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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 1 Chapter 52

Staged Ghost Conference

It was situated in a part of the city wall. It was inside the tower that guarded the city gate.

In a round room piled with massive stones, there were only two men in armor.


The man who was kidnapped by the undead and returned with unbelievable news. The archer, Humphrey.


And the other one. If one were to guess from his appearance, he would be close to forty years of age. He was wearing shining blue and black Orichalcum armor. The dark blue tasseled decoration was only permitted to Commanders of Knightly Orders under the king’s command. He had the lean physique of a military man, but for some reason his black hair, which should have been trimmed, looked unkempt.

It was Bertil Lagerbeck, Commander of the Second Order of Knights.


Bertil placed his hand on the illusionary call mark on the desk. He activated it and called out.


This was brought back by Humphrey. Unlike the call mark, the illusion call mark had the power to project an illusion of the user’s image and show it to the other person on the other end of the call.


It sounded useful to communicate nuances that are difficult to convey by voice alone…, but in reality, if someone was close enough to understand such a thing, they should just meet in person and talk, so it was a magic item that was not very practical.


However, it would be very useful at that moment.

When enemy generals met with each other on the battlefield, the illusion call mark was used to communicate with each other without the risk of having to go directly to the other side.


Within 30 seconds of activating the mark, a light figure stood across the desk from Bertil.

From Bertil’s point of view, the difference in height was such that he looked down on her.

(TLN: René is 130 cm tall. -_- )


She was considered an abominable child in this country… but she was beautiful and fantastic, with silver hair and silver eyes.

(TLN: Sorry to intervene again but man, she has the body of a 10-year-old can we stop talking about her like this, it’s disturbing.)

Although her face was innocent like a child’s, she appeared to have acquired the behavior of a young aristocrat from the way she carried herself. Her slight stammering could be called amiable because she was a child.

She wore a pure white dress, but her skirt was painted with an eerie and ominous red rose.


–This girl is the … “Rose Princess of Hellrage”.


It was hard to believe that this was the monster that was about to destroy Ciel-Terra at that very moment.


The illusion projected by the illusion call mark was reaching out to lay her hand on top of Bertil’s. She was also deeply in her camp, touching the illusion call mark that she had placed on the desk. If one looked closely, one could see that her illusionary legs were floating in the air. Was she using a step stool, or was the desk on the other side lower than Bertil’s?


Bertil was almost stunned, but he quickly came to himself and greeted her with a bow.


“I am Bertil Lagerbeck, Commander of the Second Order of Knights of the Kingdom of Ciel-Terra. You may not have noticed it in the illusion call mark, but Humphrey, who brought back the message from you earlier, is also in attendance.”
“My name is René “Rosey” Ruvia Ciel-Terra. I can’t thank you enough for accepting my unexpected request.”


The phantom girl placed one hand on the mark, and with only her other hand, she pinched her skirt and bowed.


“I just tried to connect with you once before and was cut off…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t get through to you from the Order’s headquarters, so I’ve moved to a closer location and re-used it.”


Saying that, it was almost like Bertil revealed where he was, but surely, she wouldn’t suddenly launch a magic attack on him.

Besides, the magical defense of the city walls was quite strong. At least, they could withstand the first blow and keep Bertil alive until he escaped.


“Oh, well, I’m sorry you had to come all that way for an illusion call mark.”

“No, I don’t mind. Don’t worry.”


Since Bertil was really apologetic, René seemed to feel bad about performing bleak calculations.


“Before we talk, I just want to make sure that there is no possibility that this conversation is being overheard by others?”

“…I can’t say that there isn’t a risk, but I think the risk is very low. This room is a frontline command post and is shielded from detection, so any magical prying eyes or eavesdropping will be blocked. There will be no physical eavesdropping either. It will be just me and Humphrey in this room, with no one else around.”


“Is that true? The royal brother who calls himself king, … the Commander of the First Order of Knights, … the Temple, … the guards …they are not listening, are they?”


Rather than skeptical, René just looked worried.

She looked like a child fearing the dark, a sheltering figure even though he knew he was dealing with a transcendent undead monster.


“Yes. As a warrior myself, I have some confidence in my ability to detect the presence of those who hide and creep.

“I see…”


Bertil’s heart ached a little when he saw René, who looked relieved.


“I understand. Then let’s get down to business. I am sure that you have probably guessed what I am asking you to do, even if I say … I want you to betray the Pretender Hilbert and join me.”


Here it comes, Bertil thought.

He had expected it, but to hear it said to his face was like having his heart grabbed in an eagle’s grip.

Betraying the current king who came to the throne in a coup and murdered his own lord and brother…


“I have no desire to kill needlessly. I am not interested in whether this country will prosper or perish after I have taken my revenge. If you do not want a war, but only peace in the land, then our interests should be aligned on one point: to end the battle quickly.”


René put her hand on her chest and spoke pleadingly.

Bertil watched with a poker face. He could not believe everything she said, but he wondered if she was the only undead person who could say such a thing. She seemed intelligent and reasonable.


It was painful to think that such a child was cruelly decapitated in the frenzy of the coup d’etat.

However, he did not shake his head in sympathy.


“Frankly speaking, I have two concerns. First, is the defeat of Ciel-Terra really inevitable? And will you really stand by and not harm the people? Unless this is assured, my betrayal will result in harm to the nation.”

“Of course. But, to return your words…”


He felt a cold light flicker in her silver eyes for just a moment.

Rene laughed. Mischievously.


“If you ask, ‘Is the defeat of Ciel-Tayla really inevitable?’ I would like to ask, ‘Do you really think you can defeat me?'”



Bertil was at a loss for words.

They have already seen how powerful she was. It was that barrier-breaking. More than 30 holy magicians had joined forces to weave it, and yet René had broken it with just a single attack magic.

Her subsequent aerial victory was also brilliant, but he had the impression that she was still hiding her power. Perhaps she was just waiting to recover the magical power she used to break the barrier. If she had been at full strength, all the airborne cavalrymen would have been shot down with just a magical attack from a long distance.


“From that point of view, the battle that is going on right now is just a branch and a leaf. No matter how many lives you put into your small army, I will sweep them away with a single strike. There are not many who are strong enough to defeat me.”

“You do not say that there are none.”


It was a big statement to call the Knights, who were experts in combat, a small army, but she didn’t think it was a big deal. It was just a fact.

Even Bertil, who was in charge of the Second Order of Knights and was supposed to have the power appropriate to his position, did not feel that he could defeat René in one-on-one combat.


–But Lawrence could?


“The reverse is also true. The outcome of this battle will probably be decided by a direct confrontation between me and the Commander of the First Order. I think you will know what to do when you see that battle.”


If anyone could defeat the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”, it would have to be Lawrence.

Bertil agreed.


“If you have a lot of your forces left until the last battle, you will have an advantage in the decisive battle. I would like to have enough forces left to fight the battle in full strength. And if the Second Order survives…, you will be a great asset to either side. The First Knight Commander has defeated me before. Do you know the strategy he used in that battle?”



It was impossible for him not to know.

It was Lawrence and the First Order that fought René, but it was Bertil himself who came up with that strategy.


–If the Second Order was attached to support Lawrence…, the same thing could be done even if the First Order is wiped out, right?


Lawrence was a powerful man, separated from the rest, and Bertil was very far from Lawrence. However, the individual knights under his command compared favorably with the First Order.


Bertil’s calculations proceed at a dizzying pace.

Possible changes in the situation. René’s own ability. The undead army.


It was not something he wanted to think about too much, but if he gave up protecting the citizens from the undead soldiers and did his best to protect Hilbert and support Lawrence, would it be possible to defeat René…? No. Even if they could not defeat her, if they could repel her, Noacurio’s reinforcements should be able to reach them in time.


“As long as the Knights of the Second Order are safe, wouldn’t you be able to determine just in time which side you should side with?”

“In other words, are you saying that it would be better for us to wait and see what happens?”


She was not saying ‘betray them’ abruptly, but rather, ‘give time to think about whether it is worth it to betray them’.


“The Second Order does not destroy the undead, and the undead do not attack the Second Order. I do not regard the Second Order as an aggressive target for slaughter. I would not go out of my way to kill them if I did not have to. I think that ending the battle quickly would be a mutually beneficial outcome.”


Then silence fell.

If the primary goal was to defeat René, it would be best to join forces with the First Order, rather than wait and see…


René looked up at Bertil with a nervous expression on her face. She looked like a poor girl facing a powerful nation under the false guise of being the “strongest undead”.

Various calculations and simulations of future moves were running in Bertil’s head.


“…When it comes to not harming the people …, you have to believe me. I have already taken many lives, but fortunately I am calm now. I have no intention of needlessly killing. I ask you to consider the fact that I have not taken any non-combatant lives in the battle so far today as a whole.”


“How about I withdraw the undead soldiers on the western road opposite my main camp as a sign of sincerity? If anyone wishes to evacuate the capital, they may pass through there.”


René’s response was something he had never thought of.

Bertil was taken aback by those words.


“What…? You say you’re willing to abandon the advantage of total encirclement?”

“It is more important that you trust me.”


–It’s about time…


Bertil decided that it would be better to reach a compromise here rather than to extract further concessions from René. If things broke down, nothing would happen.


“… I understand. Let’s just wait and see how things go for the time being.”

“Thank you!”


René’s face lit up. She seemed to be overcome with emotion.


“But this is just a wait-and-see. I am acting for the sake of what this country is going through. Please remember that. “

“Yes, I understand. I will be in touch again as needed for closer cooperation. I look forward to working with you on that occasion.”

“Understood. Please be sure to keep your word. … Oh, and one last thing.”

“What is it?”


Bertil couldn’t help but ask, even though he was a little worried that she might get offended.

He was curious to find out a little more about René’s character.


“Why did you retreat?”


It seemed to him that staying and fighting was an option that could have been taken, but René retreated from the army with only one wyvern corpse as a souvenir, and returned to the standoff. He was curious as to her intention.


When asked, René responded without a hint of concern.


“Because I saw how hard you all fought, and I thought it was not a straightforward matter, and I thought I should negotiate with you rather than continue the offensive.”

“… I see.”


Kill the Knights of the First Order because they gave their support to the coup, and not kill the Knights of the Second Order because they were not active in the coup…?

The Second Order did not fight on the side of the former king, and if one examined the individual Knights, there are First Order members who question the status quo and Second Order members who were enthusiastic supporters of Hilbert.

René’s behavior up to that point seemed simple and clear, but in the first place, it was somewhat unnatural.


Perhaps the first round of the battle was a demonstration aimed at getting him to the negotiating table. Bertil did not say anything more, although he thought that this was the reason why she did not cause any damage to the Knights of the Second Order…

In these negotiations, both sides were aware of the deceit, but they were also careful to discuss the basics of the negotiations.


–I mean, it’s cute if she gets upset about being poked in a sore spot, but … can she do this kind of trick…? I’m really getting sick of it.


If it was all calculated, it was childishly cunning. It was not something a 10-year-old would do.

… Well, a normal 10-year-old wouldn’t come back as undead from being killed with a guillotine, but that was about it.

It was dangerous, Bertil thought, to think of her as a child who would lash out haphazardly with her emotions.


“I understand. Then this is it this time.”

“Yes. I pray that your choice will lead to the outcome you desire.”


Bertil bowed and looked up to see that the illusion call mark had already been disconnected.


After confirming that the vision call mark had indeed been disconnected, Bertil quickly reached into his pocket and withdrew a folded bill.

Lawrence/Bertil Design

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 1 Chapter 52

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 1 Chapter 52

Staged Ghost Conference

It was situated in a part of the city wall. It was inside the tower that guarded the city gate.

In a round room piled with massive stones, there were only two men in armor.


The man who was kidnapped by the undead and returned with unbelievable news. The archer, Humphrey.


And the other one. If one were to guess from his appearance, he would be close to forty years of age. He was wearing shining blue and black Orichalcum armor. The dark blue tasseled decoration was only permitted to Commanders of Knightly Orders under the king's command. He had the lean physique of a military man, but for some reason his black hair, which should have been trimmed, looked unkempt.

It was Bertil Lagerbeck, Commander of the Second Order of Knights.


Bertil placed his hand on the illusionary call mark on the desk. He activated it and called out.


This was brought back by Humphrey. Unlike the call mark, the illusion call mark had the power to project an illusion of the user's image and show it to the other person on the other end of the call.


It sounded useful to communicate nuances that are difficult to convey by voice alone..., but in reality, if someone was close enough to understand such a thing, they should just meet in person and talk, so it was a magic item that was not very practical.


However, it would be very useful at that moment.

When enemy generals met with each other on the battlefield, the illusion call mark was used to communicate with each other without the risk of having to go directly to the other side.


Within 30 seconds of activating the mark, a light figure stood across the desk from Bertil.

From Bertil's point of view, the difference in height was such that he looked down on her.

(TLN: René is 130 cm tall. -_- )


She was considered an abominable child in this country... but she was beautiful and fantastic, with silver hair and silver eyes.

(TLN: Sorry to intervene again but man, she has the body of a 10-year-old can we stop talking about her like this, it's disturbing.)

Although her face was innocent like a child's, she appeared to have acquired the behavior of a young aristocrat from the way she carried herself. Her slight stammering could be called amiable because she was a child.

She wore a pure white dress, but her skirt was painted with an eerie and ominous red rose.


--This girl is the ... "Rose Princess of Hellrage".


It was hard to believe that this was the monster that was about to destroy Ciel-Terra at that very moment.


The illusion projected by the illusion call mark was reaching out to lay her hand on top of Bertil's. She was also deeply in her camp, touching the illusion call mark that she had placed on the desk. If one looked closely, one could see that her illusionary legs were floating in the air. Was she using a step stool, or was the desk on the other side lower than Bertil's?


Bertil was almost stunned, but he quickly came to himself and greeted her with a bow.


“I am Bertil Lagerbeck, Commander of the Second Order of Knights of the Kingdom of Ciel-Terra. You may not have noticed it in the illusion call mark, but Humphrey, who brought back the message from you earlier, is also in attendance."
"My name is René "Rosey" Ruvia Ciel-Terra. I can't thank you enough for accepting my unexpected request."


The phantom girl placed one hand on the mark, and with only her other hand, she pinched her skirt and bowed.


"I just tried to connect with you once before and was cut off..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't get through to you from the Order's headquarters, so I've moved to a closer location and re-used it."


Saying that, it was almost like Bertil revealed where he was, but surely, she wouldn't suddenly launch a magic attack on him.

Besides, the magical defense of the city walls was quite strong. At least, they could withstand the first blow and keep Bertil alive until he escaped.


"Oh, well, I'm sorry you had to come all that way for an illusion call mark."

"No, I don't mind. Don't worry."


Since Bertil was really apologetic, René seemed to feel bad about performing bleak calculations.


“Before we talk, I just want to make sure that there is no possibility that this conversation is being overheard by others?"

"...I can't say that there isn't a risk, but I think the risk is very low. This room is a frontline command post and is shielded from detection, so any magical prying eyes or eavesdropping will be blocked. There will be no physical eavesdropping either. It will be just me and Humphrey in this room, with no one else around."


"Is that true? The royal brother who calls himself king, ... the Commander of the First Order of Knights, ... the Temple, ... the guards ...they are not listening, are they?"


Rather than skeptical, René just looked worried.

She looked like a child fearing the dark, a sheltering figure even though he knew he was dealing with a transcendent undead monster.


"Yes. As a warrior myself, I have some confidence in my ability to detect the presence of those who hide and creep.

"I see..."


Bertil's heart ached a little when he saw René, who looked relieved.


"I understand. Then let's get down to business. I am sure that you have probably guessed what I am asking you to do, even if I say ... I want you to betray the Pretender Hilbert and join me."


Here it comes, Bertil thought.

He had expected it, but to hear it said to his face was like having his heart grabbed in an eagle's grip.

Betraying the current king who came to the throne in a coup and murdered his own lord and brother...


“I have no desire to kill needlessly. I am not interested in whether this country will prosper or perish after I have taken my revenge. If you do not want a war, but only peace in the land, then our interests should be aligned on one point: to end the battle quickly."


René put her hand on her chest and spoke pleadingly.

Bertil watched with a poker face. He could not believe everything she said, but he wondered if she was the only undead person who could say such a thing. She seemed intelligent and reasonable.


It was painful to think that such a child was cruelly decapitated in the frenzy of the coup d'etat.

However, he did not shake his head in sympathy.


"Frankly speaking, I have two concerns. First, is the defeat of Ciel-Terra really inevitable? And will you really stand by and not harm the people? Unless this is assured, my betrayal will result in harm to the nation."

"Of course. But, to return your words..."


He felt a cold light flicker in her silver eyes for just a moment.

Rene laughed. Mischievously.


"If you ask, 'Is the defeat of Ciel-Tayla really inevitable?' I would like to ask, 'Do you really think you can defeat me?'"



Bertil was at a loss for words.

They have already seen how powerful she was. It was that barrier-breaking. More than 30 holy magicians had joined forces to weave it, and yet René had broken it with just a single attack magic.

Her subsequent aerial victory was also brilliant, but he had the impression that she was still hiding her power. Perhaps she was just waiting to recover the magical power she used to break the barrier. If she had been at full strength, all the airborne cavalrymen would have been shot down with just a magical attack from a long distance.


“From that point of view, the battle that is going on right now is just a branch and a leaf. No matter how many lives you put into your small army, I will sweep them away with a single strike. There are not many who are strong enough to defeat me."

"You do not say that there are none."


It was a big statement to call the Knights, who were experts in combat, a small army, but she didn't think it was a big deal. It was just a fact.

Even Bertil, who was in charge of the Second Order of Knights and was supposed to have the power appropriate to his position, did not feel that he could defeat René in one-on-one combat.


--But Lawrence could?


“The reverse is also true. The outcome of this battle will probably be decided by a direct confrontation between me and the Commander of the First Order. I think you will know what to do when you see that battle."


If anyone could defeat the "Rose Princess of Hellrage", it would have to be Lawrence.

Bertil agreed.


“If you have a lot of your forces left until the last battle, you will have an advantage in the decisive battle. I would like to have enough forces left to fight the battle in full strength. And if the Second Order survives..., you will be a great asset to either side. The First Knight Commander has defeated me before. Do you know the strategy he used in that battle?"



It was impossible for him not to know.

It was Lawrence and the First Order that fought René, but it was Bertil himself who came up with that strategy.


--If the Second Order was attached to support Lawrence..., the same thing could be done even if the First Order is wiped out, right?


Lawrence was a powerful man, separated from the rest, and Bertil was very far from Lawrence. However, the individual knights under his command compared favorably with the First Order.


Bertil's calculations proceed at a dizzying pace.

Possible changes in the situation. René's own ability. The undead army.


It was not something he wanted to think about too much, but if he gave up protecting the citizens from the undead soldiers and did his best to protect Hilbert and support Lawrence, would it be possible to defeat René...? No. Even if they could not defeat her, if they could repel her, Noacurio's reinforcements should be able to reach them in time.


“As long as the Knights of the Second Order are safe, wouldn't you be able to determine just in time which side you should side with?"

"In other words, are you saying that it would be better for us to wait and see what happens?"


She was not saying 'betray them' abruptly, but rather, 'give time to think about whether it is worth it to betray them'.


"The Second Order does not destroy the undead, and the undead do not attack the Second Order. I do not regard the Second Order as an aggressive target for slaughter. I would not go out of my way to kill them if I did not have to. I think that ending the battle quickly would be a mutually beneficial outcome."


Then silence fell.

If the primary goal was to defeat René, it would be best to join forces with the First Order, rather than wait and see...


René looked up at Bertil with a nervous expression on her face. She looked like a poor girl facing a powerful nation under the false guise of being the "strongest undead".

Various calculations and simulations of future moves were running in Bertil's head.


"...When it comes to not harming the people ..., you have to believe me. I have already taken many lives, but fortunately I am calm now. I have no intention of needlessly killing. I ask you to consider the fact that I have not taken any non-combatant lives in the battle so far today as a whole."


"How about I withdraw the undead soldiers on the western road opposite my main camp as a sign of sincerity? If anyone wishes to evacuate the capital, they may pass through there."


René's response was something he had never thought of.

Bertil was taken aback by those words.


“What...? You say you're willing to abandon the advantage of total encirclement?"

"It is more important that you trust me."


--It's about time...


Bertil decided that it would be better to reach a compromise here rather than to extract further concessions from René. If things broke down, nothing would happen.


"... I understand. Let's just wait and see how things go for the time being."

"Thank you!"


René's face lit up. She seemed to be overcome with emotion.


"But this is just a wait-and-see. I am acting for the sake of what this country is going through. Please remember that. "

"Yes, I understand. I will be in touch again as needed for closer cooperation. I look forward to working with you on that occasion."

"Understood. Please be sure to keep your word. ... Oh, and one last thing."

"What is it?"


Bertil couldn't help but ask, even though he was a little worried that she might get offended.

He was curious to find out a little more about René's character.


"Why did you retreat?"


It seemed to him that staying and fighting was an option that could have been taken, but René retreated from the army with only one wyvern corpse as a souvenir, and returned to the standoff. He was curious as to her intention.


When asked, René responded without a hint of concern.


"Because I saw how hard you all fought, and I thought it was not a straightforward matter, and I thought I should negotiate with you rather than continue the offensive."

"... I see."


Kill the Knights of the First Order because they gave their support to the coup, and not kill the Knights of the Second Order because they were not active in the coup...?

The Second Order did not fight on the side of the former king, and if one examined the individual Knights, there are First Order members who question the status quo and Second Order members who were enthusiastic supporters of Hilbert.

René's behavior up to that point seemed simple and clear, but in the first place, it was somewhat unnatural.


Perhaps the first round of the battle was a demonstration aimed at getting him to the negotiating table. Bertil did not say anything more, although he thought that this was the reason why she did not cause any damage to the Knights of the Second Order...

In these negotiations, both sides were aware of the deceit, but they were also careful to discuss the basics of the negotiations.


--I mean, it's cute if she gets upset about being poked in a sore spot, but ... can she do this kind of trick...? I'm really getting sick of it.


If it was all calculated, it was childishly cunning. It was not something a 10-year-old would do.

... Well, a normal 10-year-old wouldn't come back as undead from being killed with a guillotine, but that was about it.

It was dangerous, Bertil thought, to think of her as a child who would lash out haphazardly with her emotions.


"I understand. Then this is it this time."

"Yes. I pray that your choice will lead to the outcome you desire."


Bertil bowed and looked up to see that the illusion call mark had already been disconnected.


After confirming that the vision call mark had indeed been disconnected, Bertil quickly reached into his pocket and withdrew a folded bill.

Lawrence/Bertil Design

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode