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The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 36

Chika’s Duty

After arriving at school, Toru felt a little nervous when he opened the door to the classroom. It was because he was with Aino.

As he hesitated in front of the door, Aino tilted her head curiously.


“What’s wrong, Toru-kun?”

“No, I was just wondering what everyone would think…”

Both Toru and Aino have almost no friends in their class.

If two such people walked into a classroom looking intimate, they were bound to attract attention.


Aino smiled softly.

“Don’t worry about it. Because we’re …… fiancées.”

Aino said with a sly smile. ‘You’re my fiancée,’ was becoming a habit of Aino’s, Toru thought.

The fact that they were engaged was the most important thing in their relationship at the moment.


It was still early, and not many of their classmates were in the classroom.

Preparing himself, Toru took a deep breath.

Just then, a voice called out to him from behind.

“Good morning, Renjo-kun and Luthi-san.”

When he turned around at the sound of the beautiful, clear voice, he found Chika Konoe there.

Chika touched her shiny black hair with her right hand and then stared straight at Toru, looking uncomfortable.


She looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t make up her mind.

“Well, good morning, Konoe-san.”

Toru replied, but Chika continued to struggle.

The other day at the Konoe family mansion, Toru, Aino and Chika confronted each other, and Chika ran away.

Aino asked Chika, “Do you still like Toru-kun?” Chika was at a loss for words.


What business does this Chika have with Toru and Aino?

(If we were going to talk, I would have preferred to do it somewhere other than school…….)

The fact that he and Chika were originally fiancées is a secret at school.

There was no way he could talk about anything too in-depth in public and attract attention.

However, since Chika and he are separated, Chika can’t talk to Toru outside of school.

Aino smiled mischievously and hugged Toru like a lover.

Toru was stunned by the feel of her delicate, warm body.


Chika blushed and glared at Toru and Aino.

“Renjo-kun……, you didn’t do anything …… strange to Luthi-san last night, did you?”

Toru was at a loss for words as he tried to answer.

Bathing with Aino, sleeping in bed with her, and even touching her b*****s……, it’s hard to say he hasn’t done very much.

When Chika saw that Toru had gone silent, she scowled.

“You can’t possibly …… really …… have done something that would cause you to have a baby?”

Toru and Aino looked at each other. And then Aino chuckles and looks at Chika with her blue eyes.

“Konoe-san is …… surprisingly n*****y, isn’t she?”

“You are the one who said something to make me suspect that!”

When Chika approached Aino, Aino smiled at her with a generous smile.

“We have not done anything that would make me pregnant. I wouldn’t mind if we did.”

Chika seemed relieved.

Aino, however, gives Chika a run for her money.

“But we took a bath together, okay?”


“Toru-kun looked at me in a very n*****y way.”

“Well, I used to take a bath with him, too!”

“But that was in the sixth grade, right? Toru touched my b*****s too. And then we slept in the same bed…..”

Toru hurriedly tugged on the sleeve of Aino’s clothes to stop her, but it was too late.

Chika’s face was red up to her ears and her black eyes were teary as she stared at Toru and Aino.

“I’ve decided.”


“As a member of the Konoe family, I’m obligated to keep an eye on you guys to make sure you don’t do anything indecent.”

“I don’t think so…”

Chika puffs out her cheeks when Toru states modestly.

“I do.”

Even if that was the case, Tohru wondered what Chika was going to do when she said she would keep an eye on them.

And the answer was quickly given.

“I’m going to live in the same house as you two.”

Chika said, as if it was obvious.

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The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 36

The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 36

Chika's Duty

After arriving at school, Toru felt a little nervous when he opened the door to the classroom. It was because he was with Aino.

As he hesitated in front of the door, Aino tilted her head curiously.


"What's wrong, Toru-kun?"

"No, I was just wondering what everyone would think..."

Both Toru and Aino have almost no friends in their class.

If two such people walked into a classroom looking intimate, they were bound to attract attention.


Aino smiled softly.

"Don't worry about it. Because we're ...... fiancées."

Aino said with a sly smile. 'You're my fiancée,' was becoming a habit of Aino's, Toru thought.

The fact that they were engaged was the most important thing in their relationship at the moment.


It was still early, and not many of their classmates were in the classroom.

Preparing himself, Toru took a deep breath.

Just then, a voice called out to him from behind.

"Good morning, Renjo-kun and Luthi-san."

When he turned around at the sound of the beautiful, clear voice, he found Chika Konoe there.

Chika touched her shiny black hair with her right hand and then stared straight at Toru, looking uncomfortable.


She looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make up her mind.

"Well, good morning, Konoe-san."

Toru replied, but Chika continued to struggle.

The other day at the Konoe family mansion, Toru, Aino and Chika confronted each other, and Chika ran away.

Aino asked Chika, "Do you still like Toru-kun?" Chika was at a loss for words.


What business does this Chika have with Toru and Aino?

(If we were going to talk, I would have preferred to do it somewhere other than school.......)

The fact that he and Chika were originally fiancées is a secret at school.

There was no way he could talk about anything too in-depth in public and attract attention.

However, since Chika and he are separated, Chika can't talk to Toru outside of school.

Aino smiled mischievously and hugged Toru like a lover.

Toru was stunned by the feel of her delicate, warm body.


Chika blushed and glared at Toru and Aino.

"Renjo-kun......, you didn't do anything ...... strange to Luthi-san last night, did you?"

Toru was at a loss for words as he tried to answer.

Bathing with Aino, sleeping in bed with her, and even touching her b*****s......, it's hard to say he hasn't done very much.

When Chika saw that Toru had gone silent, she scowled.

"You can't possibly ...... really ...... have done something that would cause you to have a baby?"

Toru and Aino looked at each other. And then Aino chuckles and looks at Chika with her blue eyes.

"Konoe-san is ...... surprisingly n*****y, isn't she?"

"You are the one who said something to make me suspect that!"

When Chika approached Aino, Aino smiled at her with a generous smile.

"We have not done anything that would make me pregnant. I wouldn't mind if we did."

Chika seemed relieved.

Aino, however, gives Chika a run for her money.

"But we took a bath together, okay?"


"Toru-kun looked at me in a very n*****y way."

"Well, I used to take a bath with him, too!"

"But that was in the sixth grade, right? Toru touched my b*****s too. And then we slept in the same bed....."

Toru hurriedly tugged on the sleeve of Aino's clothes to stop her, but it was too late.

Chika's face was red up to her ears and her black eyes were teary as she stared at Toru and Aino.

"I've decided."


"As a member of the Konoe family, I'm obligated to keep an eye on you guys to make sure you don't do anything indecent."

"I don't think so..."

Chika puffs out her cheeks when Toru states modestly.

"I do."

Even if that was the case, Tohru wondered what Chika was going to do when she said she would keep an eye on them.

And the answer was quickly given.

"I'm going to live in the same house as you two."

Chika said, as if it was obvious.



not work with dark mode