration, and the Landmark family was enjoying a season of joy.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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