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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines Chapter 17

As for the Train Heading toward the Academy... (2)

My mood right now can be summed up in one short line.


‘I’m lucky.’


I’m really lucky.


I really am. It was unpleasant being attacked by angels while entering the atmosphere from underground, but I felt immediately better once I secretly boarded the train.




‘I can’t believe I’m meeting the main heroine in the first-class cabin.’


The blonde-haired girl with a short bob sitting by the window next to me, in the seat I purposely chose, is Heroine No. 1, the one I need to target.


“Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, Lady.”



She gives me an excessively wary look.


I understand.

It’s only natural to be on guard when a man suddenly sits next to you and starts talking.


“I’m not sure what you think of me, but if you think I’m the one who kidnapped the Duke’s daughter, that would be quite upsetting.”

“Ah, that’s…”

“It’s okay. I’m also quite amazed. It’s astonishing that someone who looks so much like me is committing such dreadful acts.”


A young man with blonde hair and tanned skin.

Although his hair, physique, and detailed appearance are different, there’s definitely enough resemblance to cause misunderstandings.


In fact, Regif has been mistaken for a kidnapper by academy students due to this resemblance.


‘Is this fate?’


It feels like a kind of destiny for me as Regif.


And this Regif’s fate of ‘always’ kidnapping heroines is the very girl sitting here.


“I’m Red Sol Phoenix.”

“Oh, uh?”

“It’s a peculiar name, isn’t it? I understand. It’s not common to have a name like this, right? Hehe.”


Red Sol Phoenix.

The name I’m planning to use at the Academy since I can’t use the name Regif publicly.


“You can just call me Phoenix. It’s more familiar to me.”

“Is that not a family name? Even the middle name…?”

“As a representative of my family going to the Academy, there’s no significant issue with being referred to as Phoenix.”


In this world.

It’s a bit strange to say, but ‘Phoenix’ is simply accepted as a name.


What if there is someone who reacts to hearing this name?

It means they might know a part of the Archduke of Hell Changyeom’s appearance.


“I think that’s enough about me. What’s the Lady’s name?”



The girl is still wary of me, but.


“…Yunia. 17 years old. I’m on my way to enroll in the Academy.”


She introduces herself, slightly lowering her guard.


“Then we’re companions, aren’t we?”


“Well, we’re both entering the academy together. Oh, and I’m 17 as well.”

“That’s a lie.”


Yunia shakes her head firmly and scrutinizes me from top to bottom.


“You look like an adult to anyone.”

“An adult? How old do I look?”

“… You seem to be over twenty at least.”


Another layer of distrust flows from Yunia’s eyes.

It’s a distrust not just of me, but of the disbelief in my words.


“Do I not look like I’m 17?”


“You’re quite certain.”


Despite her words implying a hint of disappointment, Yunia shows no sign of backing down.


“Actually, I’m in my mid-twenties, but I’m cutting my age to enroll as a new student at the academy. I’m on my way to Esdinas now.”


“It’s a lie, but if you take it seriously, it’ll be troublesome.”

“Really? I’ve never heard of the family name Phoenix…”


A family name.

It means a noble.


“Yes. It’s a family name I created.”

“…Excuse me. If that’s the case, you might get caught for impersonation and forgery. Commoners don’t use family names—”

“It’s a story when contributing to a specific country or world. Also, when a commoner enrolls in Esdinas Academy, they have the privilege of declaring their family name if they graduate within the top three of the overall ranking.”



With this clarification on the policy of Esdinas Academy, Yunia’s guard slightly decreases.


“I will boldly declare my surname as Phoenix once I’m admitted. I’ve made that promise.”

“Ah, okay.”


She responds indifferently, trying to avoid eye contact.

The reflection of her face in the window shows a clear sign of having encountered a madman.


“Lady Yunia.”


“Aren’t you wondering why the train stopped?”



Yunia reacts to my question, her ears perking up. Not only Yunia but also the other passengers on the train, who had been idly waiting and listening for any updates about the train not moving, flinch at the sound of my voice.


“It’s not just any train. It’s a magic train.”

“…Why is that?”

“Because it was caught in a powerful magic storm. Do you remember the blue flame that shined in the sky a little while ago?”


Yunia nods.


“The flames, they were probably the manifestation of magic waves from some large-scale experiment. Something incredibly huge happened, which has made it dangerous to move the train recklessly.”


“But it seems the situation is getting under control now…”


I snap my fingers lightly.


“So, we should be moving soon.”



There is no immediate response.

3, 2, 1—


[Announcement: This train will resume operation in one minute. We apologize for the inconvenience caused….]


With the announcement, a loud clunking noise echoes through the train.

It soon begins to move, and Yunia blinks, looking at me.


“What’s going on….”

“It’s nothing much. I just mentioned it because it was time to.”


The train gradually picks up speed.




While others lose interest in my voice, I reach out to the backrest of Yunia’s seat.


“Since we have some time, shall we talk about the Academy entrance exam?”



Yunia’s expression turns pale.


“The exams are quite difficult. I heard that this year’s entrance exam is going to be unprecedentedly tough.”


It’s not because of what I said but because Yunia noticed the words I had written on the backrest with my finger.


-Train. Terror. Kidnapping.



“Miss Yunia?”

“…Is it true?”


Yunia places her fingers on the armrest, drawing a ‘?’ symbol.


“Yes, it is. In that sense, meeting you, Miss Yunia, is quite fortunate.”




“We get to share information about the entrance exam.”


Yunia will end up being late for the entrance exam and won’t be able to take it properly.


The protagonist is also in a similar predicament.


Of course, the protagonist misses the entrance exam while ‘saving someone in trouble’, which leads to a series of events connecting with Yunia and others who failed the entrance exam. This is how the story begins, but—


‘It’s better to subtly inform her rather than make her anxious.’


Since the train is experiencing a terror situation, it’s important to ease Yunia’s tension for our future interactions.


“The Academy’s freshman entrance exam. Last year, it was….”


Swish, swish.


I use my finger to subtly relay information about ‘our’ exam to Yunia.


[Rumor: There might be an additional test for those who fail.]

“…Is that reliable?”



I shrug lightly.


“If this turns out to be true, then my words will have been correct, right?”




“…I see. Since you’re also someone entering Esdinas Academy, you must have some special abilities.”


I can see her swallowing the words “like me”.





I lean in closer to Yunia, lowering my voice to a whisper that only she can hear.


“The enemies we’ll face as new students are not to be taken lightly.”



Yunia froze.


At the same time, she turns her head towards me, her eyes asking something.


As if questioning how much I know and to what extent.


“That is….”



A woman’s scream comes from the front of our compartment, not ours.




At the same time, there’s a sharp sound as if something like a magic projectile is being fired.


“Wh-what’s going on?!”


What’s going on? When the blue flames covered the sky and the train stopped, it was the perfect opportunity for the guests who had sneaked aboard the train to make their surprise appearance.


To be precise, they boarded the train along with me.


“Miss Yunia.”


I signaled Yunia, who was trying to get up uncomfortably, that everything was fine.


“It’s okay. There’s no need to worry about the people. Because….”




“What they’re after is probably ‘us’.”

“Everyone, don’t move!!”


A woman with a magic rifle appeared as the door between the train compartments opened.


She wore a mask resembling a dragon on her face. Although she was dressed in a uniform coat, she had it wide open, exposing only a white bandage wrapped around her torso.


“We, [Vinyudan], will take control! If you don’t want to die, stay still!!”



The masked individuals, introducing themselves as ‘Vinyudan’, aimed their rifles at the passengers, threatening them.


They were poised to fire the magical rifles at any moment, fingers on the triggers—


“You arrogant b*stards!!”


An elderly man with a cane resembling a baton stepped forward.


“How dare these impoverished beings who haven’t even received the blessing of mana waste my precious time!”


The old man didn’t back down even against the rifle-wielding t*rrorists. Instead, he emerged into the aisle and swung his cane dramatically.


“Wind Blaster!”


“Intermediate wind magic…?”


Yunia recognized the spell the old man used immediately.


Woosh, woosh, woosh!

At the same time, green wind swirled from the end of the old man’s cane and rushed towards the Vinyudan’s train hijacker.





The Vinyudan t*rrorists swiftly leaped onto the seats, avoiding the magic wind, and with lightning speed, swung their magical rifles towards the old man.




The old man hastily cast a protective shield spell—



The t*rrorist struck the half-formed shield with his rifle, then aimed the rifle’s end at the old man’s chest.


“Resistance will result in a pull of the trigger.”


“Do you think we’re a joke just because we don’t use magic, even though we use magic ourselves?”


The woman in the black dragon mask sneered at the old man and raised her magic rifle.



“Listen up, magician.”


The t*rrorist snarled, showing his teeth.


“We hate this world where everything is determined by talent in magic.”


The group in masks and the t*rrorists are known as one of the villainous organizations appearing early in [Esdinas of Heaven].


“This world where everything is predetermined by the innate limits of mana.”


Although the organization is named after its leader, [Vinyu], who is well-known, those who understand the truth find the group a bit laughable.


“Ms. Yunia. Do you know them?”


I whispered quietly to Yunia, and she nodded heavily.



“Under the C.”



Esdinas Academy.

Commonly known as Bread Academy.


‘Under. The. C.’


It’s the place where those under a C cup cannot even enter.

What about those who are 17 but still don’t meet the C cup requirement?


‘They become rebels of the Academy.’


Flat. Thin. Small-chested.

It’s a villainous group created by Esdinas Academy, Bread Academy.


“I hate this world!”


Terror committed by those who couldn’t enter elite education due to their flatness.


“No one will be able to enter Esdinas Academy!”


Yunia was unable to take the entrance exam on time because of this flat-chested group.


In other words.


No breasts, no entry.

Small breasts, guilty.


Such is the world.


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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

중간보스가 히로인을 숨김
Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I possessed someone. In a dating sim game, I became the mid-boss who kidnaps the heroine.



not work with dark mode