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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 13

Three Houses Across

Khenis Empire, Red General James “Fengya” Lee

In the early spring, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the well-being of Red General Lee.

Now, at this time, the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra, situated south of the Khenis Empire and near the eastern edge of the Ku-Lukal Mountains, has established a modest new capital, Ciel Ruale, and proclaimed sovereignty, announcing its relocation.

As such, I offer to your esteemed country a walking path across the Ku-Lukal Mountains as a gesture of greeting for this move. We hope it meets with your approval.

We acknowledge that this may cause inconvenience, but we humbly request your continued cooperation in the future.

Dead Land of Ciel-Terra, First Princess, and Acting King

René “Rosey” Ruvia Ciel-Terra.


“What… is this peculiar document?”

Luziada, the former royal capital of the Kingdom of Ku Luzir, which had been occupied by the Khenis Empire and was awaiting annexation.

Red General Fengya, whose real name was James Lee, furrowed his brow deeply in his office at the former royal palace turned governor’s office.

In the Khenis Empire, those of a certain status held a tradition of having “aliases suitable for addressing”, a practice said to have been revived from the culture of a legendary nation, Kunron, that existed in pre-human civilization.

Kunron, a paradise-like nation, was considered to be the ancestor of the Khenis Empire.

However, the history of Kunron was so ancient and fragmentary that it was unclear whether the revived culture was accurate or if Kunron had ever existed at all.

James… or rather, Fengya, was of short stature, but compensated with bulging muscles. His brown hair and beard seemed more like coarse ropes or the fur of a magical beast.

While hearing James’ real name might make one think he was human, Fengya was, in fact, a dwarf. Those of his kind who chose to live in human society without forming their own communities often adopted human-like names, even if they were of different races.

Despite being longer-lived than humans, Fengya, who was in his eighties, was already considered elderly.

His well-trained muscles and axe-wielding skills still marked him as an extraordinary warrior, but these days, he focused more on utilizing his years of experience to lead and command rather than standing at the forefront of an army.

As the Red General, he had conquered numerous southern nations, making him a seasoned warrior.

However, even he had never received such a peculiar message before.

Upon receiving a round, cute, and oddly childlike letter, Fengya frowned. His adjutant, a middle-aged human named Qingzhang, who was significantly smaller than Fengya in size but competed with him in the length of his black beard, also struggled to understand the message.

Dressed in official attire, Qingzhang was the most talented magician in Fengya’s employ.

“Unknown, sir. The soldiers on leave in the town suddenly found themselves with it. They felt compelled to deliver it to you for some reason, even suspecting it might be a result of some form of mental manipulation.”

“We should have it examined by a mage.”

“It’s already arranged.”

Fengya turned his attention back to the letter.

The name “Ciel-Terra” had been cropping up frequently in recent times, and he vaguely remembered it.

The forces of darkness had been hiding in fear of the mighty Khenis Empire and its formidable Black Army for a long time.

To hear that a kingdom had fallen to monsters, rather than a direct assault by the Demon King’s army, was both intriguing and tragic.

But this was an event that should have happened far away. He couldn’t fathom why he had received this letter.

Qingzhang also presented another letter enclosed in a golden silk decorative tube.

“Accompanying this was a… well, I hesitate to say it, a letter addressed to His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor.”

“What does it say?”

“It’s almost identical to the one addressed to you, and there don’t appear to be any curses or enchantments.”

Fengya raised an eyebrow. It was an increasingly bizarre situation.

“About this ‘mountain pass’, do you understand what it’s referring to?”

“That’s the issue. We’ve received strange reports… Allow me to show you the long-range images.”

Qingzhang brought over a crystal orb with a pedestal and recited a brief incantation, placing it in front of Fengya.

Inside the crystal orb, an outdoor scene appeared, offering an aerial view of the land below.

This was one of Qingzhang’s specialities, a magical device capturing the images from a magical creature sent flying, sharing the vision with the orb.

What was visible was a dense jungle with trees felled in a straight line to create what looked like a path.

And beyond that, a sorry sight of the Ku-Lukal Mountains, which had been split and now had a pass that allowed for easy passage.

“A walking path that crosses the Ku-Lukal Mountains…? No way!”

Fengya adjusted his reading glasses and leaned in closer to the crystal orb to see the images more clearly, making sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.

“Reportedly, this path… or crack, emerged suddenly in the mountain this afternoon.”

“It seems strangely quiet.”

“…There are barely any sightings of monsters around the path.”

Faced with this unbelievable report, Fengya struggled to make sense of what was happening.

He had considered crossing the Ku-Lukal Mountains before, but the conclusion had always been, “It shouldn’t be done.”

Clearing a path through a jungle teeming with monsters, through rugged mountains, was not an easy task.

It might not be impossible, but the cost was the issue.

Constantly battling monsters to establish and maintain the path was challenging, and neglecting the Earth’s veins would accelerate the birth of more monsters.

If they wanted a stable route over the mountains, they would likely have to construct a base city within the mountains, requiring a significant investment in personnel and funds. And then there was the issue of the Holy Kingdom of Diletta.

If they crossed the mountains, they would be right on its doorstep, and Diletta would undoubtedly be on high alert and respond.

Overcoming all these obstacles, even if the path were to be created, could a large army safely traverse it? The humans would struggle on the treacherous terrain, while the monsters would have a home advantage. They would be ambushed the moment they let their guard down. For instance, when climbing a cliff, they’d be vulnerable to aerial attacks from bird-like monsters.

Furthermore, the timing was less than ideal.

The Western Front, which the White Army was in charge of, had fallen into a stalemate due to Noacurio’s secret maneuvers.

The Black Army in the north had attacked a few months ago, resulting in the destruction of their nearly built outpost and the loss of two high-ranking monster commanders. However, they also mourned the loss of the country’s most skilled swordswoman, Sword Princess Tama Arashi. There were no signs of a counteroffensive from the Demon King’s army, but the movements of the monsters remained unpredictable.

A mountain crossing, a direct confrontation with the Holy Kingdom of Diletta beyond, posed challenges due to the current state of affairs. It might even become a four-front operation.

Instead, the Red Army needed to stabilize its occupied territories and then lend support to both the eastern and western fronts.


An entirely unexpected situation had arisen.

The stage of history was shifting to a new chapter.

“General, what is your decision…?”

Qingzhang asked with a stiff, concerned expression, as if standing on the edge of a precipice.

Fengya hesitated.

The mountain pass was a blessing, but could it also be a bottomless quagmire?

His hesitation was brief.

There was no choice but to move forward. After all, the path already existed. What would happen if the Holy Kingdom of Diletta seized control of it?

“The First to the Sixth Squadrons should depart immediately! Qingzhang, you will take command. Be aware, though, this might be a trap. Stay vigilant and don’t rush in with more troops than necessary. If that path indeed crosses the mountains… secure it immediately! Mobilize as many Earth magic users as possible and establish a secondary forward base on the south side of the pass. Do it as quickly as you can!”

“Yes, sir!”

“And send an urgent message to the capital. Arrange for me to speak directly with His Majesty the Emperor or the Grand General. Even if it means emptying the city’s veins, make it a priority to establish direct communication for an extended conversation.”


Fengya gave these orders with determination, feeling that he had no other choice.

As Qingzhang left the room, Fengya slumped in his chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion.

The chair, designed for humans, creaked under his weight, making an unpleasant noise.

Inside the crystal orb, the path through the Ku-Lukal Mountains was still visible.

“Am I dreaming? Is this a good dream or a nightmare…”

Fengya covered his face with his large hand, murmuring deeply, feeling a mix of weariness and frustration.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 13

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 13

Three Houses Across

Khenis Empire, Red General James "Fengya" Lee

In the early spring, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the well-being of Red General Lee.

Now, at this time, the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra, situated south of the Khenis Empire and near the eastern edge of the Ku-Lukal Mountains, has established a modest new capital, Ciel Ruale, and proclaimed sovereignty, announcing its relocation.

As such, I offer to your esteemed country a walking path across the Ku-Lukal Mountains as a gesture of greeting for this move. We hope it meets with your approval.

We acknowledge that this may cause inconvenience, but we humbly request your continued cooperation in the future.

Dead Land of Ciel-Terra, First Princess, and Acting King

René “Rosey” Ruvia Ciel-Terra.


"What... is this peculiar document?"

Luziada, the former royal capital of the Kingdom of Ku Luzir, which had been occupied by the Khenis Empire and was awaiting annexation.

Red General Fengya, whose real name was James Lee, furrowed his brow deeply in his office at the former royal palace turned governor's office.

In the Khenis Empire, those of a certain status held a tradition of having "aliases suitable for addressing”, a practice said to have been revived from the culture of a legendary nation, Kunron, that existed in pre-human civilization.

Kunron, a paradise-like nation, was considered to be the ancestor of the Khenis Empire.

However, the history of Kunron was so ancient and fragmentary that it was unclear whether the revived culture was accurate or if Kunron had ever existed at all.

James... or rather, Fengya, was of short stature, but compensated with bulging muscles. His brown hair and beard seemed more like coarse ropes or the fur of a magical beast.

While hearing James' real name might make one think he was human, Fengya was, in fact, a dwarf. Those of his kind who chose to live in human society without forming their own communities often adopted human-like names, even if they were of different races.

Despite being longer-lived than humans, Fengya, who was in his eighties, was already considered elderly.

His well-trained muscles and axe-wielding skills still marked him as an extraordinary warrior, but these days, he focused more on utilizing his years of experience to lead and command rather than standing at the forefront of an army.

As the Red General, he had conquered numerous southern nations, making him a seasoned warrior.

However, even he had never received such a peculiar message before.

Upon receiving a round, cute, and oddly childlike letter, Fengya frowned. His adjutant, a middle-aged human named Qingzhang, who was significantly smaller than Fengya in size but competed with him in the length of his black beard, also struggled to understand the message.

Dressed in official attire, Qingzhang was the most talented magician in Fengya's employ.

“Unknown, sir. The soldiers on leave in the town suddenly found themselves with it. They felt compelled to deliver it to you for some reason, even suspecting it might be a result of some form of mental manipulation."

"We should have it examined by a mage."

"It's already arranged."

Fengya turned his attention back to the letter.

The name "Ciel-Terra" had been cropping up frequently in recent times, and he vaguely remembered it.

The forces of darkness had been hiding in fear of the mighty Khenis Empire and its formidable Black Army for a long time.

To hear that a kingdom had fallen to monsters, rather than a direct assault by the Demon King's army, was both intriguing and tragic.

But this was an event that should have happened far away. He couldn't fathom why he had received this letter.

Qingzhang also presented another letter enclosed in a golden silk decorative tube.

"Accompanying this was a... well, I hesitate to say it, a letter addressed to His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor."

“What does it say?"

"It's almost identical to the one addressed to you, and there don't appear to be any curses or enchantments."

Fengya raised an eyebrow. It was an increasingly bizarre situation.

"About this 'mountain pass’, do you understand what it's referring to?"

"That's the issue. We've received strange reports... Allow me to show you the long-range images."

Qingzhang brought over a crystal orb with a pedestal and recited a brief incantation, placing it in front of Fengya.

Inside the crystal orb, an outdoor scene appeared, offering an aerial view of the land below.

This was one of Qingzhang's specialities, a magical device capturing the images from a magical creature sent flying, sharing the vision with the orb.

What was visible was a dense jungle with trees felled in a straight line to create what looked like a path.

And beyond that, a sorry sight of the Ku-Lukal Mountains, which had been split and now had a pass that allowed for easy passage.

"A walking path that crosses the Ku-Lukal Mountains…? No way!”

Fengya adjusted his reading glasses and leaned in closer to the crystal orb to see the images more clearly, making sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.

"Reportedly, this path... or crack, emerged suddenly in the mountain this afternoon."

"It seems strangely quiet."

"...There are barely any sightings of monsters around the path."

Faced with this unbelievable report, Fengya struggled to make sense of what was happening.

He had considered crossing the Ku-Lukal Mountains before, but the conclusion had always been, "It shouldn't be done."

Clearing a path through a jungle teeming with monsters, through rugged mountains, was not an easy task.

It might not be impossible, but the cost was the issue.

Constantly battling monsters to establish and maintain the path was challenging, and neglecting the Earth's veins would accelerate the birth of more monsters.

If they wanted a stable route over the mountains, they would likely have to construct a base city within the mountains, requiring a significant investment in personnel and funds. And then there was the issue of the Holy Kingdom of Diletta.

If they crossed the mountains, they would be right on its doorstep, and Diletta would undoubtedly be on high alert and respond.

Overcoming all these obstacles, even if the path were to be created, could a large army safely traverse it? The humans would struggle on the treacherous terrain, while the monsters would have a home advantage. They would be ambushed the moment they let their guard down. For instance, when climbing a cliff, they'd be vulnerable to aerial attacks from bird-like monsters.

Furthermore, the timing was less than ideal.

The Western Front, which the White Army was in charge of, had fallen into a stalemate due to Noacurio's secret maneuvers.

The Black Army in the north had attacked a few months ago, resulting in the destruction of their nearly built outpost and the loss of two high-ranking monster commanders. However, they also mourned the loss of the country's most skilled swordswoman, Sword Princess Tama Arashi. There were no signs of a counteroffensive from the Demon King's army, but the movements of the monsters remained unpredictable.

A mountain crossing, a direct confrontation with the Holy Kingdom of Diletta beyond, posed challenges due to the current state of affairs. It might even become a four-front operation.

Instead, the Red Army needed to stabilize its occupied territories and then lend support to both the eastern and western fronts.


An entirely unexpected situation had arisen.

The stage of history was shifting to a new chapter.

"General, what is your decision...?"

Qingzhang asked with a stiff, concerned expression, as if standing on the edge of a precipice.

Fengya hesitated.

The mountain pass was a blessing, but could it also be a bottomless quagmire?

His hesitation was brief.

There was no choice but to move forward. After all, the path already existed. What would happen if the Holy Kingdom of Diletta seized control of it?

"The First to the Sixth Squadrons should depart immediately! Qingzhang, you will take command. Be aware, though, this might be a trap. Stay vigilant and don't rush in with more troops than necessary. If that path indeed crosses the mountains... secure it immediately! Mobilize as many Earth magic users as possible and establish a secondary forward base on the south side of the pass. Do it as quickly as you can!"

"Yes, sir!"

"And send an urgent message to the capital. Arrange for me to speak directly with His Majesty the Emperor or the Grand General. Even if it means emptying the city's veins, make it a priority to establish direct communication for an extended conversation."


Fengya gave these orders with determination, feeling that he had no other choice.

As Qingzhang left the room, Fengya slumped in his chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion.

The chair, designed for humans, creaked under his weight, making an unpleasant noise.

Inside the crystal orb, the path through the Ku-Lukal Mountains was still visible.

"Am I dreaming? Is this a good dream or a nightmare..."

Fengya covered his face with his large hand, murmuring deeply, feeling a mix of weariness and frustration.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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