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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines Chapter 30

Chest Manipulation and Supplementary Admission (3)

[Three Days into the Stay at the Western Terminal of Esdinas Academy. Inside the Restaurant.]


Regarding how to gain favor with the heroine, I had various discussions with Changyeom.


First and foremost, helping out is essential.


And if the helper is a handsome man with a good physique, that’s an added bonus.


In my situation, where I have to shape my body with mana, I had two choices.


How should I determine my appearance?

The most basic method is to use the protagonist’s default appearance as set by the game.


Given that the protagonist’s customization is free in this game, it was possible to use the preset settings established by the developers when starting the game.


However, all my suggestions were rejected, and I reached an agreement with Changyeom.


– How about you style yourself after Regif Habsderk based on your original face and body?


Changyeom’s memory didn’t only contain player game data.


Even now, my original face, my real appearance, and my name are still remembered in her mind, even though they are somewhat vague to me.


– Is this really what my face and body looked like?

– Yes, indeed.


Was it because of the appearance of a delinquent?

Or was it because the face seemed somehow familiar and gave a sense of déjà vu?


Changyeom suggested “I cosplay as Regif” with the feeling of his appearance, and I decided to enroll in the Academy with a body shaped by Changyeom with mana.


– No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit inappropriate for a 17-year-old?

– That’s a good thing~


… I was convinced that it was okay because it was appropriate to ‘act a certain way’ by looking a little older.


If approaching the heroine with my current appearance posed a problem in building favor, I was considering changing my appearance, but after checking with Yunia, it didn’t seem to be a major issue.


So, the next issue.


– How should I approach the heroines and assist them with their problems? With what justification and purpose?


Regarding that part, Changyeom provided a very simple answer.


– Say you can see the future. Especially, the Apocalypse.


Future sight.


– How did you know I had such a past? Because I saw what happened to you a long time ago. How did you know that person is the seed of the Apocalypse? Because I saw that person become the Apocalypse in the future. How did you know my weakness is here? Of course, from the future, and so on.


Seeing the future.

The plausibility was sufficient.


But what about the side effects?

If someone around has the ability to see the future, the first thing I’d do is ask, ‘What’s this week’s lottery number?’


– I can tell you, but it comes at the cost of my lifespan. What would happen then? Hehehe.


To suppress the side effects, I decided to make a joke about lifespan.


Even if I die, I’ll just resurrect, but if I frame it that way, even if there’s something urgent about the future, at least the ‘heroines’ will be less inclined to ask for favors from me.


To summarize.


Appearance. Mysterious ability. Future sight.

After combining these elements—


“Is it alright?”

“…I’m not the kind of person who is weak enough to deserve this kind of care.”


For the past three days, I have been acting alongside Yunia, and except for going to the bathroom, I have been under her close protection.


“Be careful. Don’t get hurt unnecessarily.”

“Don’t you think this is overprotective?”

“Not at all. Here, eat.”


Yunia skillfully cut the steak and placed it in front of me.


‘You’re not even my mother.’


Although I wanted to say that, since Yunia’s attentive care had brought us quite close, I decided to accept her kindness willingly.


‘After all, I’m paying, and Yunia has become convinced of my so-called prophecy.’


To Yunia, I am a kind of ‘benefactor’. In a situation where her admission to the Academy had already been thwarted by her own choice and where it was impossible to stay even a few days at the terminal, clinging to it was also a challenging situation.


I am her only hope and lifeline of salvation.


“Hey, Phoenix-nim.”


Yunia sends a pre-arranged signal from the hotel room.


“Should I ultimately give up on the Academy?”


She bows her head with a gloomy voice, dipping her bread into the soup.


The direction she’s stirring with the bread points to 3 o’clock and 11 o’clock.


That’s where the ‘target’ is.


“You should give up. That’s the rule.”


“I understand your disappointment, but there will be opportunities next year. But you can’t sit here waiting for a whole year, can you?”

“That’s true.”


With a heavy sense of regret, she strongly expresses her dissatisfaction.


“So Yunia, if you could go back three days, would you have given up on the person who was bleeding and collapsed and rushed to the exam?”



At the same time, she subtly reveals the reason she remains at the terminal despite having enough specs to be admitted, staying there stubbornly like a misfit.


“I don’t regret it. It’s just… if that person is alright, seeing some recovery would allow me to feel reassured and leave.”


The person Yunia saved is still in the hospital.

Apart from the poison he ingested, he continues to suffer from what feels like a burning, twisted appendix.


“Unless there’s a miracle, the doors to the Academy won’t open right away…”



With a resounding clap and a voice as powerful as a lion’s roar, someone rose from a table at the 3 o’clock direction.


“That attitude! That’s a miracle right now!!”

“Eh, um…?”


Yunia looked flustered.

If her usual demeanor hadn’t been one of smiling, those with a keen eye might have noticed the relief in her startled smile, as if to say, ‘I can’t believe it actually happened.’


“Ah, I apologize for the intrusion! I am Ederson Lionheart, the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Academy!”



Yunia screams a moment too late.


“[Lion’s Heart] …?!”


(TLN: I doubt it’ll be important but his ‘active years’ name is basically the same when translated, his name is just a name, while the “Heart” in his nickname is more akin to a “Lion’s Spirit”, so I’ll keep it like this for now, it might be changed if it’s important later.)


“Haha. It seems you know the name from my active years. I suppose you’ve studied about the Academy thoroughly?”


A tall, muscular warrior with a mane-like hair, like a lion, was dressed in a suit.

It was so reminiscent of the lion kings from animal kingdom films that I almost laughed, but this man was no ordinary being.




As I casually assessed him up and down, Dean Ederson Lionheart immediately grinned.




With the keen instincts of a seasoned warrior, he immediately recognized that I had ‘gauged’ him.




He once had the nickname of ‘Mercenary King’, and at the same time, he still possesses S+ rank combat power, so he is not one to dislike a challenge from young and ambitious individuals.


Just like this man, and all the ‘faculty members’ sitting at each table in the restaurant, capable talents are always in demand.


“Are you all hoping to enter the Academy?”

“Ah, yes.”

“The reason for your rejection was because you were late for the exam while helping someone, correct?”




Ederson Lionheart raised his head.


“I’ll use my ‘pass’ for them.”

“Wait a moment!”


At Ederson’s words, a blonde woman in a suit sitting at another table jumped up from her seat.


“Dean’s pass…!”

“There are individuals at the Academy’s door right now who perfectly embody the spirit of the Academy. How could I possibly let them go?”


“I’ll speak separately with the Emperor. Just buy him a drink and apologize, and you can settle it.”


While Ederson waved his hand dismissively with a smile, the faces of the others turned pale in an instant.


“Um… What’s…?”

“In fact, this year, the Academy is planning to create a very ‘special class’ for a trial run.”

“A special class?”


Yunia asked, with her innocent face showing curiosity.


“That’s right. The class will consist of 16 students. Regardless of gender, age, education, or status, we’ll gather those specially selected by our Academy instructors into one class.”

“Umm… Was there such a thing?”

“No! But it has been established this year.”


Perhaps it was established just yesterday.


“Some might see it as a privilege. Others might think of it as an additional admission. Some might consider it a cartel of vested interests or a ‘special class for only talented individuals’.”


It’s all a facade.

In reality, it’s a disguise to cover up the fact of ‘cancellation of acceptance due to chest manipulation’.


“So… This year, the total number of Academy admissions will be 316?”

“That’s the case.”


He answered briefly with a smile, but I noticed the gap in Dean Ederson’s response.


The 16 individuals who used chest manipulation for their admissions will be hidden somewhere, and others will take their places until they graduate.


“Welcome, future hero. Will you enter the Academy?”



Yunia turned her gaze toward me, and I responded with a decisive nod.


“I will!”


There was no reason to refuse.

I had been waiting to enter the Academy.


‘It’s the class where all the main and supporting characters gather.’


You have to enter the academy, and that’s when all the stories begin…




Yunia suddenly jumped from her seat.




“I got accepted, I got accepted!!”


She ran up to me and hugged me.




While it was surprising, it wasn’t an unusual reaction.


It’s not that Yunia is being too skinshippy or anything, but it’s Yunia’s highly calculated and somewhat anticipated behavior.


“Yunia, I’m suffocating.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I was just too happy.”


Yunia stepped back, scratching her cheek.

While the tight hug was unexpected, it had a positive side—there was now a notable impression left on everyone.


“If you’re using this pass for them, does that mean I can also enter the Academy?”

“…How old are you?”

“I’m 17.”



Ederson squinted his eyes and stared at me, but I met his gaze and shrugged.


“I’ve been around for quite a while since I was young on the battlefield.”



Ederson smiled as if he was pleased and turned around.


“I’ll take these two straight to the Academy. By the way—”

“Dean of Academic Affairs?”


From across the table.


“I’ll be going with them too.”



Esta approached.


“The ‘two’ I mentioned are them.”



As Esta spoke to Dean Ederson, he clapped his hands loudly in amazement.


“Ah, so we almost missed these righteous heroes due to being mired in tradition and history…?”


Even if they had discovered the chest manipulation and stopped the exam, Yunia would have still gone to save people.


“Follow me. For lunch, I’ll treat you to a meal at the Academy’s dining hall.”


* * *


There was one thing.


Yunia had momentarily overlooked something.


I had learned about the existence of chest manipulation and additional admission by seeing the future.




Before that.

Yunia seemed to have forgotten the meaning of Esta’s words about ‘not giving up’.



How did she know about the existence of additional acceptances due to disqualification?




As we walked ahead, I clearly noticed the wristwatch Esta was wearing on her left wrist.


It was a high-end wristwatch and magic tool, not suited to Esta’s usual preferences.


It belonged to Silverstar.


Esta had some sort of contractual relationship with Silverstar.


The truth.


The chest manipulation device.

It was something Silverstar had produced and sold through dark channels.


If there was any small relief—


‘Yurha has no reason to use chest manipulation.’


The chest manipulation was developed by the opposing side that was fighting over for supremacy with Yurha in Silverstar.


In this world.

It’s not 100% certain, but it can be understood with about 99.99% basic knowledge.


‘If you’re good, you’re bigger, if you’re bad, you’re smaller.’


Not all small people are villains, but.


But most villains are small.


Women, C.





Based on full condition.


In other words.


If a man is denied admission…


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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

중간보스가 히로인을 숨김
Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I possessed someone. In a dating sim game, I became the mid-boss who kidnaps the heroine.



not work with dark mode