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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 78

What Happened to the Viscount?

When Ryu returned to his room in the Landmark Territory using the Dimension Corridor, he immediately headed to the study where his father, Farza, was likely to be.


As expected, his father Farza was engrossed in reviewing and signing documents, but he paused and decided to take a break when Ryu arrived.


“What’s the matter? Shouldn’t you be at the party at this hour?”


Farza asked, a natural question given the circumstances. However, as he listened to Ryu’s story, his expression grew increasingly severe.


“…I see, so everyone is safe? Viscount Bunarn is a noble affiliated with the southern region faction. It would be problematic for a lower-ranked faction like ours in the southeast to interfere with a viscount’s fate. Tell Sebastian to eliminate the leader of those bandits. I will write a stern letter to Viscount Bunarn about this matter.”


“Does that mean you won’t pursue Viscount Bunarn’s crimes?”


Ryu was surprised by his usually straightforward father’s unexpected reaction.


“In the noble society, it’s reckless to criticize someone of higher status based solely on a bandit’s testimony. However, we cannot allow bandits to roam free. They must atone for their crimes with death. Deliver their leader’s head to Viscount Bunarn. But I won’t overlook anyone who targets my children’s lives. Leave this to me.”


Feeling the weight of his father’s serious expression, Ryu nodded in agreement with his father’s judgment.


When Ryu conveyed Farza’s orders to Sebastian, Sebastian responded briefly.




He dragged the bandit leader into the bushes.


The pleas for mercy gradually faded into the distance…


Ryu and his group returned home with a lingering bad taste from the recent moneylending tour.


While Ryu and the others were returning, Farza visited Marquis Sugoella, the leader of their faction, to discuss the matter.


Upon hearing Farza’s account, Marquis Sugoella promptly sent a messenger to the leader of Viscount Bunarn’s faction, condemning the viscount’s actions and suggesting a “peaceful” resolution, acknowledging the talent of Bunarn’s son.


The faction leader was both surprised and angered by Viscount Bunarn’s foolish actions, especially since they were directed at the rising Baron of Landmark.


The proposal from Marquis Sugoella was a relief, and the leader decided to handle the matter peacefully, valuing the capable heir of Viscount Bunarn.

This decision would, however, incur a debt to Marquis Sugoella.


“Summon Viscount Bunarn here immediately.”


Following this, Viscount Bunarn faced a thunderous reprimand from his faction leader and was compelled to make certain promises.


A year later, Viscount Bunarn was forced into retirement, transferring his title to his son who had just graduated and come of age.


Ryu finally felt relieved upon returning to his homeland after a dismal journey home.


“The Landmark Territory is the best.”


Ryu said, stretching upon arrival at the mansion.


“It truly is. Though your developed carriage is comfortable, long rides are still tiring.”


As they spoke at the mansion entrance, Ryu’s younger sister Hanna came out to greet them, accompanied by their father Farza and mother Cecile.


“Welcome back, Ryu-nii-chan!”


Hanna exclaimed, hugging him tightly, bringing immediate comfort to Ryu.


“Ryu, thank you for your hard work. Leanne, Sebastian, and all the soldiers, you did well.”


Cecile praised the group.


“Ryu, Leanne, rest assured, I have already dealt with the matter. I’m sorry for putting you in danger.”


Farza said, embracing Ryu and Leanne.


“It’s okay, Dad. The Demon Forest is much more dangerous. Though, the atmosphere on the way back was terrible…”


Ryu and Leanne, having faced many challenges, exchanged glances and laughed.


“I’m not sure if that’s something to be glad about, but I’m relieved you’re all safe.”


Farza said with a smile, and soon everyone was laughing along.


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Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Score 6.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Japanese
A man who has lived a lonely life as a yakuza is reincarnated into another world as Ryuu, the third son of a knightly family. Growing up surrounded by the love of a family he never had before, he soon realizes that his kind-hearted relatives have been poor for generations due to their strong fighting abilities but weak business skills. Determined to make a difference, he utilizes his unknown skill “Gokudou” and his knowledge from his past life in the underworld to create and sell coffee, chocolate, and hand-pulled carts. He improves the harvest yields of their fields and establishes a thriving stall at a local festival, successfully launching one new venture after another. However, as he steadily expands their territory, the family faces danger from resentful nobles who dislike their growing influence. Will they be able to overcome these challenges and secure their newfound prosperity?



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