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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 26

Trucker, renewing the spirit

We returned to Zenimouke without any particular trouble.

Kirie was surprised at first, but quickly adjusted to the truck. She took turns sitting in the passenger seat with Shiny, and was busy helping Mireina with housework. Incidentally, on the way back, we took the safest route possible. There was plenty of time to spare on the way back, so we didn’t have combat.

Then we arrived at “Agatsuma Shipping Company” and put the truck in the garage and went to the office.

“Is this President Kota’s company? It looks very impressive.”

“Oh. We just built it.”

“Fufu, I’ll make some tea.”

“Oh, I’ll have lemonade!!”

“I’ll show you to your room then, Kirie. Get your stuff.”

“Thank you.”

We have an empty room and we have put in a set of furniture, so it’s not a problem. I carried Kirie’s luggage upstairs and went back downstairs.

We talk about our plans for the future over a cup of tea that Mireina has brewed.

“For now, I’m going to go to the guild and report to Nina that the request is complete. You guys go with Kirie to do some shopping.”

“Yes, but are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s just a report. Besides, we need uniforms, and it’s better for you girls to be with each other, right?”

“I’m fine with that. I don’t want to see Niramana…”

“I apologize for the inconvenience.”

So, we’re going our separate ways from here.


I headed alone to the Adventurers’ Guild.

In my hand was a receipt stamped with the Omigod Adventurers Guild seal. Handing it over would complete the request.

The guild was crowded as usual. There were also boys and girls of junior high school age. I wonder what’s going on in this world, don’t they have to study? I went to the receptionist of the guild.

“I’m with Agatsuma Shipping Company. I would like to ask for the guild leader.”

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

The receptionist smiled and went to the back. Then she came right back with Nina. Nina’s face was stern for some reason. She is one year younger than me, but her eyebrows are wrinkled.

“You don’t mean to tell me you’re abandoning the request…………?”


“Don’t play dumb. It’s only been 15 days since I asked you to do this. It would normally take me a month to get to Omigod one way.”


I see. Come to think of it, it would normally take a month to get to Omigod by carriage. Well, they don’t know how fast trucks go, so I can’t blame her for thinking so.

“No, no, no, no, I delivered perfectly. Here is the receipt.”

“What? …………….Mmm, indeed. This is the mark of the Omigod Guild. There is nothing in it for you guys to forge…….. And if you come back in 15 days from a road that takes a month to travel, you’ll only be suspected.”

“Do you believe me?”

“Oh, if it’s the power of that hunk of iron?”

“Well, yes. It’s a tool of my trade, so I can’t discuss the details.”

If they ask to see inside, I have no choice but to refuse. If they see a living space like that, they might take the truck. Well, I’m the only one who can drive it, and I’m not going to give it to them.

“I’m sorry I doubted you. I didn’t expect you back so soon.”

“No, no, no, no. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll give you the rest of the reward. This way.”

I was shown to another room and sat on a fluffy sofa. Then the receptionist offered me tea.

“First of all, here is the rest of your reward. Check it out.”

“Thank you very much. I will check.”

She presented me with a stack of bills wrapped in a cloth, and I carefully checked them. Of course, there were 200 bills. I put the stack away in the bag I had brought with me.

“By the way, where are Shiny Blue and the others?”

“Oh, they are helping Kirie…… new employee with her shopping.” 

“Employee? Have you increased?”

“Yes, this is a former sister named Kirie Ellison. She was interested in being a courier.”

It’s definitely not true. The truth is, she was jealous of her sister who went on a journey with a hero, so she was looking for the right time to get out there herself. That’s when she met us.

“I see. I’m glad to hear that.”


“No, it’s going to get busier from here on out. It’s good to have more employees.”

“Well, what do you mean?”

“It’s simple. After advertising your Agatsuma Shipping Company, we got a lot of people who wanted to work with us. They wanted to deliver goods to neighboring towns, transport large items that could not be carried by horse-drawn carriages, and carry goods within the city.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah. The Adventurers’ Guild would like to make a request. The other day, a group of us from the Adventurers’ Guild took down a dangerous species, but we had no way to transport the defeated monster. So we would like to make a request for transportation.”

“Wait a minute. Let’s see…”

“Oh, of course, that can wait. The monster carcass has been frozen so there is no need to worry about decomposition, but I would like to ask for it within a week if possible.”

Whatever it is, the monster’s body is covered with a hard shell, so it cannot be dismantled without specialized equipment. It would be a shame to give up on the material, so they have it frozen on-site.

That’s part of it, but first I want to handle the general requests. We’re getting requests, but they don’t trust us if all we do is work for the guild.

“After tomorrow, the guild will send a formal request to the company. I’m counting on you.”

“Yes, thank you!!”

Oh, man. I’m starting to enjoy this.


That evening. Over dinner prepared by Mireina, I shared with everyone the conversation I had with Nina today.

“So, the request is coming tomorrow?”

“Oh. Apparently, Nina had spread the word about the company. She said we are good carriers.”

“We’re not good at anything. It was our first request.”

“Yeah, well, that’s true, but that’s not the point.”

“Hm. It seems that we will be busy from tomorrow. Let’s go to bed early today.”

Here’s a recap.

Requests are given priority to transport urgent items, but the price will be higher. The price depends on the distance. Requests that require more than a few days will be refused. I will ask Mireina and Kirie to take care of this for me.

Around Zenimouke, there are many villages and settlements of various sizes, often used by merchants and adventurers as a transit point. So there are plenty of things to deliver and supplies to carry.

There is no shortage of requests for not only supplies, but also gifts for parents and friends living in the villages and settlements.

Until now, they have had to ask merchants to transport their goods, but since the timing of delivery to the destination village was left to the merchants, they never know when the goods will arrive, and of course they cannot transport fresh goods.

Therefore, genuine carriers were almost non-existent. In the first place, it is too difficult in this world where there are only horse-drawn carriages.

Delivery will be divided into several parts.

First, in the morning, we will receive the cargo and have Tama calculate the transportation route and transport the cargo within Zenimouke.

In the afternoon, we visit the city and surrounding villages and towns, and the packages received in the afternoon are sent on to the next day. In other words, no overtime work.

“For now, here’s how it goes. Mireina and Kirie are in charge of reception at the company. Shiny and I will be in charge of transportation.”


“I understand. Um, will the two of them be all right?”

“Well… It’s the first time. But Mireina will be fine.”

“I’ll also be fine, I’m staying right here.”

“Why do you say that? What is that confidence?”

“I have God in my life. Unlike you, I have a god of luck….”

“You have a lot to say!”

Thus, we made some arrangements and were ready for business.

We won’t know the rest until we try. To be honest, I’m terrified, too. Because it’s not a guild request, it’s a small, steady requests. I’d rather say this is the real start.

I was more motivated than ever.


The next morning. I took the truck out of the garage and washed it.

There were no stains that looked like dirt, but it was meant to be taken care of from now on, and I wanted to do my best to get rid of the dust.

“I’m counting on you today, Tama.”

“Understood. President.”

I hear Tama’s voice through the earpiece in my ear. The tone of the voice doesn’t change, but somehow it sounds happy to me.

“Tama will be asked to calculate the transportation route for the requested locations. We want to make sure we take the shortest route possible.”

“Understood. Please leave it to me.”

“Oh, I’m really glad you’re here.”

“That’s my role. My mission is to support the president and manage and customize the truck.”

“You’re so serious….. Okay, it’s clean.”

“Thank you.”

The truck is shining and polished, and the newly painted truck has “Agatsuma Shipping Company” painted on it.

Well, let’s do our best today!

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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 26

Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 26

Trucker, renewing the spirit

We returned to Zenimouke without any particular trouble.

Kirie was surprised at first, but quickly adjusted to the truck. She took turns sitting in the passenger seat with Shiny, and was busy helping Mireina with housework. Incidentally, on the way back, we took the safest route possible. There was plenty of time to spare on the way back, so we didn't have combat.

Then we arrived at "Agatsuma Shipping Company" and put the truck in the garage and went to the office.

"Is this President Kota's company? It looks very impressive."

"Oh. We just built it."

"Fufu, I'll make some tea."

"Oh, I'll have lemonade!!"

"I'll show you to your room then, Kirie. Get your stuff."

"Thank you."

We have an empty room and we have put in a set of furniture, so it's not a problem. I carried Kirie's luggage upstairs and went back downstairs.

We talk about our plans for the future over a cup of tea that Mireina has brewed.

"For now, I'm going to go to the guild and report to Nina that the request is complete. You guys go with Kirie to do some shopping."

"Yes, but are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just a report. Besides, we need uniforms, and it's better for you girls to be with each other, right?"

"I'm fine with that. I don't want to see Niramana..."

"I apologize for the inconvenience."

So, we're going our separate ways from here.


I headed alone to the Adventurers' Guild.

In my hand was a receipt stamped with the Omigod Adventurers Guild seal. Handing it over would complete the request.

The guild was crowded as usual. There were also boys and girls of junior high school age. I wonder what's going on in this world, don't they have to study? I went to the receptionist of the guild.

"I'm with Agatsuma Shipping Company. I would like to ask for the guild leader."

"Yes, please wait a moment."

The receptionist smiled and went to the back. Then she came right back with Nina. Nina's face was stern for some reason. She is one year younger than me, but her eyebrows are wrinkled.

"You don't mean to tell me you're abandoning the request............?"


"Don't play dumb. It's only been 15 days since I asked you to do this. It would normally take me a month to get to Omigod one way."


I see. Come to think of it, it would normally take a month to get to Omigod by carriage. Well, they don't know how fast trucks go, so I can't blame her for thinking so.

"No, no, no, no, I delivered perfectly. Here is the receipt."

"What? ................Mmm, indeed. This is the mark of the Omigod Guild. There is nothing in it for you guys to forge........ And if you come back in 15 days from a road that takes a month to travel, you'll only be suspected."

"Do you believe me?"

"Oh, if it's the power of that hunk of iron?"

"Well, yes. It's a tool of my trade, so I can't discuss the details."

If they ask to see inside, I have no choice but to refuse. If they see a living space like that, they might take the truck. Well, I'm the only one who can drive it, and I'm not going to give it to them.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I didn't expect you back so soon."

"No, no, no, no. Don't worry about it."

"I'll give you the rest of the reward. This way."

I was shown to another room and sat on a fluffy sofa. Then the receptionist offered me tea.

"First of all, here is the rest of your reward. Check it out."

"Thank you very much. I will check."

She presented me with a stack of bills wrapped in a cloth, and I carefully checked them. Of course, there were 200 bills. I put the stack away in the bag I had brought with me.

"By the way, where are Shiny Blue and the others?"

"Oh, they are helping Kirie...... new employee with her shopping." 

"Employee? Have you increased?"

"Yes, this is a former sister named Kirie Ellison. She was interested in being a courier."

It's definitely not true. The truth is, she was jealous of her sister who went on a journey with a hero, so she was looking for the right time to get out there herself. That's when she met us.

"I see. I'm glad to hear that."


"No, it's going to get busier from here on out. It's good to have more employees."

"Well, what do you mean?"

"It's simple. After advertising your Agatsuma Shipping Company, we got a lot of people who wanted to work with us. They wanted to deliver goods to neighboring towns, transport large items that could not be carried by horse-drawn carriages, and carry goods within the city."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. The Adventurers' Guild would like to make a request. The other day, a group of us from the Adventurers' Guild took down a dangerous species, but we had no way to transport the defeated monster. So we would like to make a request for transportation."

"Wait a minute. Let's see..."

"Oh, of course, that can wait. The monster carcass has been frozen so there is no need to worry about decomposition, but I would like to ask for it within a week if possible."

Whatever it is, the monster's body is covered with a hard shell, so it cannot be dismantled without specialized equipment. It would be a shame to give up on the material, so they have it frozen on-site.

That's part of it, but first I want to handle the general requests. We're getting requests, but they don't trust us if all we do is work for the guild.

"After tomorrow, the guild will send a formal request to the company. I'm counting on you."

"Yes, thank you!!"

Oh, man. I'm starting to enjoy this.


That evening. Over dinner prepared by Mireina, I shared with everyone the conversation I had with Nina today.

"So, the request is coming tomorrow?"

"Oh. Apparently, Nina had spread the word about the company. She said we are good carriers."

"We're not good at anything. It was our first request."

"Yeah, well, that's true, but that's not the point."

"Hm. It seems that we will be busy from tomorrow. Let's go to bed early today."

Here's a recap.

Requests are given priority to transport urgent items, but the price will be higher. The price depends on the distance. Requests that require more than a few days will be refused. I will ask Mireina and Kirie to take care of this for me.

Around Zenimouke, there are many villages and settlements of various sizes, often used by merchants and adventurers as a transit point. So there are plenty of things to deliver and supplies to carry.

There is no shortage of requests for not only supplies, but also gifts for parents and friends living in the villages and settlements.

Until now, they have had to ask merchants to transport their goods, but since the timing of delivery to the destination village was left to the merchants, they never know when the goods will arrive, and of course they cannot transport fresh goods.

Therefore, genuine carriers were almost non-existent. In the first place, it is too difficult in this world where there are only horse-drawn carriages.

Delivery will be divided into several parts.

First, in the morning, we will receive the cargo and have Tama calculate the transportation route and transport the cargo within Zenimouke.

In the afternoon, we visit the city and surrounding villages and towns, and the packages received in the afternoon are sent on to the next day. In other words, no overtime work.

"For now, here's how it goes. Mireina and Kirie are in charge of reception at the company. Shiny and I will be in charge of transportation."


"I understand. Um, will the two of them be all right?"

"Well... It's the first time. But Mireina will be fine."

"I'll also be fine, I'm staying right here."

"Why do you say that? What is that confidence?"

"I have God in my life. Unlike you, I have a god of luck...."

"You have a lot to say!"

Thus, we made some arrangements and were ready for business.

We won't know the rest until we try. To be honest, I'm terrified, too. Because it's not a guild request, it's a small, steady requests. I'd rather say this is the real start.

I was more motivated than ever.


The next morning. I took the truck out of the garage and washed it.

There were no stains that looked like dirt, but it was meant to be taken care of from now on, and I wanted to do my best to get rid of the dust.

"I'm counting on you today, Tama."

"Understood. President."

I hear Tama's voice through the earpiece in my ear. The tone of the voice doesn't change, but somehow it sounds happy to me.

"Tama will be asked to calculate the transportation route for the requested locations. We want to make sure we take the shortest route possible."

"Understood. Please leave it to me."

"Oh, I'm really glad you're here."

"That's my role. My mission is to support the president and manage and customize the truck."

"You're so serious..... Okay, it's clean."

"Thank you."

The truck is shining and polished, and the newly painted truck has "Agatsuma Shipping Company" painted on it.

Well, let's do our best today!



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