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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 79

Are We Preparing Sweets Again This Year, But What?

As the harvest season, the culmination of the year, approached, Ryu anticipated it, feeling the development of the Landmark Territory.


After the harvest, the biggest delight for the people was the Festival of Plenty, particularly Ryu’s sweet stall.

It was an opportunity for the citizens to enjoy luxurious sweets at a low cost, so they were excited.


“Last year’s ‘Choco Banana’ was delicious, so I want to have that again.”


“I also like ‘Rigo Pie’. Oh, since you’ve just moved here, have you tried Rigo Pie?”


“What’s that? Is it tasty?”


“It’s exquisite with its crispy pastry and the sweet Rigo fruit flavored with sugar, complemented by its natural acidity. Well, Choco Banana was delicious too.”


The original citizens boasted to the newcomers about the sweets they had enjoyed over the past few years.


So, the expectations of the citizens were high.


Ryu pondered what to choose this time for the stall. When it came to setting up a stall, the options were limited.


It was popular in the past world and can be made with the technology here.


“Alright, this year it’ll be crepes!”


Ryu immediately consulted with the Landmark family’s head chef and embarked on days of trial and error.


Relying on his knowledge from his past life, Ryu decided to make whipped cream.


Whipped cream was easy to make once the raw cream, obtained by heating and sterilizing unrefined milk from the Moos (cows), was left to cool and the cream separated on top.

Then, sugar was added to the cream in a vessel.

While chilling it (using ice magic), it was vigorously stirred (using wind magic). After about eight minutes of stirring, it was done.


He made a large amount of this.


Although the head chef followed Ryu’s advice and made it together, since they were mixing it manually, the chef developed tenosynovitis the next day, greatly hindering cooking.


Surprisingly, the dough was another challenge.


In his past life, Ryu’s senior in charge of street stalls, a skilled gangster, had deftly stretched and baked the dough into a circle using a T-shaped wooden stick. When Ryu tried to imitate it, he found it quite difficult due to the unevenness.


Leanne, who had been watching from the side, effortlessly accomplished it.


“I finally understand what Ryu wants to do.”


Well, that was easy to do.


It was an unexpected blossoming in an unexpected place.


“Wow! Leanne is skilled, huh? Maybe you’re suited to be a crepe maker!”


Ryu praised her. She seemed somewhat pleased.


“Hehe. I’m an elf, you know? Being skilled is a given. But being a crepe maker? I don’t think so.”


She was very proud of this.


Ryu thought this could work and praised Leanne, successfully persuading her to bake plenty of dough.


Leanne, you’re easy to handle.


Ryu thought so but, of course, didn’t say it to her.


Next was the filling.


Ryu felt confident that the combination of banana, chocolate, and whipped cream alone would be the strongest, but fortunately, unusual fruits were readily available in the depths of the Demon Forest.

There might be new discoveries, and with the cooperation of his grandfather Kamiza, they decided to gather them.


“Hey Ryu! These small purple fruits over here, they’re sweet and sour and delicious!”


“Wow, Ryu! These red fruits, they’re sweet with a hint of sourness, delicious, right!?”


In the Demon Forest, where even adventurers were cautious due to the rampant monsters, voices unlike those expected echoed.


What Kamiza found was what was known in his past life as blueberries, apparently called Brune fruits here.


What Leanne found was what was known in her past life as strawberries, called Iichigo here.


Ryu also discovered kiwi fruits.


Ryu was confident that just these three types alone would delight everyone, so he gathered as many as possible and stored them magically one after another.


Upon returning to the mansion, Ryu, along with Leanne and the head chef, decided to hold a tasting session, gathering maids and servants.


“We’ll keep it simple this time.”


Kamiza, who had watched the chocolate-making from cocoa beans last time, was impressed by how easily the crepes were made.


“Is this a ‘crepe’? What’s the white thing?”


His father asked, peering at the white thing that Ryu was squeezing out of the cloth to make crepe batter.


“This is whipped cream. It’s delicious.”


As a finishing touch, they folded the crepe, pouring melted Landmark family chocolate over it. Everyone recommended it, and they tasted crepes wrapped in dough with fruits they had never seen before.




They were all impressed by its taste.


“The sweetness and bitterness of this whipped cream? and chocolate, the sweetness of the fruits, and the acidity. The complex flavors are harmonized within this dough!”


“While the dough itself doesn’t have much flavor, it enhances the other tastes and adds texture, which is great!”


“I haven’t had something this delicious since the Choco Banana…!”


High praises were given one after another.


With this, the citizens would surely be pleased this year too!


Ryu felt a sense of accomplishment.


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Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Secret Side Business Reincarnation: Former Yakuza Expands Territory for Family, But What?

Score 6.4
Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Japanese
A man who has lived a lonely life as a yakuza is reincarnated into another world as Ryuu, the third son of a knightly family. Growing up surrounded by the love of a family he never had before, he soon realizes that his kind-hearted relatives have been poor for generations due to their strong fighting abilities but weak business skills. Determined to make a difference, he utilizes his unknown skill “Gokudou” and his knowledge from his past life in the underworld to create and sell coffee, chocolate, and hand-pulled carts. He improves the harvest yields of their fields and establishes a thriving stall at a local festival, successfully launching one new venture after another. However, as he steadily expands their territory, the family faces danger from resentful nobles who dislike their growing influence. Will they be able to overcome these challenges and secure their newfound prosperity?



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