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I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor Chapter 75

What Is Love? (2)

“You’re a bit late today.”


In Astria’s office, Sena was lounging on the sofa.


Seeing Sena welcome her with just a nod from that position, Astria felt an inexplicable twinge of irritation.


“The Empress is here, and you don’t even bother to stand up? You insignificant furball.”


“Yes, yes. A furball.”


Astria frowned as she walked past Sena, who continued munching on cookies and reading a book.


In fact, this behavior was something Sena would never usually do. Eating while lying down? Not only is it unhealthy, but it makes him look pathetic.




“Whatever. Eat a lot and die.”




Sena had now let go of such concerns.


“You’re different today. What’s the matter? Such a disheveled appearance.”


Astria sat down, her arms draped over the back of the chair, staring intently at Sena.


“…Trying to catch up on the delayed tasks, thanks to someone.”




Sena deliberately changed the subject.


“I was reading about some new herbal concepts. It seems there are herbs that could be useful for Your Majesty too.”


“I see.”


Astria’s lips moved slightly.


She had never found it so difficult to speak in her life. Now, it was hard.


Feeling awkward in the brief silence, Astria looked around her desk. Something caught her eye.


< Top Secret Document >


The author was Betty.


‘Come to think of it, she mentioned something like this earlier.’


Astria opened the document.


She skimmed through it, lowering her gaze.


It contained the names of several noblewomen and various pieces of advice.


‘Does she have time for such foolish things?’


Yet Astria continued to read carefully.


-To make someone feel love, I believe nothing is better than being cute!


Most of it was things she despised.


But a few points caught her attention.


-To attract young noblemen, the most important thing is to share hobbies or interests.


Why not play chess with them? If you know it well, it can give you a smart image, and if you don’t, the process of learning can spark love.




‘Not a bad idea.’


It was something she could use immediately, and Astria didn’t find chess burdensome.


Astria gently lifted her head to look at Sena. Sena was still engrossed in herbal studies, swinging his legs in delight.




She called softly, and the furball tilted his head. He looked like a humanized squirrel, which only increased Astria’s possessiveness.




“Do you know how to play chess?”


“Uh… yes, I know how to play.”


“Then let’s play.”


“Oh, okay.”


‘What’s up with this golden one?’


Sena was puzzled but slowly got up. Ugh, lying down for so long made his chest hurt.


He held the herbal book close and quickly walked over to the study to put it back.


“I’ll bring it.”


“No, I will get it…”


But Sena was already holding the chessboard.


“What did you say?”




-Show more kindness!!


Did she fail at one thing?


Astria clicked her tongue.


“Do you like chess, Your Majesty?”


“I learned it because some idiots said that if you can’t play chess, you can’t handle real war.”


“Some people do think that way.”


Sena laughed awkwardly. In the medieval era, chess snobbery was more intense than any game pride he had seen so far.


‘Well, this is perfect. I was getting bored anyway.’


Feeling pleased, Sena hummed a little tune. To Astria, he looked like a puppy wagging its tail.



‘The advice from the noblewomen was correct.’


This moment raised the credibility of the report. Sena carefully placed the pieces on the chessboard, precisely in the center of each square.


As Astria watched him, she suddenly asked,


“I’ve always wondered.”




“Why do you always wear those ragged clothes?”


There was genuine curiosity in Astria’s eyes.


It was understandable. Sena had a very limited wardrobe: a shirt for daily wear, a robe for going out, and ragged clothes like the ones he was wearing now for comfortable activities.


The common factor was that all his clothes were white.


“Do you not have money? I told you to use as much as you need.”


Astria was no fool. She knew well how previous emperors treated their favored companions.


Of course, she had done the same for Sena. However, Sena didn’t seem to indulge in luxury and didn’t spend much money.


“But to wear such ragged clothes. It’s an affront to the Empress’s pride.”


“They’re not ragged.”


Sena’s perspective was a bit different.


These were custom-made clothes from the tailor’s shop.


They were called tracksuits!


Medieval clothes were extremely uncomfortable. The most comfortable thing was pajamas, but even Sena felt too embarrassed to wear those around.


So he had ordered the tailor to make modern-style tracksuits. The tailor was skilled and had made them quite similar.


They were even made of velvet, making them very cozy. Sena was very fond of these clothes.


However, since they were plain and without any decorations, they seemed quite strange by the standards of this place.


Sena thought they looked cute. He even wanted to dress Astria in them.


“Someday, this outfit will become a trend.”


“I don’t care about fashion, but there’s no way people will like those ragged clothes.”


“Want to bet? Since I’m wearing them, they’ll become trendy in the capital within three years…”


Sena stopped talking. He realized he had only two months left to live.


“I heard you can be stubborn about absurd things, and it’s true.”


Astria dismissed Sena’s strange comment and looked at the chessboard. Sena clapped his hands.


“Since we’re playing, how about making it a wager?”


“Oh, you’re a man, aren’t you? You seem to have quite the competitive spirit.”


Astria’s lips curled into a smile.


“Very well. What should the terms be?”


“Well… would you like to go first, Your Majesty? Then I can set my stakes accordingly.”


“Simple enough. If I win, I will claim you.”


“I told you to wait two months.”


Sena responded kindly but firmly.


“Didn’t I say that if you fall in love, it would be fine right away?”


“Do you even know what love is?”


Astria averted her gaze slightly.


This was Sena’s sneaky tactic.


The term “love” was very ambiguous.


No matter what she said, he could deny it, and even if she truly came to understand it, he could claim he didn’t feel it.


In the end, Astria couldn’t claim him before the two months were up.


…And after two months, Sena would no longer be in this world.


‘I’m sorry. I do want to, but…’


He had a feeling that if he did, he wouldn’t be able to leave.


“Then you state your terms.”


“Grant me one wish.”


Sena spoke as if it were a passing thought, like it was nothing significant, though his expression turned feline and his hair stood on end.


Astria’s eyebrow twitched.


“A vacation?”


“Yes. About… two months?”


“Two months is too long.”


“Then… one month?”


‘One month is fine. It’s enough time to visit home. If I leave in 26 days, it’ll be perfect.’


Sena was hopeful.


But Astria shook her head.


“I cannot grant even a single day anymore. You have made it this way.”


“…When did I do that?”


“Haven’t you tempted me? Do not think of leaving my side for even a moment. That is an imperial command.”




Sena twisted his hair. Tsk, it’s not going to be easy.


“Then let’s do it this way.”


Astria pointed at Sena. More precisely, at the clothes he was wearing.


“If I win, you are forbidden to wear those clothes. Instead, wear a dress.”


Astria had clearly had enough of Sena’s tracksuits.


“…Your Majesty. Please remember that I’m a man.”


“Hmph, you’ll look a hundred times cuter in a dress than in those ragged clothes.”


“My clothes aren’t ragged, and they’re cute too.”


Sena stretched out his arm in protest.




The sleeve drooped down limply.


“…It is cute.”


Even Sena had to admit that looked a bit shabby.


‘I should have gotten a better fit….’


Tracksuits are supposed to be a bit loose, so he asked for an oversized fit, but he hadn’t expected them to make it this big.


“…Anyway, fine. What’s the time period?”


“Two months.”


‘So, forever, essentially.’


Wearing a dress? That was something Sena absolutely did not want to do. But he nodded readily.


“Then I’ll state my condition.”


Sena smiled brightly.


“If I win, you grant me one wish.”


“A wish?”


“Yes. I won’t ask for anything unreasonable.”




‘Thank goodness.’


Sena was relieved that Astria accepted his condition. He was worried she might not.


He smiled widely.


“Shall we start then?”


And so, the chess game between them began.


Sena played white, Astria played black.


A quiet time passed. At first, both were busy moving pieces without speaking a word.




Before long, Sena’s eyes widened in surprise.


He was astonished at Astria’s skill.


She was terrible.


“It seems… you’re not very familiar with chess.”


“I dislike wasting time on unnecessary things.”


“Some say it’s like moving a battlefield.”


“My battlefield doesn’t move with these trivial pieces.”


The game was not in Astria’s favor. She had lost a bishop and a rook, and many pawns had been captured. Meanwhile, Sena had only lost his queen.


“I always wondered. Why is the king the weakest?”


Astria declared proudly.


“I am the strongest.”


There it was, a comment befitting a tyrant.


Sena moved his piece with a small smile.


“Being the strongest doesn’t guarantee victory.”


Astria’s queen was in a precarious position.


Sena’s bishop was directly targeting the queen, and his knight blocked its retreat.


She could save the queen, but at great cost.


“Even in a game where the queen is threatened, there are still opportunities. Like this.”


Astria, without hesitation, invested everything to save the queen.


Countless pieces left Astria’s side.


When the battle ended, Astria’s camp was desolate.


“It would have been better to sacrifice the queen.”


Sena said this with an expression that showed he found Astria’s persistence almost insane.


Astria responded firmly.


“She is not someone who should lose her life here.”


“What’s the point if you lose two knights and a bishop just to save one queen?”


“Sometimes, the life of one person is more important than thousands of others.”


She valued talent greatly. Conversely, if someone wasn’t valuable, she had no mercy.


Sena’s eyes darkened. He knew he couldn’t spend his remaining time here.


Especially not with someone who thought like this.


“No life is unimportant. Look. By losing insignificant pawns, the queen was threatened. In trying to protect the queen, you ultimately gave up the most crucial piece: the mate.”


Astria blinked.


How did this happen?


‘I lost purely by skill.’


Astria was surprisingly quick to accept her defeat.


In fact, she felt a keen interest in anyone who could beat her at anything.


Unbeknownst to Sena, winning the chess game only intensified Astria’s obsession with him.


Unaware of this, Sena spoke.


“…If I were a piece on this chessboard, what would I be?”


“The queen.”


Sena looked sad.


“I’ll make my wish.”




“Think of me as just a pawn, and treat me accordingly.”


Astria looked up.


“I’ve been lenient with you because I saw you as a queen. If you’re a pawn, the treatment will be harsher. Are you okay with that?”


It would certainly hurt, but Sena nodded slowly.


Parting would be even more painful if things continued as they were.


“I’m fine with it.”


Astria stood up with a cold expression.


“I always honor my promises in a contest.”




Sena bowed his head. Then, Astria lifted him up.




Sena looked up at Astria in confusion. She walked forward with a blank expression.


“Where are you going…?”


“To the bedroom.”




“To make a baby.”


Astria added as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


“I don’t honor promises made with pawns.”


Sena struggled and shouted.


“I’ll be the queen! I’m Your Majesty’s queen!”


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I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor

I Became the Terminally Ill Tyrant’s Doctor

폭군의 시한부 주치의가 되었다
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
“As promised, I’ve fixed your leg, so I’ll leave now.” It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I’ve come this far for this moment. I’ll certainly spend the rest of my days enjoying leisure in a quiet countryside and peacefully conclude my life. “I won’t allow it.” But, the empress won’t let me go!



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