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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 72

Let’s Hit The Climax!

The part of Meat Tank No. 2 that had been “Hilbert” was already gone, and its huge body was half buried in a pile of ashes, a mass of carrion.

Every time Ghislain shot his breath, the ashes would fly away, and the meat tank would be reduced to a new pile of ashes.

It was no longer possible to even fight back.

Two mouths spat out glowing blue-white breaths, which crossed each other, and the meat tank finally vanished.

It fizzled out into scattered ashes.

Confirming the disappearance of the enemy, Ghislain immediately turned on his heel. He was probably going to attack the army of undead outside the walls.

He turned his attention back.

Tracy landed on a still intact building. With a lightning leap, he leapt over two streets.

“Your Highness, I have a question! …Am I cute? “

Tracy raised his hand with a snap.

Did he not understand the question, or did he not sense the significance of replying?

Ghislain raised his muscular arm with sharply angled form and swung it down.

If a flesh-and-blood human were to eat such a thing, he would surely be minced into minced meat.

But when Ghislain’s arm smashed the house, Tracy was already gone.

With a ringing in his ears, Tracy was whizzing through the air.

Zigzagging steps through the empty air, he landed on the side of the long dragon neck, right next to the side of the dragon face. And then.

“Oooog h!”

He just slapped it in the side of the face.

Tracy’s hand glistened with magic power, and the aftermath of the blow spread through the air like a ripple.

A huge face that could swallow a human being whole was blown off with all its might.

If it were normal, the face would have been crushed by the blow, but Ghislain was unharmed. It seemed that the holy beasts he had created inside his body were bearing the damage.

But even so, the impact and inertia could not be canceled. Ghislain fell over pulled down by his neck.

A heavy earth tremor rang out, and his huge body slid and gouged the ground, causing the cobblestone pavement to heave.


Tracy, standing in the air, beckoned with his arm, and the debris around him moved according to Tracy’s will.

The debris floated and then all at once rushed toward Ghislain’s two heads.

Countless pieces of debris buried Ghislain’s heads, hitting them hard.

“… Aaaaahhhh!!”

The small mound of rubble blew up like a small mound exploding from the inside.

It was a breath of holy energy.

A bluish-white glow blasted at Tracy’s eyes.

But Tracy did not avoid it.

The blowing storm played with his honey-colored hair, but that was all. 

Tracy descended through the breath.

Rather than flap his wings, Ghislain leapt up, propping his body up with his wings on the ground.

Then he slammed his arm down on Tracy as he fell.


Landing in the air, Tracy did not duck Ghislain’s strike and intercepted it with a spinning kick.

Tracy’s pigtails swam in the air and his skirt fluttered.

Tracy stood in the air, unstable against Ghislain, who stood on the ground.

Ghislain boasted a huge physique, while Tracy had a small body.

Tracy’s legs were thin and unreliable against Ghislain’s huge arms with golden claws.

However, as a result of the collision between the two.

Ghislain’s arm was flung back with all its might, and the dragon’s massive frame spun half around with too much momentum.

The aftermath of the collision … caused the magic that Tracy had been clad in to dance around like diamond dust.

“Use this!”

Telepathy from Everis echoed in Tracy’s head, and at the same time something flew in a parabolic arc.

“Got it!”

Tracy pulled it in, beckoning, and found it was a chain curled up like a ball of yarn.

He didn’t know what it was made of, but he had a vague idea that it was extremely sturdy.

Tracy took a swing and the chain unraveled, moving organically around like it had a mind of its own.

“Hold still!”

Ignoring gravity, Tracy landed on Ghislain’s back, and the chain unfolded.

The blunt chains, sharply flailing, tangled around the base of Ghislain’s wings.

The chain then wrapped itself around the wings in layers, binding them in a squeeze.


The glow of holy energy flashed between the chasms of his scales, and flashes of holy energy blasted out from all over Ghislain’s back.

The flashes did not cause any pain or itch to Tracy. It just bounced vacantly when it hit his skin.

“… I can’t entrust this country to Your Highness now.”

Tracy muttered as he stood parallel to the ground while Ghislain flailed about, trying to shake Tracy off.

“Tracy, keep your distance! Mialanze is ready!”

Receiving another telepathic message from Everis, Tracy flew into the air.

Ghislain almost fell on his back trying to crush Tracy.

Tracy landed on the roof of a crumbling building on the other side of the street from Ghislain, who was falling down while collapsing a row of buildings.

“Not a coincidence of interest like me, not forced like the undead soldiers or Tracy…”

“What’s the matter with me, I’ve been lumped in with the undead!?”

“…The princess needs someone who will serve her with true loyalty. I mean, that kind of thing should come naturally, right? Yeah. It’s not a matter of “leading the figh”, it’s a matter of “naturally that’s the case”. It will happen naturally.”

Everis, who was probably not expecting an answer, said like reciting a poem.

“Maybe you are the first. Let’s give this one away. Now, let’s make a celebratory roar! Mialanze!”

Above the castle, there was a small black shadow flying with a hazy moon at its back.

A node of magic power flowing through the earth.

The place where a lot of magic power gathered in the earth’s veins is called a “magic hotspot”.

A hotspot was a place where a large amount of magic power was gathered in the earth’s veins.

This magic power was used to operate the city defense system, for large-scale magic, and in some cases, it was diverted for civilian use.

Almost without exception, the capital of each country was built on a hotspot of high-quality magic power, and this was basically the case for cities above a certain size as well. This was also the case with Terra Kaine.

The mechanism for controlling the earth’s veins, … “Dragon Rule Pole”, was tightly guarded in the basement of the castle.

To be deprived of it would indicate the complete fall of the city.

“That is the … holy beast. The minion of the Great God.”

Mialanze was hovering above the castle.

In the half-ruined castle town, a huge, deformed beast was rolling over and over seven times.

It was literally rotting and fattening, its body a pure white.

The deformed figure’s heads looked as if they were covered with golden masks.

There was no anger or sadness in it, just fighting and destroying like a golem.

“… Similar to him.”

Mialanze spat out in a straightforward manner.

He who presided over this distorted and mad world. A false salvation to be despised.

An abomination befitting its pawns.

Even Mialanze, who spent her childhood separated from the world with her family and kept as “livestock” after that, knew how to pray to God.

She prayed many times to the Great One for her salvation. But who saved Mialanze?

The undead abhorred by the Holy God … An avenger who descended from the Evil God…

“The extermination of pests is also the work of a maid. That person has given me the power to do so.”

Mialanze felt an evil power crawling inside her.

Evil. That’s fine. Neither ‘justice’, ‘hope’, nor ‘righteous faith’ could save Mialanze.

Even the temple refused to save Mialanze, and it was the aristocracy, the rightful ruling class, that owned Mialanze.

If so, she would gladly fall into the hands of evil.

Let all that was right, all that was holy, be destroyed, and let them prove their own way.

Mialanze had what looked like shiny silver steel wires wrapped around her body.

Several steel wires hung long and disappeared from the castle balcony and throughout the castle.

They were conductors of magic power that led directly to the Dragon’s Rule Pole in the castle’s basement. Everis had given it to her before her departure.

With this, Mialanze could pull magic power directly from the earth’s veins.

Mialanze kneaded magic power.

It was so poorly done that even she could tell, but the magic power that Mialanze could use directly connected to the earth’s veins was enormous, and she only had to weave together magic power in quantity rather than quality.

Huge power was output through the forming machine called Mialanze.

One by one, one by one, things emerged around Mialanze.

Like long, thin stakes.

Spears that looked like they were made of hardened blood.

Normally, this magic would only solidify the evil energy into a spear shape and send it flying, but due to the large amount of magic power that was poured into the spears, they had become massive axe-spear halberds that were beautifully detailed and shaped.

One, ten, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, five hundred such spears …

Floating in the night sky. Filling the night sky.

Spears floating. Countless spears with their tips aligned.

Spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears.

“[Performance Deviation: Ammunition] …«Blood-stained Spear»!!”

Spears rained down.

Countless spears collided and rubbed against each other, making a refreshing sound as they raced in one direction.


Ghislain let out a breath. At the same time, his entire body emitted flashes of light.

It had thinned out about 20% of the spears coming toward it. It could not even offset them. The area exposed to the holy energy was small in relation to the force put into the long, slender spears.

And, of course, a spear that was off target would have no effect.

The reddish-black spears that cut through the holy energy and flew through the air pierced the pure white scales.

Several spears were shattered by the thrust, and Ghislain was unharmed. The instant holy beasts inside his body probably took his place and died.

But without a moment’s pause, the next spear struck.

The next spear struck. The next spear struck.

Spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear.

Ghislain’s body was whittled away.

The flesh and holy energy that would create a new holy beast had finally run out, and there was nothing left to do but receive.

Scales cracked, flesh ripped, and the golden masks cracked.

Tongues were sewn up, legs were pierced, and bloated bellies were impaled.

The sheer number of spears buried Ghislain in the blink of an eye.

They rained down on Ghislain like crucifying him to the ground, and then pierced him from above.

The countless spears, which stood out like tombstones, eventually shattered at once, like glass vessels dropped on the floor.

All that remained were scattered ashes.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 72

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 2 Chapter 72

Let's Hit The Climax!

The part of Meat Tank No. 2 that had been "Hilbert" was already gone, and its huge body was half buried in a pile of ashes, a mass of carrion.

Every time Ghislain shot his breath, the ashes would fly away, and the meat tank would be reduced to a new pile of ashes.

It was no longer possible to even fight back.

Two mouths spat out glowing blue-white breaths, which crossed each other, and the meat tank finally vanished.

It fizzled out into scattered ashes.

Confirming the disappearance of the enemy, Ghislain immediately turned on his heel. He was probably going to attack the army of undead outside the walls.

He turned his attention back.

Tracy landed on a still intact building. With a lightning leap, he leapt over two streets.

"Your Highness, I have a question! …Am I cute? "

Tracy raised his hand with a snap.

Did he not understand the question, or did he not sense the significance of replying?

Ghislain raised his muscular arm with sharply angled form and swung it down.

If a flesh-and-blood human were to eat such a thing, he would surely be minced into minced meat.

But when Ghislain's arm smashed the house, Tracy was already gone.

With a ringing in his ears, Tracy was whizzing through the air.

Zigzagging steps through the empty air, he landed on the side of the long dragon neck, right next to the side of the dragon face. And then.

"Oooog h!"

He just slapped it in the side of the face.

Tracy's hand glistened with magic power, and the aftermath of the blow spread through the air like a ripple.

A huge face that could swallow a human being whole was blown off with all its might.

If it were normal, the face would have been crushed by the blow, but Ghislain was unharmed. It seemed that the holy beasts he had created inside his body were bearing the damage.

But even so, the impact and inertia could not be canceled. Ghislain fell over pulled down by his neck.

A heavy earth tremor rang out, and his huge body slid and gouged the ground, causing the cobblestone pavement to heave.


Tracy, standing in the air, beckoned with his arm, and the debris around him moved according to Tracy's will.

The debris floated and then all at once rushed toward Ghislain's two heads.

Countless pieces of debris buried Ghislain's heads, hitting them hard.

"... Aaaaahhhh!!"

The small mound of rubble blew up like a small mound exploding from the inside.

It was a breath of holy energy.

A bluish-white glow blasted at Tracy's eyes.

But Tracy did not avoid it.

The blowing storm played with his honey-colored hair, but that was all. 

Tracy descended through the breath.

Rather than flap his wings, Ghislain leapt up, propping his body up with his wings on the ground.

Then he slammed his arm down on Tracy as he fell.


Landing in the air, Tracy did not duck Ghislain's strike and intercepted it with a spinning kick.

Tracy's pigtails swam in the air and his skirt fluttered.

Tracy stood in the air, unstable against Ghislain, who stood on the ground.

Ghislain boasted a huge physique, while Tracy had a small body.

Tracy's legs were thin and unreliable against Ghislain's huge arms with golden claws.

However, as a result of the collision between the two.

Ghislain's arm was flung back with all its might, and the dragon's massive frame spun half around with too much momentum.

The aftermath of the collision ... caused the magic that Tracy had been clad in to dance around like diamond dust.

"Use this!"

Telepathy from Everis echoed in Tracy's head, and at the same time something flew in a parabolic arc.

"Got it!"

Tracy pulled it in, beckoning, and found it was a chain curled up like a ball of yarn.

He didn't know what it was made of, but he had a vague idea that it was extremely sturdy.

Tracy took a swing and the chain unraveled, moving organically around like it had a mind of its own.

"Hold still!"

Ignoring gravity, Tracy landed on Ghislain's back, and the chain unfolded.

The blunt chains, sharply flailing, tangled around the base of Ghislain's wings.

The chain then wrapped itself around the wings in layers, binding them in a squeeze.


The glow of holy energy flashed between the chasms of his scales, and flashes of holy energy blasted out from all over Ghislain's back.

The flashes did not cause any pain or itch to Tracy. It just bounced vacantly when it hit his skin.

"... I can't entrust this country to Your Highness now."

Tracy muttered as he stood parallel to the ground while Ghislain flailed about, trying to shake Tracy off.

"Tracy, keep your distance! Mialanze is ready!"

Receiving another telepathic message from Everis, Tracy flew into the air.

Ghislain almost fell on his back trying to crush Tracy.

Tracy landed on the roof of a crumbling building on the other side of the street from Ghislain, who was falling down while collapsing a row of buildings.

"Not a coincidence of interest like me, not forced like the undead soldiers or Tracy..."

“What's the matter with me, I've been lumped in with the undead!?"

"...The princess needs someone who will serve her with true loyalty. I mean, that kind of thing should come naturally, right? Yeah. It's not a matter of "leading the figh", it's a matter of "naturally that's the case". It will happen naturally."

Everis, who was probably not expecting an answer, said like reciting a poem.

"Maybe you are the first. Let's give this one away. Now, let's make a celebratory roar! Mialanze!"

Above the castle, there was a small black shadow flying with a hazy moon at its back.

A node of magic power flowing through the earth.

The place where a lot of magic power gathered in the earth's veins is called a "magic hotspot".

A hotspot was a place where a large amount of magic power was gathered in the earth's veins.

This magic power was used to operate the city defense system, for large-scale magic, and in some cases, it was diverted for civilian use.

Almost without exception, the capital of each country was built on a hotspot of high-quality magic power, and this was basically the case for cities above a certain size as well. This was also the case with Terra Kaine.

The mechanism for controlling the earth's veins, ... "Dragon Rule Pole", was tightly guarded in the basement of the castle.

To be deprived of it would indicate the complete fall of the city.

"That is the ... holy beast. The minion of the Great God."

Mialanze was hovering above the castle.

In the half-ruined castle town, a huge, deformed beast was rolling over and over seven times.

It was literally rotting and fattening, its body a pure white.

The deformed figure's heads looked as if they were covered with golden masks.

There was no anger or sadness in it, just fighting and destroying like a golem.

"... Similar to him."

Mialanze spat out in a straightforward manner.

He who presided over this distorted and mad world. A false salvation to be despised.

An abomination befitting its pawns.

Even Mialanze, who spent her childhood separated from the world with her family and kept as "livestock" after that, knew how to pray to God.

She prayed many times to the Great One for her salvation. But who saved Mialanze?

The undead abhorred by the Holy God ... An avenger who descended from the Evil God...

"The extermination of pests is also the work of a maid. That person has given me the power to do so."

Mialanze felt an evil power crawling inside her.

Evil. That's fine. Neither 'justice', 'hope', nor 'righteous faith' could save Mialanze.

Even the temple refused to save Mialanze, and it was the aristocracy, the rightful ruling class, that owned Mialanze.

If so, she would gladly fall into the hands of evil.

Let all that was right, all that was holy, be destroyed, and let them prove their own way.

Mialanze had what looked like shiny silver steel wires wrapped around her body.

Several steel wires hung long and disappeared from the castle balcony and throughout the castle.

They were conductors of magic power that led directly to the Dragon's Rule Pole in the castle's basement. Everis had given it to her before her departure.

With this, Mialanze could pull magic power directly from the earth's veins.

Mialanze kneaded magic power.

It was so poorly done that even she could tell, but the magic power that Mialanze could use directly connected to the earth's veins was enormous, and she only had to weave together magic power in quantity rather than quality.

Huge power was output through the forming machine called Mialanze.

One by one, one by one, things emerged around Mialanze.

Like long, thin stakes.

Spears that looked like they were made of hardened blood.

Normally, this magic would only solidify the evil energy into a spear shape and send it flying, but due to the large amount of magic power that was poured into the spears, they had become massive axe-spear halberds that were beautifully detailed and shaped.

One, ten, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, five hundred such spears ...

Floating in the night sky. Filling the night sky.

Spears floating. Countless spears with their tips aligned.

Spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears, spears.

"[Performance Deviation: Ammunition] ...«Blood-stained Spear»!!"

Spears rained down.

Countless spears collided and rubbed against each other, making a refreshing sound as they raced in one direction.


Ghislain let out a breath. At the same time, his entire body emitted flashes of light.

It had thinned out about 20% of the spears coming toward it. It could not even offset them. The area exposed to the holy energy was small in relation to the force put into the long, slender spears.

And, of course, a spear that was off target would have no effect.

The reddish-black spears that cut through the holy energy and flew through the air pierced the pure white scales.

Several spears were shattered by the thrust, and Ghislain was unharmed. The instant holy beasts inside his body probably took his place and died.

But without a moment's pause, the next spear struck.

The next spear struck. The next spear struck.

Spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear after spear.

Ghislain's body was whittled away.

The flesh and holy energy that would create a new holy beast had finally run out, and there was nothing left to do but receive.

Scales cracked, flesh ripped, and the golden masks cracked.

Tongues were sewn up, legs were pierced, and bloated bellies were impaled.

The sheer number of spears buried Ghislain in the blink of an eye.

They rained down on Ghislain like crucifying him to the ground, and then pierced him from above.

The countless spears, which stood out like tombstones, eventually shattered at once, like glass vessels dropped on the floor.

All that remained were scattered ashes.

You can get access to 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on my Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode