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The russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 12

Message from the bath

TL/ED: Bogdi

The message on Line was from Lida.

“It’s from the bath ~”

–and she sends me a picture of her from the shoulders up. Seriously? …… Even though I can’ t see the most important part, her white skin is dazzling. Russians have such pure white skin, don’t they? It’s like snow. I mean, can you send me a picture like this? Of course, I’m glad that you trust me.

When I was upset, she responded with “Pyoko” again.

(TLN: “Pyoko”= Line sticker or smth)


“Please don’t use my picture for anything weird.”

“I’m not going to use it!”

What do you mean, “weird stuff”? 

As I was complaining, she sent me another photo.

“It’s my thighs~♡”

“…… Wow, this is…”

It seems like the photos are getting more and more extreme. This is not good for many reasons. So, I sent back a sticker with arms crossed, insisting, “No!”.


It seems to have stopped. What am I going to do with this photo of Lida’s face and thighs that I received ……?

I don’t have to worry about it.

―― “Saved” ――

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The russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 12

The russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 12

Message from the bath

TL/ED: Bogdi

The message on Line was from Lida.

"It's from the bath ~"

--and she sends me a picture of her from the shoulders up. Seriously? ...... Even though I can' t see the most important part, her white skin is dazzling. Russians have such pure white skin, don't they? It's like snow. I mean, can you send me a picture like this? Of course, I'm glad that you trust me.

When I was upset, she responded with "Pyoko" again.

(TLN: “Pyoko”= Line sticker or smth)


"Please don't use my picture for anything weird.”

"I'm not going to use it!”

What do you mean, "weird stuff"? 

As I was complaining, she sent me another photo.

"It's my thighs~♡"

"...... Wow, this is..."

It seems like the photos are getting more and more extreme. This is not good for many reasons. So, I sent back a sticker with arms crossed, insisting, "No!”.


It seems to have stopped. What am I going to do with this photo of Lida's face and thighs that I received ......?

I don't have to worry about it.

―― "Saved" ――



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