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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 129

For some reason, Rin is also participating

–I had never had a chance to stay in the classroom after school.

I had no reason to stay behind because I never stayed behind in the classroom and went straight to my part-time job.


Well, there used to be a reason like … because I didn’t want to stay behind and be overcome by the disparity between me and the others…


These days, I spend more and more time in the classroom after school to wait for Rin to come.

But it’s not like other classes where it’s noisy like after-school youth.

I just sit alone in my seat like this, studying and passing the time.


Yes, this has been the case until now, too…


“Hey, Tokki~! It was really hard work, you know… Totally!! You understand!?!?”


“Yeah…? No, even if you gesture like that. I have no idea what you’re talking about…”


“Ehhhh…! You have to understand!”


“A little bit, Sayaka. If you raise the bar like that, it makes it look shabby. Tokiwagi-kun is troubled too…”


“The fact that it’s so shabby is very important to me. The freshly bought pen became useless in one day. One day!? And two of them~~?”


“It’s true, that kind of thing does happen. The thinner the tip is, the more likely it is to get crushed.”


And, well, … I was increasingly surrounded by three girls like this.


It’s not that I’ve become a harem protagonist or that I’m suddenly in a period of popularity.

That would not and could not be the case, not even if heaven and earth were upside down.


If it was Kenichi, it could be, but …

I’ll never have a connection to it.


So, why are we in this situation?


The answer is simple.

It is because lately, after school, Ainoya-san catches me.


She sees Rin as a rival and asks me about her every chance she gets.

Well, I had to ask the reason because there were so many of them, and it seems that Kenichi told them to ‘ask Towa about it’…


As for Kenichi, he may have meant it as a good work arrangement for me, but I was a little troubled by this situation.


It’s not that I find the questions bothersome or anything.

It’s nice to be appreciated and to feel useful.


But the stares from those around me hurt.


No, it’s true that we’ve been on a killing spree with Rin, but … now it’s more than that.

Ainoya-san and Yokomura-san, who acts as the one who holds the reins, are coming too, so it’s even more…


It is very troubling that they don’t seem to care that we are in such a situation.


And today…


“Hey, hey, hey, Tokki. What do you think we should do to win against Rin-Rin~?


“Well, I think so. The best way to do this is to use a group strategy. If it’s basketball, I think it’s a good idea to surround her with three players.”




“I see!! Then, then~. What if it’s a one-on-one competition?”


“In that case, I don’t intend to lose. It would be foolish to cut corners in the games… I will give it my all, and I don’t think it’s possible for you to win.”




“I see~…, why is Rin-Rin answering now!?!?”


“I thought it would be better if I answered in person.”


Rin answered with a composed expression and took up a position between me and Ainoya-san.

The reason why Rin is in such a position is … well, the reason is obvious, but Ainoya-san doesn’t seem to care that much.


It seemed they were putting the objective first.

Incidentally, Yokomura-san, who was in charge of controlling Ainoya-san, was holding her head and sighing loudly.


Every once in a while, she looks at me as if she wants to say, ‘Do something about it’, and I shake my head.


The stubborn Rin has gone into intimidating behavior, and it’s impossible to stop her…

Ainoya-san will also be concerned about the impending sports festival, so she’s asking me more than ever today about this and that…


“I am asking Tokki~. If Rin-Rin hears about it, there’s no point in gathering information in secret.”


“Sayaka. If you are going to be secretive…, you might want to be a little more sneaky. It’s not going to work when you’re going around to various classes in public…”


“Yes, it is. It is a well-known fact that Ainoya-san is doing this. I have no trouble being asked, so in a situation like this, I think it would be quicker to ask me.”


“Eh~. I’d like to ask Tokki about it. It would be more interesting.”


“No, you can’t.”




Ainoya-san puffed out her cheeks and made a disapproving face.

When I was about to move next to her, Rin came in between us again and made a blank expression as if nothing had happened.


Ainoya-san seemed to be extra annoyed that she was interrupted.


“Wow! Why are you getting in the way, Rin-Rin? I told you before that I wasn’t trying to steal Tokki!”


“Ainoya-san is too close…”


“Don’t worry about that~”




“Please Rin-Rin, let me talk to him alone! I have so many questions and things I want to ask him~!”




“Rin-Rin’s spoiled child!”




What are the two of you doing?

I, who was involved in the situation but was out of the loop, and Yokomura-san were silently watching the exchange.

We sighed repeatedly, wondering if we were both thinking the same thing.


There is no other intention in what Ainoya-san is saying

She really just wants to talk and has no other feelings.

She’s usually like that, and I’m sure she’s made numerous men misunderstand her because of her attitude…


Yokomura-san, who is aware of this, is constantly saying, ‘You’re talking like that again…’ and putting her hand on her forehead is evidence of that.


Perhaps growing impatient with their repeated mysterious exchanges, Yokomura-san whispered in my ear.


“Come on, stop it. Wakamiya-san seems to be getting kind of stubborn…”


“Rin won’t budge even if I try. Yokomura-san, can’t you stop Ainoya-san?”


“Huh… I’d love to, but… I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to stop her if she gets out of control too much. I think if we accomplish our purpose, it will subside.


“Purpose? To grasp Rin’s weakness and win the sports festival??”


“Ummm…not exactly.”


Not exactly?

It looked like they were really concerned about winning…

As I was thinking about this with a difficult look on my face and a furrowed brow, Yokomura-san looked a little amused and began to talk.


“Sayaka, she has never lost before.”


“Never lost in … sports?”


“That’s right. That’s why …Losing by physical strength measurement was so frustrating that she was depressed, and said, “This time I’m going to win!” She’s so excited about it.”


“So that’s how it is… Well, I guess she’s unlikely to lose, right? Just look at how energetic she is…”


“I’m sorry. But are you convinced?”


“Yeah, well…”


A field of specialty in which she had been absolutely confident until now.

So it was really frustrating to lose, and it was probably the first setback for Ainoya-san.


I guess sports is the only thing that is non-negotiable in her mind. Ainoya-san is a person who acts with emotion and leaves things to her sensibilities, and that is probably why she is so strongly committed to it.


If that’s the case, she won’t back down until she’s convinced…

If that’s the case…


“I have a better way for you, Ainoya-san. To win against Rin.”


I uttered that.

It wasn’t that loud, but the timing was right for it to resonate with the two in the middle of a conversation, and they turned around to look at me.

Then, Ainoya-san energetically rushed over to me.


“What’s that, Tokki!?”


“T-too close…”


“… Ainoya-san?”


“Hey, Rin-Rin!? Can you please not pinch my waist!?!? It hurts like a pinprick!”


I cough coherently and deliberately, and turn Ainoya-san around.

Then I decided to start talking, prefacing the conversation with, “It’s not a big thing.”


“For now, Ainoya-san, why don’t you just carry on as usual?”


“Hmmm? As usual …?”


“That’s right. You’re the type of person who goes with your instincts and intuition, rather than a precise plan and then executes it, right?”




“I think so. On the other hand, if you prepare too much, it would be confusing. Besides, Rin will probably be able to see through any strategy developed, so I think that Ainoya-san’s unconventional and tricky style will be more effective in catching her off guard.”


“I think you may be right, Tokiwagi-kun. I don’t think scheming is suitable for Sayaka. She always disregards it … even if she considered it.”


“Ahahaha … I see. That may be true …”


I guess she must have some idea of what I’m talking about.

Ainoya-san smiled bitterly and scratched her head.

She took a deep breath. And then she turned into the innocent face she always shows in the classroom and smiled.


“Yeah! Then I’ve made up my mind!! Let’s go with instinct!! That’s what I’m going to do!


“Fufu. Sounds like Sayaka.”


She looked convinced.

So Kenichi wouldn’t have said anything to Ainoya-san.


“Thanks a lot! Well, we’re going home! All I can do is practice!!


“Wait a minute! Sayaka!?”


Yokomura-san thanked us and left the classroom in a hurry, chasing after Ainoya-san.


The storm passed and the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Rin and I looked at each other and chuckled.


“I’m sorry, Rin. Sorry for saying that.”


“By ‘that,’ do you mean you’re giving advice to Ainoya-san?”


“Yes, but…”


The act of giving salt to the enemy while claiming to support Rin.


Considering my class, it’s the right thing to do, but it’s not the same to do it in front of Rin’s eyes…

When I kept my face down. Rin held my face between her hands and raised it so that our eyes met.


“I don’t mind if that’s the case. Thanks to Towa-kun, I now know exactly what I need to be careful about. After all, there are things that can only be understood from a third-party perspective.”


“Well, if Rin doesn’t mind, that’s fine. Ainoya-san is going to be tough, right?”


“Fufu. That’s what I want. Because I’m only going to do my best to deal with the best of the best. Besides…”




I tilt my head and ask back.

Rin looks out the window for a bit.

Then, after looking at the people exercising…


“Being serious… It makes me so happy!”


Rin said happily.


“I’ll do my best!” I couldn’t help but giggle at Rin’s enthusiasm.

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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 129

For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 129

For some reason, Rin is also participating

--I had never had a chance to stay in the classroom after school.

I had no reason to stay behind because I never stayed behind in the classroom and went straight to my part-time job.


Well, there used to be a reason like ... because I didn't want to stay behind and be overcome by the disparity between me and the others...


These days, I spend more and more time in the classroom after school to wait for Rin to come.

But it's not like other classes where it's noisy like after-school youth.

I just sit alone in my seat like this, studying and passing the time.


Yes, this has been the case until now, too...


"Hey, Tokki~! It was really hard work, you know... Totally!! You understand!?!?"


"Yeah...? No, even if you gesture like that. I have no idea what you're talking about..."


"Ehhhh...! You have to understand!"


"A little bit, Sayaka. If you raise the bar like that, it makes it look shabby. Tokiwagi-kun is troubled too..."


"The fact that it's so shabby is very important to me. The freshly bought pen became useless in one day. One day!? And two of them~~?"


"It's true, that kind of thing does happen. The thinner the tip is, the more likely it is to get crushed."


And, well, ... I was increasingly surrounded by three girls like this.


It's not that I've become a harem protagonist or that I'm suddenly in a period of popularity.

That would not and could not be the case, not even if heaven and earth were upside down.


If it was Kenichi, it could be, but ...

I'll never have a connection to it.


So, why are we in this situation?


The answer is simple.

It is because lately, after school, Ainoya-san catches me.


She sees Rin as a rival and asks me about her every chance she gets.

Well, I had to ask the reason because there were so many of them, and it seems that Kenichi told them to 'ask Towa about it'...


As for Kenichi, he may have meant it as a good work arrangement for me, but I was a little troubled by this situation.


It's not that I find the questions bothersome or anything.

It's nice to be appreciated and to feel useful.


But the stares from those around me hurt.


No, it's true that we've been on a killing spree with Rin, but ... now it's more than that.

Ainoya-san and Yokomura-san, who acts as the one who holds the reins, are coming too, so it's even more...


It is very troubling that they don't seem to care that we are in such a situation.


And today...


"Hey, hey, hey, Tokki. What do you think we should do to win against Rin-Rin~?


"Well, I think so. The best way to do this is to use a group strategy. If it's basketball, I think it's a good idea to surround her with three players."




"I see!! Then, then~. What if it's a one-on-one competition?"


"In that case, I don't intend to lose. It would be foolish to cut corners in the games... I will give it my all, and I don't think it's possible for you to win."




"I see~..., why is Rin-Rin answering now!?!?"


"I thought it would be better if I answered in person."


Rin answered with a composed expression and took up a position between me and Ainoya-san.

The reason why Rin is in such a position is ... well, the reason is obvious, but Ainoya-san doesn't seem to care that much.


It seemed they were putting the objective first.

Incidentally, Yokomura-san, who was in charge of controlling Ainoya-san, was holding her head and sighing loudly.


Every once in a while, she looks at me as if she wants to say, 'Do something about it', and I shake my head.


The stubborn Rin has gone into intimidating behavior, and it's impossible to stop her...

Ainoya-san will also be concerned about the impending sports festival, so she's asking me more than ever today about this and that...


"I am asking Tokki~. If Rin-Rin hears about it, there's no point in gathering information in secret."


"Sayaka. If you are going to be secretive..., you might want to be a little more sneaky. It's not going to work when you're going around to various classes in public..."


"Yes, it is. It is a well-known fact that Ainoya-san is doing this. I have no trouble being asked, so in a situation like this, I think it would be quicker to ask me."


"Eh~. I'd like to ask Tokki about it. It would be more interesting."


"No, you can't."




Ainoya-san puffed out her cheeks and made a disapproving face.

When I was about to move next to her, Rin came in between us again and made a blank expression as if nothing had happened.


Ainoya-san seemed to be extra annoyed that she was interrupted.


"Wow! Why are you getting in the way, Rin-Rin? I told you before that I wasn't trying to steal Tokki!"


"Ainoya-san is too close..."


"Don't worry about that~"




“Please Rin-Rin, let me talk to him alone! I have so many questions and things I want to ask him~!"




“Rin-Rin's spoiled child!"




What are the two of you doing?

I, who was involved in the situation but was out of the loop, and Yokomura-san were silently watching the exchange.

We sighed repeatedly, wondering if we were both thinking the same thing.


There is no other intention in what Ainoya-san is saying

She really just wants to talk and has no other feelings.

She's usually like that, and I'm sure she's made numerous men misunderstand her because of her attitude...


Yokomura-san, who is aware of this, is constantly saying, 'You're talking like that again...' and putting her hand on her forehead is evidence of that.


Perhaps growing impatient with their repeated mysterious exchanges, Yokomura-san whispered in my ear.


"Come on, stop it. Wakamiya-san seems to be getting kind of stubborn..."


"Rin won't budge even if I try. Yokomura-san, can't you stop Ainoya-san?"


"Huh... I'd love to, but... I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to stop her if she gets out of control too much. I think if we accomplish our purpose, it will subside.


"Purpose? To grasp Rin's weakness and win the sports festival??"


"Ummm...not exactly."


Not exactly?

It looked like they were really concerned about winning...

As I was thinking about this with a difficult look on my face and a furrowed brow, Yokomura-san looked a little amused and began to talk.


"Sayaka, she has never lost before."


"Never lost in ... sports?"


“That's right. That's why ...Losing by physical strength measurement was so frustrating that she was depressed, and said, "This time I'm going to win!" She's so excited about it."


"So that's how it is... Well, I guess she's unlikely to lose, right? Just look at how energetic she is..."


"I'm sorry. But are you convinced?"


"Yeah, well..."


A field of specialty in which she had been absolutely confident until now.

So it was really frustrating to lose, and it was probably the first setback for Ainoya-san.


I guess sports is the only thing that is non-negotiable in her mind. Ainoya-san is a person who acts with emotion and leaves things to her sensibilities, and that is probably why she is so strongly committed to it.


If that's the case, she won't back down until she's convinced...

If that's the case...


"I have a better way for you, Ainoya-san. To win against Rin."


I uttered that.

It wasn't that loud, but the timing was right for it to resonate with the two in the middle of a conversation, and they turned around to look at me.

Then, Ainoya-san energetically rushed over to me.


“What's that, Tokki!?"


"T-too close..."


"... Ainoya-san?"


"Hey, Rin-Rin!? Can you please not pinch my waist!?!? It hurts like a pinprick!"


I cough coherently and deliberately, and turn Ainoya-san around.

Then I decided to start talking, prefacing the conversation with, "It's not a big thing."


“For now, Ainoya-san, why don't you just carry on as usual?"


"Hmmm? As usual ...?"


"That's right. You're the type of person who goes with your instincts and intuition, rather than a precise plan and then executes it, right?"




"I think so. On the other hand, if you prepare too much, it would be confusing. Besides, Rin will probably be able to see through any strategy developed, so I think that Ainoya-san's unconventional and tricky style will be more effective in catching her off guard."


“I think you may be right, Tokiwagi-kun. I don't think scheming is suitable for Sayaka. She always disregards it ... even if she considered it."


"Ahahaha ... I see. That may be true ..."


I guess she must have some idea of what I'm talking about.

Ainoya-san smiled bitterly and scratched her head.

She took a deep breath. And then she turned into the innocent face she always shows in the classroom and smiled.


“Yeah! Then I've made up my mind!! Let's go with instinct!! That's what I'm going to do!


"Fufu. Sounds like Sayaka."


She looked convinced.

So Kenichi wouldn't have said anything to Ainoya-san.


“Thanks a lot! Well, we're going home! All I can do is practice!!


"Wait a minute! Sayaka!?"


Yokomura-san thanked us and left the classroom in a hurry, chasing after Ainoya-san.


The storm passed and the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Rin and I looked at each other and chuckled.


"I'm sorry, Rin. Sorry for saying that."


"By 'that,' do you mean you're giving advice to Ainoya-san?"


"Yes, but..."


The act of giving salt to the enemy while claiming to support Rin.


Considering my class, it's the right thing to do, but it's not the same to do it in front of Rin's eyes...

When I kept my face down. Rin held my face between her hands and raised it so that our eyes met.


"I don't mind if that's the case. Thanks to Towa-kun, I now know exactly what I need to be careful about. After all, there are things that can only be understood from a third-party perspective."


“Well, if Rin doesn't mind, that's fine. Ainoya-san is going to be tough, right?"


“Fufu. That's what I want. Because I'm only going to do my best to deal with the best of the best. Besides..."




I tilt my head and ask back.

Rin looks out the window for a bit.

Then, after looking at the people exercising...


"Being serious... It makes me so happy!"


Rin said happily.


"I'll do my best!" I couldn't help but giggle at Rin's enthusiasm.



not work with dark mode