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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 57

Drum type water-saving hell

The original magic that Everis created at the request of René, «Laundry». 

It disinfected, sterilized, deodorized, rinsed thoroughly, and dried crisply. This was the magic of a single washing machine, so that there was no need for one.

Because it was packed with various functions, the degree of difficulty in mastering this magic had increased considerably, even though it was a magic for daily life, but there was no problem because it was used by René as “evidence concealment magic”.

This «Laundry» magic involved the process of throwing the object into a whirlpool of water to clean it like a washing machine, but in the case of a special movement like this, magic that was “programmed to work like that from the beginning” was more efficient than “magic that can freely manipulate water”, as it did not require any unnecessary manipulation.

In other words, compared to general magic that focuses on versatility, magic with a high magic conversion efficiency in obtaining the effect of “holding a large amount of water in the air and making it spin around and around” was more efficient.

In addition, Everis took offense to René’s request that even bed mats be washable, and this magic had the world’s worst washing function: the more magic power you put into it, the more the area of effect grew without limit.

René used the «Laundry» after pumping up all the water from the moat.

The huge ball of water fell in a whirlpool and engulfed a section of the castle wall.

Even the castle walls, which were equipped with magical defenses by pumping magical power from the earth’s veins, could not withstand the high water pressure created by real, non-magical water. Caught in the spinning water current, the castle walls were gradually gouged out and the wet stones were bounced away from the aerial whirlpool.

In such a situation, there was no way Oswald and the others standing on top of the castle walls would be safe.

Like a winged insect that had jumped into a washing machine, they were simply tossed about in the swirling torrent.

The damage done to the body tissues by asphyxiation could be shouldered by the holy beasts. But a person’s body could not move if it did not breathe. This was different from René, who was an undead who did not need to breathe.

Of course, they couldn’t sing either. Deprived of their strengthening buffs, Oswald and the others could only be swept away.

After making sure everyone was engulfed, René, who had been in the water, transformed into Dullahan form.

Her body, which had been only bones, regained the weight of its flesh and gained buoyancy. Although her undead body was insensitive, the water still felt cold against her bare skin.

At the same time as René’s transformation, water cascaded down from the swirling currents. The water flooded the area and poured into the empty moat through the gaping walls of the castle.

The water, which had become uncontrollable due to Dullahan transformation from a Lich with boosted magical power to a Dullahan with reduced magical power, was now overflowing.

The somewhat smaller torrent of airborne water, however, was still more than enough to put a person out of action.

The Illuminator sprayed the water ball with a breath of holy energy. However, the holy energy was blocked by the water and dissipated, and the breath only turned into steam. If this had been a fire breath, it might have had some effect, but first of all, a breath with holy energy lacked heat.

Holding her head with one hand, René swam through the torrent with all her might and grabbed a strand of citrus-colored hair that spread out like seaweed.

Priscilla. She had braided her hair like a crown, but it had already unraveled in the torrent.


Something blasted on René’s skin.

It was holy magic that Priscilla had unleashed in agony.

However, it only slightly scorched René’s skin.

Priscilla was able to fight with the power of enhancement buffs, but technically she was only an apprentice. Her magic, which she released completely without chanting while unable to speak, was like a mosquito bite to René, as her staff had also been swept away.

René forcibly pulled Priscilla to her and held her waist between her legs. It was like sitting on her stomach.

Then, with one hand holding her head, René produced a red blade with the other hand and stabbed Priscilla.

Although being tossed about by the torrent, René still set up the blade with all her strength.

The robe was sliced open. Priscilla was unharmed. The holy beast was taking her wounds instead.

Regardless, René slashed again. Priscilla was unharmed.

She slashed.

She slashed. She slashed.

She slashed. Slashed. She slashed. Slashed.

Slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed.

And finally, René’s red blade felt the flesh tear. Priscilla’s chest, which had been slashed, was scarred as if scratched by a nail.

–The holy beasts have run out!

Immediately, René drew her sword, held it deep like a bow drawn, and aimed at the area under Priscilla’s generous bosom, and thrust deeply and pierced through.


Priscilla writhed in agony and coughed up a glob of blood with foam.

The red stuff floated in the crystal clear water, spread out, and quickly disappeared as it was swept away by the torrent.

For a brief moment, René felt the presence of a strong, sparking holy energy.

Ritual protection of the soul. A contract made with God before death to prevent the soul from being taken away by the Evil One.

As an apprentice to a high-ranking clergyman, there was no way that Priscilla had not received this protection.

In other words, Priscilla was dead.

René immediately released «Laundry» as maintenance.

The water that had been swirling in the air was caught by gravity and fell.

The water poured down on the area just like an overturned bucket.

“Geeho! Ugh! Geho!”

Steve coughed up water as he was thrown onto the muddy ground.

The fact that he didn’t need cardiac pressure or artificial respiration in this situation was impressive enough, but even so, he still couldn’t move suddenly.

“Geho! Geh… Geboooh!”

René came down on top of Steve.

Using «Fly» to adjust her falling position, she held her head with her left arm and held the red blade downward with her right arm.

Her long silver hair, which contained water, snapped like a whip.

The armor was easily pierced through, and René stabbed the earth.

Watery blood seeped into the area, mingling with the slush on the ground.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

“Ug…gh,… charm…”

Hadley barely managed to raise herself up, spitting water from her helmet. He gestured to his chest.

It was probably a charm. Even in that torrent, the charm inside the armor seemed not to be swept away.

René’s red blade dealt magic damage. If he defended himself with a charm, he would be able to temporarily avoid the damage. The judgement itself was not wrong.

René abandoned the red blade. The red blade, which had lost its shape in her hand, turned back into René’s blood.


René’s finger flicked, and there was a splash of water in the still violent moat.

A powerful magic sword, recognizable only by its presence, leapt out of the water. It was Terra Ayur.

It flew like it was being pulled by a magnet and settled in René’s hand.

If this magic sword was combined with the power and swordsmanship of the Dullahan form, it could cut through most armor.

René readied Terra Ayur and sprinted, kicking up water up to her ankles.


Hadley, whose sword had been swept away, held up his gauntlet-clad hands.

He was poised to strike while defending with his arms.

There was no way he could win.

He couldn’t even stand up, and he was barely in a state of half-standing up.

She slashed at the outstretched fists as though she were smashing them. He slashed both arms with both gauntlets. She slashed the breastplate diagonally in a cross. She sliced his waist in a circle. Pierced through the chest. Thrust Terra Ayur through the slit in the face covering. Cut off the head with the whole collar. It ran through.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

René ran past, hearing the sound of what used to be Hadley collapsing behind her.

Toward Oswald.

“W-what’s  …!”

Oswald’s regret and despair were evident.

It was an emotion that the Abyssal Spirit was naturally very attached to. It was the kind of pleasure that can only be experienced in a non-human body, like feeling sweetness all over your body.

But René was not in the mood to savor and devour Oswald’s despair.

–If he had resented me at least a little, it would have been a little easier to kill him.

He should have known. He knew that this was a battle in which he would cut himself off from all hope of salvation.

No matter how much her heart squeaked, she would not stop.

She didn’t stop, but her heart still ached.

She swiped Terra Ayur, brushed off the blood and grease, and readjusted her stance.

Killing Oswald would be easy. He was in no condition to move properly, nor was he as skilled with a sword as his sons. A single thrust with this sword was all that was needed.


René braked suddenly.

Her foot slipped and she almost fell.

She felt the presence of a white heart.

Reflexively, she reduced the range of her “Emotional Detection” and stopped.

To avoid seeing something that should not be seen.

Same as Morgana’s heart.

But it wasn’t Morgana.

She heard something being dragged on the muddy ground, and then it appeared.

If she were to give a rough, single sentence impression, she would say that it was a “Deformed Holy Beast”.

It was three meters tall and about six meters long. Its head was so large that it appeared to be about two and a half heads tall.

Its white, bloated, slug-like lower body was covered with a variety of animal legs, and it was dragging its torso along like a galley boat.

As usual, the head looked like a golden mask, but it was distorted and strange, not a lion, tiger, or dragon. If Picasso painted an abstract picture while on dr*gs, it might have looked something like this. The head was unusually large and long, back and forth. Its mouth was ripped open, revealing golden fangs, and it was stained with fresh blood from around its mouth to its chest, as if it had eaten a full-course meal of a living human.

The giant man in the pompous knight’s armor firmly in its mouth firmly matched the physiognomy of … Marks, Marquis of Edfeldt, whom Tracy had told her about.

“You … holy beast-user, you have just conspired … against us …”

With these words, Marks was devoured by the mysterious holy beast.

The whole armor was bitten off, chewed up, and swallowed down.

“Enemy attack …Enemy, enemy, come and fight, Oh God, come …”

The holy beast mumbled in a distorted voice, mumbling with a mouth that seemed to have been ripped open up to its ears.

With surprising swiftness, the holy beast bit Oswald, repelling the mud and crawling across the ground.

“What … this is …!”

“Ah… Fight…  Ghislain, Fight… Fight, Power… Hate…”

The large mouth of the deformity opened with a crack, and then the upper half of Oswald’s body disappeared in the mouth of the self-proclaimed Ghislain.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 57

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 57

Drum type water-saving hell

The original magic that Everis created at the request of René, «Laundry». 

It disinfected, sterilized, deodorized, rinsed thoroughly, and dried crisply. This was the magic of a single washing machine, so that there was no need for one.

Because it was packed with various functions, the degree of difficulty in mastering this magic had increased considerably, even though it was a magic for daily life, but there was no problem because it was used by René as "evidence concealment magic".

This «Laundry» magic involved the process of throwing the object into a whirlpool of water to clean it like a washing machine, but in the case of a special movement like this, magic that was "programmed to work like that from the beginning" was more efficient than "magic that can freely manipulate water", as it did not require any unnecessary manipulation.

In other words, compared to general magic that focuses on versatility, magic with a high magic conversion efficiency in obtaining the effect of "holding a large amount of water in the air and making it spin around and around" was more efficient.

In addition, Everis took offense to René's request that even bed mats be washable, and this magic had the world's worst washing function: the more magic power you put into it, the more the area of effect grew without limit.

René used the «Laundry» after pumping up all the water from the moat.

The huge ball of water fell in a whirlpool and engulfed a section of the castle wall.

Even the castle walls, which were equipped with magical defenses by pumping magical power from the earth's veins, could not withstand the high water pressure created by real, non-magical water. Caught in the spinning water current, the castle walls were gradually gouged out and the wet stones were bounced away from the aerial whirlpool.

In such a situation, there was no way Oswald and the others standing on top of the castle walls would be safe.

Like a winged insect that had jumped into a washing machine, they were simply tossed about in the swirling torrent.

The damage done to the body tissues by asphyxiation could be shouldered by the holy beasts. But a person's body could not move if it did not breathe. This was different from René, who was an undead who did not need to breathe.

Of course, they couldn't sing either. Deprived of their strengthening buffs, Oswald and the others could only be swept away.

After making sure everyone was engulfed, René, who had been in the water, transformed into Dullahan form.

Her body, which had been only bones, regained the weight of its flesh and gained buoyancy. Although her undead body was insensitive, the water still felt cold against her bare skin.

At the same time as René's transformation, water cascaded down from the swirling currents. The water flooded the area and poured into the empty moat through the gaping walls of the castle.

The water, which had become uncontrollable due to Dullahan transformation from a Lich with boosted magical power to a Dullahan with reduced magical power, was now overflowing.

The somewhat smaller torrent of airborne water, however, was still more than enough to put a person out of action.

The Illuminator sprayed the water ball with a breath of holy energy. However, the holy energy was blocked by the water and dissipated, and the breath only turned into steam. If this had been a fire breath, it might have had some effect, but first of all, a breath with holy energy lacked heat.

Holding her head with one hand, René swam through the torrent with all her might and grabbed a strand of citrus-colored hair that spread out like seaweed.

Priscilla. She had braided her hair like a crown, but it had already unraveled in the torrent.


Something blasted on René's skin.

It was holy magic that Priscilla had unleashed in agony.

However, it only slightly scorched René's skin.

Priscilla was able to fight with the power of enhancement buffs, but technically she was only an apprentice. Her magic, which she released completely without chanting while unable to speak, was like a mosquito bite to René, as her staff had also been swept away.

René forcibly pulled Priscilla to her and held her waist between her legs. It was like sitting on her stomach.

Then, with one hand holding her head, René produced a red blade with the other hand and stabbed Priscilla.

Although being tossed about by the torrent, René still set up the blade with all her strength.

The robe was sliced open. Priscilla was unharmed. The holy beast was taking her wounds instead.

Regardless, René slashed again. Priscilla was unharmed.

She slashed.

She slashed. She slashed.

She slashed. Slashed. She slashed. Slashed.

Slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed, slashed.

And finally, René's red blade felt the flesh tear. Priscilla's chest, which had been slashed, was scarred as if scratched by a nail.

--The holy beasts have run out!

Immediately, René drew her sword, held it deep like a bow drawn, and aimed at the area under Priscilla's generous bosom, and thrust deeply and pierced through.


Priscilla writhed in agony and coughed up a glob of blood with foam.

The red stuff floated in the crystal clear water, spread out, and quickly disappeared as it was swept away by the torrent.

For a brief moment, René felt the presence of a strong, sparking holy energy.

Ritual protection of the soul. A contract made with God before death to prevent the soul from being taken away by the Evil One.

As an apprentice to a high-ranking clergyman, there was no way that Priscilla had not received this protection.

In other words, Priscilla was dead.

René immediately released «Laundry» as maintenance.

The water that had been swirling in the air was caught by gravity and fell.

The water poured down on the area just like an overturned bucket.

"Geeho! Ugh! Geho!"

Steve coughed up water as he was thrown onto the muddy ground.

The fact that he didn't need cardiac pressure or artificial respiration in this situation was impressive enough, but even so, he still couldn't move suddenly.

"Geho! Geh... Geboooh!"

René came down on top of Steve.

Using «Fly» to adjust her falling position, she held her head with her left arm and held the red blade downward with her right arm.

Her long silver hair, which contained water, snapped like a whip.

The armor was easily pierced through, and René stabbed the earth.

Watery blood seeped into the area, mingling with the slush on the ground.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

"Ug…gh,… charm…"

Hadley barely managed to raise herself up, spitting water from her helmet. He gestured to his chest.

It was probably a charm. Even in that torrent, the charm inside the armor seemed not to be swept away.

René's red blade dealt magic damage. If he defended himself with a charm, he would be able to temporarily avoid the damage. The judgement itself was not wrong.

René abandoned the red blade. The red blade, which had lost its shape in her hand, turned back into René's blood.


René's finger flicked, and there was a splash of water in the still violent moat.

A powerful magic sword, recognizable only by its presence, leapt out of the water. It was Terra Ayur.

It flew like it was being pulled by a magnet and settled in René's hand.

If this magic sword was combined with the power and swordsmanship of the Dullahan form, it could cut through most armor.

René readied Terra Ayur and sprinted, kicking up water up to her ankles.


Hadley, whose sword had been swept away, held up his gauntlet-clad hands.

He was poised to strike while defending with his arms.

There was no way he could win.

He couldn't even stand up, and he was barely in a state of half-standing up.

She slashed at the outstretched fists as though she were smashing them. He slashed both arms with both gauntlets. She slashed the breastplate diagonally in a cross. She sliced his waist in a circle. Pierced through the chest. Thrust Terra Ayur through the slit in the face covering. Cut off the head with the whole collar. It ran through.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

René ran past, hearing the sound of what used to be Hadley collapsing behind her.

Toward Oswald.

"W-what's  …!"

Oswald's regret and despair were evident.

It was an emotion that the Abyssal Spirit was naturally very attached to. It was the kind of pleasure that can only be experienced in a non-human body, like feeling sweetness all over your body.

But René was not in the mood to savor and devour Oswald's despair.

--If he had resented me at least a little, it would have been a little easier to kill him.

He should have known. He knew that this was a battle in which he would cut himself off from all hope of salvation.

No matter how much her heart squeaked, she would not stop.

She didn't stop, but her heart still ached.

She swiped Terra Ayur, brushed off the blood and grease, and readjusted her stance.

Killing Oswald would be easy. He was in no condition to move properly, nor was he as skilled with a sword as his sons. A single thrust with this sword was all that was needed.


René braked suddenly.

Her foot slipped and she almost fell.

She felt the presence of a white heart.

Reflexively, she reduced the range of her "Emotional Detection" and stopped.

To avoid seeing something that should not be seen.

Same as Morgana's heart.

But it wasn't Morgana.

She heard something being dragged on the muddy ground, and then it appeared.

If she were to give a rough, single sentence impression, she would say that it was a "Deformed Holy Beast".

It was three meters tall and about six meters long. Its head was so large that it appeared to be about two and a half heads tall.

Its white, bloated, slug-like lower body was covered with a variety of animal legs, and it was dragging its torso along like a galley boat.

As usual, the head looked like a golden mask, but it was distorted and strange, not a lion, tiger, or dragon. If Picasso painted an abstract picture while on dr*gs, it might have looked something like this. The head was unusually large and long, back and forth. Its mouth was ripped open, revealing golden fangs, and it was stained with fresh blood from around its mouth to its chest, as if it had eaten a full-course meal of a living human.

The giant man in the pompous knight's armor firmly in its mouth firmly matched the physiognomy of ... Marks, Marquis of Edfeldt, whom Tracy had told her about.

"You ... holy beast-user, you have just conspired ... against us ..."

With these words, Marks was devoured by the mysterious holy beast.

The whole armor was bitten off, chewed up, and swallowed down.

"Enemy attack ...Enemy, enemy, come and fight, Oh God, come ..."

The holy beast mumbled in a distorted voice, mumbling with a mouth that seemed to have been ripped open up to its ears.

With surprising swiftness, the holy beast bit Oswald, repelling the mud and crawling across the ground.

"What ... this is ...!"

"Ah... Fight...  Ghislain, Fight... Fight, Power... Hate..."

The large mouth of the deformity opened with a crack, and then the upper half of Oswald's body disappeared in the mouth of the self-proclaimed Ghislain.

There was the feeling of a soul being retrieved.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode