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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 77

Thieves, But What?

The day after the contract with Viscount Bunarn…


Ryu’s group departed on their journey without being seen off by Viscount Bunarn.


“Honestly, I don’t understand that person at all.”


Leanne complained inside the carriage.


“They canceled the party without warning after inviting us, and they didn’t even see us off properly on our way back… I mean, it’s not like I was looking forward to the party, but their changing attitudes were just unpleasant. I, as an elf, can’t comprehend Viscount Bunarn’s way of thinking.”


“It’s comforting to know that even as a fellow human, I can’t understand him either. Viscount Bunarn’s behavior was indeed puzzling.”


Ryu remarked, unable to think of a reason why they were not detained.


As they reached the forest boundary of Viscount Mamire’s territory from Viscount Bunarn’s, Leanne noticed a group unnaturally gathering ahead.


“Ryu, there’s a group ahead that seems suspiciously assembled. They might be lying in wait.”


Leanne warned Ryu promptly.


Ryu hastily instructed the coachman to halt.


“How many are there?”


Ryu asked Leanne.


“There are… thirty, no, thirty-two of them.”


Ryu’s party consisted of two carriages, six guards, Sebastian, Leanne, Ryu, and two coachmen, for a total of 11 people.


The territory soldiers, having received occasional training from Grandfather Kamiza, possessed considerable skills, which Ryu believed would be sufficient against thieves. Additionally, the fact that they detected the ambush first was significant.


After informing the soldiers of the potential ambush ahead, they decided to proceed with caution.


As they arrived at the ambush point, they found logs blocking the path, with men standing in their way.


“If you value your lives, leave behind your cargo and the woman.”


A man who seemed like the leader demanded.


Ryu felt a slight suspicion at the demand, particularly at how they knew there was a woman present.

Although it could have been a coincidence, it felt unsettling.


“Hey! Answer me!”


Suddenly, the ground shook, causing the thieves’ footing to waver.


“Earth Magic: Ground Collapse!”


Ryu’s voice echoed, and the ground beneath the thieves’ leaders, who were blocking the road, crumbled, swallowing more than ten thieves.


Reacting swiftly, the leader barely managed to avoid falling into the hole.


“Damn it! We didn’t hear anything about them having a monster like this magic! Alright, forget about the carriages, just grab the cargo from the back and kill the rest!”


The thieves converged on the carriages.

The soldiers formed a protective line at the rear of the carriages.

The carriages were left defenseless.


One of the agitated thieves opened a carriage door to find it empty, let alone any cargo.


“Boss! There’s no one inside!”


“And there’s no cargo either!”


The boss, visibly angered, exclaimed.


“That b*stard tricked me!”


“Can those be your last words?”


A voice came from behind the boss.


Turning around, the boss found himself facing the tip of a sword, held by a child.


“Wait, why are you behind me…”


“I took a detour. Oh, and it’s best if you don’t move. Both Leanne and I are seasoned enough to take you down from this distance.”


The elf standing behind the child, bow drawn and ready to release.


With no confidence in evading from this distance, the boss reluctantly surrendered.


“I-I understand. I surrender…!”


The man addressed as the boss released the sword he had been holding.

The underlings surrounding the carriage faced off with the soldiers and Sebastian, but they were unsettled by their boss’s surrender.


“Ah, please don’t touch the concealed knives, we’re onto you.”


Ryu warned using his ‘Appraisal’ skill to locate hidden weapons.




One of the underlings, sensing the gravity of the situation, threw down the spear he held and dove into the thicket to escape.


Seeing this, the remaining twenty or so underlings scattered like spiders into the forest.


Sebastian halted the soldiers who were attempting pursuit and ordered the boss to be bound.


“Damn it! Is this how it ends for me?”


The boss, who was tied up, resigned to his fate.


“Normally, I’d oversee your handover to the lord for judgment, but this is the border between Viscount Bunarn and Viscount Mamire’s territories. Which lord do you think we should turn you over to?”


Ryu questioned the captured boss.


“Please, it was Viscount Bunarn who hired me. He wanted your cargo and that elf over there. I’ll testify, so please, help me!”


Upon hearing the expected response, Ryu contemplated his next move, and Sebastian made a suggestion.


“Young Master Ryu, it might be best to seek Lord Farza’s judgment in this matter.”


Indeed, Sebastian’s words held merit, as the matter involved Viscount Bunarn’s position.

It was not something a child could decide alone.


“You’re right. I’ll go see Father.”


Ryu replied, disappearing from the spot in the next moment.

The captured boss could only watch in astonishment as Ryu vanished before his eyes.


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Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Score 6.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Japanese
A man who has lived a lonely life as a yakuza is reincarnated into another world as Ryuu, the third son of a knightly family. Growing up surrounded by the love of a family he never had before, he soon realizes that his kind-hearted relatives have been poor for generations due to their strong fighting abilities but weak business skills. Determined to make a difference, he utilizes his unknown skill “Gokudou” and his knowledge from his past life in the underworld to create and sell coffee, chocolate, and hand-pulled carts. He improves the harvest yields of their fields and establishes a thriving stall at a local festival, successfully launching one new venture after another. However, as he steadily expands their territory, the family faces danger from resentful nobles who dislike their growing influence. Will they be able to overcome these challenges and secure their newfound prosperity?



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