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I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 14

Towards the Lower World

And finally, it was the sixth day.

To my shame, I was once again put under a sleep spell and taken to the facility where the transition zone was located. I was reluctant to be seen by the students here, so I was quietly moved early in the morning.

“Shigeto-sama? Shigeto-sama?”

I woke up when I heard that voice. It seemed that I was lying on the sofa this time as well. I wonder if this kind of magic can be used as a part of life magic. Isn’t it the most powerful magic if you can put the person you are fighting to sleep?

“If you have a weak magic resistance like Shigeto-sama, you can easily put someone to sleep, but depending on the opponent, they may put up quite a bit of resistance.”

“Ah… is that so?”

It was only the third day since I regained consciousness after coming to this world, but I was indebted to Millet-san for all the help she gave me. It was a little regrettable that I could not say goodbye to Karimah-san.

The transfer zone was located in a large dome-like chamber. Or perhaps the dome itself was the transfer station. There were symbols and letters carved all over the place that I couldn’t understand.

“The teleportation ceremony will begin when all the participants have gathered, so please wait a little longer.”

I was wearing clothes from this world, top and bottom, because I got my shirt scorched the other day. I was wearing a linen-like shirt, a vest, and dubby pants like those from Aladdin. A belt was wrapped around my waist, and a small sword was also hung from my waist. The students were always dressed like this.

They were also provided with a sack containing money, food, and water bottles. They were given a choice between a sack or a shoulder bag, and they chose the sack for its mobility. I was told that it was a magical tool.

After a while, two girls, Kimishima and Sakuragi, came in.


But when I looked at the two girls, something was wrong. Kimishima’s eyes were red as if she had cried her eyes out, and Sakuragi was leaning in close to calm her down.


I was torn between what to do and what not to do, but I still approached them, knowing that they had seen me getting beat up by Kohinata. I couldn’t leave them alone, despite my resistance.

“What happened?”


When I called out to Kimishima, she remained face down and did not answer. Sakuragi, who was standing next to her, responded, but then glanced back at Kimishima, who was stammering something.

Was there some kind of dispute?


The door opened violently, and this time Kohinata entered, along with Domoto, Tsuji, and Sato. Kohinata turned to me and grinned for a moment, but as soon as he saw Kimishima and Sakuragi standing beside me, his face clouded over and he glared at me hatefully.

…Did something happen with Kohinata? I felt that at the sight of him staring at Kimishima.

While I was unable to ask him what had happened, the priests entered the room. Everyone’s attention turned in that direction.

“Dear transferees, we will now lead you to the lower world. You may go to the destination you were consulted about last night. You can go where you want to go. You may go where you wish to go, but please make all decisions according to your own feelings.”

According to what Millet told me the day before, there were many temples built in the world, and there was one called the “Main Temple” in each country. The teleportation zone was connected to those in the main temples, and it was possible to be teleported to the nearest main temple of the country or organization of one’s choice.

The one to be transferred stands in the center of the hall, and the location seemed to be identified by a stone tablet across from it.

The priest said, “Well then, who would like to come first?” Ikeda, a second-year student, raised his hand and came forward. The priest asked Ikeda to stand in the center of the magic circle.

“Where would you like to go?”

“To the Glenvaren Dynasty.”

When Ikeda answered, the air instantly buzzed. Tsuji shouted at him, not understanding the situation.

“Hey! What are you talking about? We’re going to be adventurers in Rigaland.”

“Senpai. If I follow you guys here, I’ll be dragged into a senior/junior relationship for the rest of my life. You said that since you came to this world, the teacher-student relationship has ended, so I think it would be better if we did the same.”

“Nah. That’s not the same as this!”

“I decided. Luckily, I’ve been given a pretty good patronage. I’m going to live in peace in the Dynasty.”


“Stop Tsuji.”

Domoto stopped the agitated Tsuji. Tsuji remained silent with frustration on his face.

“It’s all right. Even if that choice might at times antagonize you against me.”

“… Yes. I may not be able to compete with Domoto-senpai. However, Domoto-senpai is the only one who can match me, among the seniors of the third year. In Kendo and in this world. It’s tough to stay as a junior in such a situation.”

The third-year students expressed their anger at Ikeda’s words, but Domoto responded with a look that said nothing of the sort.

“… I see.”

“Then let’s go ahead and do it. Please.”

Ikeda said to the priest and he activated the magic circle. I was just watching what was going on, but maybe this would be goodbye for Ikeda as well. Thinking so, I called out to him loudly.

“Ikeda. Be careful. Take care.”

Ikeda answered my voice with a smile. As I looked at Ikeda’s smile, I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.


Come to think of it, how come such a hot-tempered Kohinata hadn’t said anything? Only Tsuji and Sato were saying anything. When I looked at Kohinata, he was staring at the priest operating the teleportation zone. Did he seem to be interested in such a device?

As it was, the light of the magic circle became stronger. Ikeda’s figure quickly disappeared.

“Then, who’s next?”

Kimishima was the next to raise her hand. Still red around the eyes, she smiled at Sakuragi and assured her that everything would be all right and proceeded to the magic circle.

I hadn’t noticed before, but come to think of it, Kimishima was not holding a sword. She had a long stick, almost as tall as she was, strapped to her back. She had a kind of guard covering the tip of the stick, which might be a spear. I heard that there was a student who had chosen a spear.

The priest, seeing Kimishima standing in the magic circle, asked the same question as before.

“Where would you like to go?”

“In the Kingdom of Jibe, … please.”

From Kimishima’s demeanor, I had somewhat expected this, but it was still different from the place where everyone had said they would go earlier.

“Yuzuki … are you sure?”

Kohinata asked with a sharp glare, but Kimishima didn’t even look at him. What happened between the two of them after all? The priest, judging that the conversation was over as it was, operated the tablet.

“Kimishima, too. Take care.”

I called out to Kimishima as I did to Ikeda. But Kimijima remained face down. Then, just as the magic circle began to emit light.

With a dash, Kohinata approached the tablet and pushed the priest who was operating it out of the way.

“Nah! “


The priest who had been pushed was taken aback and looked up at Kohinata, but Kohinata, without batting an eye, began to fiddle with the tablet. Was that what you were looking at earlier? Kimishima noticed and reached out her hand in a panic.

But the magic circle had already begun to operate, and the light was getting stronger and stronger. In the light, the figure of Kimishima, face stained with fear, quickly disappeared.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3

Join Our Discord Server to Be Notified of Releases

I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 14

I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 14

Towards the Lower World

And finally, it was the sixth day.

To my shame, I was once again put under a sleep spell and taken to the facility where the transition zone was located. I was reluctant to be seen by the students here, so I was quietly moved early in the morning.

"Shigeto-sama? Shigeto-sama?"

I woke up when I heard that voice. It seemed that I was lying on the sofa this time as well. I wonder if this kind of magic can be used as a part of life magic. Isn't it the most powerful magic if you can put the person you are fighting to sleep?

“If you have a weak magic resistance like Shigeto-sama, you can easily put someone to sleep, but depending on the opponent, they may put up quite a bit of resistance."

"Ah... is that so?"

It was only the third day since I regained consciousness after coming to this world, but I was indebted to Millet-san for all the help she gave me. It was a little regrettable that I could not say goodbye to Karimah-san.

The transfer zone was located in a large dome-like chamber. Or perhaps the dome itself was the transfer station. There were symbols and letters carved all over the place that I couldn't understand.

“The teleportation ceremony will begin when all the participants have gathered, so please wait a little longer."

I was wearing clothes from this world, top and bottom, because I got my shirt scorched the other day. I was wearing a linen-like shirt, a vest, and dubby pants like those from Aladdin. A belt was wrapped around my waist, and a small sword was also hung from my waist. The students were always dressed like this.

They were also provided with a sack containing money, food, and water bottles. They were given a choice between a sack or a shoulder bag, and they chose the sack for its mobility. I was told that it was a magical tool.

After a while, two girls, Kimishima and Sakuragi, came in.


But when I looked at the two girls, something was wrong. Kimishima's eyes were red as if she had cried her eyes out, and Sakuragi was leaning in close to calm her down.


I was torn between what to do and what not to do, but I still approached them, knowing that they had seen me getting beat up by Kohinata. I couldn't leave them alone, despite my resistance.

"What happened?"


When I called out to Kimishima, she remained face down and did not answer. Sakuragi, who was standing next to her, responded, but then glanced back at Kimishima, who was stammering something.

Was there some kind of dispute?


The door opened violently, and this time Kohinata entered, along with Domoto, Tsuji, and Sato. Kohinata turned to me and grinned for a moment, but as soon as he saw Kimishima and Sakuragi standing beside me, his face clouded over and he glared at me hatefully.

...Did something happen with Kohinata? I felt that at the sight of him staring at Kimishima.

While I was unable to ask him what had happened, the priests entered the room. Everyone's attention turned in that direction.

"Dear transferees, we will now lead you to the lower world. You may go to the destination you were consulted about last night. You can go where you want to go. You may go where you wish to go, but please make all decisions according to your own feelings."

According to what Millet told me the day before, there were many temples built in the world, and there was one called the "Main Temple" in each country. The teleportation zone was connected to those in the main temples, and it was possible to be teleported to the nearest main temple of the country or organization of one's choice.

The one to be transferred stands in the center of the hall, and the location seemed to be identified by a stone tablet across from it.

The priest said, "Well then, who would like to come first?" Ikeda, a second-year student, raised his hand and came forward. The priest asked Ikeda to stand in the center of the magic circle.

"Where would you like to go?"

"To the Glenvaren Dynasty."

When Ikeda answered, the air instantly buzzed. Tsuji shouted at him, not understanding the situation.

“Hey! What are you talking about? We're going to be adventurers in Rigaland."

“Senpai. If I follow you guys here, I'll be dragged into a senior/junior relationship for the rest of my life. You said that since you came to this world, the teacher-student relationship has ended, so I think it would be better if we did the same."

"Nah. That's not the same as this!"

"I decided. Luckily, I've been given a pretty good patronage. I'm going to live in peace in the Dynasty."


"Stop Tsuji."

Domoto stopped the agitated Tsuji. Tsuji remained silent with frustration on his face.

"It's all right. Even if that choice might at times antagonize you against me."

"... Yes. I may not be able to compete with Domoto-senpai. However, Domoto-senpai is the only one who can match me, among the seniors of the third year. In Kendo and in this world. It's tough to stay as a junior in such a situation."

The third-year students expressed their anger at Ikeda's words, but Domoto responded with a look that said nothing of the sort.

"... I see."

"Then let's go ahead and do it. Please."

Ikeda said to the priest and he activated the magic circle. I was just watching what was going on, but maybe this would be goodbye for Ikeda as well. Thinking so, I called out to him loudly.

"Ikeda. Be careful. Take care."

Ikeda answered my voice with a smile. As I looked at Ikeda's smile, I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.


Come to think of it, how come such a hot-tempered Kohinata hadn't said anything? Only Tsuji and Sato were saying anything. When I looked at Kohinata, he was staring at the priest operating the teleportation zone. Did he seem to be interested in such a device?

As it was, the light of the magic circle became stronger. Ikeda's figure quickly disappeared.

"Then, who's next?"

Kimishima was the next to raise her hand. Still red around the eyes, she smiled at Sakuragi and assured her that everything would be all right and proceeded to the magic circle.

I hadn't noticed before, but come to think of it, Kimishima was not holding a sword. She had a long stick, almost as tall as she was, strapped to her back. She had a kind of guard covering the tip of the stick, which might be a spear. I heard that there was a student who had chosen a spear.

The priest, seeing Kimishima standing in the magic circle, asked the same question as before.

"Where would you like to go?"

"In the Kingdom of Jibe, ... please."

From Kimishima's demeanor, I had somewhat expected this, but it was still different from the place where everyone had said they would go earlier.

"Yuzuki ... are you sure?"

Kohinata asked with a sharp glare, but Kimishima didn't even look at him. What happened between the two of them after all? The priest, judging that the conversation was over as it was, operated the tablet.

"Kimishima, too. Take care."

I called out to Kimishima as I did to Ikeda. But Kimijima remained face down. Then, just as the magic circle began to emit light.

With a dash, Kohinata approached the tablet and pushed the priest who was operating it out of the way.

"Nah! "


The priest who had been pushed was taken aback and looked up at Kohinata, but Kohinata, without batting an eye, began to fiddle with the tablet. Was that what you were looking at earlier? Kimishima noticed and reached out her hand in a panic.

But the magic circle had already begun to operate, and the light was getting stronger and stronger. In the light, the figure of Kimishima, face stained with fear, quickly disappeared.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode