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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 122

Rin’s pouting mouth puffs up.

–Thump, thump…!

The sound of Rin making a meal.

But I don’t know…, it seems strangely rough today.

I thought she looked the same as usual on the way home.

I think I saw Hannya behind me when I went home.

I’ve been in contact with Rin before and this has never happened…

I honestly don’t know what to do.

I decided to consult with Google-sensei… no, Kenichi-sensei for a solution to this case.

I sent the message, “I’ve upset a girl and I’m about to get into a fight, please tell me how to solve it.”

Kenichi replied a few seconds later.

“If it were normal, you should apologize sincerely. If a woman and a man fight, it’s not a good thing. Men may think they are fighting one-on-one, but women are in a clique. So, basically, if you talk back or make excuses, you are at a disadvantage in many cases. In light of the above, if you offend someone, apologize and listen to what they have to say. First of all, it is important to let them vent their feelings.”

So long!?!?

How could he have typed that in such a short period of time!?


What’s with the P.S.?

“If it’s a problem with Wakamiya, I’m sure it’s nothing major, and there’s no need to take it too seriously.”

… If Kenichi says so, it’s possible I’m mistaken, right?

There’s something wrong with her facial expression.

Her smile is scary or something…

“Towa-kun? What are you doing staring at your phone?”

“Just, uh… Kenichi and I.”

“Is that so?”

Her crystal-clear voice is still cold…

I hope Kenichi is right and it’s a misunderstanding, but I’d hate it if it wasn’t…

If that’s the case…

“Rin, you’re mad, possibly?”

“Yes, yes I am … At myself …”

“I know, sorry … Eh?”

Did I just mishear that?

Did she say “myself”?

No, no.

I don’t know what that is supposed to mean…

As I’m tilting my head, Rin started to lay out the dishes in front of me.

When she had finished arranging all the dishes, she sat down beside me with a beautiful posture.

“Aren’t you mad at me?”

“There is no reason for me to be angry with you, is there? I can understand that you are not at fault, if I understand the situation.”

“Huh? Is that so……?”

“Yes, I know that. I know that Ainoya-san is very distant, and there was also Yokomura-san who played the stopper role. I can guess that there was something requested of Towa-kun, and the conversation went in the opposite direction, and things got very lively.”

“Hahaha… as usual, you’re right on the mark.”


Esper as usual…

How can she understand so much in that one moment?

But I’m glad to see that level of understanding.

Ah, however…

“No, but weren’t you cooking in a very angry way just now…? I heard a lot of “thumping” noises.”

“Is that it? Today’s dinner is “sauteed beef”, so it needs to be pounded. But I think I gave you the wrong idea because of the timing. I’m sorry…”

“I understand, so there’s no need to apologize. Then why were you mad at yourself??”


Suddenly she became quiet and lowered her eyes.

Then she looked up at me.

“Um, … could you please listen without laughing?”

“I’m not laughing.”

“Well, actually… I was jealous…”

Her voice dropped to a low whisper.

It was a rare case for Rin to turn red all the way up to her ears, and she couldn’t have been more flushed.

I see…

Rin is extremely patient, so the fact that she couldn’t control her emotions made her frustrated, which in turn contributed to her embarrassment.

When something unfamiliar happens, it’s confusing, isn’t it?

“Both Ainoya-san and Yokomura-san are famous for being cute girls,… and I was a little frustrated. I saw Shouwa-kun, who had never even conversed with these two before, talking with them,… and it made me a little irritated,… but it also made me feel a little nervous,… I was so embarrassed that I just got a little tense…”

I gently patted Rin’s head, who was turning bright red like a ripe tomato.

Watching Rin’s blush gradually recede, I called out to her.

“I’m sorry for being so nervous too. I don’t mind at all, and I’m … a little happy.”

“Ehehe~. So maybe it wasn’t so bad to be jealous?”

“It was somewhat bad for the heart, though.”

“Fufu. I’m sorry about that. I should be happy and congratulate you, don’t you think?”

“I think that’s an overreaction. I just wasn’t able to do what everyone else was doing as a matter of course… It was a minus, and now it’s a zero, which means we’re just getting started.”

Rin smiled gently at me as I laughed at myself.

She looked at me with those eyes … that were full of compassion, as if she was wrapping me in her arms.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is a joy to see the growth and change in Towa-kun as you start to talk to the class. But…”

Rin puffed her cheeks out and put her hand on my knee.

Her eyes, big enough to suck me in, looked straight at me.

“I miss having Towa-kun all to myself… I know this is selfish of me, but…”

“Well…, it’s okay to be selfish, isn’t it? I think it’s acceptable to be selfish as long as Rin says it.”

“Well, I’ll take your word for it… I’ll be selfish just this once.”

Then she laid down on my lap and coddled me like a cat.

No …, this is a very foul thing to do.

I chuckled and put my hand on Rin’s head.

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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 122

For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 122

Rin's pouting mouth puffs up.

--Thump, thump...!

The sound of Rin making a meal.

But I don't know..., it seems strangely rough today.

I thought she looked the same as usual on the way home.

I think I saw Hannya behind me when I went home.

I've been in contact with Rin before and this has never happened...

I honestly don't know what to do.

I decided to consult with Google-sensei... no, Kenichi-sensei for a solution to this case.

I sent the message, "I've upset a girl and I'm about to get into a fight, please tell me how to solve it."

Kenichi replied a few seconds later.

“If it were normal, you should apologize sincerely. If a woman and a man fight, it's not a good thing. Men may think they are fighting one-on-one, but women are in a clique. So, basically, if you talk back or make excuses, you are at a disadvantage in many cases. In light of the above, if you offend someone, apologize and listen to what they have to say. First of all, it is important to let them vent their feelings."

So long!?!?

How could he have typed that in such a short period of time!?


What's with the P.S.?

"If it's a problem with Wakamiya, I'm sure it's nothing major, and there's no need to take it too seriously."

... If Kenichi says so, it's possible I'm mistaken, right?

There's something wrong with her facial expression.

Her smile is scary or something...

"Towa-kun? What are you doing staring at your phone?"

"Just, uh... Kenichi and I."

"Is that so?"

Her crystal-clear voice is still cold...

I hope Kenichi is right and it's a misunderstanding, but I'd hate it if it wasn't...

If that's the case...

"Rin, you're mad, possibly?"

"Yes, yes I am ... At myself ..."

"I know, sorry ... Eh?"

Did I just mishear that?

Did she say "myself"?

No, no.

I don't know what that is supposed to mean...

As I'm tilting my head, Rin started to lay out the dishes in front of me.

When she had finished arranging all the dishes, she sat down beside me with a beautiful posture.

"Aren't you mad at me?"

“There is no reason for me to be angry with you, is there? I can understand that you are not at fault, if I understand the situation."

"Huh? Is that so……?"

“Yes, I know that. I know that Ainoya-san is very distant, and there was also Yokomura-san who played the stopper role. I can guess that there was something requested of Towa-kun, and the conversation went in the opposite direction, and things got very lively."

"Hahaha... as usual, you're right on the mark."


Esper as usual...

How can she understand so much in that one moment?

But I'm glad to see that level of understanding.

Ah, however...

"No, but weren't you cooking in a very angry way just now...? I heard a lot of "thumping" noises."

"Is that it? Today's dinner is "sauteed beef", so it needs to be pounded. But I think I gave you the wrong idea because of the timing. I'm sorry..."

"I understand, so there's no need to apologize. Then why were you mad at yourself??"


Suddenly she became quiet and lowered her eyes.

Then she looked up at me.

"Um, ... could you please listen without laughing?"

"I'm not laughing."

"Well, actually... I was jealous..."

Her voice dropped to a low whisper.

It was a rare case for Rin to turn red all the way up to her ears, and she couldn't have been more flushed.

I see...

Rin is extremely patient, so the fact that she couldn't control her emotions made her frustrated, which in turn contributed to her embarrassment.

When something unfamiliar happens, it's confusing, isn't it?

“Both Ainoya-san and Yokomura-san are famous for being cute girls,... and I was a little frustrated. I saw Shouwa-kun, who had never even conversed with these two before, talking with them,... and it made me a little irritated,... but it also made me feel a little nervous,... I was so embarrassed that I just got a little tense..."

I gently patted Rin's head, who was turning bright red like a ripe tomato.

Watching Rin's blush gradually recede, I called out to her.

"I'm sorry for being so nervous too. I don't mind at all, and I'm ... a little happy."

"Ehehe~. So maybe it wasn't so bad to be jealous?"

"It was somewhat bad for the heart, though."

“Fufu. I'm sorry about that. I should be happy and congratulate you, don't you think?"

“I think that's an overreaction. I just wasn't able to do what everyone else was doing as a matter of course... It was a minus, and now it's a zero, which means we're just getting started."

Rin smiled gently at me as I laughed at myself.

She looked at me with those eyes ... that were full of compassion, as if she was wrapping me in her arms.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is a joy to see the growth and change in Towa-kun as you start to talk to the class. But..."

Rin puffed her cheeks out and put her hand on my knee.

Her eyes, big enough to suck me in, looked straight at me.

"I miss having Towa-kun all to myself... I know this is selfish of me, but..."

"Well..., it's okay to be selfish, isn't it? I think it's acceptable to be selfish as long as Rin says it."

"Well, I'll take your word for it... I'll be selfish just this once."

Then she laid down on my lap and coddled me like a cat.

No ..., this is a very foul thing to do.

I chuckled and put my hand on Rin's head.



not work with dark mode