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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines Chapter 72

A World Harsh on Men (3)

[Continental Year 997, March 2, 2:12 PM, Esdinas Academy, Lecture Hall, Infirmary.]


Thanks to the selfless sacrifice of the Student Council President, who exposed everything, Esdinas Academy managed to gather some information about angels.


[First: Angels do not possess men.]


“Isn’t it possible that only the angel who possessed Angelica behaves that way?”

“According to inquiries made to the Academy’s religious studies experts, there hasn’t been a single case of a male angel ever being found. So, it seems that’s correct.”

“Whether they dislike possessing men or are unable to, it seems that’s why only women have been possessed by angels so far. Understood.”


Ludmila raised a question, but there was not a single recorded exception in the historical records.


Male angels simply do not exist.

At least, not in appearance.


[Second: Destroying an angel’s halo does not end the ordeal. The angel will still linger around, trying to possess the target again.]


“Like a ghost.”


“Like a ghost, you mean.” “Were the conditions for the possession related to the battle’s re-enactment?”

“I think it was the attire. Others in different uniforms were present, but the angel possessed someone in an outfit almost identical to Angelica’s.”

“It’s a relief that the Academy allows students to customize their uniforms to express their individuality.”


Even after the halo was destroyed, the angel’s spirit lingered, searching for the body it had possessed.


Thankfully, the angel’s spirit could not find Angelica, so it ended up possessing the outfit worn by Julius, the Student Council President, who was dressed as a woman.


At the very least, this incident gave them insight into how to “completely eliminate” an angel after defeating one.


[Third: The medium through which angels possess may likely be clothing.]


“This is still a hypothesis, but it seems that an angel’s soul infiltrates the body through clothing.”

“Instructor Esta, are we talking about academy uniforms?”

“Well, the uniform, yes, but it’s likely ‘feminine clothing’ in general. Once the angel takes hold of the clothes, it tries to burrow into the body, and if it’s a woman, possession occurs. If it’s a man, well…”


If the person was male, like in the case of Julius, the angel’s possession would result in the body being forcibly dragged around in the clothes.


It’s most likely that the angel realized it had possessed a man and freaked out, causing the phenomenon.


The re-enactment of the academy’s attack scenario was nearly complete.


The Academy still didn’t have solid sources of information, so they had to remain focused on gathering what they could.




“Hey, this is the infirmary, not a lecture hall, you know?”


Instructor Kadisha spoke as she examined the individual lying in the center of the old school infirmary.


“Instructor Kadisha, isn’t this basically a research lab at this point?”

“Student Phoenix? If you put it like that, it makes it sound like I’m treating a student possessed by an angel like some kind of test subject. I’m just monitoring her recovery carefully, alright?”


Instructor Kadisha pointed to Angelica, who was lying in a glass-like case.


“Let me explain. After securing Angelica, the Academy staff members knowledgeable in alchemy sealed her.”


Angelica was lying still with her eyes closed, wearing a white patient gown.

It was a one-piece type, a wide-fitting gown with no patterns, giving it the appearance of a burial garment.


“To be precise, we placed her in a special containment case.”

“Looks like a coffin, Instructor.”

“Miss Yunia, that’s because it is a coffin.”


“In case things go south, we might have to proceed with a funeral. She’s still alive, but…”


Instructor Kadisha lightly tapped on the glass case.


“It’s a special case designed to prevent anything magical from passing through. Its physical strength can withstand B-rank level attacks, both from outside and inside.”

“Inside as well…?”

“You never know. If Angelica were to wake up and then…”


Instructor Kadisha assumed a posture, mimicking the Angel’s attitude.


“How dare you imprison me in this coffin! Insolent mortals.”


“Hmm? Student Phoenix, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing at all.”


Would Instructor Kadisha ever know?

That she would say such things when she was possessed by an angel and became [the Apocalypse].


‘Just because someone turns into an Angel doesn’t mean it’s immediately a bad ending.’


A high-ranking angel had possessed a heroine’s body.


But if they managed to defeat the angel that had possessed Angelica, just as they had defeated this one?


The angel would vanish, and the body would remain.


And afterward, some special event would surely occur.


“We’ve conducted several magical tests, and it seems the angel is gone. The angel was shattered to pieces along with Julius’ clothes.”

“If the angel is gone, then why hasn’t Senior Angelica woken up yet? A deep sleep like this…?”

“I slapped her cheeks a few times.”


Evangeline pointed to Angelica’s cheeks inside the glass case.


“You hit her hard enough to leave a handprint that dark, yet she still didn’t wake up?”

“It seems like they even splashed water on her.”

“They must have used awakening magic too, just in case she was under some kind of sleep spell.”


Evangeline, Ludmila, and Yunia each gave their opinions on Angelica’s condition.


“Exactly. We hit her, splashed water, shook her body, and even used a magic defibrillator.”

“Could it be because you used a shock based on mana?”

“We tried actual electricity too.”


She didn’t wake up even when they shocked her with lightning-based magic.


She didn’t wake up even when they shocked her with actual electric shock.


“Is it possible she’s under some kind of mental spell?”

“That’s exactly right, but I’m not sure what kind of magic it is.”


Instructor Kadisha pointed to Angelica’s head with a wry smile.


“We’ve tried everything to wake her up, but nothing worked. My guess is that when the angel took over her body, it sealed Angelica’s soul somewhere, preventing it from escaping.”

“Do you have any proof of that?”

“Well, no. But we’ve tried everything, and she still won’t wake up. Since she was possessed by an angel, if it’s not some trick the angel played, I doubt our faculty would have missed something.”


While it might sound a bit arrogant, the instructors at Esdinas Academy are top in their fields.


Take Instructor Esta for example, and Kadisha herself is a person of great knowledge in various areas.


There’s even a doctor who can reattach severed limbs as long as the amputated part is sealed quickly and prepared for surgery.


For such a skilled group to conclude that “it’s impossible to diagnose or treat this with our current knowledge” speaks volumes.


“It may sound like we’re blaming the angel for our own incompetence, but that’s how I see it.”

“I agree as well.”

“Oh, really?”


When I agreed with Instructor Kadisha’s assessment, she immediately showed interest, her eyes sparkling.


“So, Phoenix, you think the same?”

“The human mind is surprisingly easy to manipulate in certain ways.”


“Instructor, may I give something a try?”


I pointed to Angelica’s head.


“Well, one attempt couldn’t hurt.”



Instructor Esta reached out her hand, stopping mine before I could reach for the case.


“It’s dangerous.”

“Dangerous for me or for Senior Angelica?”

“Both. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but if you act carelessly in an unknown situation and something happens to Angelica…”

“Phoenix, you’ll be the one who gets hurt.”


Instructor Kadisha tapped her left wrist with a stern expression.


“Angelica’s family is already aware that she’s been suspended. She’s being punished as the one responsible for the attack on the old school building—that’s fine. But what if a member of her family comes to see her directly?”

“Even if they hear the academy’s explanation about the angel, they could still feel wronged that their daughter was caught up in such an unprecedented incident. And if you’re the one who tinkered with her, the blame might fall on you.”


It’s a valid point.


If someone is severely injured in an explosion and brought to a hospital, and a doctor tries to save them but they die in the process, who’s to say the grieving family won’t accuse that doctor of murder?


We should look at the world positively, but sadly, many people are like that.


Especially in Angelica’s case, as she’s a noble, and such people often hold positions of power in this world.




Yunia asked me.


“Are you confident in this?”

“Confidence, huh.”


Though it’s my first time attempting this, it’s not impossible.


“I’m always confident. This is based on theory and speculation, but if the result is good, isn’t that all that matters?”


If I manage to survive this ordeal, people might start calling me a miracle worker who can bring back the dead.


“Alright then. Before you proceed, explain your approach. How are you going to do this?”


Instructor Esta asked.



“It’s fine, Kadisha. I’ll take responsibility.”


“This is my class. If I don’t stop my student’s actions, I, as the instructor, am responsible for the consequences.”


With Esta’s strong resolve, Kadisha closed her eyes for a moment.


“…There’s no helping it, I’ll assist too.”


“I’m in charge here, and this is the infirmary. But you’ll need to convince both of us. Student Phoenix?”


Instructor Kadisha pulled up a chair and sat down.


“What kind of magic are you planning to use on Angelica?”

“Quite literally, magic.”

“What kind of magic?”

“[Hypnosis] magic.”



The gazes of everyone in the room shifted, growing more intrigued as they focused on me.


“Yes. I plan to use hypnosis to awaken Senior Angelica’s consciousness.”

“But she’s already unconscious. How would that work?”

“Even though she’s unconscious, her ears are still open, and her senses are still active.”


I tapped my temple lightly with my finger.


“People often think of hypnosis as something that brainwashes or controls others…but it can also be used to help someone regain consciousness when they’ve fainted.”

“…Could you wake someone who’s been declared brain-dead too?”

“Depending on the person’s will, yes.”


It’s not impossible.


“I just hope that Angelica has something she still wishes for. If she doesn’t wake up, even when her desires could be fulfilled, then it’s not her mind that’s gone—it’s her soul.”

“So, in a way, it’s like…?”

“A wish, or you could call it ‘hope’. I’m just giving her soul a little nudge with my magic to help it wake up.”


I gestured as if to grasp her head gently.


“But there’s one side effect.”

“Side effect?”

“Yes. This is touching the person’s hope, a kind of ‘dream’.”


I pointed ahead.


“It’s not just something I’ll be able to see or hear; those nearby will hear it too.”


“We don’t know what Angelica’s desires or hopes are, but are you prepared to witness them?”

“Excuse me. Phoenix?”


Yunia raised her hand hesitantly.


“What if I had desires to, say, attack you, hypothetically, and then became an Angel like Angelica? If I underwent this treatment from you…”

“Then that desire would manifest here, for everyone to see.”


“Are you ready to glimpse Angelica’s desires?”

“…Everyone, listen up.”


Instructor Esta removed the wrist pad she was wearing.


“For Student Angelica’s dignity, what happens here today will remain a secret. Understood?”


Everyone nodded in agreement, and as Instructor Kadisha touched the case, the cover over Angelica’s head opened.




I placed my hands on Angelica’s head, massaging her scalp gently before channeling my magic into her mind.




Above Angelica, a scene began to shimmer, as if a screen spread out in all directions, displaying her inner thoughts, projected by magic.

What appeared on that screen was—


“……This isn’t manipulation, right?”

“If it were a fabrication, those men up there would all be me.”


Before us, there was a woman reigning supreme over a gathering of stunningly handsome men.


– Ohohoho!! All men belong to me! If you wish to be with a man, you must receive my permission first!!


Clad in a leather dress, gripping a red rose whip, and wearing a butterfly mask, the woman controlled the fidelity of all the men, while every woman around her bowed in submission.




Instructor Esta covered her face with one hand.


“Keep this a secret. Understood?”


Of course.


This will remain our little secret.


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The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines

중간보스가 히로인을 숨김
Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I possessed someone. In a dating sim game, I became the mid-boss who kidnaps the heroine.



not work with dark mode