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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 22

Trucker frightened and unmatched.

“So this is the Danger Mountains…, what a bad vibe.”

“That’s right. No one would come to such a place.”

We came to the entrance of the Danger Mountains.

The altitude was high and the road was only wide enough for a truck. It was not well maintained to begin with.

“Good, don’t panic when it comes to combat.”

“Oh, oh.”

“Most of the monsters here are dangerous. There are so many of them that even I can’t handle them.”

“I know, I know. I’ve heard it a thousand times.”

“Good. Proceed with caution.”

Shiny’s face also shows tension. Perhaps she feels uneasy if she doesn’t say it out loud. As president, I have to be firm here.

“I’m going to ask you to do something for me, Tama!”

“Understood. Arms deployed. Intercepting in auto mode.”

Tama’s tone of voice has not changed. I’m counting on you.


“[Gatling gun] deployed. Commence sweep.”



A Gatling gun emerges from the hood and makes mincemeat of the pig creature known as the King Orc.

“[Flamethrower] deployed. Commence sweeping fire.”



In addition, the truck set on fire a bipedal canine creature named Mad Kobold that came toward the truck.

“A group of wyverns were spotted in the sky above the truck. [Small missiles]Deploy. Firing.””

The upper part of the vehicle body deploys, and for whatever reason, a missile is launched. Then I thought I heard a loud bang, and the carcass of a dismembered wyvern came bobbing down.

“Level has risen. [Shuriken] has been unlocked. [Nerve gas] unlocked.”

(TLN: N-N-Nerve Gas!!!?)

I don’t feel like even going into this anymore.

Let’s not get into the shuriken, gas, and other armaments anymore. I feel like I can take on any opponent at this point.

“I feel like I’m losing my mind worrying about it…”

“Oh, I’ve accumulated quite a few points.”

My current points are [22,500]. I’ve only been in the Danger Mountains for about an hour and I’ve already earned over 10,000 points. I guess dangerous species can score a lot of points.

The mountain road is quite steep, and the path is hardly maintained at all. It was almost like driving down a wild animal trail. However, the engine and tires are reinforced, so we don’t get any flat tires, and the road goes up and down the steep inclines without difficulty.

I’ve gotten used to it and don’t mind it anymore. Modern weapons are too powerful.

“Hey, Shiny. Is this place really dangerous?”

I asked that question as I watched several king orcs roll around convulsively after being nerve-gassed. The king orcs are foaming at the mouth and convulsing…. pitifully.

“You know how many people it takes to take down a single king orc? I mean, even on its own it’s a nuisance, much less a mountain that attacks you in packs?”

The king orc, which had collapsed after being hit by nerve gas, was hit with a flaming blast that was the final straw. The king orc pack became roasted pig.

While avoiding them, we continued on our way, and this time, a huge snake appeared.

“Dangerous species [Hedge Viper] confirmed. [Electromagnetic Whip] deployed. Capture.”

Numerous chains shoot out from the hood, restraining the snake’s body and applying an electric current to it. Then the snake’s body jumped, and soon it stopped moving.

“Okay? Monsters are divided into several types. General, Dangerous, Super Dangerous, and Disaster Class Dangerous.”


“Demon Ogre of super-dangerous species confirmed at 320 meters ahead. [Railgun] deployed. Commence charging.”

The hood opened to reveal a turret, the tip of which cracked open with a bang. From there, the sound of energy gathering could be heard, “Jyuiiiii….”

“I don’t give a damn about monster ratings. I’m a trucker, I’m not going to fight monsters.”

“I’d rather fight. My arms are getting weak.”

“Kota-san, Shiny, your food!”


A flashy flash flew forward with a “”Bakyuuun…”” sound and pierced through the demon ogre’s head and abdomen. Blood spurted from the remaining lower half of its body, and it fell backwards with a thud.

” Level has risen.  [Grenade] is now unlocked. [Grenade Launcher] has been unlocked. ~Dedeen~. Level 30 reached. Each form is disarmed. You can obtain exclusive armaments by converting to each form and obtaining experience points.”

Oh, it’s unlocked. Exclusive armament, huh?

But I’m already a strong fighter in truck form, so I don’t think I need it at this point. Well, I’ll play around with it when I’m not busy.

More importantly, now it’s time to eat Mireina’s food. Let’s leave the outside to Tama.


Lunch is over and I’m taking a break. I’ve accumulated some points and I’ve made up my mind. So I’m going to ask both of them for their opinions.

“Well, I’ve accumulated a lot of points, and I’d like to renovate the bathroom.”

“Bathroom!? That’s nice. It’s a great idea.”

“I agree. I didn’t have access to it many times when I was an adventurer, and once you’re out of town, it’s not unusual to not have access to it for days at a time.”

“Oh yeah, I was so happy when I found the river…..”

Hmmm. It’s a world I don’t understand.

At any rate, since they seem to be in favor of it, I’ll go out on a limb here and make a grand gesture.

“President. We’ve cleared a 25-kilometer radius of monsters.”

“I see. That was fast.”

“No, I don’t think so. It was around the time we defeated the Demon Ogre that the monsters around us began to flee.”

“I see. Then I guess we’re safe around here, thanks for your help.”

“Yes. Armament will remain activated in auto mode and will stand by.”

That’s a cheat skill. Dangerous species or not, it’s no match for them. Thanks for your hard work. I’d like to massage your shoulders.

“I’m going to get a new one. Look forward to it.”

“Thank you for everything!!”


I want the girls to be beautiful. We need to buy a bath or two.


“Now, which one do we want?”

We come to the driver’s seat and look at the windshield.

The truck is a two-seater, so Mireina and Shiny were sitting together in the passenger seat. It’s kind of nice to see two girls attached to each other, isn’t it? Am I a pervert after all?

(TLN: Yes.)


 [Bathroom] ○ Experience points [67190]

 Sauna – 7000 points

 Bubble bath – 6800 points

 Herbal bath – 9000 points

 Water bath – 4800 points

 Cypress bath set – 13900 points

 Open-air bath set – 23000 points

 Hot spring set – 15800 points

 The following items are unlocked.


“Hey, hey, what’s a bubble bath?”

“Let’s see, it’s bumpy and excites the body…. umm, it’s hard to describe.”

“Would you like a sample video?”

“Oh, is there such a thing? Please do.”

Then an image of a bubble bath appeared on the windshield.

It was a hexagonal marble bathtub, bobbing and bubbling. This looks like it would feel good. I want to go in too.

“Hey, hey, is this thing boiling?”

“This is scary.”

“The temperature setting can be changed freely. In the sample video, it is set at 42 degrees. It is the right temperature.”

“This feels so good – it’s a great massage, and it’s going to blow away your fatigue.”

“Wow, what about herbal baths then?”

“Um, what is a sauna?”

Each of us listened to the opinions of the others and chose the one we wanted while watching sample videos.

Before I knew it, I had been staring at the windshield for more than two hours.

“Well, the Cypress bath set is hard to ignore, but I think I’ll have to go with the open-air bath set.”

“Yes. It is very beautiful and I have never seen anything like it.”

“Then I’ll take the open-air bath set. Tama, please.”

“Understood, …….. installation complete.”

I decide to go take a look right away.

Passing through the washroom and changing room, I ducked under the “Yu” curtain that had been installed before I knew it, and there I found myself in another reality.

“Hey ….., are you serious?”

“Soooo awesome……”

“It’s beautiful…….”

It was an open-air bath that could have appeared in a brochure for a famous inn. For some reason, the night sky was open, the full moon was shining, it was covered with a bamboo enclosure, and a large cherry tree was sticking out of the enclosure.

The tub was made of fine stone, and there was a washing area as well. After all this time, it really is a tremendous cheat ability. I almost forgot it was a truck.

“Oh, haha………… it’s amazing, Mireina, come in with me!”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!!”


“You’re out of here!!”


Shiny kicked me to the ground and I rolled to the changing room.


We then proceeded up the mountain road, earning points, and passed through the Danger Mountains with surprisingly little fuss.

I was so concerned about points that I didn’t think about monster materials and such. I had no idea how much a Demon Ogre’s materials cost. It might have been as much as Venom Dragon.

“After we’re done delivering in Omigod, let’s go see the sights around town. Shiny, can you show us around?”

“I don’t know that much about it. I only know about the cathedral and Stardust.”

“I see. Maybe we can see those two and hang out the rest of the time, maybe stay a couple of days and do some sightseeing.”

“I guess so. It would normally take two months to get there and back, but we came here in just a week.”

And Mireina is looking forward to Stardust. It’s not a bad idea to have a good time with the million in reserve.


“I see it. That’s the Holy City of Omigod.”

Omigod———— now that’s a weird name.

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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 22

Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 22

Trucker frightened and unmatched.

"So this is the Danger Mountains..., what a bad vibe."

"That's right. No one would come to such a place."

We came to the entrance of the Danger Mountains.

The altitude was high and the road was only wide enough for a truck. It was not well maintained to begin with.

"Good, don't panic when it comes to combat."

"Oh, oh."

"Most of the monsters here are dangerous. There are so many of them that even I can't handle them."

"I know, I know. I've heard it a thousand times."

"Good. Proceed with caution."

Shiny's face also shows tension. Perhaps she feels uneasy if she doesn't say it out loud. As president, I have to be firm here.

"I'm going to ask you to do something for me, Tama!"

"Understood. Arms deployed. Intercepting in auto mode."

Tama's tone of voice has not changed. I'm counting on you.


"[Gatling gun] deployed. Commence sweep."



A Gatling gun emerges from the hood and makes mincemeat of the pig creature known as the King Orc.

"[Flamethrower] deployed. Commence sweeping fire."



In addition, the truck set on fire a bipedal canine creature named Mad Kobold that came toward the truck.

"A group of wyverns were spotted in the sky above the truck. [Small missiles]Deploy. Firing.""

The upper part of the vehicle body deploys, and for whatever reason, a missile is launched. Then I thought I heard a loud bang, and the carcass of a dismembered wyvern came bobbing down.

"Level has risen. [Shuriken] has been unlocked. [Nerve gas] unlocked."

(TLN: N-N-Nerve Gas!!!?)

I don't feel like even going into this anymore.

Let's not get into the shuriken, gas, and other armaments anymore. I feel like I can take on any opponent at this point.

"I feel like I'm losing my mind worrying about it..."

"Oh, I've accumulated quite a few points."

My current points are [22,500]. I've only been in the Danger Mountains for about an hour and I've already earned over 10,000 points. I guess dangerous species can score a lot of points.

The mountain road is quite steep, and the path is hardly maintained at all. It was almost like driving down a wild animal trail. However, the engine and tires are reinforced, so we don't get any flat tires, and the road goes up and down the steep inclines without difficulty.

I've gotten used to it and don't mind it anymore. Modern weapons are too powerful.

"Hey, Shiny. Is this place really dangerous?"

I asked that question as I watched several king orcs roll around convulsively after being nerve-gassed. The king orcs are foaming at the mouth and convulsing.... pitifully.

"You know how many people it takes to take down a single king orc? I mean, even on its own it's a nuisance, much less a mountain that attacks you in packs?"

The king orc, which had collapsed after being hit by nerve gas, was hit with a flaming blast that was the final straw. The king orc pack became roasted pig.

While avoiding them, we continued on our way, and this time, a huge snake appeared.

"Dangerous species [Hedge Viper] confirmed. [Electromagnetic Whip] deployed. Capture."

Numerous chains shoot out from the hood, restraining the snake's body and applying an electric current to it. Then the snake's body jumped, and soon it stopped moving.

"Okay? Monsters are divided into several types. General, Dangerous, Super Dangerous, and Disaster Class Dangerous."


"Demon Ogre of super-dangerous species confirmed at 320 meters ahead. [Railgun] deployed. Commence charging."

The hood opened to reveal a turret, the tip of which cracked open with a bang. From there, the sound of energy gathering could be heard, "Jyuiiiii...."

"I don't give a damn about monster ratings. I'm a trucker, I'm not going to fight monsters."

"I'd rather fight. My arms are getting weak."

"Kota-san, Shiny, your food!"


A flashy flash flew forward with a ""Bakyuuun..."" sound and pierced through the demon ogre's head and abdomen. Blood spurted from the remaining lower half of its body, and it fell backwards with a thud.

" Level has risen.  [Grenade] is now unlocked. [Grenade Launcher] has been unlocked. ~Dedeen~. Level 30 reached. Each form is disarmed. You can obtain exclusive armaments by converting to each form and obtaining experience points."

Oh, it's unlocked. Exclusive armament, huh?

But I'm already a strong fighter in truck form, so I don't think I need it at this point. Well, I'll play around with it when I'm not busy.

More importantly, now it's time to eat Mireina's food. Let's leave the outside to Tama.


Lunch is over and I'm taking a break. I've accumulated some points and I've made up my mind. So I'm going to ask both of them for their opinions.

"Well, I've accumulated a lot of points, and I'd like to renovate the bathroom."

"Bathroom!? That's nice. It's a great idea."

"I agree. I didn't have access to it many times when I was an adventurer, and once you're out of town, it's not unusual to not have access to it for days at a time."

"Oh yeah, I was so happy when I found the river....."

Hmmm. It's a world I don't understand.

At any rate, since they seem to be in favor of it, I'll go out on a limb here and make a grand gesture.

"President. We've cleared a 25-kilometer radius of monsters."

"I see. That was fast."

"No, I don't think so. It was around the time we defeated the Demon Ogre that the monsters around us began to flee."

"I see. Then I guess we're safe around here, thanks for your help."

"Yes. Armament will remain activated in auto mode and will stand by."

That's a cheat skill. Dangerous species or not, it's no match for them. Thanks for your hard work. I'd like to massage your shoulders.

"I'm going to get a new one. Look forward to it."

"Thank you for everything!!"


I want the girls to be beautiful. We need to buy a bath or two.


"Now, which one do we want?"

We come to the driver's seat and look at the windshield.

The truck is a two-seater, so Mireina and Shiny were sitting together in the passenger seat. It's kind of nice to see two girls attached to each other, isn't it? Am I a pervert after all?

(TLN: Yes.)


 [Bathroom] ○ Experience points [67190]

 Sauna - 7000 points

 Bubble bath - 6800 points

 Herbal bath - 9000 points

 Water bath - 4800 points

 Cypress bath set - 13900 points

 Open-air bath set - 23000 points

 Hot spring set - 15800 points

 The following items are unlocked.


"Hey, hey, what's a bubble bath?"

"Let's see, it's bumpy and excites the body.... umm, it's hard to describe."

"Would you like a sample video?"

"Oh, is there such a thing? Please do."

Then an image of a bubble bath appeared on the windshield.

It was a hexagonal marble bathtub, bobbing and bubbling. This looks like it would feel good. I want to go in too.

"Hey, hey, is this thing boiling?"

"This is scary."

"The temperature setting can be changed freely. In the sample video, it is set at 42 degrees. It is the right temperature."

"This feels so good - it's a great massage, and it's going to blow away your fatigue."

"Wow, what about herbal baths then?"

"Um, what is a sauna?"

Each of us listened to the opinions of the others and chose the one we wanted while watching sample videos.

Before I knew it, I had been staring at the windshield for more than two hours.

"Well, the Cypress bath set is hard to ignore, but I think I'll have to go with the open-air bath set."

"Yes. It is very beautiful and I have never seen anything like it."

"Then I'll take the open-air bath set. Tama, please."

"Understood, ........ installation complete."

I decide to go take a look right away.

Passing through the washroom and changing room, I ducked under the "Yu" curtain that had been installed before I knew it, and there I found myself in another reality.

"Hey ....., are you serious?"

"Soooo awesome......"

"It's beautiful......."

It was an open-air bath that could have appeared in a brochure for a famous inn. For some reason, the night sky was open, the full moon was shining, it was covered with a bamboo enclosure, and a large cherry tree was sticking out of the enclosure.

The tub was made of fine stone, and there was a washing area as well. After all this time, it really is a tremendous cheat ability. I almost forgot it was a truck.

"Oh, haha............ it's amazing, Mireina, come in with me!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!!"


"You're out of here!!"


Shiny kicked me to the ground and I rolled to the changing room.


We then proceeded up the mountain road, earning points, and passed through the Danger Mountains with surprisingly little fuss.

I was so concerned about points that I didn't think about monster materials and such. I had no idea how much a Demon Ogre's materials cost. It might have been as much as Venom Dragon.

"After we're done delivering in Omigod, let's go see the sights around town. Shiny, can you show us around?"

"I don't know that much about it. I only know about the cathedral and Stardust."

"I see. Maybe we can see those two and hang out the rest of the time, maybe stay a couple of days and do some sightseeing."

"I guess so. It would normally take two months to get there and back, but we came here in just a week."

And Mireina is looking forward to Stardust. It's not a bad idea to have a good time with the million in reserve.


"I see it. That's the Holy City of Omigod."

Omigod------------ now that's a weird name.



not work with dark mode