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The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me Chapter 42

Frozen Village, Cold Heart (11)

The quest center in Norton Village was practically a white elephant.


No one came to make requests in a village where adventurers no longer visited.


It was only maintained because Colin, who claimed to be the quest center manager, came and went.


Without her, this place would have been left neglected.


“Hm hm~”


Humming cheerfully, she dusted off the table.


She focused on cleanliness, thinking that a customer might come at any moment.


Perhaps it was thanks to her anticipation. The long-awaited sound of a knock was heard.


Her ears perked up at the sound of someone knocking on the wooden door.


A smile naturally spread across her face, and a lively voice came out.


“Yes! Come in!”


She expected it might be Seo-Hyun, the adventurer, who had come.


In Colin’s eyes, he was a bit reserved but a kind and warm person.


Although his companions were cold, she knew he was considerate of her.




However, the person who appeared when the door opened was someone she had never seen before.


A beautiful yet strong woman.


With red hair flowing and sharp eyes scanning her surroundings.


Confidence exuded from her confident strides.


Even at a glance, she gave off a very strong impression.


Her attire was quite unusual as well.


She guessed it might be some ancient traditional costume.


Though her outfit was rare, it did not seem out of place at all.


The appearance was so natural that it didn’t even feel strange.


Why had such a woman come to Norton Village?


Before her curiosity could fade, Colin quickly bowed her head in greeting.


“Are you a first-time adventurer here? Welcome to our village!”




With a blunt voice, the visitor approached the counter.


Contrary to expectations, a curt response came out, but Colin greeted her with a smile without being flustered.


“So, what brings you here…?!”


Suddenly, her head was grabbed.


It happened in an instant.


Colin, startled, tried to step back.


But it was too late. The visitor forcibly turned her face to meet her eyes.


Suddenly, a floating sensation filled Colin’s mind.


“Tell me everything that has happened so far.”


A beautiful voice echoed in her ears.


Immediately, the impulse to answer without hiding anything beat within her.


Colin moved her lips.


With an expressionless face, she began to spill information like a machine.


“Recently, the adventurers have defeated many Yetis … I’m just so grateful…”


The uninvited guest waited patiently until she finished speaking.


Finally, the tedious explanation ended and the surroundings became silent.


After hearing everything, the guest tapped her fingers on the table, seemingly dissatisfied.


In a voice filled with annoyance, she asked Colin again.


“Three in total. A swordsman, a shield bearer, and a mage?”


Smirking, she checked the pouch inside the counter.


It contained the trophies they had brought back.


There were at least over a hundred Yeti noses piled up.


“…They’re certainly not ordinary.”


Then, Colin approached the guest and murmured something.


She started to share all the information she had heard when she first met the adventurers.


“And it seems they intend to climb to the top of the snowy mountain…”


“The top of the snowy mountain?”


Hearing this, a fierce look appeared in her eyes along with a sarcastic laugh.


To climb to the top just to complete a quest?


No matter how skilled they were, it was nothing but reckless bravado.


“Well, that’s enough.”


The guest released her grip on Colin.


Without saying another word, she turned around and walked away.


She left the quest center without any hesitation.




Moments later, Colin looked around with a puzzled expression.


There was no one in the quiet quest center, just as before.










The woman who had left the quest center sighed. The rough wind made her shiver.


The cold was something she never got used to.


She frowned at the irritating weather.


Suddenly, she felt a weight on her shoulder.


Someone had climbed onto her back, gripping her neck.




Unlike her frowning face, the newcomer wore a beaming smile.


Her pink hair was similar, but her demeanor was entirely different.


With round eyes and a mischievous smile, she looked like a little devil straight out of a fairy tale.


She clung to her with a lilting voice, full of affection.


Since this was a familiar occurrence, she said nothing.


“There was a harvest. I found out their destination.”


“Really? Why on earth did they come here?”


Her eyes sparkled with expectation, and a malicious smile spread across her face.


Her voice was filled with excitement.


“I don’t know. It seems they’re planning to climb the snowy mountain.”


At those words, her sister burst into laughter, almost falling over with mirth.


She laughed uproariously, completely taken by amusement.


“They’re basically walking into their own graves, aren’t they? Stupid fools!”




She also let out a chuckle, a clear sneer.


“So, what are you going to do now?”


“You know, don’t you?”


“Are you really going to see that woman at the summit?”


Her sister patted her shoulder, indicating her displeasure. Still, she agreed without further complaint.


The woman smiled, lightly ruffling her sister’s hair before making her get down.


“You can’t let down your guard. If she’s that girl, she’ll definitely reach the top.”


“Ugh, going there again is such a hassle.”


Unlike her sister, who felt the cold, her sibling let the strong wind wash over her without any discomfort.


Even in her thin clothing, she seemed unaffected by the cold.


“Then, what should we do when we meet her at the summit?”


“Isn’t it obvious?”


The two spoke in unison, as if they had rehearsed it.


“Kill her.”








A week had passed since we arrived in Norton Village.


During that time, we had relentlessly hunted the monsters of the snowy field.


From the groups roaming the plains to the camps on the plateau.


We had eradicated even those hiding in the caves.


Now, I finally felt confident that the snowy field was safe.


At last, we could head to our final destination.


“We’ve finally arrived.”


The mountain rose high, almost touching the clouds, and was covered in white ice.


Mount Norstel. The second-highest mountain in the world stood before us.


“I’ve heard many stories, but this is my first time seeing it in person.”


“Same here. From afar, it looks impressive.”


If one were just sightseeing, it would be a famous mountain for its grandeur.


Such majestic scenery spread out before us.


However, Mount Norstel was notorious, contrary to its beautiful landscape.


“If we can hear the wailing from here, there must be a lot of Yetis.”


Chilling screams echoed continuously.


Mingling with the sound of the fierce wind, the cries reverberated from all directions.


Everywhere we went, the air was filled with hostility. Any ordinary person would have fled in terror.


“Erina, this is your first time here too, right?”


“Ah, yes. It’s my first time.”


As expected, a calm lie came out.


Erina had been to the snowy mountain before.


In the first timeline, she reached the summit with her companions and absorbed the power of the Snow Maiden.




Suddenly, the companions who had been with Erina came to mind.


The priest, always trailing beside the hero with a generous smile.


The elf, perpetually drowsy, yawning leisurely as if in a constant state of slumber.


They were connections I deeply wanted to forge as comrades.


I hoped to meet these two soon.


Anyone would smile at the thought of the three of us bustling about together.


‘Though Erina has changed.’


They are the kindest and warmest people you could ever meet.


Their skills were unquestionably top-notch.


If we were together, they would be reliable allies.


Perhaps I could meet them once this quest was over.


“Alright, let’s go.”


For now, I focused on the task at hand.


We entered the foothills of the mountain, leaving the snowy plains behind.


The wind, which had seemed fierce before, now felt like a mere jest as a much stronger gale greeted us.


In the bitter cold, our steps naturally grew cautious.


We climbed the slope, battling the fierce wind.


“Everyone, be careful. Don’t fall behind.”




The arduous journey had begun.


Kayla and I trudged forward, huddled against the cold.


Meanwhile, Erina ascended the mountain effortlessly.


She was more alert than usual, her eyes scanning the surroundings.


Unlike us, her complexion remained unchanged, unfazed by the cold.


Even with her resistance to the cold, it seemed excessive.


“Erina, are you alright?”


“…I’m strong against the cold. Don’t worry!”


Her concern was nonexistent.


Instead, it was me who needed to be worried about.


The biting cold and the treacherous path were relentless.


We had to navigate a path where no one had walked before.


Suddenly, I felt something off.


The wind subsided, and it felt as if my view was obstructed.


Instinctively, I knew. Monsters had appeared.


“Be careful. Frost Giants.”


Erina had already noticed and unsheathed her longsword.


Five Frost Giants blocked our path.


While one might be manageable alone, five were a different story.


But we had grown significantly.


“Prepare yourselves. We’ll start from the left.”


There was no fear. I gripped my shield and faced the enemy.


With a shout, I swung my sword horizontally.


I aimed for the ankles, the softest part of their otherwise tough-skinned bodies.




Blood sprayed wildly as the giant roared in pain. At the same time, Kayla’s magic followed.


The Wind Storm, intensified by the fierce wind, bound its limbs.




She had already leaped into the air and struck the giant’s head.


From the crown to the groin. With a single slash, its body was split in two.


As the heavy body fell, the ground trembled.


In an instant, one was down without even an exchange of blows.


The remaining giants stood still, stunned by the overwhelming show of strength.


“They’re no match for us.”


“I’ll finish them quickly. I don’t want to spend too much time here.”


Unlike before, Kayla’s voice was filled with confidence.


Having faced hundreds of Yetis and Frost Giants, this was nothing to us.


Our efforts in hunting monsters across the snowy plains had paid off.


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The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

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Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I quit the game. But the game character remembers me.



not work with dark mode