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I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 35

Bodies in the Shelter

Morning in the shelter. I stretch my stiff body to loosen up.

Last night, Kimishima’s words about it possibly being a magical tool kept bothering me, so I take out the bracelet that was inside my backpack. It was beneath some large bones on the side. If a person wielding a spear used it, it might have an effect on enhancing the physical aspect.


As I contemplate the bracelet, Kimishima approached.

“Are you going to try wearing it?”

“I’m not sure… Is it safe?”

“But people who fought with it wore it. I don’t think it’s a negative thing.”

“Hmm. Since I usually draw my sword with my right hand… I might as well try it on my left.”

“That’s a good idea.”

The bracelet opened like a metal watch band. I opened it, put it on my wrist, and fastened the clasp. It made a clicking sound as it closed. The size was a bit loose, but it didn’t feel like it would fall off. It should be fine.

“…How does it feel? Do you sense anything new?”

“Hmm, not for now. Well, it could also be just a piece of jewelry… How about you, Kimishima? Want to give it a try?”


“Well, for earrings, you’d probably need to get your ears pierced… “

“Sensei, these are not earrings; they are piercings, you know?”

“Hmm? …They’re different?”

“Piercings go through holes, while earrings are just clipped on. Either way, I don’t have pierced ears.”

“I see… What about a necklace?”

“It might be inconvenient when we’re running around… How about this ring… Hey?”

As Kimishima looked at the ring, she seemed to notice something. She took my left hand and compared the ring with the bracelet.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“This ring… It looks similar in design to the bracelet you’re wearing, Sensei.”

“Hmm… Indeed, it seems to have a similar emblem engraved on it. Maybe it has a similar effect.”

“…I’ll try wearing it.”

“You sure about that? If it feels strange or uncomfortable, take it off immediately.”


Kimishima checked the size of the ring and found it to fit her right ring finger perfectly.

“…Well, it doesn’t seem to have much of an effect.”

“I see… Well, I can take it off…”

As she attempted to remove the ring due to its apparent lack of effect, Kimishima stopped.

“Senesei, it might still have some effects if we keep wearing them. I’ll try it for a while too.”

“Oh. Really?”


Well, it wouldn’t be much of a hassle anyway.

We continued on our way, heading straight down the road. There wasn’t much else we could do other than follow the path. However, our levels had increased since our encounter with Kimishima the previous night, so we decided that if we encountered a single monster, we would confront it. While leveling up was one of our objectives, the most important thing for me at the moment was to see how many times I could draw my sword.

But things don’t always go as planned.

As we walked for a while, I began to feel uneasy.

What’s wrong? I have a bad feeling about this.

I reflexively pointed my sword with my left hand as I felt as if something was watching me. Kimishima, seeing my reaction, tightly gripped her naginata.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing… It’s just that I have a bad feeling…”


I stopped and looked around, but there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary. Could it be my imagination?

…Can I focus my senses?

With that in mind, I took a deep breath, gently grasped my sword with my left hand, and rested my thumb on the guard. I lightly touched the hilt with my right hand and synchronized my breathing with the sword. I focused my thoughts, allowed my center of gravity to align with gravity, and expanded my awareness like ripples in water…

! ! !


We were surrounded. Three… no, four creatures had encircled us, stealthily closing in to ensure a successful hunt. They approached from all sides, and there was no way to escape.

…We had no choice but to fight.

“We’re surrounded! Let’s do this!”


I could draw my sword twice for sure. I hoped that with the progress I’d made on the second level of the Ladder, I might be able to draw it three times. But even so, it might not be enough. Should I synchronize my strikes or try a double draw? The timing was crucial.

Perhaps sensing our alertness, the creatures’ movements became bolder. They were closing in, one from the right, another from behind… Two more, possibly trying to approach without being noticed, were positioned slightly farther away. Timing-wise, it was better to deal with the ones from behind.

“To my left.”

I whispered sharply to Kimishima, and she responded immediately.

“Let’s simultaneously handle the ones that seem to come from the right and behind. If the ones from the front and left approach, can you use your plant magic to hinder them?”

“Yes… like setting up a net, right?”

Kimishima replied, then crouched down and placed her hands on the ground. I retreated subtly to the right, leading the approaching creatures in that direction.


In response to my actions, the creature on the right charged at us. At the same time, another creature from behind followed suit.

I took a deep breath, being mindful not to deplete my magical power. I planned to carry over the magic from the first draw to the second.

Pressing my thumb against the guard, I rotated my body smoothly, ensuring my sword was aimed directly at the creature charging from the right. Finally, I got a glimpse of the monster as I drew my sword, which seemed to be a large wolf-like creature.

By the time I was face to face with the monster, I had already finished my draw. I could see its exposed fangs, and its face twisted with tension as it lunged towards me. Without hesitation, I continued my movements, shifting my right foot wide to the right while keeping the blade in a flowing motion, synchronizing my body’s movements with my arm, executing a long, sweeping slash. While avoiding the creature attacking from behind, I let the blade pass through it.

When I was younger, this technique had been challenging as I was often controlled by the blade, making it difficult to convey force accurately. This technique was more than just the blade revolving around me; it involved body movement and resulted in a wide-ranging cut that considered attacks from multiple directions. It was a multi-directional draw technique called Goyama.

I finished off the two monsters and checked my remaining magical power during the brief time before the next confrontation. Everything looked fine.

Next, I shifted my focus to the left, where Kimishima was. I wiped the blood off my blade and sheathed it.

In the heat of the moment, two wolves pounced, but they were effectively halted by the vine trap, resembling a net, that Kimishima had set up within a matter of seconds. Clever. The vines snapped and leaves tore as they continued to approach.

Just as one of the wolves closed in, Kimishima brought her spear down on it.


Was it still not enough to kill it? Nevertheless, the impact seemed to have an effect as the creature momentarily paused. Meanwhile, another wolf was already leaping towards Kimishima.

n my haste to intervene and protect her, the handle of her naginata began to hum as it was raised high. A dull sound rang out as the blunt end struck the lower jaw of the wolf following behind. I see. In a naginata battle, both the blade and the pommel could serve as effective weapons, enabling versatile combat.

Impressive, this naginata.

It was only a brief moment, but the timing was impeccable.

The monester struck by Kimishima and the one struck by the pommel lined up side by side.

Sensing my presence, Kimishima gracefully stepped back, and as I sliced the scabbard, I extended my left hand forward.


The wolf’s menacing fangs slowly parted, and I could even observe the sticky mucus between its teeth stretching like a strand of thread. This time, I refrained from using any unnecessary techniques. Within my focused awareness, the monster’s movements had already ceased, much like a fixed target.


Two heads were severed simultaneously.

It was fortunate that we managed to handle the situation with just two sword draws, all thanks to exquisite timing. Nevertheless, we needed to stay vigilant as the scent of blood could draw other monsters. As always, we swiftly departed from the area.

“Did you feel any effects from the accessory?”

“Magic felt much easier to use, and my naginata felt more powerful. But it might be because of ascending the second time up the Ladder.”

“Yeah, that’s true. It’s my first battle since going up the Ladder, so it does feel like I have better control… But…”

“Since it’s not having a negative effect, maybe we should continue wearing it for a while.”

“Sounds good.”

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I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 35

I, a high school teacher, was transferred with my students to another world Volume 1 Chapter 35

Bodies in the Shelter

Morning in the shelter. I stretch my stiff body to loosen up.

Last night, Kimishima's words about it possibly being a magical tool kept bothering me, so I take out the bracelet that was inside my backpack. It was beneath some large bones on the side. If a person wielding a spear used it, it might have an effect on enhancing the physical aspect.


As I contemplate the bracelet, Kimishima approached.

"Are you going to try wearing it?"

"I'm not sure... Is it safe?"

"But people who fought with it wore it. I don't think it's a negative thing."

"Hmm. Since I usually draw my sword with my right hand... I might as well try it on my left."

"That's a good idea."

The bracelet opened like a metal watch band. I opened it, put it on my wrist, and fastened the clasp. It made a clicking sound as it closed. The size was a bit loose, but it didn't feel like it would fall off. It should be fine.

"...How does it feel? Do you sense anything new?"

"Hmm, not for now. Well, it could also be just a piece of jewelry... How about you, Kimishima? Want to give it a try?"


"Well, for earrings, you'd probably need to get your ears pierced... "

"Sensei, these are not earrings; they are piercings, you know?"

"Hmm? ...They're different?"

"Piercings go through holes, while earrings are just clipped on. Either way, I don't have pierced ears."

"I see... What about a necklace?"

"It might be inconvenient when we're running around... How about this ring... Hey?"

As Kimishima looked at the ring, she seemed to notice something. She took my left hand and compared the ring with the bracelet.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"This ring... It looks similar in design to the bracelet you're wearing, Sensei.”

"Hmm... Indeed, it seems to have a similar emblem engraved on it. Maybe it has a similar effect."

"…I'll try wearing it."

"You sure about that? If it feels strange or uncomfortable, take it off immediately."


Kimishima checked the size of the ring and found it to fit her right ring finger perfectly.

"...Well, it doesn't seem to have much of an effect."

"I see... Well, I can take it off..."

As she attempted to remove the ring due to its apparent lack of effect, Kimishima stopped.

"Senesei, it might still have some effects if we keep wearing them. I'll try it for a while too."

"Oh. Really?"


Well, it wouldn't be much of a hassle anyway.

We continued on our way, heading straight down the road. There wasn't much else we could do other than follow the path. However, our levels had increased since our encounter with Kimishima the previous night, so we decided that if we encountered a single monster, we would confront it. While leveling up was one of our objectives, the most important thing for me at the moment was to see how many times I could draw my sword.

But things don't always go as planned.

As we walked for a while, I began to feel uneasy.

What's wrong? I have a bad feeling about this.

I reflexively pointed my sword with my left hand as I felt as if something was watching me. Kimishima, seeing my reaction, tightly gripped her naginata.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing... It's just that I have a bad feeling..."


I stopped and looked around, but there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary. Could it be my imagination?

...Can I focus my senses?

With that in mind, I took a deep breath, gently grasped my sword with my left hand, and rested my thumb on the guard. I lightly touched the hilt with my right hand and synchronized my breathing with the sword. I focused my thoughts, allowed my center of gravity to align with gravity, and expanded my awareness like ripples in water...

! ! !


We were surrounded. Three... no, four creatures had encircled us, stealthily closing in to ensure a successful hunt. They approached from all sides, and there was no way to escape.

…We had no choice but to fight.

"We're surrounded! Let's do this!"


I could draw my sword twice for sure. I hoped that with the progress I'd made on the second level of the Ladder, I might be able to draw it three times. But even so, it might not be enough. Should I synchronize my strikes or try a double draw? The timing was crucial.

Perhaps sensing our alertness, the creatures' movements became bolder. They were closing in, one from the right, another from behind... Two more, possibly trying to approach without being noticed, were positioned slightly farther away. Timing-wise, it was better to deal with the ones from behind.

"To my left."

I whispered sharply to Kimishima, and she responded immediately.

"Let's simultaneously handle the ones that seem to come from the right and behind. If the ones from the front and left approach, can you use your plant magic to hinder them?"

"Yes... like setting up a net, right?"

Kimishima replied, then crouched down and placed her hands on the ground. I retreated subtly to the right, leading the approaching creatures in that direction.


In response to my actions, the creature on the right charged at us. At the same time, another creature from behind followed suit.

I took a deep breath, being mindful not to deplete my magical power. I planned to carry over the magic from the first draw to the second.

Pressing my thumb against the guard, I rotated my body smoothly, ensuring my sword was aimed directly at the creature charging from the right. Finally, I got a glimpse of the monster as I drew my sword, which seemed to be a large wolf-like creature.

By the time I was face to face with the monster, I had already finished my draw. I could see its exposed fangs, and its face twisted with tension as it lunged towards me. Without hesitation, I continued my movements, shifting my right foot wide to the right while keeping the blade in a flowing motion, synchronizing my body's movements with my arm, executing a long, sweeping slash. While avoiding the creature attacking from behind, I let the blade pass through it.

When I was younger, this technique had been challenging as I was often controlled by the blade, making it difficult to convey force accurately. This technique was more than just the blade revolving around me; it involved body movement and resulted in a wide-ranging cut that considered attacks from multiple directions. It was a multi-directional draw technique called Goyama.

I finished off the two monsters and checked my remaining magical power during the brief time before the next confrontation. Everything looked fine.

Next, I shifted my focus to the left, where Kimishima was. I wiped the blood off my blade and sheathed it.

In the heat of the moment, two wolves pounced, but they were effectively halted by the vine trap, resembling a net, that Kimishima had set up within a matter of seconds. Clever. The vines snapped and leaves tore as they continued to approach.

Just as one of the wolves closed in, Kimishima brought her spear down on it.


Was it still not enough to kill it? Nevertheless, the impact seemed to have an effect as the creature momentarily paused. Meanwhile, another wolf was already leaping towards Kimishima.

n my haste to intervene and protect her, the handle of her naginata began to hum as it was raised high. A dull sound rang out as the blunt end struck the lower jaw of the wolf following behind. I see. In a naginata battle, both the blade and the pommel could serve as effective weapons, enabling versatile combat.

Impressive, this naginata.

It was only a brief moment, but the timing was impeccable.

The monester struck by Kimishima and the one struck by the pommel lined up side by side.

Sensing my presence, Kimishima gracefully stepped back, and as I sliced the scabbard, I extended my left hand forward.


The wolf's menacing fangs slowly parted, and I could even observe the sticky mucus between its teeth stretching like a strand of thread. This time, I refrained from using any unnecessary techniques. Within my focused awareness, the monster's movements had already ceased, much like a fixed target.


Two heads were severed simultaneously.

It was fortunate that we managed to handle the situation with just two sword draws, all thanks to exquisite timing. Nevertheless, we needed to stay vigilant as the scent of blood could draw other monsters. As always, we swiftly departed from the area.

"Did you feel any effects from the accessory?"

"Magic felt much easier to use, and my naginata felt more powerful. But it might be because of ascending the second time up the Ladder."

"Yeah, that's true. It's my first battle since going up the Ladder, so it does feel like I have better control... But..."

"Since it's not having a negative effect, maybe we should continue wearing it for a while."

"Sounds good."

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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