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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 93

Spreading Rumors and Changing Attitudes

Copying the teacher’s notes from the board.

I started studying in the middle of the first semester, and in the beginning, there were a lot of things I didn’t understand.

As Rin told me to do, I put sticky notes on the parts I didn’t understand and showed Rin the sticky notes all over the place.

That was the way it was at the end of the first semester.

But now I can somewhat understand what the teacher is saying.

Perhaps because I am able to understand now, the classes seem more enjoyable, if not mind-blowingly so.

Well, this is probably thanks to the strongest tutor I had at home during the entire summer vacation.

I guess I should thank her again.

Well, when I said, “I keep my promises! I’ll do what I say!” I would be strongly advised to do so.

No, or ……, “Then please give me a reward!” I think she’ s going to make a demand that will be hard to refuse…….

–I don’t know if it’s worth thinking about.

I’m sure Rin will go even further than that, even if I do think about it.

Well, I’ll do my best.

When I tried to solve the application problem that the teacher wrote on the blackboard, I said, “Ah ……. Tokiwa-gi ……?” The teacher called out to me.

“What’s wrong, Sensei?”

“No, you see, that’s the thing. If you feel sick in any way, you can go to the infirmary…….”

“No, I’m not sick.”

“Really? Are you sure you’re okay ……? Actually, I think you’re Tokiwagi’s twin brother or something…….”

“I’m an only child.”

“I see. That’s fine then…….”

I had to laugh at the teacher who kept doubting me.


–Lunch break.

“A-ha ha!! Oh, man!! My stomach hurts so bad!!”

Kenichi, laughing hysterically next to me, slaps my back repeatedly.

Kenichi was laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach and he was crying.

“……Don’t laugh so hard.”

“No~sorry, sorry……! Oh no! It’s still too funny! Because so far, it’s perfect!”

“Damn you, you’re a fool.”

I glare at Kenichi and turn away.

Why is Kenichi laughing so hard?

The answer is simple.

It is because the exchange with the teacher like the one I just had was repeated over and over again.

Starting from the first period math class to the fourth period chemistry class.

Some teachers would dab eye drops, rub their eyes, and even pinch their cheeks.

No, I don’t need that three-point combo!

I feel like snapping at them.

“Well, don’t be so sullen! You’ve been behaving so badly up until now!”

“I’ll give you that. I admit it, but I didn’t really listen to the class.”

Right? Seeing Towa like that, people around you said, “He’s like a koala. He sleeps a lot. and even if you wake him up, he doesn’t pull himself away from his desk.”

“Oh, so that’s why they say, ‘Do you need eucalyptus leaves?'”

Since I started getting involved with Rin, I get tangled up with her from time to time.

I never thought that the riddle they used to tell me would be solved in this situation…….

Well, they don’t say that now.

They no longer take me seriously when I say things like, “Give me a whole tree”.

I’d be in trouble if it happened again, though ……

I think about this and sigh.

Perhaps sensing my state of mind, Kenichi gently tapped me on the shoulder.

“It was a tough morning, wasn’t it~?”

“More than you can imagine…….”

Kenichi chuckles and says, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

We are talking normally now, but a moment ago I was in a sleeping position at my desk, with my “I’m sleeping, so don’t talk to me.” aura in full effect.

In the end, Kenichi spoke to me and I looked up, but if it had been anyone other than Kenichi, I would have tried to ignore it.

The reason is simple.

<“Hey, is Tokiwagi dating Wakamiya?”>

As soon as I arrived at school, my classmates, with whom I had not particularly spoken, asked with grins and annoyed smiles on their faces.

To be honest, I had expected to be asked.

I had spent all that summer vacation with Rin.

I didn’t stay indoors all the time, I even went to the pool and festivals …… and normal shopping.

So it was not surprising that we had been sighted.

It would not be surprising if the rumors that had emerged during the first semester were reignited by it.

So I was prepared for all kinds of troublesome questions when the second semester started.

“I didn’t think it would spread that far…….”

“If rumors spread that Wakamiya was with a man, that’s what would happen. In this day and age, there are social networking services, and there is no way to stop the spread of information.”

“I’m not sure I’d like that. Even the ones who don’t usually talk to me talk to me…….”

So for the first time in my life I was surrounded by that many people.

I am sure this would not have happened if the rumor was not about Rin.

I take out my phone and glance at the screen.

……Has there been any word from Rin?

“I understand your concern. I’m sure Wakamiya will be fine.”

“I hope that’s the case……. Oh, thanks for your help earlier. Thanks, Kenichi.”

“Haha. That means it’s okay!”

Kenichi was able to scatter the crowd and change the question to one that I could easily answer.

Thanks to this, I was able to limit my answers to “We are good friends.”, “We are not dating,” and “We are neighbors.” at best.

Of course, I did not mention the fact that we had been sleeping together.

There’s nothing good about spreading the word, right?

I look sideways at Kenichi, who is smiling at me.

Kenichi, who usually looks like he has an annoying grin on his face, now looks like a real handsome guy…….

“Well, I guess it’s only a matter of time before things reveal themselves~?”

“I guess ……. My personal hope is that it’s just enough to spread slowly.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen. The fact that it’s Wakamiya, she won’t try to hide it, and it’s inevitable that Towa will be exposed to the curious eyes. She is said to be the most beautiful girl in the school and a high achiever……. Well, there are very few people who aren’t interested.”

I’m worried that Rin is being bombarded with questions right now, too…….

I’m sure she’ll be fine since Fuji-san is over there.

“Well, anyway, all I can say is that Towa has to do his best.”

“I know……”

I nodded, and Kenichi laughed so refreshingly that even a man would be nervous.

Then Kenichi slaps me on the back to get me fired up.

It hurts needlessly because of the force.

“I’m going to study while I wait. If I don’t do today’s assignment, I’ll get in trouble.”

“Hahaha. She loves you.”

“Shut up.”

“Don’t be so glum! Well, for now, I’m going to help you like we talked about on the phone.”

“I’m counting on you ~ seriously.”

Kenichi said, “I got it!” He then thrust his fist in front of me.

I responded with my own fist.

Then he looked satisfied and smiled at me with a fresh smile.

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For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 93

For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House Chapter 93

Spreading Rumors and Changing Attitudes

Copying the teacher's notes from the board.

I started studying in the middle of the first semester, and in the beginning, there were a lot of things I didn't understand.

As Rin told me to do, I put sticky notes on the parts I didn't understand and showed Rin the sticky notes all over the place.

That was the way it was at the end of the first semester.

But now I can somewhat understand what the teacher is saying.

Perhaps because I am able to understand now, the classes seem more enjoyable, if not mind-blowingly so.

Well, this is probably thanks to the strongest tutor I had at home during the entire summer vacation.

I guess I should thank her again.

Well, when I said, "I keep my promises! I'll do what I say!" I would be strongly advised to do so.

No, or ......, "Then please give me a reward!" I think she' s going to make a demand that will be hard to refuse.......

--I don't know if it's worth thinking about.

I'm sure Rin will go even further than that, even if I do think about it.

Well, I'll do my best.

When I tried to solve the application problem that the teacher wrote on the blackboard, I said, "Ah ....... Tokiwa-gi ......?" The teacher called out to me.

"What's wrong, Sensei?"

"No, you see, that's the thing. If you feel sick in any way, you can go to the infirmary......."

"No, I'm not sick."

"Really? Are you sure you're okay ......? Actually, I think you're Tokiwagi's twin brother or something......."

"I'm an only child."

"I see. That's fine then......."

I had to laugh at the teacher who kept doubting me.


--Lunch break.

"A-ha ha!! Oh, man!! My stomach hurts so bad!!"

Kenichi, laughing hysterically next to me, slaps my back repeatedly.

Kenichi was laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach and he was crying.

"......Don't laugh so hard."

"No~sorry, sorry......! Oh no! It's still too funny! Because so far, it's perfect!"

"Damn you, you're a fool."

I glare at Kenichi and turn away.

Why is Kenichi laughing so hard?

The answer is simple.

It is because the exchange with the teacher like the one I just had was repeated over and over again.

Starting from the first period math class to the fourth period chemistry class.

Some teachers would dab eye drops, rub their eyes, and even pinch their cheeks.

No, I don't need that three-point combo!

I feel like snapping at them.

"Well, don't be so sullen! You've been behaving so badly up until now!"

"I'll give you that. I admit it, but I didn't really listen to the class."

Right? Seeing Towa like that, people around you said, "He's like a koala. He sleeps a lot. and even if you wake him up, he doesn't pull himself away from his desk."

"Oh, so that's why they say, 'Do you need eucalyptus leaves?'"

Since I started getting involved with Rin, I get tangled up with her from time to time.

I never thought that the riddle they used to tell me would be solved in this situation.......

Well, they don't say that now.

They no longer take me seriously when I say things like, "Give me a whole tree".

I'd be in trouble if it happened again, though ......

I think about this and sigh.

Perhaps sensing my state of mind, Kenichi gently tapped me on the shoulder.

"It was a tough morning, wasn't it~?"

"More than you can imagine......."

Kenichi chuckles and says, "I'm sorry for your loss."

We are talking normally now, but a moment ago I was in a sleeping position at my desk, with my "I'm sleeping, so don't talk to me." aura in full effect.

In the end, Kenichi spoke to me and I looked up, but if it had been anyone other than Kenichi, I would have tried to ignore it.

The reason is simple.

<"Hey, is Tokiwagi dating Wakamiya?">

As soon as I arrived at school, my classmates, with whom I had not particularly spoken, asked with grins and annoyed smiles on their faces.

To be honest, I had expected to be asked.

I had spent all that summer vacation with Rin.

I didn't stay indoors all the time, I even went to the pool and festivals ...... and normal shopping.

So it was not surprising that we had been sighted.

It would not be surprising if the rumors that had emerged during the first semester were reignited by it.

So I was prepared for all kinds of troublesome questions when the second semester started.

"I didn't think it would spread that far......."

"If rumors spread that Wakamiya was with a man, that's what would happen. In this day and age, there are social networking services, and there is no way to stop the spread of information."

"I'm not sure I'd like that. Even the ones who don't usually talk to me talk to me......."

So for the first time in my life I was surrounded by that many people.

I am sure this would not have happened if the rumor was not about Rin.

I take out my phone and glance at the screen.

......Has there been any word from Rin?

"I understand your concern. I'm sure Wakamiya will be fine."

"I hope that's the case....... Oh, thanks for your help earlier. Thanks, Kenichi."

"Haha. That means it's okay!"

Kenichi was able to scatter the crowd and change the question to one that I could easily answer.

Thanks to this, I was able to limit my answers to "We are good friends.", "We are not dating," and "We are neighbors." at best.

Of course, I did not mention the fact that we had been sleeping together.

There's nothing good about spreading the word, right?

I look sideways at Kenichi, who is smiling at me.

Kenichi, who usually looks like he has an annoying grin on his face, now looks like a real handsome guy.......

"Well, I guess it's only a matter of time before things reveal themselves~?"

"I guess ....... My personal hope is that it's just enough to spread slowly."

"Well, that's not going to happen. The fact that it's Wakamiya, she won't try to hide it, and it's inevitable that Towa will be exposed to the curious eyes. She is said to be the most beautiful girl in the school and a high achiever....... Well, there are very few people who aren't interested."

I'm worried that Rin is being bombarded with questions right now, too.......

I'm sure she'll be fine since Fuji-san is over there.

"Well, anyway, all I can say is that Towa has to do his best."

"I know……"

I nodded, and Kenichi laughed so refreshingly that even a man would be nervous.

Then Kenichi slaps me on the back to get me fired up.

It hurts needlessly because of the force.

"I'm going to study while I wait. If I don't do today's assignment, I'll get in trouble."

"Hahaha. She loves you."

"Shut up."

"Don't be so glum! Well, for now, I'm going to help you like we talked about on the phone."

"I'm counting on you ~ seriously."

Kenichi said, "I got it!" He then thrust his fist in front of me.

I responded with my own fist.

Then he looked satisfied and smiled at me with a fresh smile.



not work with dark mode