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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 44


The news of Marquis Edfeldt’s nomination of Ghislain as a candidate for Crown Prince echoed through the country via communications.

Although Ghislain did not have the charisma of a king recognized by all, he was a candidate for crown prince who was widely accepted by the people without political coloration. His lineage was also perfect.

Ghislain also established a partnership with Noacurio.
It was well known that the Noacurio army, which had appeared in the eastern part of Ciel-Terra, was working to maintain security, exterminate monsters, and ensure safety. Although there were some who had doubts about Noacurio because of the coup d’état, the fact that they were protecting Ciel-Terra at all costs, and the trust that came from that, was significant.

With Ghislain as their banner, they joined hands with Noacurio to rebuild the nation.

It was a ray of hope for the people who were living without a glimpse of tomorrow.

However, as if to counteract this news, another news came from the west.

Marquis Berger announced that his eldest son, Johann Wilhelm Berger, would be appointed Crown Prince.

Marquis Berger announced that his eldest son, Johann Wilhelm Berger, would be appointed Crown Prince.

In accordance with the customary practice in Ciel-Terra, where the crown prince was chosen as the man closest in blood to the former king, it was doubtful that he would be able to win the support of the people as well as the lords.


However, the news of another candidate for crown prince was accompanied by other news, like two horses pulling a cart.

The Federation of Gireshtal was preparing to deploy troops.

The cause is “to protect residents in Ciel-Terra, where the national system had collapsed”, but naturally, people’s expectations rose that “they will protect us too”.

After all, the Federation had a long association with the country and was well informed. Even though there was the unfortunate trouble of the coup d’état by Hilbert II, people still held favorable expectations.

Marquis Berger was the westernmost point of Ciel-Terra. It was on the border with the Federation.

Although it was not explicitly stated, perhaps to avoid provoking Noacurio’s army, it was an obvious statement. Johann, the candidate for Crown Prince who was nominated by Marquis Berger, was advocating a linkage with the Federation of Gireshtal.

There were those who had high expectations for the Federation of Gireshtal.

There were those who were not so keen on the idea of a new alliance with the Kingdom of Noacurio.

And there were those who feared that this confrontation could develop into a dangerous conflict.

Time continued to flow mercilessly with an unsettled atmosphere.

* * *

“What do you want from me? Holy Beastmaster. If you’ve come to apologize for your rudeness the other day, then yes, you are right. Rub your head against the ground, imitate the squealing of a pig, and swear that you will never transgress me again. If you do so, Erminio here, I will be more than willing to forgive you. And I will also forgive you for your impoliteness in trying to summon me.

Erminio, sitting cross-legged on the throne-like sofa, arrogantly said to Morgana, who had visited his living quarters.

This was a guest room in Marquis Edfeldt’s castle that was assigned to Erminio.

The entire room was relentlessly decorated in white, gold, and crimson accents, from the entire decor to the furnishings.

As usual, Erminio was flanked by two temple knights who looked like statues.

Morgana tried to summon Erminio to talk to her, but he refused to do so, so she herself went to him.

She was also accompanied by men in masked priest’s robes … of her own creation, the Holy Beastman, as a counterweight to Erminio.

“I want you, the “Decisive Drolette”, to investigate the royal capital of Terra Ruale. Can you do that?”

Morgana did not listen to Erminio’s delusions at all, but only told him what she wanted.

Erminio stared at her uncomfortably.

“Investigation? You were trying to escape back to your own country, and now you want to investigate what?”
“The policy has changed. Noacurio’s army is going to attack the capital at once.”


Ermineo, who had been listening to the conversation with a relaxed look on his face, stood up.

“Hey, you want to defeat the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”, right?”

Erminio did not say anything in response to Morgana’s question.

His silence was an affirmation.

Erminio took on the job of escorting Marquis Edfeldt because he expected the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” to come.

In reality, he didn’t care about Marquis Edfeldt.

“If Noaccurio’s army returns, the “Princess Rose ofHellrage” will attack, but on the other hand, Noaccurio’s army is going to attack the capital from now on, right? If that happens, “Princess Rose of Hellrage” will be holed up in the capital to strengthen its defense. You, as an escort, will be out of the action. Still, Marquis won’t let you go, just in case.”

“In other words, a battle may break out in a place I have no control over…”

“Noacurio’s army wants to work with “Decisive Drolette”. You have infiltrated the capital once, and you have returned, if not safely. The Noacurio Army will provide full support for the investigation. We will provide the necessary supplies and, if necessary, money. If you can defeat the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” by yourselves, that’s all right. If not, I want you to find out what’s going on in the capital before Noacurio’s army arrives.”

Erminio folded his arms and looked thoughtful.

He was a man with an insatiable appetite for fame. He also had a personal grudge against the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”.

He would definitely not want the battle to be over somewhere while he was the Marquis’ watchdog.

“After the main force arrives, you will join them and play a part in the siege. After the masses have been cleared out, it will be your job to fight the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” in the end.”

“I see, that’s exactly the role I’m suited for. But…”

Erminio’s eyes were fixed on Morgana.

Erminio sat with his head down, and Morgana poked her stick at him. Their eyes were at about the same height, but Erminio’s gaze was still glaring from on high.

It was the look of someone who was used to looking down on others, someone who had lived that way since birth.

“Why are you, who is only a Technical Advisor, talking about this? You are not proceeding with this on your own, are you?”

Erminio was a fool in this area, but he was not unthinking.

Even Morgana thought Erminio had a point.

“If you don’t believe me, ask the general. If you’re in, you’ll be the key to the next mission, and he’ll meet with you right away.”

“Then wouldn’t it be polite for you to come to me?”

“I’ll call him. I’ll call him.”

When Morgana gave her two-sided approval, Erminio smiled sarcastically and nodded, as if to say, ‘You should have been so underhanded from the beginning’.

“Also, keep this matter a secret from Marquis Edfeldt.”

Erminio looked puzzled when Morgana spoke.

“Is it because he’s trying to keep me around?”

“No, no. No, no, no. The Marquis of Edfeldt still thinks that the Noacurio army is retreating. He is planning to accompany Noacurio’s army with His Highness Ghislain and they are planning to escape to Wesala. It would be a shame if they insist. At least until … they provide us with supplies for the march.”

“Hah! Cowards! … Well, that’s all right. You were right to call on me here, Holy Beastmaster. I am sure my “Decisive Drolette” will defeat the “Rose Princess of Hellrage”.”

Erminio was full of confidence and composure.

There was no indication that he was trying to live up to his credentials or for the good of the people. Erminio just believed that he deserved to win and thus deserved the fame that would come with it.

Foolishness indeed. But it would be nice if the result of that stupidity was to go to fight for God.

Not everyone needed to be wise. There were apostates like Patrick, who went against the ways of God because they were too clever. It was better to have many fools in the world than many wise men.

God had forbidden lying and deceit to the human race.

But what was wrong with deceiving the unbelievers and putting them to work for God?

And it was very easy to deceive fools.

* * *

“We will now attack the royal capital.”

When Patrick said that, the military leaders who had gathered for a military meeting in the tent were taken aback.

The supply convoys had been destroyed and stockpiles of supplies had been burned. The morale of the entire frontline forces seemed to be hanging by the threads, just at the edge of control.

The only thing to think about was whether to wait for supplies or retreat, and there was no way they were going to go on the offensive from here.

However, when they were told that they had succeeded in getting another transport and that the supply convoy would soon catch up with them, they had no choice but to believe him and agreed, although they did not seem to be willing to do so.

In any case, they had no choice. What would happen if they defied Patrick’s order and left without permission?

It would be fine if they were held accountable after returning to their home country.

But if they were to be attacked by monsters (including, of course, the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” and her army) while traveling with only a small number of people, they would be in serious trouble.

In the end, the army started to move westward.

Word spread quickly that they were going to attack the capital, and the atmosphere in the camp became tense.

Still, no one tried to rebel.

At least, not among the Noacurio forces.

* * *

“General! What is this!”

Marks, disguised as a Noacurio knight, had blended in with the army.

He shouted at Patrick after most of the Noacurio troops had packed up their belongings and left the camp, and the troops began their march.

The leading edge of the camp line, which had left the encampment enclosure, was clearly heading west. Either he had seen it, or he had heard the rumors of those around him.

Patrick was in one of the few remaining tents, drinking tea as a short break before it was his turn to leave.

In the back corner of the tent, Morgana was waiting patiently, doing nothing in particular, and Marks felt an uncomfortable sweat break out the moment he saw her.

“Why is the Noacurio army heading west!”

“As you can see. The Noacurio army is now going to attack the capital.”

Patrick, who was holding a cup of tea, said this without a trace of regret, and Marks was at a loss for words.

“I thought you said you were retreating! We were supposed to go to Wesala together…”

“The situation has changed.”

“No way! Then what are we to do…”

“Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to escort you to Wesala. But the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” will not come to Terra Kaine with an army when we attack the capital. Please pray for our victory in the city. If possible, we would be grateful if you could assist us…”

“…I can’t, I can’t do that…”

He almost lost his mind.

The “Decisive Drolette” who was supposed to be hired as his escort had somehow disappeared before he knew it.

What should he do if the Noacurio army started to do something he didn’t understand?

“I am sorry that I have deceived you. But I am convinced that what I am doing is also for the good of this country.”

Marks was chilled to his core as he watched Patrick’s brazen statement.

Strange. It was true that he had Patrick’s face and spoke in Patrick’s voice, but it was as if he was a different person. He did not feel like he was communicating with Patrick.

First of all, it was unnatural for them to attack the capital at this time.

Who would be happy to do such a thing?

He bit his lip.

And then, Marks roused himself.


One of the knights under his command entered the tent from behind. He was a man wearing not so-called knight’s armor, but a robe similar to a surcoat.

Most of the knights had been left behind for the defense of Terra Kaine, but since he could use holy magic, he was to accompany himself and Ghislain.

The knight carried a tray-like object inscribed with a holy seal and a magic circle. It was a magic item called “Sleeping God’s Eye”.

This was a tool to examine the magical power in a living body and its holiness or wickedness. Since there was a report of Revenants in the capital, he brought this as a tool to detect the undead in order to be on the lookout for Revenants.

However, contrary to the undead, it could also find “non-human” people with abnormal holy energy.

When the Noacurio army began to move strangely, Marks had a feeling of ‘no way’.

His suspicions deepened when he spoke with Patrick.

“What is this about?”

“General. I want to get confirmation that you are you.”

“… This can’t be a joke. It could be an insult to the Kingdom of Noacurio.”

Hearing the words “insult to the kingdom”, the knight with the “Sleeping God’s Eye” became frightened.

Marks also felt lost at this moment. He was afraid that he might break the relationship with Noacurio if he had cast an unwanted suspicion on the commander of the stationed troops. Marks’ own position would also be very bad.


Marks was ready to roll off the top of the mountain.

What if things were as Marks feared? Even the slightest hope would be lost.

Right now, he was the only one who could protect Ciel-Terra…!

“If I’m wrong, I’ll give you my arm, my leg, my neck! Check now!”

As if struck by lightning, the knight reacted to Marks’ command and threw the silver wire connected to the tray-shaped device at Patrick.

Patrick tried to brush it off.

It was like an adult holding back in a contest of strength with a child.

It was if he was struggling not to show his true strength, and that made him clumsy.

The silver wire coiled around Patrick’s arm.

Then, all 20 stones embedded in the disk emitted a white luminous light.


“Impossible, this can’t be! It is out of the range of measurement! No human being could have this much holy energy inside their body!”

“Holy Beastmaster! You did all of this!!”

Marks reflexively drew his sword and pointed it at Morgana.

Morgana stood still with a calm expression on her face, not wavering in the slightest.

Morgana had turned Patrick into a holy beast and was controlling him…

It was only natural that Marks had come up with that idea. After all, it was the same thing they had done to Ghislain.

Hearing Marks’ yell, several knights who had been waiting outside stepped in. They were Marks’ men who were supposed to take him to Wesala.

“Seize him! If the holy beast shows any suspicious movement, behead it immediately!”

“Oh, dear. We can’t afford to lose any more men here.”

Morgana was hit with a noose, and Patrick was wrapped with a mithril chain. Morgana was also gagged, which had the power to seal out magic. Morgana could move the holy beast by ultra-short-range telepathy or verbal commands. If speech and magic were blocked, she would not be able to control the holy beast.

Surprisingly, the two (or one and one) did not resist at all.

“Spread the word! Stop the march! This general is a fake!”

There was a sense of relief in Marks that he had stayed on the edge of the cliff, and a sense of urgency that the situation had worsened beyond expectation.

What is God? What is this «Baptism Stigma»? Wasn’t she just a lunatic?

Morgana was still smiling calmly.

This was both disgusting and eerie to Marks.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3

Join Our Discord Server to Be Notified of Releases

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 44

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 44


The news of Marquis Edfeldt's nomination of Ghislain as a candidate for Crown Prince echoed through the country via communications.

Although Ghislain did not have the charisma of a king recognized by all, he was a candidate for crown prince who was widely accepted by the people without political coloration. His lineage was also perfect.

Ghislain also established a partnership with Noacurio.
It was well known that the Noacurio army, which had appeared in the eastern part of Ciel-Terra, was working to maintain security, exterminate monsters, and ensure safety. Although there were some who had doubts about Noacurio because of the coup d'état, the fact that they were protecting Ciel-Terra at all costs, and the trust that came from that, was significant.

With Ghislain as their banner, they joined hands with Noacurio to rebuild the nation.

It was a ray of hope for the people who were living without a glimpse of tomorrow.

However, as if to counteract this news, another news came from the west.

Marquis Berger announced that his eldest son, Johann Wilhelm Berger, would be appointed Crown Prince.

Marquis Berger announced that his eldest son, Johann Wilhelm Berger, would be appointed Crown Prince.

In accordance with the customary practice in Ciel-Terra, where the crown prince was chosen as the man closest in blood to the former king, it was doubtful that he would be able to win the support of the people as well as the lords.


However, the news of another candidate for crown prince was accompanied by other news, like two horses pulling a cart.

The Federation of Gireshtal was preparing to deploy troops.

The cause is "to protect residents in Ciel-Terra, where the national system had collapsed", but naturally, people's expectations rose that "they will protect us too".

After all, the Federation had a long association with the country and was well informed. Even though there was the unfortunate trouble of the coup d'état by Hilbert II, people still held favorable expectations.

Marquis Berger was the westernmost point of Ciel-Terra. It was on the border with the Federation.

Although it was not explicitly stated, perhaps to avoid provoking Noacurio's army, it was an obvious statement. Johann, the candidate for Crown Prince who was nominated by Marquis Berger, was advocating a linkage with the Federation of Gireshtal.

There were those who had high expectations for the Federation of Gireshtal.

There were those who were not so keen on the idea of a new alliance with the Kingdom of Noacurio.

And there were those who feared that this confrontation could develop into a dangerous conflict.

Time continued to flow mercilessly with an unsettled atmosphere.

* * *

"What do you want from me? Holy Beastmaster. If you've come to apologize for your rudeness the other day, then yes, you are right. Rub your head against the ground, imitate the squealing of a pig, and swear that you will never transgress me again. If you do so, Erminio here, I will be more than willing to forgive you. And I will also forgive you for your impoliteness in trying to summon me.

Erminio, sitting cross-legged on the throne-like sofa, arrogantly said to Morgana, who had visited his living quarters.

This was a guest room in Marquis Edfeldt's castle that was assigned to Erminio.

The entire room was relentlessly decorated in white, gold, and crimson accents, from the entire decor to the furnishings.

As usual, Erminio was flanked by two temple knights who looked like statues.

Morgana tried to summon Erminio to talk to her, but he refused to do so, so she herself went to him.

She was also accompanied by men in masked priest's robes ... of her own creation, the Holy Beastman, as a counterweight to Erminio.

"I want you, the "Decisive Drolette", to investigate the royal capital of Terra Ruale. Can you do that?"

Morgana did not listen to Erminio's delusions at all, but only told him what she wanted.

Erminio stared at her uncomfortably.

"Investigation? You were trying to escape back to your own country, and now you want to investigate what?"
"The policy has changed. Noacurio's army is going to attack the capital at once."


Ermineo, who had been listening to the conversation with a relaxed look on his face, stood up.

"Hey, you want to defeat the "Rose Princess of Hellrage", right?"

Erminio did not say anything in response to Morgana's question.

His silence was an affirmation.

Erminio took on the job of escorting Marquis Edfeldt because he expected the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" to come.

In reality, he didn't care about Marquis Edfeldt.

"If Noaccurio's army returns, the "Princess Rose ofHellrage" will attack, but on the other hand, Noaccurio's army is going to attack the capital from now on, right? If that happens, "Princess Rose of Hellrage" will be holed up in the capital to strengthen its defense. You, as an escort, will be out of the action. Still, Marquis won't let you go, just in case."

"In other words, a battle may break out in a place I have no control over..."

"Noacurio's army wants to work with "Decisive Drolette". You have infiltrated the capital once, and you have returned, if not safely. The Noacurio Army will provide full support for the investigation. We will provide the necessary supplies and, if necessary, money. If you can defeat the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" by yourselves, that's all right. If not, I want you to find out what's going on in the capital before Noacurio's army arrives."

Erminio folded his arms and looked thoughtful.

He was a man with an insatiable appetite for fame. He also had a personal grudge against the "Rose Princess of Hellrage".

He would definitely not want the battle to be over somewhere while he was the Marquis' watchdog.

"After the main force arrives, you will join them and play a part in the siege. After the masses have been cleared out, it will be your job to fight the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" in the end."

"I see, that's exactly the role I'm suited for. But..."

Erminio's eyes were fixed on Morgana.

Erminio sat with his head down, and Morgana poked her stick at him. Their eyes were at about the same height, but Erminio's gaze was still glaring from on high.

It was the look of someone who was used to looking down on others, someone who had lived that way since birth.

“Why are you, who is only a Technical Advisor, talking about this? You are not proceeding with this on your own, are you?"

Erminio was a fool in this area, but he was not unthinking.

Even Morgana thought Erminio had a point.

"If you don't believe me, ask the general. If you're in, you'll be the key to the next mission, and he'll meet with you right away."

"Then wouldn't it be polite for you to come to me?"

"I'll call him. I'll call him."

When Morgana gave her two-sided approval, Erminio smiled sarcastically and nodded, as if to say, 'You should have been so underhanded from the beginning'.

“Also, keep this matter a secret from Marquis Edfeldt."

Erminio looked puzzled when Morgana spoke.

"Is it because he's trying to keep me around?"

"No, no. No, no, no. The Marquis of Edfeldt still thinks that the Noacurio army is retreating. He is planning to accompany Noacurio's army with His Highness Ghislain and they are planning to escape to Wesala. It would be a shame if they insist. At least until ... they provide us with supplies for the march."

"Hah! Cowards! ... Well, that's all right. You were right to call on me here, Holy Beastmaster. I am sure my "Decisive Drolette" will defeat the "Rose Princess of Hellrage"."

Erminio was full of confidence and composure.

There was no indication that he was trying to live up to his credentials or for the good of the people. Erminio just believed that he deserved to win and thus deserved the fame that would come with it.

Foolishness indeed. But it would be nice if the result of that stupidity was to go to fight for God.

Not everyone needed to be wise. There were apostates like Patrick, who went against the ways of God because they were too clever. It was better to have many fools in the world than many wise men.

God had forbidden lying and deceit to the human race.

But what was wrong with deceiving the unbelievers and putting them to work for God?

And it was very easy to deceive fools.

* * *

"We will now attack the royal capital."

When Patrick said that, the military leaders who had gathered for a military meeting in the tent were taken aback.

The supply convoys had been destroyed and stockpiles of supplies had been burned. The morale of the entire frontline forces seemed to be hanging by the threads, just at the edge of control.

The only thing to think about was whether to wait for supplies or retreat, and there was no way they were going to go on the offensive from here.

However, when they were told that they had succeeded in getting another transport and that the supply convoy would soon catch up with them, they had no choice but to believe him and agreed, although they did not seem to be willing to do so.

In any case, they had no choice. What would happen if they defied Patrick's order and left without permission?

It would be fine if they were held accountable after returning to their home country.

But if they were to be attacked by monsters (including, of course, the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" and her army) while traveling with only a small number of people, they would be in serious trouble.

In the end, the army started to move westward.

Word spread quickly that they were going to attack the capital, and the atmosphere in the camp became tense.

Still, no one tried to rebel.

At least, not among the Noacurio forces.

* * *

"General! What is this!"

Marks, disguised as a Noacurio knight, had blended in with the army.

He shouted at Patrick after most of the Noacurio troops had packed up their belongings and left the camp, and the troops began their march.

The leading edge of the camp line, which had left the encampment enclosure, was clearly heading west. Either he had seen it, or he had heard the rumors of those around him.

Patrick was in one of the few remaining tents, drinking tea as a short break before it was his turn to leave.

In the back corner of the tent, Morgana was waiting patiently, doing nothing in particular, and Marks felt an uncomfortable sweat break out the moment he saw her.

"Why is the Noacurio army heading west!"

"As you can see. The Noacurio army is now going to attack the capital."

Patrick, who was holding a cup of tea, said this without a trace of regret, and Marks was at a loss for words.

"I thought you said you were retreating! We were supposed to go to Wesala together..."

"The situation has changed."

"No way! Then what are we to do..."

“Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to escort you to Wesala. But the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" will not come to Terra Kaine with an army when we attack the capital. Please pray for our victory in the city. If possible, we would be grateful if you could assist us..."

"...I can't, I can't do that..."

He almost lost his mind.

The "Decisive Drolette" who was supposed to be hired as his escort had somehow disappeared before he knew it.

What should he do if the Noacurio army started to do something he didn't understand?

“I am sorry that I have deceived you. But I am convinced that what I am doing is also for the good of this country."

Marks was chilled to his core as he watched Patrick's brazen statement.

Strange. It was true that he had Patrick's face and spoke in Patrick's voice, but it was as if he was a different person. He did not feel like he was communicating with Patrick.

First of all, it was unnatural for them to attack the capital at this time.

Who would be happy to do such a thing?

He bit his lip.

And then, Marks roused himself.


One of the knights under his command entered the tent from behind. He was a man wearing not so-called knight's armor, but a robe similar to a surcoat.

Most of the knights had been left behind for the defense of Terra Kaine, but since he could use holy magic, he was to accompany himself and Ghislain.

The knight carried a tray-like object inscribed with a holy seal and a magic circle. It was a magic item called "Sleeping God's Eye".

This was a tool to examine the magical power in a living body and its holiness or wickedness. Since there was a report of Revenants in the capital, he brought this as a tool to detect the undead in order to be on the lookout for Revenants.

However, contrary to the undead, it could also find "non-human" people with abnormal holy energy.

When the Noacurio army began to move strangely, Marks had a feeling of 'no way'.

His suspicions deepened when he spoke with Patrick.

"What is this about?"

"General. I want to get confirmation that you are you."

"... This can't be a joke. It could be an insult to the Kingdom of Noacurio."

Hearing the words "insult to the kingdom", the knight with the "Sleeping God's Eye" became frightened.

Marks also felt lost at this moment. He was afraid that he might break the relationship with Noacurio if he had cast an unwanted suspicion on the commander of the stationed troops. Marks' own position would also be very bad.


Marks was ready to roll off the top of the mountain.

What if things were as Marks feared? Even the slightest hope would be lost.

Right now, he was the only one who could protect Ciel-Terra...!

"If I'm wrong, I'll give you my arm, my leg, my neck! Check now!"

As if struck by lightning, the knight reacted to Marks' command and threw the silver wire connected to the tray-shaped device at Patrick.

Patrick tried to brush it off.

It was like an adult holding back in a contest of strength with a child.

It was if he was struggling not to show his true strength, and that made him clumsy.

The silver wire coiled around Patrick's arm.

Then, all 20 stones embedded in the disk emitted a white luminous light.


"Impossible, this can't be! It is out of the range of measurement! No human being could have this much holy energy inside their body!"

"Holy Beastmaster! You did all of this!!"

Marks reflexively drew his sword and pointed it at Morgana.

Morgana stood still with a calm expression on her face, not wavering in the slightest.

Morgana had turned Patrick into a holy beast and was controlling him...

It was only natural that Marks had come up with that idea. After all, it was the same thing they had done to Ghislain.

Hearing Marks' yell, several knights who had been waiting outside stepped in. They were Marks' men who were supposed to take him to Wesala.

"Seize him! If the holy beast shows any suspicious movement, behead it immediately!"

"Oh, dear. We can't afford to lose any more men here."

Morgana was hit with a noose, and Patrick was wrapped with a mithril chain. Morgana was also gagged, which had the power to seal out magic. Morgana could move the holy beast by ultra-short-range telepathy or verbal commands. If speech and magic were blocked, she would not be able to control the holy beast.

Surprisingly, the two (or one and one) did not resist at all.

"Spread the word! Stop the march! This general is a fake!"

There was a sense of relief in Marks that he had stayed on the edge of the cliff, and a sense of urgency that the situation had worsened beyond expectation.

What is God? What is this «Baptism Stigma»? Wasn't she just a lunatic?

Morgana was still smiling calmly.

This was both disgusting and eerie to Marks.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode